四川动物  2018, Vol. 37 Issue (2): 204-206



李淼, 韩玉朋, 毛本勇
LI Miao, HAN Yupeng, MAO Benyong
Habrocnemis shanensis Uvarov, 1942 New to China, with Description of the Male Adult for the First Time (Orthoptera: Acridoidea)
四川动物, 2018, 37(2): 204-206
Sichuan Journal of Zoology, 2018, 37(2): 204-206


收稿日期: 2017-12-04
接受日期: 2018-02-02
李淼1 , 韩玉朋2 , 毛本勇1*     
1. 大理大学农学与生物科学学院, 云南大理 671003
2. 大理大学药学与化学学院, 云南大理 671002
摘要:首次报道禅邦丽足蝗 Habrocnemis shanensis Uvarov,1942 的雄性及其在中国的分布。该种雄性区别于属模式种中华丽足蝗 H. sinensis Uvarov,1930 的主要特征是:第10腹节背板阔,尾片近三角形,顶端钝;肛上板较短,顶端近直角形;尾须锥形,端部直。研究标本采自云南省澜沧县,保存于大理大学生物科学馆(BMDU)。
关键词斑腿蝗科     丽足蝗亚科     禅邦丽足蝗     雄性     新纪录    
Habrocnemis shanensis Uvarov, 1942 New to China, with Description of the Male Adult for the First Time (Orthoptera: Acridoidea)
LI Miao1 , HAN Yupeng2 , MAO Benyong1*     
1. College of Agriculture and Biology Science, Dali University, Dali, Yunnan Province 671003, China;
2. College of Pharmacy and Chemistry, Dali University, Dali, Yunnan Province 671002, China
Abstract: In this study, Habrocnemis shanensis Uvarov,1942 is recorded from China for the first time with description and illustration of the male adult. It differs from the male of the type species H. sinensis Uvarov,1930 in the following characteristics: 1) the 10th abdominal tergite broad, furculae nearly triangular, apically obtuse; 2) supra-anal plate short, apex nearly right-angled; 3) cerci tapered, apically straightened. The specimens used in this paper were collected from Lancang county, Yunnan province, and deposited in the Biological Science Museum, Dali University (BMDU), Yunnan province, China.
Keywords: Catantopidae     Habrocneminae     Habrocnemis shanensis Uvarov, 1942     male     new record    

丽足蝗属 Habrocnemis Uvarov,1930 是隶属于丽足蝗亚科 Habrocneminae Yin,1982的一个小属,已知2种:中华丽足蝗 H. sinensis Uvarov,1930 仅知分布地为四川康定(打箭炉)、泸定和二郎山;禅邦丽足蝗 H. shanensis Uvarov,1942 分布于缅甸禅邦东部(Uvarov,1942)和越南(Kim & Hong,2014)。

Uvarov(1942)仅描述了禅邦丽足蝗的雌性,雄性未知。虽然李鸿昌和夏凯龄(2006)根据Willemse (1957)的英文描述记述了禅邦丽足蝗的雌性,但中国没有分布记录。2012年7月,在云南省澜沧县(99°55′E,22°33′N)的昆虫调查中采到了该种的雄性和雌性标本,现对其雄性记述如下。文中术语参考Dirsh(1975)Ingrisch(1989)

禅邦丽足蝗 Habrocnemis shanensis Uvarov,1942

Habrocnemis shanensis Uvarov,1942:602;Willemse,1957:233;Yin,Shi et Yin,1996:316;Li,Xia, et al., 2006:636;Kim et Hong,2014:56.


图版Ⅰ 禅邦丽足蝗 Habrocnemis shanensis Uvarov,1942 PlateⅠ Habrocnemis shanensis Uvarov, 1942 1~2.雄性和雌性背侧面,3~4.雄性头和前胸背板背面和侧面,5.雄性中、后胸腹板腹面,6.雄性后足股节侧面,7~8.雄性腹端背面和侧面,9~10.阳具复合体背面和侧面,11~12.阳具基背片后面和背面;比例尺=1 mm 1-2. male and female, dorsolateral view, 3-4. head and pronotum of male, dorsal and lateral view, 5. mesosternum and metasternum of male, 6. hind femur of male, 7-8. male terminalia, dorsal and lateral view, 9-10. phallic complex, dorsal and lateral view, 11-12. epiphallus, posterior and dorsal view; scale bars=1 mm






体长: 18.5 mm,♀ 27.5 mm;前胸背板长: 4.1 mm,♀ 6.0 mm;前翅长: 3.5 mm,♀ 5.5 mm;后足股节长: 9.2 mm,♀ 12.1 mm。

观察标本:1 ,2♀,云南澜沧,99°55′E,22°33′N,海拔1 400 m,2012-Ⅶ-30,李淼、毛本勇采,保存于大理大学生物科学馆。


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