中华流行病学杂志  2021, Vol. 42 Issue (11): 1937-1941   PDF    


古羽舟, 梁清儿, 陈韵聪, 罗业飞, 杜瑶瑶, 姚芷潞, 刘方华, 何蔚云, 蔡衍珊, 韩志刚, 樊莉蕊, 徐慧芳.
Gu Yuzhou, Liang Qinger, Chen Yuncong, Luo Yefei, Du Yaoyao, Yao Zhilu, Liu Fanghua, He Weiyun, Cai Yanshan, Han Zhigang, Fan Lirui, Xu Huifang
Influence of self-categorized deviation in knowledge, attitude and practice for sexual health on the willingness to seek help for corresponding problems among young students
中华流行病学杂志, 2021, 42(11): 1937-1941
Chinese Journal of Epidemiology, 2021, 42(11): 1937-1941


收稿日期: 2021-01-14
古羽舟1 , 梁清儿1 , 陈韵聪1 , 罗业飞1 , 杜瑶瑶2 , 姚芷潞1,3 , 刘方华1 , 何蔚云1 , 蔡衍珊1 , 韩志刚1 , 樊莉蕊1 , 徐慧芳1,3     
1. 广州市疾病预防控制中心艾滋病预防控制部 510440;
2. 中山大学公共卫生学院, 广州 510080;
3. 广东省性病艾滋病防治协会, 广州 511430
摘要: 目的 探讨青年学生性健康知信行自我分类偏差对相关问题求助意愿的影响,为精准实施青年学生性健康促进提供科学依据。方法 2019年3-4月性健康和HIV感染风险评估干预微信小程序("熊探")测试期间的青年学生使用者纳入为研究对象。根据研究对象性健康知信行的自我分类和系统分类结果差异划分为3组,包括分类一致组、自我分类偏低组(自评比实际性资讯获取更少、性态度更传统、性经历更少)和自我分类偏高组(自评比实际性资讯获取更多、性态度更开放、性经历更多)。采用logistic回归分析3组研究对象的性健康相关问题求助意愿差异。结果 2 009名研究对象的年龄(19.2±1.1)岁,女性占54.7%(1 099/2 009),大专及以上者占98.4%(1 976/2 009)。性健康知信行自我分类一致、偏低和偏高者分别占49.0%(984/2 009)、10.9%(219/2 009)和40.1%(806/2 009)。与分类一致者相比,自我分类偏低青年学生的HIV自愿咨询检测服务接受意愿更低(aOR=0.65,95%CI:0.43~0.99),自我分类偏高青年学生的性相关疾病求助意愿更低(aOR=0.76,95%CI:0.59~0.98)。结论 性健康知信行自我分类偏差会降低青年学生对相关问题的求助意愿,尤其自我分类偏低会使青年学生低估HIV感染风险,接受咨询检测意愿下降,引起青年学生艾滋病疫情加速扩散。在性健康教育中需加强引导,提高青年学生群体自我评估能力、客观感知和应对风险。
关键词: 青年学生    性健康    知信行    自我分类    求助意愿    
Influence of self-categorized deviation in knowledge, attitude and practice for sexual health on the willingness to seek help for corresponding problems among young students
Gu Yuzhou1 , Liang Qinger1 , Chen Yuncong1 , Luo Yefei1 , Du Yaoyao2 , Yao Zhilu1,3 , Liu Fanghua1 , He Weiyun1 , Cai Yanshan1 , Han Zhigang1 , Fan Lirui1 , Xu Huifang1,3     
1. Department of AIDS Control and Prevention, Guangzhou Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Guangzhou 510440, China;
2. School of Public Health, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou 510080, China;
3. Guangdong Association of STD & AIDS Prevention and Control, Guangzhou 511430, China
Abstract: Objective To evaluate the effect of "self-categorization" on decision of health preference and the influence of self-categorized deviation in knowledge, attitude and practice (KAP) on the willingness of seeking help for sexual health among young students. Methods From March to April 2019, young students who used a WeChat applet for sexual health and HIV infection risk assessment, which is called "Detective Bear" were recruited and investigated. According to the consistency between the self-categorization of KAP for sexual health and the systematic categorization from their honest answers, the participants were allocated into three groups: consistent, low or high status, according to their judgment on sexual information acquisition, sexual attitude, and the actual number of sexual experiences. Logistic regression was used to analyze the differences in the willingness to seek help for sexual health problems between the three groups. Results 2 009 students with an average age of (19.2±1.1) were included. 54.7% (1 099/2 009) were female, and 98.4% (1 976/2 009) were college, undergraduate or postgraduate students. 49.0% (984/2 009) were in the consistent group, 10.9% (219/2 009) had a lower self-categorization, 40.1% (806/2 009) had a higher self-categorization. Compared with the consistent group, students with lower self-categorization of KAP for sexual health were less likely to assess HIV voluntary counseling and testing (aOR=0.65, 95%CI: 0.43-0.99). However, students with higher self-categorization seemed to dislike seeking help for sexually transmitted diseases (aOR=0.76, 95%CI: 0.59-0.98). Conclusions Deviation in self-categorization of KAP for sexual health will reduce the young students' willingness to seek help for related problems. Especially those with lower self-categorization, lack of risk consciousness, and refuse to assess counseling and testing may increase the HIV/AIDS epidemic among this population. It is necessary to strengthen the capacity of self-assessment for young students while promoting sex education.
Key words: Young students    Sexual health    Knowledge, attitude and practice    Self-categorization    Willingness to seek help    




1. 研究对象:“熊探”于2019年3-4月进行测试,使用者通过广州市青年学生同伴教育社团招募。系统限定使用者为16~28岁在校青年学生,并签署电子知情同意书以示自愿参加。测试阶段招募使用者2 009人纳入为研究对象。

2. 研究方法:


(2)性健康知信行的分类偏差的划分:根据自我分类和系统分类结果异同,确定自我分类偏差情况。将研究对象分为3组:①分类一致组(自我分类与系统分类一致);②自我分类偏低组(自评比实际性资讯获取更少、性态度更传统、性经历更少);③自我分类偏高组(自评比实际性资讯获取更多、性态度更开放、性经历更多)。见表 1

表 1 青年学生性健康知信行的分类偏差的划分情况

3. 统计学分析:采用SPSS 23.0软件进行统计学分析。符合正态分布的年龄等计量资料以x±s描述,计数资料以频数或构成比(%)描述。通过单因素logistic回归模型,分别分析性健康知信行自我分类偏差对避孕/怀孕/流产求助意愿、性相关疾病求助意愿、HIV自愿咨询检测服务接受意愿、学生同伴教育服务接受意愿的影响。并控制社会人口学特征、性健康知信行系统分类等混杂因素进行多因素logistic回归分析。以P < 0.05为差异有统计学意义。


1. 基本情况:研究对象年龄(19.2±1.1)岁,女性占54.7%,大专及以上文化程度占98.4%。自我分类与系统分类为“傻白甜”“好奇宝宝”和“老司机”分别占18.1%和40.3%、58.0%和44.3%、23.9%和15.4%。性健康知信行的分类一致者占49.0%(984/2 009),自我分类偏差者占51.0%(1 025/2 009)(自我分类偏低和偏高者分别占10.9%和40.1%),自我分类偏高者在自我分类偏差者中占78.6%(806/1 025)。自我分类偏低以男性为主(63.0%),自我分类偏高以女性为主(62.2%)。对于避孕/怀孕/流产问题、性相关疾病问题,愿意向外求助的分别占66.8%、72.9%。对于性健康问题,愿意接受HIV自愿咨询检测和学生同伴教育服务的比例分别为77.5%和76.2%。见表 2

表 2 青年学生研究对象基本情况

2. 性健康知信行自我分类偏差对相关问题求助意愿的影响:分类一致组愿意求助避孕/怀孕/流产问题的比例高于自我分类偏差的两组。单因素分析显示自我分类偏高组的求助意愿低于分类一致组(OR=0.79,95%CI:0.65~0.96),控制混杂因素后差异无统计学意义。分类一致组愿意求助性相关疾病问题的比例高于自我分类偏差的两组。多因素分析显示自我分类偏高组求助意愿只有分类一致组的0.76(aOR=0.76,95%CI:0.59~0.98),提示性健康知信行自我分类偏高将使青年学生在面临性相关疾病时更不倾向于对外求助。自我分类偏差(偏低和偏高)者接受HIV自愿咨询检测服务的比例低于分类一致者。多因素分析显示自我分类偏低组的服务接受意愿仅为分类一致组的0.65(aOR=0.65,95%CI:0.43~0.99),提示性健康知信行自我分类偏低可能会降低青年学生对HIV自愿咨询检测服务的接受度。单因素分析结果显示,自我分类偏低组的学生同伴教育服务接受意愿低于分类一致组(OR=0.69,95%CI:0.50~0.96),但多因素分析结果的差异无统计学意义。见表 3

表 3 青年学生性健康知信行分类偏差对性健康问题求助意愿影响的logistic回归分析



本研究还发现自我分类偏低的青年学生对HIV自愿咨询检测服务的接受意愿更低(aOR=0.65,95%CI:0.43~0.99)。我国青年学生对艾滋病的认识和重视不足,抱持“艾滋病只与性经验丰富、性伴侣更换频繁者有关”的固有概念仍然普遍。自我分类偏低者自认为性态度保守,性经历少,可能因此忽视了HIV感染风险[10, 21]。然而仅一次不安全性行为也可能会感染HIV,况且自我分类偏低者只是自认为性经验少,实际经验多于自评,这种忽视反而会提高感染风险。此时若再因自我分类偏差而拒绝在不安全性行为后寻求咨询检测,将使青年学生艾滋病疫情扩散加速,需引起警惕。




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