四川动物  2016, Vol. 35 Issue (6): 910-912



景昊, 霍科科
JING Hao, HUO Keke
Description of Male Dasysyrphus xizangensis Pan, Wang et Huo, 2010
四川动物, 2016, 35(6): 910-912
Sichuan Journal of Zoology, 2016, 35(6): 910-912


收稿日期: 2016-08-01
接受日期: 2016-09-26
景昊, 霍科科*     
陕西理工大学生物科学与工程学院, 陕西汉中 723001
摘要: 本文记述了西藏毛蚜蝇Dasysyrphus xizangensis Pan,Wang et Huo,2010雄性特征。雄性体色及身体大小类似雌性,但雌性离眼,雄性合眼。该种模式标本保存于陕西理工大学动植物标本馆。
关键词食蚜蝇科     西藏毛蚜蝇     雄性     新描述    
Description of Male Dasysyrphus xizangensis Pan, Wang et Huo, 2010
JING Hao, HUO Keke*     
School of Bioscience and Engineering, Shaanxi Sci-Tech University, Hanzhong, Shaanxi Province 723001, China
Abstract: Dasysyrphus xizangensis was described by Pan et al. in 2010 from Xizang Autonomous Region with the male unknown. The specimens of male and female were collected from Shanxi province in 2015. This paper supplemented the descriptions and illustrations of the male. The examined specimens were deposited at Shaanxi Sci-Tech University, Hanzhong city, Shaanxi province, China. The appearance D. xizangensis Pan, Wang et Huo, 2010 was similar to Dasysyrphus postclaviger (Štys et Moucha, 1962), however, the former had dark-brown stigma and yellow hind tarsi, while the latter had yellow stigma and black hind tarsi. The eyes of D. xizangensis were covered with densely yellowish brown hairs. Face yellow with black median stripe not extending to base of antennae. Mesonotum was covered with yellow long pile, shining black with dark gray median stripe extending posteriorly almost to the end of mesonotum. Scutellum yellow, mostly black pilose. Legs were brownish yellow, but dark black on all of coxae, trochanters and basal portions of femora. Wing stigma was blackish brown. Abdomen shining black, 3 pairs of yellow spots on abdomen were not extended to margins. The first pair of spots were obliquely located in the middle of tergite 2, with inner ends nearly approaching anterior margin of the tergite. The second and third pairs of spots were located in basal half of tergites and with expanded outer ends triangularly. Tergites 4 and 5 were narrowly yellow on posterior margins. Male terminalia was similar to that of D. postclaviger, but differed from the latter by distal portion of aedeagus inflated medially (compared with figures 281~284 of Hippa, 1968, P. 73).
Key words: Syrphidae     Dasysyrphus xizangensis Pan, Wang et Huo, 2010     male     new description    

潘朝晖等(2010)已对西藏毛蚜蝇Dasysyrphus xizangensis Pan,Wang etHuo,2010雌性进行了描述。我们于2015年8月在山西省芦芽山自然保护区进行食蚜蝇标本采集时获得该种的雄性和雌性标本,并对该种雄性进行了补充描述,内容如下。文中形态学术语采用霍科科等(2007)

西藏毛蚜蝇Dasysyrphus xizangensis Pan,Wang et Huo,2010


图版 Ⅰ 西藏毛蚜蝇Dasysyrphus xizangensis Pan,Wang et Huo,2010 Plate Ⅰ Dasysyrphus xizangensis Pan,Wang et Huo,2010 1. 雄性背面观,2. 雄性头部背面观,3. 雄性头部侧面观,4. 雄性头部正面观。 1. male habitus,dorsal view,2. head,male,dorsal view,3. head,male,lateral view,4. head,male,anterior view.






图版 Ⅱ 西藏毛蚜蝇Dasysyrphus xizangensis Pan,Wang et Huo,2010 Plate Ⅱ Dasysyrphus xizangensis Pan,Wang et Huo,2010 5.雄性尾器侧面,6. 雄性尾器腹面,7. 第九腹板及其附器,8. 上叶,9. 第九背板及其附器,10. 阳茎。 5. male terminalia,lateral view,6. male terminalia,ventral view,7. hypandrium and its appendages,8. superior lobe,9. epandrium and its appendages,10. aedeagus.

体长8~11 mm,翅长7~10 mm。


海拔:2 739 m。


观察标本:1♀,2015-VIII-9,山西省宁武县芦芽山;1 ♂ 1♀,2015-VIII-10,山西省宁武县芦芽山;2 ♂ 2♀,2015-VIII-11,山西省宁武县芦芽山;1♀,2015-VIII-14,山西省宁武县芦芽山;1 ♂,2015-VIII-15,山西省宁武县芦芽山。

在标本采集过程发现只有当海拔上升到一定高度才能采集到西藏毛蚜蝇,且模式标本采集地也是位于海拔2 700 m的地区。

霍科科, 任国栋, 郑哲民. 2007. 秦巴山区蚜蝇区系分类(昆虫纲:双翅目)[M]. 北京: 中国农业科学技术出版社 .
潘朝晖, 王保海, 霍科科. 2010. 中国毛蚜蝇属1新种记述(双翅目:食蚜蝇科)[J]. 东北林业大学学报 , 38(11) : 133–134.
Hippa H. 1968. A generic revision of the genus Syrphus and allied genera (Diptera, Syrphidae) in the Palearctic region, with description of the male genitalia[J]. Acta Entomologica Fennica , 25 : 7–94.