
刘玄华, 朱秋映, 孟琴, 沈智勇, 阮玉华, 吴秀玲, 周信娟, 黄精华, 唐帅, 杨文敏. 广西壮族自治区2015-2018年新报告非婚非商业异性性传播HIV/AIDS特征分析[J]. 中华流行病学杂志, 2020, 41(4): 537-541

Liu Xuanhua, Zhu Qiuying, Meng Qin, Shen Zhiyong, Ruan Yuhua, Wu Xiuling, Zhou Xinjuan, Huang Jinghua, Tang Shuai, Yang Wenmin. Characteristics of newly reported HIV/AIDS cases with non-marital or non-commercial heterosexual transmission in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, 2015-2018[J].
Chinese Journal of Epidemiology, 2020, 41(4): 537-541.


1. 广西壮族自治区疾病预防控制中心艾滋病防制所, 南宁 530028;
2. 中国疾病预防控制中心性病艾滋病预防控制中心, 北京 102206;
3. 广西壮族自治区疾病预防控制中心, 南宁 530028
收稿日期: 2019-06-25
基金项目: 国家科技重大专项(2018ZX10721-102-006, 2018ZX10715-008);广西科技重点研发计划项目(AB16380213);广西八桂学者艾滋病防控关键技术岗位专项
摘要: 目的 了解2015-2018年广西壮族自治区(广西)新报告非婚非商业异性性传播(非婚非商性传播)HIV/AIDS特征及其相关影响因素。方法 数据来源于中国疾病预防控制信息系统艾滋病防治基本信息系统, 收集2015-2018年广西新报告≥ 18岁HIV/AIDS相关信息, 采用非条件logistic回归模型分析新报告HIV/AIDS的非婚非商性传播HIV的影响因素。结果 2015-2018年广西新报告≥ 18岁HIV/AIDS 35 497例, 异性性传播32 648例(占92.0%), 非婚非商性传播10 500例, 占新报告HIV/AIDS的29.6%(10 500/35 497), 占异性性传播的32.2%(10 500/32 648), 男性占53.5%(5 617/10 500), 男女性别比为1.2:1(5 617:4 883), 已婚/有固定性伴占55.9%(5 873/10 500)。男性的商业性传播占64.4%(16 516/25 633), 而女性的非婚非商性传播占49.5%(4 883/9 864)。多因素logistic回归分析结果显示, 非婚非商性传播的HIV感染风险:女性是男性的3.98倍(95%CI:3.78~4.20), < 50、50~59岁组分别是≥ 60岁组的1.35倍(95%CI:1.27~1.44)、1.13倍(95%CI:1.05~1.21), 未婚/离异/丧偶是已婚/有固定性伴的1.53倍(95%CI:1.45~1.61), 文化程度为初中、高中及以上的分别是小学及以下的1.22倍(95%CI:1.16~1.29)、1.18倍(95%CI:1.10~1.27)。结论 2015-2018年广西新报告HIV/AIDS中, 非婚非商性传播的构成比接近30.0%, 非婚非商性传播HIV的危险因素包括女性、< 60岁、未婚/离异/丧偶和初中及以上文化程度, 应采取精准的防控措施。
艾滋病病毒感染/艾滋病 异性性传播 非婚 非商业
Characteristics of newly reported HIV/AIDS cases with non-marital or non-commercial heterosexual transmission in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, 2015-2018
Liu Xuanhua1
Zhu Qiuying1
Meng Qin1
Shen Zhiyong1
Ruan Yuhua2
Wu Xiuling1
Zhou Xinjuan1
Huang Jinghua1
Tang Shuai1
Yang Wenmin3

1. Institute of HIV/AIDS Prevention and Control, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Center for Disease Prevention and Control, Nanning 530028, China;
2. National Center for AIDS/STD Control and Prevention, Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Beijing 102206, China;
3. Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Center for Disease Prevention and Control, Nanning 530028, China
Fund program: National Science and Technology Major Project of China (2018ZX10721-102-006, 2018ZX10715-008); Guangxi Major Science and Technology Research and Development Plan (AB16380213); Guangxi Bagui Scholars Program of Key Technical Position for HIV/AIDS Prevention and Control
Abstract: Objective To understand the characteristics and associated factors of newly reported HIV/AIDS cases with non-marital or non-commercial heterosexual transmission, in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region (Guangxi), 2015-2018. Methods Information of newly reported HIV/AIDS cases aged ≥ 18 years in Guangxi between 2015 and 2018 was collected from the National Comprehensive HIV/AIDS Information System. Unconditional logistic regression model was used to access those factors that were associated with HIV infections through non-marital or non-commercial heterosexual contact. Results Between 2015 and 2018, a total number of 35 497 HIV/AIDS cases, aged ≥ 18 years were newly reported in Guangxi. Among them, 32 648 (92.0%) were infected heterosexually while 10 500 were infected through non-marital or non-commercial heterosexual behavior. Non-marital or non-commercial heterosexual transmission accounted for 29.6% (10 500/35 497) of the newly reported HIV/AIDS cases, and 32.2% (10 500/32 648) of those with heterosexual transmission. Males counted for 53.5% (5 617/10 500) of non-marital or non-commercial heterosexual transmission and males to females ratio was 1.2:1 (5 617:4 883). Those married or had regular sexual partners counted for 55.9% (5 873/10 500). Commercial heterosexual transmission appeared the main mode of HIV transmission for males (64.4%, 16 516/25 633) while main mode for females was non-marital or non-commercial heterosexual transmission and counted for 49.5% (4 883/9 864). Results from the multivariate logistic regression analysis showed that adjusted OR of female HIV/AIDS infected HIV via non-marital or non-commercial heterosexual transmission, was 3.98 times (95%CI:3.78-4.20) hight than that of males. Among the group aged < 50 years and the aged 50-59 years, the adjusted ORs were 1.35 times (95%CI:1.27-1.44) and 1.13 times (95%CI:1.05-1.21) hight than that of aged ≥ 60 years. Those who were single/divorced/widowed, the adjusted OR was 1.53 times (95%CI:1.45-1.61) hight than that of those married/regular partners. Those with junior high school education, high school education and above the adjusted ORs were 1.22 times (95%CI:1.16-1.29) and 1.18 times (95%CI:1.10-1.27), compared to those only with education levels of primary school or below. Conclusions The number of HIV/AIDS cases via non-marital or non-commercial heterosexual transmission accounted for nearly 30.0% of all the routes of HIV transmission in Guangxi, 2015-2018. Female, aged < 60 years old, single/divorced/widowed and having had junior and above high school education etc., appeared as risk factors on non-marital or non-commercial heterosexual transmission, among newly reported HIV/AIDS in Guangxi.
Key words:
HIV/AIDS Heterosexual transmission Non-marital Non-commercial
5.统计学分析:应用SPSS 23.0软件整理数据和统计分析。采用χ2检验比较不同特征研究对象的非婚非商性传播构成的差异;利用单因素、多因素logistic回归模型,以非婚非商性传播作为因变量,以基本特征作为自变量,将单因素分析有统计学意义的自变量纳入多因素模型,分析相关因素对非婚非商性传播风险的影响。双侧检验,检验水准α=0.05。
1.新报告HIV/AIDS基本特征:2015-2018年广西≥18岁新报告HIV/AIDS 35 497例,异性性传播32 648例(占92.0%),非婚非商性传播10 500例,占新报告HIV/AIDS的29.6%(10 500/35 497),占异性性传播的32.2%(10 500/32 648);其中男性5 617例(占53.5%,5 617/10 500),女性4 883例(占46.5%,4 883/10 500),男女性别比为1.2:1;汉族6 112例(占58.2%,6 112/10 500);年龄(49.5±15.0)岁;已婚/有固定性伴5 873例(占55.9%,5 873/10 500)。见表 1。
表 1 2015-2018年广西壮族自治区新报告非婚非商性传播HIV/AIDS基本特征
2.非婚非商性传播的HIV/AIDS基本特征:男性和女性中,非婚非商性传播的构成比分别为21.9%(5 617/25 633)和49.5%(4 883/9 864)。非婚非商性传播构成比在性别、年龄、是否为农民、婚姻状况、文化程度、民族、样本来源、是否为流动人口的差异有统计学意义,女性高于男性,随着年龄增长而下降,<50岁组高于50~岁组,50~岁组高于≥60岁组;未婚/离异/丧偶高于已婚/有固定性伴;初中以上文化程度高于小学及以下;流动人口高于常住人口。见表 1。
3.新报告HIV/AIDS不同性别与年龄组的感染方式:男性以商业性传播为主(64.4%,16 516/25 633),女性以非婚非商性传播为主(49.5%,4 883/9 864),差异有统计学意义(χ2=12 703.170,P<0.001)。男性的商业性传播构成比随年龄增加而增加(趋势χ2=2 284.673,P<0.001),女性的非婚非商性传播构成比随年龄增加而减少,而配偶/固定性伴传播构成比随年龄增加而增加(趋势χ2=104.380,P<0.001)。见图 1。
4.非婚非商性传播HIV/AIDS感染HIV影响因素:单因素logistic回归分析结果显示,性别、年龄、是否为农民、婚姻状况、文化程度、是否为流动人口等自变量有统计学意义,纳入多因素logistic回归分析结果显示,女性非婚非商性传播的HIV感染风险是男性的3.98倍,<50、50~59岁组分别是≥60岁组的1.35、1.13倍,未婚/离异/丧偶是已婚/有固定性伴的1.53倍,初中、高中及以上文化程度分别是小学及以下的1.22、1.18倍。见表 2。
表 2 2015-2018年广西壮族自治区新报告非婚非商性传播HIV/AIDS感染HIV影响因素分析
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