中国媒介生物学及控制杂志  2020, Vol. 31 Issue (4): 481-485



李广帅, 陈保忠, 雷晓岗, 薛威, 庞松涛
LI Guang-shuai, CHEN Bao-zhong, LEI Xiao-gang, XUE Wei, PANG Song-tao
An analysis of cockroach surveillance results in Xi'an, Shaanxi province, China, 2015-2018
中国媒介生物学及控制杂志, 2020, 31(4): 481-485
Chin J Vector Biol & Control, 2020, 31(4): 481-485


收稿日期: 2020-02-21
李广帅 , 陈保忠 , 雷晓岗 , 薛威 , 庞松涛     
西安市疾病预防控制中心病媒生物预防控制科, 陕西 西安 710054
摘要: 目的 掌握西安市蜚蠊种类、密度、粘捕率、分布特点及季节消长等情况,为蜚蠊防制措施的制定和爱国卫生工作提供科学依据。方法 按照地理方位在西安市东、南、西、北共选择6个区(县),每个区(县)选择宾馆、餐饮行业、超市、居民区、农贸市场和医院共6个监测点,奇数月中旬监测,采用粘捕法,晚放晨收,将捕获蜚蠊鉴定种类,计算蜚蠊密度和粘捕率,各月平均密度和平均粘捕率之间采用Pearson相关性检验,城区和郊区成虫性别差异采用χ2检验,城区及郊区各月平均密度和平均粘捕率采用t检验进行统计学分析。结果 2015-2018年共捕获蜚蠊2 742只,其中美洲大蠊2只,其余均为德国小蠊。平均蜚蠊密度为0.18只/张,平均粘捕率为4.72%,2015年蜚蠊密度和粘捕率均最高,分别为0.36只/张和7.03%,基本呈逐年下降趋势。危害最严重的生境是餐饮行业,密度和粘捕率分别为0.40只/张和8.85%,超市应引起注意;蜚蠊密度和粘捕率季节消长呈现单峰趋势,7月最高,分别为0.26只/张和6.93%;不同生境季节趋势显示超市波动较大,7月最高,密度及粘捕率分别为1.02只/张和13.56%。餐饮行业和农贸市场5-9月保持在较高水平;各月平均蜚蠊密度和粘捕率呈一定相关性,城区和郊区危害情况差异不大,但郊区雌成虫构成比远高于城区。结论 2015-2018年西安市蜚蠊密度和粘捕率保持在低水平,不同生境监测结果与全国及其他地区基本一致,但季节消长趋势有所差别,餐饮行业和超市应当引起重视,城区和郊区蜚蠊危害差异不大。
关键词: 蜚蠊    种类    密度    粘捕率    季节消长    
An analysis of cockroach surveillance results in Xi'an, Shaanxi province, China, 2015-2018
LI Guang-shuai , CHEN Bao-zhong , LEI Xiao-gang , XUE Wei , PANG Song-tao     
Xi′an Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Xi′an 710054, Shaanxi Province, China
Abstract: Objective To grasp the species, density, sticky trapping rate, distribution characteristics, and seasonal fluctuation of cockroaches in Xi'an, Shaanxi province, China, and to provide a scientific basis for the formulation of cockroach control measures and patriotic health work. Methods Six districts (counties) were selected in the east, south, west, and north of Xi'an according to the geographical orientation. Each district (county) selected six surveillance points, i.e., hotels, restaurants, supermarkets, residential areas, agricultural markets, and hospitals. The surveillance was carried out using sticky traps in the nighttime in the middle of odd months. The species of the cockroaches collected were identified; the cockroach density and sticky trapping rate were calculated. The Pearson correlation test was used to test the correlation between the mean cockroach density and mean trapping rate in each month; the chi-square test was used to analyze the difference in sex between adult cockroaches in urban and suburban areas; the t-test was used to statistically analyze the mean cockroach density and mean sticky trapping rate in each month in urban and suburban areas. Results A total of 2 742 cockroaches were captured from 2015 to 2018, of which two were Periplaneta americana and the rest were Blattella germanica. The mean cockroach density was 0.18 cockroaches/sheet, and the mean sticky trapping rate was 4.72%. In 2015, the cockroach density and sticky trapping rate were the highest, which were 0.36 cockroaches/sheet and 7.03%, respectively, and then they basically showed a downward trend year by year. The habitat that was damaged most seriously was restaurant, where the cockroach density was 0.40 cockroaches/sheet and the sticky trapping rate was 8.85%, but supermarkets should be paid attention to. The seasonal fluctuation of cockroach density and sticky trapping rate showed a unimodal trend, with the highest values in July, which were 0.26 cockroaches/sheet and 6.93%, respectively. Seasonal trends in different habitats showed that the cockroach density and sticky trapping rate in supermarkets fluctuated violently, with the highest values in July, which were 1.02 cockroaches/sheet and 13.56%, respectively; the restaurants and agricultural markets remained at a relatively high level from May to September. The mean cockroach density showed a certain correlation with the sticky trapping rate in each month; there was no significant difference in the damage status between urban and suburban areas, but the proportion of female adult cockroaches in the suburban area was much higher than that in the urban area. Conclusion The cockroach density and sticky trapping rate remained at a low level from 2015 to 2018; the surveillance results of different habitats were basically consistent with those in the whole country and other regions, but the seasonal fluctuation trend had some differences; attention should be paid to restaurants and supermarkets. There was no significant difference in the damage status between urban and suburban areas.
Key words: Cockroach    Species    Density    Sticky trapping rate    Seasonal fluctuation    

蜚蠊作为与人们生活关系密切的病媒生物,体内外不仅携带多种细菌、病毒、真菌和寄生虫卵,其排泄物、尸体、分泌物还会造成人体过敏反应[1-2],引发哮喘等疾病[3]。研究发现,西安市德国小蠊(Blattella germanica)带病毒情况较为严重[4]。因此调查掌握蜚蠊种类、密度、粘捕率、分布特点及季节消长等情况,对预防控制蜚蠊及所致疾病有着至关重要的作用。2015-2018年西安市继续按照病媒生物密度监测方案开展蜚蠊现场监测,现将结果报告如下。

1 材料与方法 1.1 监测点的选择


1.2 材料

粘蟑纸统一选用的规格为17 cm×10 cm,由北京绿叶世纪日化用品有限公司生产。

1.3 监测方法

采用粘捕法,奇数月中旬进行监测。将2 g左右的新鲜面包放置于粘蟑纸中间位置,布放于蜚蠊经常活动、取食的地方,晚放晨收。每个标准间(约15 m2)布放1张,居民厨房布放1张。每次监测时,均使用新的粘蟑纸[5]

1.4 统计学分析

每次监测后,现场登记粘捕到的蜚蠊种类,记录成虫性别及若虫数量,记录回收的粘蟑纸数。雌成虫、雄成虫、若虫总数为捕获蜚蠊总数。将数据录入Excel 2010软件计算蜚蠊密度和粘捕率,使用SPSS 13.0软件,蜚蠊密度和粘捕率之间采用Pearson相关性检验,城区和郊区成虫性别之间采用χ2检验,城区和郊区之间各月平均密度与粘捕率采用t检验进行统计学分析,检验水准α=0.05。

2 结果 2.1 蜚蠊密度及构成

2015-2018年共布放粘蟑纸15 935张,回收15 501张,回收率为97.28%。阳性粘蟑纸数731张,捕获蜚蠊总数2 742只,经鉴定美洲大蠊(Periplaneta americana)2只,其余均为德国小蠊,其中雌成虫为1 391只,雄成虫为709只,若虫为642只,蜚蠊平均密度为0.18只/张,平均粘捕率为4.72%。2015年蜚蠊密度和粘捕率均最高,之后基本呈逐年下降趋势,见表 1

表 1 2015-2018年西安市蜚蠊监测统计结果 Table 1 Surveillance results of cockroaches in Xi′an, 2015-2018
2.2 不同生境蜚蠊监测结果

在各生境中,蜚蠊密度和粘捕率最高的是餐饮行业,分别为0.40只/张和8.85%,最低的是医院,分别为0.02只/张和0.60%。除居民区外,其余生境雌成虫捕获量均高于雄成虫,见表 2

表 2 2015-2018年西安市不同生境蜚蠊密度季节消长情况 Table 2 Seasonal trend of cockroach density in different habitats in Xi′an,2015-2018
2.3 季节消长

各月蜚蠊平均密度和平均粘捕率均呈单峰趋势,在7月达到最高,分别为0.26只/张和6.93%。经Pearson相关性检验,各月平均密度和平均粘捕率有相关性(r2=0.933,P=0.006),见图 1

图 1 2015-2018年西安市蜚蠊密度和粘捕率季节消长情况 Figure 1 Seasonal trend of cockroach density and sticky trapping rate in Xi′an, 2015-2018
2.3.1 不同生境蜚蠊密度季节消长

各生境蜚蠊密度监测发现,超市呈现剧烈波动,7月为最高峰,5和9月为低谷期;餐饮行业呈现单峰趋势,9月为高峰期;农贸市场在5月以后一直处于相对高水平状态;宾馆、超市、医院等生境变化趋势不大,保持低水平状态,见图 2

图 2 2015-2018年西安市不同生境蜚蠊密度季节消长情况 Figure 2 Seasonal trend of cockroach density in different habitats in Xi′an, 2015-2018
2.3.2 不同生境粘捕率变化情况

各生境粘捕率结果显示,超市呈现剧烈波动,7月为高峰期,5和9月为低谷期,餐饮行业和农贸市场呈现单峰趋势,7月为最高峰;宾馆呈现双峰趋势,分别在5和11月有2个高峰,见图 3

图 3 2015-2018年西安市不同生境蜚蠊粘捕率季节变化情况 Figure 3 Seasonal trend of cockroach sticky trapping rate in different habitats in Xi′an,2015-2018
2.4 城区和郊区蜚蠊密度及粘捕率比较

城区及郊区成虫性别间经χ2检验,差异有统计学意义(χ2=166.467,P<0.001);城区及郊区各月平均蜚蠊密度经t检验,差异无统计学意义(t=-1.221,P=0.250);城区及郊区的各月平均粘捕率经t检验,差异亦无统计学意义(t=-1.204,P=0.256),见表 34

表 3 2015-2018年西安市城区及郊区蜚蠊监测结果 Table 3 Surveillance results of cockroaches in urban and suburban areas of Xi′an, 2015-2018
表 4 2015-2018年城区及郊区平均蜚蠊密度和平均粘捕率监测结果 Table 4 Statistical results of mean cockroach density and mean sticky trapping rate in urban and suburban areas of Xi′an, 2015-2018
3 讨论




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