收稿日期: 2017-06-29
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(编号:41404019,41674026);中国科学院太空应用重点实验室开放基金(No. CSU-WX-A-KJ-2016-044)
第一作者简介: 朱永超,1989年生,男,工程师,研究方向为卫星重力学。E-mail:zyc_20081989@126.com
中图分类号: P228
文献标识码: A
鉴于下一代重力卫星设计中利用更高精度的激光测距技术代替微波测距,对激光测距提高地球重力场探测精度的问题进行了讨论。通过高精度的动力学重力场模型反演方法,推导了线性化的星间变率公式,并以一定的权融合卫星精密轨道与星间变率数据。通过模拟计算结果可知,当卫星轨道、定轨精度、加速度计精度与Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment(GRACE)相同,星间变率精度依次从1.0×10–6 m/s提高到5.0×10–7 m/s、1.0×10–7 m/s、5.0×10–8 m/s、1.0×10–8 m/s时,累积大地水准面误差则在120阶时依次从85.14 cm降低为33.09 cm、7.33 cm、3.70 cm、3.59 cm。结果表明当采用高精度的激光测距后,采用低低卫卫跟踪模式,地球静态重力场模型的探测精度有望比GRACE提高1个量级。当激光测距精度提高至10 nm/s时,计算结果与精度为50 nm/s的计算结果无明显差别,这表明过高的星间变率测量精度相对于其他指标而言有冗余。本文建议在其他测量技术精度未有提高的前提下,只需将激光测距的精度提高至50 nm/s即可。
激光测距, 地球静态重力场, 大地水准面精度, 低低跟踪, GRACE
The critical technology of the Gravity Recovery And Climate Experiment (GRACE) satellite measures the change in the relative velocity between two low-orbit satellites. The static gravity field and the time variable gravity field can be estimated by the inter-satellite range-rate. Middle and high orders of gravity can obtain high accuracy. With practical consideration of the wide application of the time-variable gravity field, precise detection of related geophysical phenomena, such as ice sheets, ground water storage, and change in global sea level, is achieved provided that the measurement accuracy of the gravity satellite can be improved. Therefore, several research institutions have developed similar GRACE satellites before the original GRACE satellites crash. China is also stepping up research and development in this field. This paper discusses whether laser range measurement can improve the detection accuracy of the earth gravity field on the basis of the design of next-generation gravity satellites by using high-precision laser ranging technology instead of microwave ranging. A linearized inter-satellite range-rate formula is derived by using the high-precision dynamic gravity field model inversion method. Satellite orbital perturbation theory established the functional relationship between the observation of the two satellites in terms of the speed difference in the direction of the component with geopotential coefficients, the initial state parameters of the satellites, and the scale and bias parameters of an accelerometer. The function is linearized, and the linear equations of inter-satellite variation are obtained by discarding the smaller quantity above two orders. The normal equation is not solved if only the observed inter-satellite range-rate is used. When the two satellites after a previous one are used, the state transition matrix is almost the same, and the equation is rank-deficient. Therefore, the underdetermined equations can be solved with precise satellite orbit data. The observed precise satellite orbit data are sensitive only for a low order of the gravity field and have poor results at a high order; thus, we must find the best weight to combine the two types of data. Therefore, the inversion of the satellite gravity field based on the weight between precise orbit data with inter-satellite range-rate data is studied. It is solved for the precise satellite orbit data by using the dynamic method, which is linearized based on Newton’s second law of motion. The difference between the reference orbit and the actual satellite orbit is established with the state transfer matrix and parameter sensitivity matrix. The reference and actual orbits are calculated by using the eighth-order Adam method, and the initial orbit is calculated by the 10th-order Runge–Kutta method. The designed orbit parameter is the same as that of the GRACE satellite for easy comparison. The reference orbit uses the EGM96 model, and the actual orbit selects the EGM08 model. Each arc length is 6 hours, and its normal equation is established. One month of data are used for computation, and the establishment of the final normal equation is established by superpositioning the normal equations of all arcs. The matrix is computed by using the LU decomposition method. In Example 1, the KUALA curve shows that the calculation error with the error-free model is approximately five orders of magnitude smaller than the difference between the EGM96 and EGM08 gravity models, thereby confirming the accuracy of the program presented in this paper. Some simulation examples are calculated to analyze the effect of laser ranging on the accuracy of the Earth’s gravity field recovery. Simulation results show that when the accuracy of the inter-satellite range-rate is improved from 1.0×10–6 to 5.0×10–7, 1.0×10–7, 5.0×10–8, and 1.0×10–8 m/s, the accumulated geoid error at the 120th order is reduced from 85.14 cm to 33.09, 7.33, 3.70, and 3.59 cm. Therefore, the accuracy of the Earth’s static gravity field model, which is recovered by the satellite-to-satellite tracking in the low-low model, is expected to be one order of magnitude higher than that of GRACE after high-precision laser ranging. The KUALA curve shows that the static gravity field with the design accuracy of GRACE can be retrieved to the order of 90. However, when the accuracy of the inter-satellite range-rate is increased to 5.0×10–8 and 1.0×10–8 m/s, it can be completely recovered to the 120th order. The inter-satellite range-rate of 1.0×10–8 m/s has redundant measurement accuracy given that the two results are similar. Therefore, if the measurement accuracy of next-generation Chinese gravity satellites does not improve, then we recommend improving the accuracy of the inter-satellite range-rate to 5.0×10–8 m/s, thereby achieving a relevant breakthrough.
Key words
laser ranging, static earth gravity field, geoid accuracy, SST-LL model, GRACE
1 引 言
高精度的地球重力场模型对经济、军事以及地球科学研究等具有十分重要的作用。为此,国外发射了多颗具有重力场探测效能的地球观测卫星,如CHAMP、GRACE、GOCE以及海洋测高卫星等。其中,CHAMP、GRACE和GOCE统称为重力卫星,GRACE卫星相对于CHAMP和GOCE卫星有更加广泛的应用前景,如海洋、南极冰盖、陆地水等地球科学方面的应用(许厚泽 等,2012)。GRACE卫星已于2017年10月坠落,其后续卫星GRACE Follow-on已于2018年5月发射,近期Earth system mass transport mission(e.motion)和Next Generation satellite Gravimetry Mission(NGGM)卫星计划正在设计研究阶段(Panet 等,2013;Roland和Thomas,2015)。该类卫星的基本原理是通过高低跟踪和低低跟踪距离测量来探测地球重力场所引起的卫星星间距离的变化,并以此来反演地球重力场,其中高低跟踪测量主要通过星载GPS接收机来完成,低低跟踪则主要依靠微波测距完成。对于GRACE卫星而言,卫星低低跟踪数据的精度对重力场模型的精度起着至关重要的作用,因此在新的卫星计划中,除了微波测距外,还将搭载高精度的激光测距来进行更高精度的测距实验。由此,便产生这样的问题:激光测距对重力场模型恢复精度的提升会带来多大帮助,特别是当其他载荷的精度没有提升时。
事实上,关于以上问题,当前已有不少研究和结论。Loomis等人(2012)通过模拟仿真讨论了块质量异常体所引起的重力场变化的探测精度问题,其结论表明:激光测距对块质量异常体的探测精度的提升帮助有限,只有背景场的时变误差得到削弱后,才会明显改善该文所提出的质量异常体的探测精度。显然该文主要讨论的对象为时变重力场。Elsaka等人(2014)讨论了7种不同轨道构型下的重力场模型探测精度,其中一种构型(该文中以GRACE Follow-on表示)用激光来进行测距,其余载荷和GRACE一样,另外的区别是将轨道降低了40 km,此种情况下的重力场恢复精度和GRACE相比精度提高了约10倍,由于该结论受到了轨道降低的影响,因此难以估计激光单独的贡献占多大量级。此外多篇国外文献讨论了采用激光后的重力卫星计划,如Panet等人(2013)、Gruber等人(2014)和Sheard等人(2012),但少有文献单独评估激光的贡献。
围绕下一代的低低跟踪重力卫星,国内多家单位进行了相应的指标论证研究。庞振兴等人(2012)利用谱分析方法估计了GRACE Follow-On的空间分辨率,该文指出后者比前者能够以更高的空间分辨率和至少高一个量级的精度来恢复地球的时变重力场和静态重力场,后者所采用的技术除了激光测距之外,还采用了无拖曳技术,并且提高了定轨、定速及加速度计的精度,因此此文中重力场精度的提升是各类因素的一个综合效应,而不是激光测距单独的贡献;郑伟等人(2010)利用解析法估计了GRACE Follow-On的地球重力场精度,但该文将定轨、定速误差与星间测距误差及加速度计误差作了等权处理,这与实际的重力场解算不符,很显然定轨定速数据的权重应低于星间测距和加速度计数据的权重;赵倩等人(2014)利用仿真分析讨论了观测误差对新一代重力卫星任务的影响,指出定轨精度主要影响重力场模型低阶项的反演精度,星间距变率主要影响中高阶。
2 基本原理
2.1 动力学法原理
$\left\{ \begin{gathered} \frac{{{\rm{d}}{{r}}\left(t \right)}}{{{\rm{d}}t}} = {\dot{ r}}(t) \\ \frac{{{\rm{d}}{\dot{ r}}\left(t \right)}}{{{\rm{d}}t}} = {{f}}\left(t \right) \\ {{r}}\left({{t_0}} \right) = {{{r}}_0} \\ {\dot{ r}}\left({{t_0}} \right) = {{{\dot{ r}}}_0} \\ \end{gathered} \right.$ | (1) |
${{X}}\left(t \right) = {{X}}\left({{t_0}} \right) + \int\limits_t {{{F}}\left(t \right)} {\rm{d}}t$ | (2) |
$\left\{ \begin{gathered} \frac{{{\rm{d}}{{X}}\left(t \right)}}{{{\rm{d}}t}} = {{F}}\left(t \right) \\ {{X}}\left({{t_0}} \right) = {{{X}}_0} \\ \end{gathered} \right.$ | (3) |
${{X}}\left(t \right) = {{{X}}_ {\rm{ref}}}\left(t \right) + {{S}}\left(t \right)\delta {{p}} + {{Q}}\left(t \right)\delta {{X}}\left({{t_0}} \right)$ | (4) |
$\delta {{X}}\left(t \right) = \left({{{Q}}\left(t \right) {{S}}\left(t \right) } \right)\left(\begin{gathered} \delta {{X}}\left({{t_0}} \right) \\ \delta {{p}} \\ \end{gathered} \right)$ | (5) |
2.2 星间变率的线性化推导
${{{r}}^{\rm{A}}}(t) = {{r}}_ {\rm{ref}}^{\rm{A}}(t) + {{{\varPhi }}^{\rm{A}}}(t)\delta {{{X}}^{\rm{A}}}\left({{t_0}} \right) + {{{{B}}}^{\rm{A}}}\left(t \right)\delta {{p}}$ | (6) |
${{{r}}^{\rm{B}}}(t) = {{r}}_ {\rm{ref}}^{\rm{B}}(t) + {{{\varPhi }}^{\rm{B}}}(t)\delta {{{X}}^{\rm{B}}}\left({{t_0}} \right) + {{{{B}}}^{\rm{B}}}\left(t \right)\delta {{p}}$ | (7) |
${{\dot{ r}}^{\rm{A}}}(t) = {\dot{ r}}_ {\rm{ref}}^{\rm{A}}(t) + {{\dot{ \varPhi }}^{\rm{A}}}(t)\delta {{{X}}^{\rm{A}}}\left({{t_0}} \right) + {{\dot{ { B}}}^{\rm{A}}}\left(t \right)\delta {{p}}$ | (8) |
${{\dot{ r}}^{\rm{B}}}(t) = {\dot{ r}}_ {\rm{ref}}^{\rm{B}}(t) + {{\dot{ \varPhi }}^{\rm{B}}}(t)\delta {{{X}}^{\rm{B}}}\left({{t_0}} \right) + {{\dot{ {B}}}^{\rm{B}}}\left(t \right)\delta {{p}}$ | (9) |
$ \begin{aligned}{{\rho }}(t) = & {{{\rho }}_0}(t) + {{{\varPhi }}^{\rm{A}}}\left(t \right)\delta {{{X}}^{\rm{A}}}\left({{t_0}} \right) - {{{\varPhi }}^{\rm{B}}}\left(t \right)\delta {{{X}}^{\rm{B}}}\left({{t_0}} \right) + \\ & \left({{{{B}}^{\rm{A}}}\left(t \right) - {{{B}}^{\rm{B}}}\left(t \right)} \right)\delta {{p}}\end{aligned}$ | (10) |
$\begin{aligned}{\dot{ \rho }}(t) = & {{\dot{ \rho }}_0}(t) + {{\dot{ \varPhi }}^{\rm{A}}}\left(t \right)\delta {{{X}}^{\rm{A}}}\left({{t_0}} \right) - {{\dot{ \varPhi }}^{\rm{B}}}\left(t \right)\delta {{{X}}^{\rm{B}}}\left({{t_0}} \right) + \\ & \left({{{{\dot{ {B}}}}^{\rm{A}}}\left(t \right) - {{{\dot{ {B}}}}^{\rm{B}}}\left(t \right)} \right)\delta {{p}}\end{aligned}$ | (11) |
$\begin{aligned}{{\varepsilon }}(t) = & {{{\varPhi }}^{\rm{A}}}\left(t \right)\delta {{{X}}^{\rm{A}}}\left({{t_0}} \right) - {{{\varPhi }}^{\rm{B}}}\left(t \right)\delta {{{X}}^{\rm{B}}}\left({{t_0}} \right) + \\ & \left({{{{B}}^{\rm{A}}}\left(t \right) - {{{ B}}^{\rm{B}}}\left(t \right)} \right)\delta {{p}}\end{aligned}$ | (12) |
$\begin{aligned}{\dot{{ \varepsilon }}}(t) = & {\dot{{ \varPhi }}^{\rm{A}}}\left(t \right)\delta {{{X}}^{\rm{A}}}\left({{t_0}} \right) - {{\dot{ \varPhi }}^{\rm{B}}}\left(t \right)\delta {{{X}}^{\rm{B}}}\left({{t_0}} \right) + \\ & \left({{{{\dot{ {B}}}}^{\rm{A}}}\left(t \right) - {{{\dot{ {B}}}}^{\rm{B}}}\left(t \right)} \right)\delta {{p}}\end{aligned}$ | (13) |
${{\rho }}(t) = {{{\rho }}_0}(t) + {{\varepsilon }}(t)$ | (14) |
${\dot{ \rho }}(t) = {{\dot{ \rho }}_0}(t) + {\dot{ \varepsilon }}(t)$ | (15) |
${d ^2} = {{{\rho }}^2}(t) = {[{{{\rho }}_0}(t) + {{\varepsilon }}(t)]^2} = d _0^2(t) + 2{{{\rho }}_0}(t) \cdot {{\varepsilon }}(t) + {\varepsilon ^2}$ | (16) |
$d (t) = {d _0}(t) + \frac{{{{{\rho }}_0}(t)}}{{{d _0}(t)}}{{\varepsilon }}(t)$ | (17) |
$\frac{1}{{d (t)}} = \frac{1}{{{d _0}(t)}}\left[ {1 - \frac{{{{{\rho }}_0}(t) \cdot {{\varepsilon }}(t)}}{{d _0^2(t)}}} \right]$ | (18) |
$D(t) = \frac{{[{{{\dot{ \rho }}}_0}(t) + {\dot{ \varepsilon }}(t)] \cdot [{{{\rho }}_0}(t) + {{\varepsilon }}(t)]}}{{{d _0}(t)}}\left[ {1 - \frac{{{{{\rho }}_0}(t) \cdot {{\varepsilon }}(t)}}{{d _0^2(t)}}} \right]$ | (19) |
$\begin{aligned} D(t) = & {D_0}(t) + \frac{{{{{\dot{ \rho }}}_0}(t) \cdot {{\varepsilon }}(t) + {{{\rho }}_0}(t) \cdot {\dot{ \varepsilon }}(t)}}{{{d _0}(t)}} - \\ & \frac{{[{{{\dot{ \rho }}}_0}(t) \cdot {{{\rho }}_0}(t)][{{{\rho }}_0}(t) \cdot {{\varepsilon }}(t)]}}{{d _0^3(t)}} {\text{ = }} \\ &{D_0}(t) + \left({\frac{{{{{\dot{ \rho }}}_0}(t)}}{{{d _0}(t)}} - \frac{{[{{{\dot{ \rho }}}_0}(t) \cdot {{{\rho }}_0}(t)]{{{\rho }}_0}(t)}}{{d _0^3(t)}}} \right) \cdot \\ & {{\varepsilon }}(t) + \frac{{{{{\dot{ \rho }}}_0}(t)}}{{{d _0}(t)}} \cdot {\dot{ \varepsilon }}(t) \end{aligned}$ | (20) |
2.3 卫星精密轨道数据与星间变率数据融合
${{{N}}_ {\rm{kbrr}}}{{x}} = {{{L}}_ {\rm{kbrr}}}$ | (21) |
${{{N}}_ {\rm{orbit}}}{{x}} = {{{L}}_ {\rm{orbit}}}$ | (22) |
$\left({\alpha {N_ {\rm{kbrr}}} + {N_ {\rm{orbit}}}} \right)x = \alpha {L_ {\rm{kbrr}}} + {L_ {\rm{orbit}}}$ | (23) |
3 数值计算结果分析
(1)先用数值积分方法模拟出GRACE 1个月的轨道数据,模拟GRACE的轨道参数与真实轨道参数相同,然后并进一步得到星间距变率数据,再利用上节所述的方法进行反演计算。为了减小计算量,模拟轨道使用EGM08模型前60阶完整阶次来当作真实场,数值积分方法我们使用Adam预测校正方法,所使用的软件为Intel FORTRAN 64位软件。在解算时不加入任何误差,得到了一组重力场参数,将真实的重力场与反演计算得到的重力场相减,即式(24)画出了KUALA曲线误差图(Kaula,1966),误差量级越小代表计算的精度越高,结果如图1所示。
${\varsigma _n} = \sqrt {\frac{1}{{2n + 1}}\sum\limits_{m = 0}^n {\left[ {{{\left({{C_{nm}} - C_{nm}^{\rm{ref}}} \right)}^2} + {{\left({{S_{nm}} - S_{nm}^{\rm{ref}}} \right)}^2}} \right]} } $ | (24) |
(2)解算流程与计算方法与(1)一致。区别在于首先将重力场的阶数增加到120阶。然后对观测数据加入几组误差,误差如表1所示,即GRACE卫星的设计精度指标,以及GRACE Follow On 的测量精度指标,主要是提高了星间变率的测量精度,结果如图2所示。
表 1 精度指标设计
Table 1 Precision index design

星号 | 卫星
高度/km |
精度/(m/s) |
精度/(m/s2) |
精度/(m/s) |
精度/m |
GRACE | 500 | 1.0×10–6 | 3.0×10–10 | 3.0×10–5 | 0.03 |
Follow-1 | 500 | 5.0×10–7 | 3.0×10–10 | 3.0×10–5 | 0.03 |
Follow-2 | 500 | 1.0×10–7 | 3.0×10–10 | 3.0×10–5 | 0.03 |
Follow-3 | 500 | 5.0×10–8 | 3.0×10–10 | 3.0×10–5 | 0.03 |
Follow-4 | 500 | 1.0×10–8 | 3.0×10–10 | 3.0×10–5 | 0.03 |
图2中“EGM08”代表重力场模型EGM08的KUALA曲线,“GRACE”代表GRACE卫星的设计精度指标,“Follow-1、Follow-2、Follow-3、Follow-4”分别代表星间变率计算精度提高到5.0×10–7 m/s、1.0×10–7 m/s、5.0×10–8 m/s、1.0×10–8 m/s。该计算结果表明当星间距变率提高到1.0×10–8 m/s时,相对于GRACE现有的精度指标,重力场恢复精度能够提高1个量级。
本文将图2中的误差曲线图转换为图3的累计大地水准面误差图,各曲线的表示与图2一致。通过分析图3可知:保持GRACE现有的轨道和其他载荷精度,当星间变率精度依次从1.0×10–6 m/s提高到5.0×10–7 m/s、1.0×10–7 m/s、5.0×10–8 m/s、1.0×10–8 m/s时,累积大地水准面误差则在120阶时从85.14 cm依次降低为33.09 cm、7.33 cm、3.70 cm、3.59 cm。这表明当采用高精度的激光测距后,采用低低卫卫跟踪模式,地球静态重力场模型的探测精度有望比GRACE提高1个量级。上述结论与冉将军等人(2012,2015)的结论一致。但星间变率精度为5.0×10–8 m/s和1.0×10–8 m/s大地水准面累积误差和KUALA曲线图几乎无差别。
4 结 论
本文主要讨论了基于轨道扰动方程对星间变率进行了线性化的推导,并通过一定的权值将线性化的星间变率方程组与精密轨道方程组融合,通过实例验证了公式及程序的正确性。通过仿真计算验证了激光测距对静态重力场恢复精度提升的贡献。结果表明:当激光测距的精度达到50 nm/s时,轨道和其余指标与GRACE卫星相同时,静态重力场的恢复精度可提高约1个量级。但当激光测距精度提高至10 nm/s时,计算结果与精度为50 nm/s的计算结果无明显差别,这表明过高的星间变率测量精度相对于其他指标而言精度有冗余。因此,建议在其他测量技术精度未有提高的前提下,只需将激光测距的精度提高至50 nm/s即可。
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