四川动物  2016, Vol. 35 Issue (3): 395-399



郭轩, 余志刚, 陈会明
GUO Xuan, YU Zhigang, CHEN Huiming
One New Spider Species of Genus Leptonetela (Araneae: Leptonetidae) from Cave in Guizhou, China
四川动物, 2016, 35(3): 395-399
Sichuan Journal of Zoology, 2016, 35(3): 395-399


收稿日期: 2015-09-09
接受日期: 2015-11-21
郭轩1, 余志刚1, 陈会明1*     
贵州科学院生物研究所, 贵阳 550009
摘要: 记述采自贵州省施秉县一洞穴小弱蛛属Leptonetela一新种,施秉小弱蛛Leptonetela shibingensis sp. nov.。该新种近似于查氏小弱蛛Leptonetela zhai Wang & Li,2011,主要区别有:眼退化,仅留眼丘,后者6眼完全;雄蛛触肢器中突(median apophysis,M)小,三角形,而后者中突大,近掌状;雄蛛触肢器胫节基刺(basal spine of male palpal tibia,TBS)短而粗,末端向内弯曲。模式标本保存于贵州科学院生物研究所。
关键词弱蛛科     新种     洞穴     贵州    
One New Spider Species of Genus Leptonetela (Araneae: Leptonetidae) from Cave in Guizhou, China
GUO Xuan1, YU Zhigang1, CHEN Huiming1*     
Institute of Biology, Guizhou Academy of Sciences, Guiyang 550009, China
Abstract: A new species, Leptonetela shibingensis sp. nov., collected from Chuandong cave, Shibing county, Guizhou province, China was described, photographed and illustrated. Type specimen is deposited in the Institute of Biology, Guizhou Academy of Sciences, Guiyang, China. All measurements are given in mm. Leptonetela shibingensis sp. nov.[HTSS] (Plates Ⅰ, Ⅱ) Type material. Holotype: ♂, Chuandong cave, Shijiawang village, Baiduo town, Shibing county, Guizhou province, China, 27°10.544'N, 108°11.802'E, Alt.: 671 m, November 3, 2012, collected by H. M. Chen and X. Guo. Paratype: 4 ♂♂ and 3 ♀♀, same data as holotype; 4 [QX(Y15#]♂♂ and 10 ♀♀, Aotian cave, Shijiawang village, Baiduo town, Shibing county, Guizhou province, China, 27°10.189'N, 108°11.697'E, Alt.: 1 097 m, November 4, 2012, collected by H. M. Chen and X. Guo; 1 ♂ and 5 ♀♀, Tangkan cave, Labatong, Niudachang town, Shibing county, Guizhou province, China, 27°12.495'N, 108°01.884'E, Alt.: 1 051m, July 19, 2012, collected by H. M. Chen and X. Guo. Etymology: The specific name refers to the type locality; adjective. Diagnosis: Distinguished from relatives by a small cone on the tip of embolus, the basal spines of male palpal tibia (TBS) abruptly narrowed in the distal part and bend end. This new species is similar to L. zhai Wang & Li, 2011 (Pages 88~90, Figs 69~71), but can be distinguished by no eyes (Plate Ⅰ: 1, 2), the triangle-shaped and small median apophysis (M, Plate Ⅱ: 5), the short and thick TBS bend entad on the end (Plate Ⅰ: 4, Plate Ⅱ: 6). Description: Male holotype. Total length 1.65. Carapace smooth, 0.68 long, 0.56 wide, height at fovea 0.84 times carapace width, yellowish; thoracic fovea brown, needle-shaped (Plate Ⅰ: 1). Clypeus yellowish. Chelicerae 0.37 long, yellowish, with 8 promarginal teeth and 6 retromarginal denticles; 8 short setae on base. Eyeless, only remain four eyespots on ocular area, two setae behind ocular area (Plate Ⅰ: 1). Sternum 0.46 long, 0.43 wide, haired; labium 0.08 long, 0.12 wide, yellowish. Leg formula: Ⅰ-Ⅳ-Ⅱ-Ⅲ. Leg measurements (femur+patella+tibia+metatarsus+tarsus=total): Ⅰ: 1.74+0.24+1.86+1.48+0.96=6.28; Ⅱ: 1.50+0.23+1.52+1.19+0.80=5.24; Ⅲ: 1.30+0.23+1.24+1.04+0.66=4.47; Ⅳ: 1.61+0.22+1.59+1.34+0.85=5.61. Leg yellowish, tibia Ⅰ and Ⅱ with rows of fine hairs on ventral surface; preening comb occurs ventroapically on the metatarsus of leg Ⅱ and Ⅲ. Papal coxae 0.35 long, 0.16 wide. Palpal measurements (femur+patella+tibia+tarsus=total): 0.49+0.15+0.26+0.34=1.24; the length of tibia 1.76 times that of patella. Palpal tibia with 3 dorsally trichobothria (Plate Ⅱ: 6), 5 especial ventral spines in retrolateral, and several gracile spines in prolateral (Plate Ⅰ: 4, 6). Tarsus dwindle distally, with relatively shallow apical constriction of male palp (AC) in middle part, retrolateral tarsal apophysis (RA) in adjacent apical part in retrolateral; retrolateral side with row of short setae on RA and at base part of tarsus; a group long setae at apical part (Plate Ⅰ: 4, Plate Ⅱ: 6). Bulb suboval, without prolateral lobe (PL); M small, triangle-shaped (Plate Ⅱ: 5); proapical flange (PF) transparent, thin strip-shaped (Plate Ⅱ: 5, 6). Abdomen creamy yellow, without markings, haired, 0.85 long, 0.68 wide. Female paratype. Total length 1.42. Carapace smooth, 0.56 long, 0.46 wide, height at fovea 0.74 times carapace width, yellowish; thoracic fovea brown, needle-shaped (Plate Ⅰ: 2). Clypeus yellowish. Chelicerae 0.34 long, yellowish, fang furrow with 6 teeth and 1 denticles on promargin and 6 denticles on retromargin; 8 short setae on base. Eyeless, only remain 6 eyespots on ocular area, 2 setae behind ocular area (Plate Ⅰ: 2). 2 setae behind ocular area. Sternum 0.45 long, 0.33 wide, haired; labium 0.06 long, 0.13 wide, yellowish. Leg formula: Ⅰ-Ⅳ-Ⅱ-Ⅲ. Leg measurements (femur+patella+tibia+metatarsus+tarsus=total): Ⅰ: 1.71+0.25+1.85+1.38+0.96=6.15; Ⅱ: 1.42+0.25+1.42+0.99+0.36=4.44; Ⅲ: 1.29+0.27+1.21+0.96+0.71=4.44; Ⅳ: 1.62+0.21+1.57+1.31+0.84=5.55. Leg yellowish, preening comb occurs ventroapically on the metatarsus of leg Ⅱ and Ⅲ. Papal coxae 0.29 long, 0.13 wide. Palpal measurements (femur+patella+tibia+tarsus=total): 0.45+0.15+0.35+[JP]0.44=1.39. Abdomen creamy yellow, without markings, haired, 0.82 long, 0.68 wide. Epigynal plate broadly triangular, simple (Plate Ⅰ: 2); internal genitalia with a pair of spermatheca, coil sperm duct, pair triangle-shaped atrium (Plate Ⅱ: 7).
Key words: Leptonetidae     new species     cave     Guizhou    

小弱蛛属Leptonetela由Josef Kratochvíl于1978年建立,目前已知有50种(World SpiderCatalog,2015),主要分布于中国(贵州、江西、浙江、安徽、湖南、广西、重庆)、格鲁吉亚、希腊、土耳其、越南(Deeleman-Reinhold,1971;Brignoli,19761979;徐亚君,宋大祥,1983;陈樟福等,1984;Deltshev,1985;Dunin,1990;Gasparo,2005;陈会明,朱明生,2008;Chen et al.,2010;Lin & Li,2010; Wang &Li,2011),其中分布于贵州的种类最多,有31种。

作者在鉴定采自贵州省的弱蛛科标本时,发现小弱蛛属一新种,将其命名为施秉小弱蛛Leptonetela shibingensis sp. nov.。本文测量单位均为mm。模式标本保存于贵州科学院生物研究所。 施秉小弱蛛Leptonetela shibingensis sp. nov. (图版Ⅰ图版Ⅱ)

图版 Ⅰ 施秉小弱蛛,新种Leptonetela shibingensis sp. nov. Plate Ⅰ Leptonetela shibingensis sp. nov. 1. 雄蛛,背面观 Male body,dorsal view; 2. 雌蛛,背面观 Female body,dorsal view; 3. 雄蛛左触肢器,内侧面观 Left male palp,prolateral view; 4. 雄蛛左触肢器,外侧面观 Left male palp,retrolateral view.
图版 Ⅱ 施秉小弱蛛,新种Leptonetela shibingensis sp. nov. Plate Ⅱ Leptonetela shibingensis sp. nov. 5. 雄蛛左触肢器,内侧面观 Left male palp,prolateral view; 6. 雄蛛左触肢器,外侧面观 Left male palp,retrolateral view; 7. 雌蛛外雌器,背面观Female genitalia,dorsal view; A. 中庭atrium,AC. 雄蛛触肢顶缩apical constriction of male palp,C.引导器conductor,E. 插入器embolus,M. 中突median apophysis,PF. 顶片proapical flange,RA. 跗节后侧突 retrolated tarsal apophysis,S. 纳精囊spermathecae,TES. 雄蛛触肢胫节末刺endmost spine of male palpal tibia,TBS. 雄蛛触肢胫节基刺basal spine of male palpal tibia,TMS. 雄蛛触肢胫节中刺median spine of male palpal tibia.

正模♂,贵州省施秉县白朵乡石家湾村穿洞上洞(27°10.544'N,108°11.802'E,海拔671 m),2012年11月3日,陈会明、郭轩采。副模:4♂♂,3♀♀,采集信息同正模;4♂♂,10♀♀,贵州省施秉县白朵乡石家湾村坳田洞(27°10.189'N,108°11.697'E,海拔1 097 m),2012年11月4日,陈会明、郭轩采;1♂,5♀♀,贵州省施秉县牛大场镇喇叭筒塘坎洞(27°12.495'N,108°01.884'E,海拔1051 m),2012年7月19日,陈会明、郭轩采。 郭轩等:贵州洞穴小弱蛛属一新种记述(蜘蛛目:弱蛛科)

词源学:新种种名源自模式标本采集地施秉县的汉语拼音,"shibing" 加上拉丁化后缀"ensis"。

鉴别特征:区别于其他种的特征是,插入器顶部具1小锥体,基刺短粗且末端突然变细并向内强烈弯曲。本新种近似于查氏小弱蛛L. zhai Wang & Li,2011(Page 88~90,Figs 69~71),主要区别有:眼退化,仅留眼丘(图版Ⅰ:1~2),后者6眼完全;雄蛛触肢器中突小,三角形(图版Ⅱ:5),而后者中突大,近掌状;雄蛛触肢器胫节基刺短而粗,末端向内弯曲(图版Ⅰ:4,图版Ⅱ:6)。



触肢基节长0.35,宽0.16。触肢测量(腿节+膝节+胫节+跗节=总长):0.49+0.15+0.26+0.34=1.24;触肢胫节长度为膝节长度的1.73倍。触肢胫节背面具3根听毛(图版Ⅱ:6);腹面具5根刺,2根末刺、2根中刺、1根基刺,基刺末端向内弯曲(图版Ⅱ:6);前侧面具几根细长刺。跗节末端收缩,中部的顶缩较浅;后侧突位于后侧面,靠近顶端;跗节后侧面具一排短刚毛在后侧突上和跗节的基部;跗节顶端具多根长刚毛(图版 Ⅰ:3~4;图版 Ⅱ:6)。生殖球近卵圆形,前侧突卵圆形;中突小三角形(图版 Ⅱ:5);顶片细条形(图版 Ⅰ:3~4;图版 Ⅱ:5~6)。




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