中国媒介生物学及控制杂志  2020, Vol. 31 Issue (4): 490-493



刘阳, 张韶华, 梁焯南, 秦彦珉
LIU Yang, ZHANG Shao-hua, LIANG Zhuo-nan, QIN Yan-min
Study on insecticide resistance difference of Aedes albopictus between adjacent sites
中国媒介生物学及控制杂志, 2020, 31(4): 490-493
Chin J Vector Biol & Control, 2020, 31(4): 490-493


收稿日期: 2020-03-17
刘阳 , 张韶华 , 梁焯南 , 秦彦珉     
深圳市疾病预防控制中心消毒与病媒生物预防控制所, 广东 深圳 518055
摘要: 目的 通过对比相邻场所白纹伊蚊的抗药性差异,了解抗药性的发生范围,探寻合理的抗药性监测采集点的选择方法。方法 2018年8-10月在深圳市某地2 km范围内选择6个近直线分布的采集点采集试虫,6个采集点环境分别为2个居民小区,1个单位中的2个地点,1个近山工棚,1个野外林区;使用幼虫浸渍法的敏感基线法开展抗药性实验;利用半数致死浓度(LC50)的95%可信区间(95% CI)是否重合判断不同采集点抗药性差异有无统计学意义。结果 不同采集点间白纹伊蚊抗药性水平差别较大,高效氯氰菊酯抗性倍数范围为1.68~86.20倍,高抗、低抗和敏感的监测点分别有2、1和3个;氯菊酯抗性倍数范围为1.68~58.99倍,高抗、中抗和敏感的监测分别有1、3和2个;倍硫磷抗性倍数范围为1.24~6.58倍,4个监测点低抗,2个敏感。除氯菊酯的C、D两点,倍硫磷的D、E两点外,其余同种药物在相邻2个采集点LC50差异均有统计学意义(LC50的95% CI无重叠)。结论 白纹伊蚊抗药性可以在很小范围产生,1个具体场所的抗药性监测结果不能代表周边场所的抗药性水平;在1个较大区域进行抗药性监测,需要选择尽可能多的采集点开展实验,以准确反映该区域的抗药性水平。
关键词: 白纹伊蚊    杀虫剂    抗药性    采集点    
Study on insecticide resistance difference of Aedes albopictus between adjacent sites
LIU Yang , ZHANG Shao-hua , LIANG Zhuo-nan , QIN Yan-min     
Shenzhen Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Shenzhen 518055, Guangdong Province, China
Abstract: Objective To investigate the area with the development of insecticide resistance and explore a method for selecting reasonable sampling sites for resistance monitoring by comparing the insecticide resistance of Aedes albopictus between adjacent sites. Methods From August to October 2018, mosquitoes were collected from six sampling sites which were distributed in an approximately straight line within 2 km of a place in Shenzhen, Guangdong province, China. The six sampling sites were situated in two residential areas, two locations of an institution, a work shed near the hill, and a forest, respectively. Insecticide resistance was determined based on baseline sensitivity by the larval dipping method. The resistance was compared between different sampling sites, and the statistical significance for the difference was determined based on whether the 95% confidence intervals (CI) for median lethal concentrations (LC50) overlapped. Results There were great distinctions in the resistance levels of Ae. albopictus between different sampling sites. The resistance ratios to beta-cypermethrin ranged from 1.68 to 86.20, and there were two, one, and three sampling sites showing high resistance, low resistance, and susceptibility, respectively. The resistance ratios to permethrin ranged from 1.68 to 58.99, and there were one, three and two sampling sites showing high resistance, moderate resistance, and susceptibility, respectively. The resistance ratios to fenthion ranged from 1.24 to 6.58, and there were four and two sampling sites showing low resistance and susceptibility, respectively. There were significant differences in LC50 (i.e., no overlap of the 95%CI for LC50) of any of the insecticides between two adjacent sampling sites, except between C and D sites for permethrin and between D and E sites for fenthion. Conclusion The insecticide resistance of Ae. albopictus can develop within a small area. The resistance status of a specific site can not represent that of surrounding sites. When monitoring insecticide resistance in a large area, it is necessary to select as many sampling sites as possible, so as to accurately reflect the level of insecticide resistance in the area.
Key words: Aedes albopictus    Insecticide    Insecticide resistance    Sampling site    

白纹伊蚊(Aedes albopictus)是我国最重要的登革热传播媒介[1],对其防控是登革热疫情控制的关键环节。化学防治是目前控制白纹伊蚊的重要手段[2],而大量杀虫剂的使用可导致其抗药性出现[3]。近年来随着我国登革热疫情持续增长,各地化学控制力度不断加大,致使许多地区的白纹伊蚊产生较高抗性[4-7],合理用药、减缓抗药性发展是我国当前亟需重视的问题[2]。目前蚊虫的抗药性监测工作主要由疾病预防控制部门开展[8],如何利用抗药性监测结果指导防制用药,使防控人员合理选择杀虫剂,对有效控制蚊虫密度意义重大。目前许多地市在做抗药性监测时,一般以行政区划分监测点,但其采集点设置并不明了,有时可能使用1个采集点的结果代表 1个区(县)的抗药性水平。为明确白纹伊蚊抗药性发生的范围有多大,某个采集点的蚊虫抗药性能否代表周边区域的整体水平,1个采集点的抗药性监测结果能否指导整个范围的防控用药等问题,笔者于2018年8-10月开展相邻场所白纹伊蚊抗药性差异研究,现将结果报告如下。

1 材料与方法 1.1 供试药物


1.2 试虫采集

在深圳市某地2 km范围内选择6个采集点,采集点分布与环境见图 1,幼蚊使用勺舀法、积水诱集法,成蚊采用人诱法收集;敏感性试虫来自广东省CDC。

    注:A、B.居民小区; C、D.同一单位中的2个采集点; E.简易工棚; F.山中荔枝林。相邻采集点间直线距离: AB=728 m, BC=462 m, CD=214 m, DE=198 m, EF=648 m。 图 1 广东省深圳市某地蚊虫采样点分布与环境 Figure 1 Surroundings and distribution of mosquito sampling sites in Shenzhen, Guangdong province
1.3 实验方法

将采集的蚊虫饲养繁殖1~2代,选择3龄末或4龄初幼虫供试。使用幼虫浸渍法[9]进行试验,将母液用丙酮稀释到合适浓度,使用移液枪吸取5~320 μl药液分别加到盛有200 ml去氯自来水的烧杯中,等比配制成5~7个浓度梯度,每个烧杯放入20条幼蚊,每组实验重复3次,同时设丙酮对照组;加入食物静置24 h后,检查并记录幼蚊的死亡情况。幼蚊死亡判断标准:用镊子轻触幼蚊,以不能逃避刺激判定为死亡。实验条件:室温(25 ±1)℃,相对湿度(60~80)%。

1.4 统计学分析


1.5 判定标准

抗性倍数(resistance ratio,RR)=野外种群LC50/敏感品系LC50;抗性级别判定:RR<3为敏感;3≤RR<10为低抗;10≤RR<40为中抗;RR≥40为高抗[10]。LC50差异判定:以95%CI无重叠为差异有统计学意义[11],反之则无。

2 结果

白纹伊蚊对2种菊酯类药物抗药性产生情况差异较大,高效氯氰菊酯在A、E点为高抗,C点为低抗,B、D、F点为敏感;氯菊酯在E点为高抗,A、C、D点为中抗,B、F点为敏感。倍硫磷在各个监测点抗性差异较小,均为低抗或敏感;除氯菊酯的C、D两点,倍硫磷的D、E两点外,其余相同药物相邻两点之间抗药性差异均有统计学意义(LC50的95%CI无重叠)(表 1)。

表 1 广东省深圳市不同采集点白纹伊蚊幼蚊对3种杀虫剂抗药性产生情况 Table 1 Resistance of Aedes albopictus larvae to 3 insecticides in different sampling sites of Shenzhen, Guangdong province

图 2所示,A、E两点的2种菊酯类药物抗性倍数远高于其他点,B、F两点的菊酯类药物抗药性最低;倍硫磷抗药性C点最低、D点最高。按顺序各点的抗药性呈不规律波浪形分布。

图 2 广东省深圳市不同采集点白纹伊蚊抗性倍数分布 Figure 2 Distributions of resistance ratios of Aedes albopictus in different sampling sites of Shenzhen, Guangdong province
3 讨论

实验结果显示,2 km范围内的6个监测点抗药性产生情况差异较大。A、B两点属于相临近的2个小区,但其菊酯类抗药性却差异极大(A中、高抗,B敏感),可能的原因是A小区较老旧,蚊虫密度高,经常开展消杀,同时居民楼下自种花草多,为防虫居民自己也经常喷施杀虫剂,因此导致抗药性极高;B小区较新,占地面积和绿化面积均不大,伊蚊密度很低,蚊虫相对较少,消杀频次也很低,而且只在绿化带边缘采用象征性的滞留喷药,这可能是该小区抗药性较低的原因。C、D两点为同一单位内的绿化带,其氯菊酯抗药性较为接近,但高效氯氰菊酯与倍硫磷LC50差异较大,同一单位中的施药类型与频次均相同,造成此差异的原因可能是由于C点在前面门口,D点在后面人活动较少的地方,喷药人员关注程度不同,并且D点有一条长的排水沟,本单位消杀人员经常在此沟渠投放有机磷灭蚊幼药物进行幼蚊控制,可能导致倍硫磷抗药性在所有点中为最高。E点为D单位的物业宿舍,为在林地边缘建的临时板房棚区,与D单位直线距离虽近但并不相邻(之间有6 m高边坡和荔枝林阻隔),E工棚四周都为荔枝林,棚区内人员住宿密集,蚊虫密度高,物业工人经常自己喷药杀虫,由于范围小施药多,可能因此导致E工棚的抗药性极高;F点为距离城市较远的山中气象站,周边为大片的荔枝林,属于野外环境,据了解除了荔枝林承包者在荔枝结果前施药灭虫外,其余时间均不施药,因此蚊虫相对较为敏感。

不同地点抗药性高低与药物使用情况密切相关,杀虫剂使用频次高、量大的场所更容易产生较高抗性;由于白纹伊蚊活动半径一般为50~150 m[12-14],相邻的不同场所蚊虫种群之间交流可能相对较少,并且还会出现人为阻隔(如道路、楼宇、截断式的环境变化),因此可能导致蚊虫抗药性形成局限于较小区域范围而不易受周边环境的影响,同时由于不同场所各自独立施药,药物的种类、施药方法和频次都可能完全不同,这可能导致相邻场所抗药性产生极大差异;因此针对某一特定小范围场所,其抗药性监测结果对现场用药指导性更强,范围越大,抗药性就越反映为一个整体趋势,需要合理的抽样方法和充足的样本量,以防止由于监测点选择不当导致结果偏差。


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