四川动物  2019, Vol. 38 Issue (5): 549-552



潘昭, 胡子渊, 任国栋
PAN Zhao, HU Ziyuan, REN Guodong
中国绿芫菁属新记录亚属——印绿芫菁亚属及一新记录种记述(鞘翅目:芫菁科, 绿芫菁族)
New Record of the Subgenus Indiolytta Selander, 1960 (Coleoptera: Meloidae, Lyttini) with One Newly Recorded Species from China
四川动物, 2019, 38(5): 549-552
Sichuan Journal of Zoology, 2019, 38(5): 549-552


收稿日期: 2019-03-22
接受日期: 2019-05-14
中国绿芫菁属新记录亚属——印绿芫菁亚属及一新记录种记述(鞘翅目:芫菁科, 绿芫菁族)
潘昭 *, 胡子渊 , 任国栋     
河北大学生命科学学院, 河北省动物系统学与应用重点实验室, 河北保定 071002
摘要:首次报道绿芫菁属Lytta Fabricius,1775印绿芫菁亚属Indiolytta Selander,1960和端黑绿芫菁LyttaIndiolyttamelanuraHope,1831)在中国的分布。标本采自广西壮族自治区宁明县那才村,保存在中山大学生物博物馆。此外,给出端黑绿芫菁形态描述和特征图,并比较和讨论了该种与印绿芫菁亚属其他3种的区别。
关键词绿芫菁属    亚属        新记录    广西壮族自治区    
New Record of the Subgenus Indiolytta Selander, 1960 (Coleoptera: Meloidae, Lyttini) with One Newly Recorded Species from China
PAN Zhao *, HU Ziyuan , REN Guodong     
The Key Laboratory of Zoological Systematics and Application, College of Life Sciences, Hebei University, Baoding, Hebei Province 071002, China
Abstract: A newly recorded subgenus Indiolytta Selander, 1960 of the genus Lytta Fabricius, 1775, and a newly recorded species Lytta (Indiolytta) melanura (Hope, 1831) from China are reported. The specimens were collected from Nacai, Ningming county of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region and deposited at the Biological Museum of Sun Yat-Sen University. Morphological descriptions and illustrations of the species are presented. Differences among this species and other 3 Lytta (Indiolytta) species are compared and discussed.
Keywords: Lytta    subgenus    species    new record    Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region    

绿芫菁属Lytta Fabricius,1775隶属于鞘翅目Coleoptera拟步甲总科Tenebrionoidea芫菁科Meloidae,是绿芫菁族Lyttini中物种最多的一个属。该属的单系性至今仍有疑问,目前普遍将其分为10亚属112种(Bologna & Pinto,2002Bologna & Nikitsky,2010Shapovalov,2016),中国记录4亚属22种(Wang et al., 2014Shapovalov,2016)。

印绿芫菁亚属Indiolytta Selander,1960最初作为绿芫菁属下1亚属,建立时仅包含模式种1种,即Lytta apicalis Haag-Rutenberg,1880(Selander,1960)。随后,Kaszab(1962)将其移入欧齿绿芫菁属Eolydus Denier,1913作为其下亚属,但并未给出任何理由和特征依据;同时,将Lytta apicalis处理为Lydus melanurus Hope,1831的次异名。Saha(1979)修订印度芫菁时,记录欧齿绿芫菁属4种。Bologna和Pinto(2002)认为Indiolytta与绿芫菁属的中绿芫菁亚属Mesolytta较为近似,且并不符合欧齿绿芫菁属的典型特征(跗爪背叶下侧具圆齿),故将其移回绿芫菁属,并认为Saha(1979)所记述的4种欧齿绿芫菁都应列于该亚属名下,即为该亚属目前所有成员:Lytta indica (Kaszab,1961)(印度)、L. kanarensis (Kaszab,1961)(印度)、L. meghalayaensis (Saha,1979)(印度)和L. melanura (Hope,1831)(印度、尼泊尔)。本研究之前,此4种在中国均没有记载。

近期,作者在中山大学生物博物馆馆藏标本中发现采自广西壮族自治区的2头端黑绿芫菁Lytta (Indiolytta) melanura (Hope,1831),这是印绿芫菁亚属Lytta (Indiolytta) Selander,1960在中国的首次发现。本文对印绿芫菁亚属进行了简要总结,并对端黑绿芫菁Lytta melanura进行了重新描述,给出整体照和形态特征图。研究标本保存于中山大学生物博物馆。

印绿芫菁亚属Subgenus Indiolytta Selander,1960中国新记录

Lytta (Indiolytta) Selander,1960:27-28 [type species:Lytta apicalis Haag-Rutenberg,1880 (=Lydus melanurus Hope,1831),by monotypy];Bologna & Pinto,2002:2050.

Eolydus (Indiolytta):Kaszab,1962:294.



端黑绿芫菁Lytta (Indiolytta) melanura (Hope,1831)中国新记录

Lydus melanurus Hope,1831:32 (type locality:Nepal;type depository:The Natural History Museum,London,United Kingdom);Borchmann,1917:8.

Lytta apicalis Haag-Rutenberg,1880:71 (type locality:Darjeeling,India;type depository:Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences,Brussels,Belgium);Fairmaire,1896:53;Borchmann,1917:90.

Lytta (Indiolytta) apicalisSelander,1960:28.

Eolydus melanuraKaszab,1961:346,347;Saha,1979:125.

Eolydus (Indiolytta) melanuraKaszab,1962:294.

雄性:体大部分黑色,但鞘翅基部约2/3棕色,后足第1跗节基部黄色,口器(唇基端部膜区,上颚、下颚须、下唇须和下唇大部分,颏前缘)、触角各节(向末节渐深)和各足(由基节向爪渐浅)呈暗棕红色。体长18.0~22.5 mm;鞘翅基部宽4.5~6.3 mm。


图版Ⅰ 端黑绿芫菁Lytta (Indiolytta) melanura (Hope,1831), Plate Ⅰ Lytta (Indiolytta) melanura (Hope, 1831), 1.整体照,背面观;2.右侧触角,背面观;3.腹骨片,背面观;4.阳茎基,腹面观;5.阳茎基,侧面观;6.中茎,侧面观 1. habitus, dorsal view; 2. right antenna, dorsal view; 3.speculum gastrale, dorsal view; 4. tegmen, ventral view; 5. tegmen, lateral view; 6. median lobe, lateral view




检视标本:2 ,广西壮族自治区宁明县那才村,1958.X.8,梁锦英采(En-093565/093566)。



致谢: 感谢意大利罗马第三大学的Marco A. Bologna教授协助鉴定,以及中山大学张丹丹副教授和谢委才老师在检视、借阅标本中给予的帮助。

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Bologna MA, Pinto JD. 2002. The Old World genera of Meloidae (Coleoptera):a key and synopsis[J]. Journal of Natural History, 36: 2013–2102. DOI:10.1080/00222930110062318
Borchmann F. 1917. Pars 69: Meloidae, Cephaloidae[M]//Schenkling S. Coleopterorum catalogus. Berlin: W. Junk.
Fairmaire L. 1896. Hétéromères de l'Inde recueillis par M. Andrewes[J]. Annales de la Société Entomologique de Belgique, 40: 6–62.
Haag-Rutenberg GJ. 1880. Beiträge zur Kenntniss der Canthariden[J]. Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift, 24: 17–90.
Hope FW. 1831. Synopsis of the new species of Nepaul insects in the collection of Major General Hardwicke[M]// Gray JE. The zoological miscellany, vol. 1. London: Treuttel, Wurtz and Co.
Kaszab Z. 1961. Neue Meloiden (Coleoptera) aus dem Museum A. Koenig[J]. Bonner Zoologische Beiträge, 12: 343–353.
Kaszab Z. 1962. Über das System der Asiatischen Lytta-Arten, nebst Beschreibung drei neuer Arten (Coleoptera, Meloidae)[J]. Annales Historico-Naturales Musei nationalis Hungarici, Pars Zoologica, 54: 289–298.
Saha GN. 1979. Revision of Indian blister beetles (Coleoptera:Meloidae:Meloinae)[J]. Records of the Zoological Survey of India, 74: 1–146.
Selander RB. 1960. Bionomics, systematics, and phylogeny of Lytta, a genus of blister beetles (Coleoptera, Meloidae)[J]. Illinois Biological Monographs, 28: i-vi, 1–295.
Shapovalov AM. 2016. Remarks on taxonomy of the genus Lytta Fabricius, 1775 (Coleoptera:Meloidae) with description of a new subgenus and two new species from Asia[J]. Caucasian Entomological Bulletin, 12(1): 99–108. DOI:10.23885/1814-3326-2016-12-1-99-108
Wang XP, Wang HL, Ren GD. 2014. Notes on the genus Lytta (Coleoptera:Meloidae) from China[J]. Entomotaxonomia, 36: 45–50.