出版日期: 2018-05-25
DOI: 10.11834/jrs.20187389
2018 | Volumn22 | Number 3
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expand article info 李烁 , 王慧 , 王利勇 , 于翔舟 , 杨乐
信息工程大学 地理空间信息学院,郑州 450001




影像匀光, 变分Mask, 亮度不均, 背景影像, 分裂Bregman

Adaptive dodging method based on variational mask for remote sensing images
expand article info LI Shuo , WANG Hui , WANG Liyong , YU Xiangzhou , YANG Le
Institute of Surveying and Mapping, Information Engineering University, Zhengzhou 450001, China


The illumination of a captured remote sensing image may be unevenly distributed because of the influences of sensors and external factors, such as light and fog. Uneven illumination degrades the quality of an image and causes interference in the subsequent processing (e.g., image interpretation, image classification, and image mosaicking). The process of correcting uneven illumination is called image dodging, which is of great practical significance and application value. Current methods focus on how to obtain the illumination distribution within an image and compensate for the different parts of the image in different degrees. The mask dodging method is widely used for remote sensing images. The background is generated by a low-pass filter to simulate the illumination distribution and subtracted from the original image to obtain the ideal image with even illumination. Estimation of the background image is a key step in the mask dodging method and directly affects the resulting image, which depends on the low-pass filter and its dimension parameter. Automatic selection of the dimension parameter is a problem in the mask dodging method. However, no suitable solution to the problem exists, and manual adjustment is usually required in practical applications. An adaptive dodging method based on a variational mask is proposed in this study to resolve the poor universality of the mask dodging method. A variational energy function is constructed according to the prior information of the image itself and the mathematical model of the mask dodging method. L1 and L2 norms are adopted to constrain the texture and detail of the ideal image and the smoothness of the background image, respectively. Estimation of the background image is transformed into an optimal solution of the variational energy function. Solving the problem directly is often difficult because the variational function contains two norms. The split Bregman method is used to decompose the variational function into three subproblems, which are solved by alternate iteration, to simplify the calculation. Optimal background and ideal images are then obtained simultaneously. Two groups of experiments are conducted on three remote sensing images to verify the effectiveness of the proposed method. Compared with mask dodging methods with three different dimension parameters, the proposed method performs better in visual evaluation and quantitative measurements. The proposed method can effectively eliminate uneven illumination while maintaining the textures and details of the remote sensing images.

Key words

image dodging, variational Mask, uneven illumination, background image, split Bregman

1 引 言


现有的匀光方法主要分为两大类,一类是空间域方法,如自适应模板法(Zhang 等,2003)、背景拟合法(郑军 等,2003)和均值方差法(朱述龙 等,2011);另一类是频率域方法,如Mask匀光法(王密和潘俊,2004)、Retinex匀光法(Jiang 等,2015)、同态滤波法(Fan和Zhang,2011)和小波变换法(张振 等,2009)。其中,Mask匀光法是一种常用的遥感影像匀光方法,采用高斯低通滤波器模拟影像的亮度分布作为背景影像,再将原始光照不均匀影像与获得的背景影像做相减运算,然后再进行对比度拉伸,增强影像细节反差,达到匀光的目的。以此为基础,孙明伟(2009)提出比值匀光法,即获取背景影像后,执行相除操作代替相减操作,旨在同时调整影像的亮度分布问题和反差分布问题。Zhang和Zou(2011)综合利用差值法和比值法,构造了新的数学模型。张振等人(2010)提出了反差一致性的Mask匀光算法,使用非线性模型消除反差不均匀现象,使影像整体反差一致。为了更准确的模拟光照变化,姚芳等人(2013)采用分块策略,不同影像块采用不同的滤波器尺寸来获取背景影像。袁修孝等人(2014)采用扩张吞噬算法优化背景影像,消除灰度剧烈变化区域边缘对背景影像的影响。但是这些方法本质上都是利用低通滤波生成背景影像,生成结果比较依赖滤波器的设计及其尺寸参数的选择,通用性较差。而理想影像是在求解背景影像的基础上计算出来的,结果依赖于背景影像的估计,因此获取的理想影像不一定最优。

变分方法是一种研究泛函极大值和极小值的数学方法,通过构造一个能够反映变量自身固有性质的变分能量函数,并以输出该函数的最大值或最小值为目标,从而获得最优变量估计值。近年来变分方法快速发展,广泛应用于图像处理领域,如影像复原(郭从洲 等,2016)和影像去噪(霍丽君 等,2017)。


2 基本原理

2.1 Mask匀光原理

Mask匀光法又称模糊正像匀光法,最初是针对光学像片的晒印提出来的(李德仁 等,2006)。根据Mask匀光原理,光照不均匀的数字遥感影像可以用如下数学模型进行描述

${{I'}}\left({x, y} \right) = {{I}}\left({x, y} \right) + {{B}}\left({x, y} \right)$ (1)

式中, ${{I'}}(x, y)$ 表示光照不均匀的影像, ${{I}}(x, y)$ 表示光照均匀的理想影像, ${{B}}(x, y)$ 表示背景影像(李德仁 等,2006)。


图 1 Mask匀光法流程图
Fig. 1 Flowchart of Mask dodging algorithm


${{H}}(u, v) = {{\rm{e}}^{ - {{{D}}^2}(u, v)/2{\sigma ^2}}}$ (2)

式中, ${{D}}(u, v)$ 是距傅里叶变换原点的距离, $\sigma $ 表示高斯曲线扩展的程度。

尺寸参数 $\sigma $ 的自动选取是Mask匀光法的一个难题,目前还没有合适的解决方法,在实际应用中通常需要人工调节。

2.2 变分Mask匀光方法


(1) 背景影像 ${{B}}$ 具有空间光滑性(Kimmel 等,2003李慧芳 等,2010),采用各向同性全变分ITV(Isotropic Total Variation)正则项约束;

(2) 理想影像 ${{I}}$ 地物特征丰富,用各向异性全变分ATV(Anisotropic Total Variation)正则项约束保证影像的边缘和细节特征;

(3) 为了保证变量的物理意义,对 ${{B}}$ ${{I}}$ 采用非负约束,即 ${B} \geqslant 0$ ${{I}} \geqslant 0$


$\mathop {\arg \min }\limits_{{I}, {B}} \frac{1}{2}\left\| {{{I}} + {{B}} - {{I'}}} \right\|_2^2 + {{\textit{λ}}_1}\left\| {\nabla {{I}}} \right\|_1^{} + {{\textit{λ}}_2}\left\| {\nabla {{B}}} \right\|_2^2$ (3)

式中, $|| \cdot |{|_2}$ ${{\rm{L}}_2}$ 范数, $\nabla $ 为影像梯度, ${{\textit{λ}} _1}$ ${{\textit{λ}} _2}$ 为非负权重参数, $||{{I}} + {{B}} - {{I'}}||_2^2$ 为保真项,约束 ${{I}} + {{B}}$ ${{I'}}$ 之间的相似。

背景影像的估计问题转化为变分能量函数的最优解问题,由于变分函数中包含两种范数,直接求解往往比较困难。为了简化计算,本文采用专门用于求解含有TV(Total Variation)先验或者 ${{\rm{L}}_1}$ 先验的分裂Bregman方法进行求解(Chen和Xu,2016)。引入辅助变量 ${{{b}}_1}\text{、}{{{b}}_2}\text{、}{{{c}}_1}\text{、}{{{c}}_2}$ ,使 ${{\rm{L}}_1}$ 范数和 ${{\rm{L}}_2}$ 范数约束项不直接相关,得到如下约束优化问题

$\begin{array}{l}\mathop {\arg \min }\limits_{{{I}}, {{B}}, {{{b}}_1}, {{{b}}_2}, {{{c}}_1}, {{{c}}_2}}\displaystyle \frac{1}{2}\left\| {{{B}} + {{I}} - {{I'}}} \right\|_2^2 + {{\textit{λ}} _1}{\left\| {\left({{{{b}}_1}, {{{b}}_2}} \right)} \right\|_1} + {{\textit{λ}} _2}{\left\| {\left({{{{c}}_1}, {{{c}}_2}} \right)} \right\|_2}\\{\kern 1pt} \;\;\;\;{\rm{s}}.{\rm{t}}.\;\;\;{{{b}}_1} = {\nabla _x}{{I}}, {{{b}}_2} = {\nabla _y}{{I}}, {{{c}}_1} = {\nabla _x}{{B}}, {{{c}}_2} = {\nabla _y}{{B}}\end{array}$ (4)


${\left\| {\left({{{{b}}_1}, {{{b}}_2}} \right)} \right\|_1} = \sum\limits_{i, j} {(|{{{b}}_{1(i, j)}}| + |{{{b}}_{2(i, j)}}|)} $ (5)
${\left\| {\left({{{{c}}_1}, {{{c}}_2}} \right)} \right\|_2} = \sum\limits_{i, j} {\sqrt {{{c}}_{1(i, j)}^2 + {{c}}_{2(i, j)}^2} } $ (6)


$\begin{array}{l}\left( {{{{I}}^{k + 1}},{{{B}}^{k + 1}},{{{b}}_1}^{k + 1},{{{b}}_2}^{k + 1},{{{c}}_1}^{k + 1},{{{c}}_2}^{k + 1}} \right) = \\\mathop {\arg \min }\limits_{{{I}},{{B}},{{{b}}_1},{{{b}}_2},{{{c}}_1},{{{c}}_2}} \displaystyle\frac{1}{2}\left\| {{{B}} + {{I}} - {{I}}'} \right\|_2^2 + {{\textit{λ}} _1}{\left\| {\left( {{{{b}}_1},{{{b}}_2}} \right)} \right\|_1} + {{\textit{λ}} _2}{\left\| {\left( {{{{c}}_1},{{{c}}_2}} \right)} \right\|_2} +\\{\kern 1pt} \;\;\;\;\; \displaystyle\frac{{{\gamma _1}}}{2}\left( {\left\| {{{{b}}_1} - {\nabla _x}{{I}} - {{t}}_1^k} \right\|_2^2 + \left\| {{{{b}}_2} - {\nabla _y}{{I}} - {{t}}_2^k} \right\|_2^2} \right) +\\\;\;\;\;\; \displaystyle\frac{{{\gamma _2}}}{2}\left( {\left\| {{{{c}}_1} - {\nabla _x}{{B}} - {{s}}_1^k} \right\|_2^2 + \left\| {{{{c}}_2} - {\nabla _y}{{B}} - {{s}}_2^k} \right\|_2^2} \right)\end{array}$ (7)
${{t}}_1^{k + 1} = {{t}}_1^k + {\nabla _x}{{{I}}^{k + 1}} - {{b}}_1^{k + 1}$ (8)
${{t}}_2^{k + 1} = {{t}}_2^k + {\nabla _y}{{{I}}^{k + 1}} - {{b}}_2^{k + 1}$ (9)
${{s}}_1^{k + 1} = {{s}}_1^k + {\nabla _x}{{{B}}^{k + 1}} - {{c}}_1^{k + 1}$ (10)
${{s}}_2^{k + 1} = {{s}}_2^k + {\nabla _y}{{{B}}^{k + 1}} - {{c}}_2^{k + 1}$ (11)


(1) 理想影像 ${{I}}$ 最优化子问题

$\begin{aligned} {{{I}}^{k + 1}} = & \mathop {\arg \min }\limits_{{I}} \frac{1}{2}\left\| {{{B}} + {{I}} - {{I'}}} \right\|_2^2 + \\ & \frac{{{\gamma _1}}}{2}\left({\left\| {{{{b}}_1} - {\nabla _x}{{I}} - {{t}}_1^k} \right\|_2^2 + \left\| {{{{b}}_2} - {\nabla _y}{{I}} - {{t}}_2^k} \right\|_2^2} \right) \end{aligned} $ (12)


$\begin{array}{l}\left({{{{B}}^k} + {{{I}}^{k + 1}} - {{I'}}} \right) + {\gamma _1}{\nabla ^{\rm{T}}}\nabla {{{r}}^{k + 1}} + \\\quad\quad {\gamma _1}\left({\nabla _x^{\rm{T}}\left({{{t}}_1^k - {{b}}_1^k} \right) + \nabla _y^{\rm{T}}\left({{{t}}_2^k - {{b}}_2^k} \right)} \right) = 0\end{array}$ (13)


${{{I}}^{k + 1}} = \frac{{{{I'}} - {{{B}}^{k + 1}} + {\gamma _1}\left({\nabla _x^{\rm{T}}\left({{{b}}_1^k - {{t}}_1^k} \right) + \nabla _y^{\rm{T}}\left({{{b}}_2^k - {{t}}_2^k} \right)} \right)}}{{{{E}} - {\gamma _1}\Delta }}$ (14)

式中, ${\nabla _x}$ 表示 $x$ 方向的梯度, ${\nabla _y}$ 表示 $y$ 方向的梯度, ${{E}}$ 表示单位矩阵, $\Delta $ 表示拉普拉斯算子, $\Delta = - {\nabla ^{\rm{T}}}\nabla $

(2) 背景影像 ${{B}}$ 最优化子问题

$\begin{aligned} {{{B}}^{k + 1}} = & \mathop {\arg \min }\limits_{{B}} \frac{1}{2}\left\| {{{B}} + {{I}} - {{I'}}} \right\|_2^2 \hfill + \\ &\frac{{{\gamma _2}}}{2}\left({\left\| {{{{c}}_1} - {\nabla _x}{{B}} - {{s}}_1^k} \right\|_2^2 + \left\| {{{{c}}_2} - {\nabla _y}{{B}} - {{s}}_2^k} \right\|_2^2} \right) \hfill \\ \end{aligned} $ (15)


$\begin{array}{l}\left({{{{I}}^k} + {{{B}}^{k + 1}} - {{I'}}} \right) + {\gamma _2}{\nabla ^{\rm{T}}}\nabla {{{B}}^{k + 1}} + \\{\kern 1pt} \;\;\;\;\;\;\;{\gamma _2}\left({\nabla _x^{\rm{T}}\left({{{s}}_1^k - {{c}}_1^k} \right) + \nabla _y^{\rm{T}}\left({{{s}}_2^k - {{c}}_2^k} \right)} \right) = 0\end{array}$ (16)


${{{B}}^{k + 1}} = \frac{{{{I'}} - {{{I}}^k} + {\gamma _2}\left({\nabla _x^{\rm{T}}\left({{{c}}_1^k - {{s}}_1^k} \right) + \nabla _y^{\rm{T}}\left({{{c}}_2^k - {{s}}_2^k} \right)} \right)}}{{{{E}} - {\gamma _2}\Delta }}$ (17)

(3) 辅助变量最优化子问题

$\begin{array}{l} \left({{{b}}_1^{k + 1}, {{b}}_2^{k + 1}} \right) = \mathop {\arg \min }\limits_{{{{b}}_1}, {{{b}}_2}} {{\textit{λ}} _1}{\left\| {\left({{{{b}}_1}, {{{b}}_2}} \right)} \right\|_1} + \\ \quad \displaystyle\frac{{{\gamma _1}}}{2}\left\| {{{{b}}_1} - {\nabla _x}{{{r}}^{k + 1}} - {{t}}_1^k} \right\|_2^2 + \frac{{{\gamma _1}}}{2}\left\| {{{{b}}_2} - {\nabla _y}{{{r}}^{k + 1}} - {{t}}_2^k} \right\|_2^2 \\ \end{array} $ (18)
$\begin{gathered} \left({{{c}}_1^{k + 1}, {{c}}_2^{k + 1}} \right) = \mathop {\arg \min }\limits_{{{{c}}_1}, {{{c}}_2}} {{\textit{λ}} _2}{\left\| {\left({{{{c}}_1}, {{{c}}_2}} \right)} \right\|_2} + \hfill \\ {\kern 1pt} {\kern 1pt} {\kern 1pt} {\kern 1pt} {\kern 1pt} {\kern 1pt} {\kern 1pt} {\kern 1pt} {\kern 1pt} {\kern 1pt} {\kern 1pt} {\kern 1pt} {\kern 1pt} {\kern 1pt} \frac{{{\gamma _2}}}{2}\left\| {{{{c}}_1} - {\nabla _x}{{{B}}^{k + 1}} - {{s}}_1^k} \right\|_2^2 + \frac{{{\gamma _2}}}{2}\left\| {{{{c}}_2} - {\nabla _y}{{{B}}^{k + 1}} - {{s}}_2^k} \right\|_2^2 \hfill \\ \end{gathered} $ (19)


${{b}}_1^{k + 1} = \frac{{{\nabla _x}{{{I}}^{k + 1}} + {{t}}_1^k}}{\big|{{{\nabla _x}{{{I}}^{k + 1}} + {{t}}_1^k}}\big|}\max \left\{ {\big|{{{\nabla _x}{{{I}}^{k + 1}} + {{t}}_1^k}}\big| - \frac{{{{\textit{λ}} _1}}}{{{\gamma _1}}}, 0} \right\}$ (20)
${{b}}_2^{k + 1} = \frac{{{\nabla _y}{{{I}}^{k + 1}} + {{t}}_2^k}}{\big|{{{\nabla _y}{{{I}}^{k + 1}} + {{t}}_2^k}}\big|}\max \left\{ {\big|{{{\nabla _y}{{{I}}^{k + 1}} + {{t}}_2^k}}\big| - \frac{{{{\textit{λ}} _1}}}{{{\gamma _1}}}, 0} \right\}$ (21)
${{c}}_1^{k + 1} = \frac{{{\nabla _x}{{{B}}^{k + 1}} + {{s}}_1^k}}{{{{{W}}^k}}}\max \left\{ {{{{W}}^k} - \frac{{{{\textit{λ}} _2}}}{{{\gamma _2}}}, 0} \right\}$ (22)
${{c}}_2^{k + 1} = \frac{{{\nabla _y}{{{B}}^{k + 1}} + {{s}}_2^k}}{{{{{W}}^k}}}\max \left\{ {{{{W}}^k} - \frac{{{{\textit{λ}} _2}}}{{{\gamma _2}}}, 0} \right\}$ (23)


${{{W}}^k} = \sqrt {{{\left({{\nabla _x}{{{B}}^{k + 1}} + {{s}}_1^k} \right)}^2} + {{\left({{\nabla _y}{{{B}}^{k + 1}} + {{s}}_2^k} \right)}^2}} $ (24)

当残差 $||{{{B}}^{k + 1}} - {{{B}}^k}||/||{{{B}}^k}||$ 小于限差 $\varepsilon $ 或者迭代次数达到上限 ${n_{\max }}$ 时停止迭代,获得最优背景影像 ${B}$ 和理想影像 ${I}$ ,流程图如图2

图 2 变分Mask匀光法流程图
Fig. 2 Flowchart of variational Mask dodging algorithm

3 实验与分析

为了客观真实地验证本文方法的有效性,分别在3幅遥感影像上进行匀光实验,并从目视效果和定量评价参数两方面与Mask匀光法进行比较。实验平台为Intel Core i5 CPU、8G内存的PC机,编程语言为Matlab。

本文方法需要设置4个参数,其中 ${{\textit{λ}} _2}$ 越小,对式(3)的正则化约束越强,问题越正定(李慧芳 等,2010),而 ${{\textit{λ}} _1}$ 对结果影响不大,具有稳定性; ${\gamma _1}$ 越大,每次对 ${{{b}}_1}$ ${{{b}}_2}$ 的更新就越少,从而导致理想影像 ${{I}}$ 的更新越慢,算法迭代次数增加(唐述 等,2013); ${\gamma _2}$ 决定了背景影像的光滑性。通过实验发现以下参数对不同数据都能取得较好结果: ${{\textit{λ}} _1} = 0.1$ ${{\textit{λ}} _2} = 0.0001$ ${\gamma _1} = 0.0002$ ${\gamma _2} = 200$ ,在保证匀光质量的同时收敛速度较快,因此本文实验均采用这组参数。

3.1 视觉评价

3幅原始影像分别为3种不同类型的亮度不均匀影像(图3)。图3(a)为典型的虚光效应影像,影像中间亮,四周暗,图3(b)为局部过曝影像,图3(c)为存在水域亮斑的影像。分别利用本文方法和3种不同尺寸参数( $\sigma = 5\text{、}10\text{、}20$ )的Mask匀光法对3幅原始影像进行实验,得到不同方法估计的背景影像和匀光结果(图4图6)。

图 3 原始影像
Fig. 3 Original images
图 4 影像Ⅰ的匀光结果
Fig. 4 Dodging results of image Ⅰ
图 5 影像Ⅱ的匀光结果
Fig. 5 Dodging results of image Ⅱ
图 6 影像Ⅲ的匀光结果
Fig. 6 Dodging results of image Ⅲ

对比图4(a)(c)图6(a)(c),可以看出,当滤波器尺寸 $\sigma $ 较小时,Mask匀光法估计的背景影像比较光滑,与真实光照接近,相对应的匀光结果也视觉效果较好。当滤波器尺寸 $\sigma $ 较大时,估计的背景影像中纹理和信息增加,不能很好地反映亮度变化,匀光结果细节损失也就越严重(图4(g)图5(g)图6(g))。当 $\sigma {\text{ = }}20$ 时,Mask匀光法的匀光结果存在一定的模糊现象,对比度较低,色调也与原始影像有一定的偏差,目视效果较差。

此外,Mask匀光法的匀光结果四周产生了光晕(图6(e))。这是由于在频率域进行高斯低通滤波会出现边界效应,导致估计的背景影像边缘的灰度值偏低,从而相减运算得到的匀光结果边缘的灰度值偏高,即光晕现象。滤波器尺寸 $\sigma $ 越小,光晕现象越明显。


3.2 定量评价

为了对比匀光影像内部光照分布的均匀性,将各匀光影像分成 $4 \times 4$ 的影像块,并按照从上到下、从左到右的顺序编号(图7)。分别统计各影像块的亮度均值,绘制成亮度分布折线图(图8图10)。


图8图10可以看出,滤波器尺寸 $\sigma $ 越大,Mask匀光影像的亮度分布越均匀,对应表1表3中的块标准差也越小。比较而言,滤波器尺寸 $\sigma $ 取20的Mask匀光法和本文方法的匀光结果内部亮度分布最均匀。对比表1表3中影像质量评价参数发现,滤波器尺寸 $\sigma $ 越小,Mask匀光法信息熵和平均对比度越大,即纹理和细节信息越丰富。对比而言,滤波器尺寸 $\sigma $ 取5的Mask匀光法和本文方法的匀光结果保持纹理和细节的能力最好。

图 7 影像分块示意图
Fig. 7 Image block diagram
图 8 影像Ⅰ匀光结果的亮度分布折线图
Fig. 8 Line chart of illumination distribution of dodging results of image Ⅰ
图 9 影像Ⅱ匀光结果的亮度分布折线图
Fig. 9 Line chart of illumination distribution of dodging results of image Ⅱ
图 10 影像Ⅲ匀光结果的亮度分布折线图
Fig. 10 Line chart of illumination distribution of dodging results of image Ⅲ

由上可知,滤波器尺寸 $\sigma $ 决定着Mask匀光法的匀光质量,而亮度分布均匀性和纹理和细节的保持对滤波器尺寸 $\sigma $ 的要求是相互冲突的,如何确定最佳滤波器尺寸就成为一个复杂的问题,在实际应用中通常需要人工选取和调节,自动化程度低。相比而言,本文方法通过迭代求解可以获取最优背景影像,在校正不均匀光照的同时较好地保留了影像的纹理和细节信息,匀光质量高且适用范围广。

表 1 影像匀光结果的质量评价参数
Table 1 The quality parameters of dodging results of image Ⅰ

评价参数 Mask( $\sigma = 5$ ) Mask( $\sigma = 10$ ) Mask( $\sigma = 20$ ) 本文方法
信息熵 6.81 6.69 6.56 6.81
清晰度 11.36 11.35 11.32 11.30
平均对比度 29.25 26.99 24.49 27.40
块标准差 2.10 1.38 1.30 0.97

表 2 影像匀光结果的质量评价参数
Table 2 The quality parameters of dodging results of image Ⅱ

评价参数 Mask( $\sigma = 5$ ) Mask( $\sigma = 10$ ) Mask( $\sigma = 20$ ) 本文方法
信息熵 7.51 7.42 7.29 7.48
清晰度 22.76 22.85 22.79 22.63
平均对比度 49.66 45.97 40.54 48.39
块标准差 10.63 7.65 6.33 6.64

表 3 影像匀光结果的质量评价参数
Table 3 The quality parameters of dodging results of image Ⅲ

评价参数 Mask( $\sigma = 5$ ) Mask( $\sigma = 10$ ) Mask( $\sigma = 20$ ) 本文方法
信息熵 6.92 6.79 6.67 6.91
清晰度 19.41 19.46 19.49 19.43
平均对比度 30.75 28.11 25.93 30.41
块标准差 9.31 6.28 4.99 4.79

4 结 论




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