四川动物  2021, Vol. 40 Issue (1): 71-74



郑延丽, 杨琳, 陈祥盛, 罗绪强, 罗光杰
ZHENG Yanli, YANG Lin, CHEN Xiangsheng, LUO Xuqiang, LUO Guangjie
A New Species of the Genus Doryphorina Melichar (Hemiptera: Fulgoromorpha: Dictyopharidae) from China
四川动物, 2021, 40(1): 71-74
Sichuan Journal of Zoology, 2021, 40(1): 71-74


收稿日期: 2020-05-06
接受日期: 2020-09-14
郑延丽1,2,3 , 杨琳1 , 陈祥盛1 *, 罗绪强2,3 , 罗光杰2,3     
1. 贵州大学昆虫研究所, 贵州山地农业病虫害重点实验室, 贵阳 550025;
2. 贵州师范学院地理与资源学院, 贵阳 550018;
3. 贵州省地理国情监测重点实验室, 贵阳 550018
摘要:记述中国长头象蜡蝉属 Doryphorina 1新种:多刺突长头象蜡蝉 D. multifurcella Zheng & Chen sp. nov.。该新种与团簇长头象蜡蝉 D. conglobatus Zheng,Yang & Chen相似,与后者的区别主要在:新种阳茎基端部具有2对膜质突起,背突起细长,端部和基部具有长刺;后者背突起细长,侧面观具有3长刺在基部。详细描述了新种的外部形态特征,绘制了外生殖器鉴别特征图,并附成虫彩色照片及长头象蜡蝉属 Doryphorina 检索表。模式标本保存于贵州大学昆虫研究所。
关键词象蜡蝉科    新种    蜡蝉    分类    中国    
A New Species of the Genus Doryphorina Melichar (Hemiptera: Fulgoromorpha: Dictyopharidae) from China
ZHENG Yanli1,2,3 , YANG Lin1 , CHEN Xiangsheng1 *, LUO Xuqiang2,3 , LUO Guangjie2,3     
1. Institute of Entomology, Guizhou University, The Provincial Key Laboratory for Agricultural Pest Management of Mountainous Region, Guiyang 550025, China;
2. School of Geography and Resources, Guizhou Education University, Guiyang 550018, China;
3. Guizhou Provincial Key Laboratory of Geographic State Monitoring, Guiyang 550018, China
Abstract: A new species of the genus Doryphorina , D. multifurcella Zheng & Chen sp. nov. from China is described and illustrated. Photographs are provided. A key is given to identify all the known species of Doryphorina . Specimens are deposited in the Institute of Entomology, Guizhou University, Guiyang, China (GUGC). This species is similar to D. conglobatus Zheng, Yang & Chen, but differed from the pallobase with 2 pairs of apical membranous lobes, dorsal apical lobes long and slender, with long spines both at base and apical, however, the latter has long and slender dorsal apical lobes, with 3 long spines at base in lateral view.
Keywords: Dictyopharidae    new species    planthopper    taxonomy    China    

长头象蜡蝉属 Doryphorina 隶属于象蜡蝉科Dictyopharidae象蜡蝉亚科Dictyopharinae,系Melichar(1912)以苏门答腊岛的 D. stali Melichar, 1912为模式种建立。Fennah(1978)Song和Liang(2013)Zheng等(2014)先后对该属进行了修订和补充。现包含5种:长头象蜡蝉 D. stali Melichar, 1912(缅甸,马来西亚,印度尼西亚)、小长头象蜡蝉 D. minor Fennah, 1978(越南,中国:广西、海南、广东、贵州)、弯长头象蜡蝉 D. subdeflexa Fennah, 1978(越南,中国:云南)、团簇长头象蜡蝉 D. conglobatus Zheng & Chen, 2014(中国:陕西)和贵州长头象蜡蝉 D. guizhouensis Zheng & Chen, 2014(中国:贵州、海南)。作者在整理和检视贵州大学昆虫研究所馆藏标本时,发现该属一新种,并将其命名为多刺长头象蜡蝉 Doryphorina multifurcella sp. nov.。本文对该新种进行了记述,并提供该属的种级检索表。新种的模式标本保存在贵州大学昆虫研究所。

长头象蜡蝉属 Doryphorina Melichar, 1912

Doryphorina Melichar, 1912: 99. Schmidt, 1915: 76; Distant, 1916: 25; Schmidt, 1928: 129; Metcalf, 1946: 87; Fennah, 1978: 254; Emeljanov, 2011: 1125.

模式种:长头象蜡蝉 Doryphorina stali Melichar, 1912






2.阳茎基端部具有3对较长膜质突起,基部无刺………………………………………………………………………弯长头象蜡蝉 Doryphorina subdeflexa


3.阳茎基背面端部无刺………………………………………………………………………………………………多刺长头象蜡蝉,新种 D. multifurcella sp. nov.

   阳茎基背面端部有刺……………………………………………………………………………………………………………团簇长头象蜡蝉 D. conglobatus


   头相对较长,头长与前中胸背板之和之比约为2.2;阳茎基端部有2对相连的端部突起,侧面无延伸……………………贵州长头象蜡蝉 D. guizhouensis

5.阳基侧突具有短宽的上突起,阳茎基端部腹面观具有2对突起……………………………………………………………………………小长头象蜡蝉 D. minor

   阳基侧突具有细长的上突起,阳茎基端部腹面观具有1对突起………………………………………………………………………………长头象蜡蝉 D. stali

多刺长头象蜡蝉,新种 Doryphorina multifurcella sp. nov.(图版Ⅰ:1~13)
图版Ⅰ 多刺长头象蜡蝉,新种正模(♂) Plate Ⅰ Holotype of Doryphorina multifurcella Zheng & Chen sp. nov. (♂) 1.整体正面观,2.整体侧面观,3.头部正面观,4.头部腹面观,5.头部侧面观,6.前翅,7.后翅,8.雄性外生殖器腹面观, 9.雄性外生殖器侧面观, 10.雄性外生殖器背面观, 11.阳茎侧面观, 12.阳茎腹面观, 13.阳茎背面观; 比例尺: 1~7=2 mm, 8~13=0.5 mm 1. dorsal view, 2. lateral view, 3. head and thorax, dorsal view, 4. frons and clypeus, ventral view, 5. head and pronotum, lateral view, 6. forewing, 7. hind wing, 8. pygofer and gonostyles, ventral view, 9. genitalia, lateral view, 10. pygofer and anal tube, dorsal view, 11. aedeagus, lateral view, 12. aedeagus, ventral view, 13. aedeagus, dorsal view; scale bars: 1-7=2 mm, 8-13=0.5 mm

雄性:体长15.6~15.8 mm,头长3.6~3.7 mm,头宽1.6~1.7 mm,前翅长9.6~9.7 mm。


头、胸部:头突(图版Ⅰ:1~5)较长,长于前、中胸背板之和,二者之比约为1.4: 1。头顶(图版Ⅰ:1,3)中脊线完整,不明显,眼之间的长宽比约为4.9: 1。额(图版Ⅰ:4)中域具有3条脊线,侧脊线止于唇基缝处,长宽之比约为5.5: 1。前胸背板(图版Ⅰ:1,3)中脊线明显,亚中脊线无或不明显;中胸背板(图版Ⅰ:1,3,5)中域具3条脊线,脊线前端近平行。前翅(图版Ⅰ:1,3,6)长宽之比约为3.3: 1,翅痣处具3~4个翅室。后足胫节具5个侧刺和7个端刺。

雄性外生殖器:尾节(图版Ⅰ:9)侧面观高而宽,腹面明显宽于背面,后缘具有较钝的突起,端部凹陷,以容纳臀节。臀节(图版Ⅰ:10)背面观椭圆形,长宽之比约为1.8: 1,侧面观长椭圆状。阳基侧突(图版Ⅰ:9)侧面观相对较小,顶边缘不超过臀节顶端,基部具许多刚毛。阳茎(图版Ⅰ:11~13)具1对阳茎突起,未伸出阳茎基。阳茎基基部骨化带颜色,端部具有2对突起,侧面观背缘突起一半膜质一半骨化、色深,近下中部具有数根长刺;腹缘突起膜质,端部具有数根长刺。


模式标本:正模,1 ♂,云南丽江,2000-08-11,陈祥盛采。副模,1♂,河南栾川合峪镇,2008-08-19,李红荣采。

词源:新种以希腊词“ multifurcella” (多的)命名,寓意其阳茎基端部多刺。

讨论:该新种与本属属征相符,故归于该属。(1)头突较长,长于前、中胸背板之和,侧面前后近平行,顶中脊线仅在基部和端部明显,其余部分不明显。(2)额中脊线完整,亚中脊线近平行,止于唇基缝处。前胸背板中脊线明显,亚中脊线仅在前端明显,中胸背板具有三脊线,前端近平行。(3)前翅透明,翅痣四边形,3翅室,后足胫节具有7个端刺。本新种与团簇长头象蜡蝉 D. conglobatus Zheng, Yang & Chen, 2014相似,主要区别在阳茎基上:前者阳茎基腹缘1对突起,端部具有数根长刺;后者阳茎基腹缘突起圆球状,中间具有数根长刺。

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