Leibniz Institute for Age Research offer a postdoc position for the
Network RegenerAging on “aging induced impairments in
regeneration and stem cell functionality”across different organs
and model organisms. They intend to boost interdisciplinary
collaborations involving clinician scientists, basic scientists and
bioinformaticians. They aim to cultivate gender equality in order to
secure more females in future leadership roles. Their intention is
to create a solid collaborative training program that promotes new
ways of working and thinking, and to connect Postdocs with their
international exchange program. Eligible are qualified applicants
that have just recently completed or are about to complete their
MD or PhD in a biomedical related field with a high profile
publication. Successful applicants will receive a fellowship for a
period of three years in one of the five listed projects. Application
should electronically be submitted as a single PDF file to
careers@fli-leibniz.de. Curriculum vitae including a short
description of scientific achievements and future scientific
endeavors are required. Please indicate your topic preference.
Please arrange to have three letters of recommendation sent
directly from the referees to careers@fli-leibniz.de. Deadline of
application: January 18th, 2015; the earliest starting date is March
1st 2015; the latest starting date is July 1st 2015. For more
information please contact: Claudia Müller, tel: +49 3641 656340.
(源于Science [2014-12-09])
University of Cambridge invites applications for fellowships within
the fields of the Biological Sciences (particularly in fields at the
interface with the physical sciences); Astrophysics; High-Energy
Physics; and Pure Mathematics. The fellowships are intended to
enable a small number of outstanding and highly motivated
scholars who have demonstrated a capacity for individual research
to devote themselves exclusively to research at an early stage in
their careers, to develop their academic potential, and to produce
work of an international standard within their field. All
Fellowships are to be held from 1 October 2015 or otherwise by
negotiation. Fellowships are available for between two and three
years. Fellows will usually work in close collaboration with an
established research group. Fellows are required to pursue their
research on a full- time basis in Cambridge. Further details are
available at http://www.herchelsmith.cam.ac.uk/fellowships/ or
from the Secretary to the Fund Managers, Tel. + 44 (0)1223
332283, E-mail: d uncan.mccallum@admin.cam.ac.uk. (源于
Science [2014-12-11])
Chimie ParisTech seeks for a postdoc in Li-ion batteries. The
postdoctoral fellow will: investigate a development of new
electrolytes based on ionic liquids for high voltage lithium- ion
batteries, analyse the evolution of the electrolytes during the
cycling, study the interfacial mechanisms on electrode/electrolyte
interfaces, optimise the performances of new electrolytes by
their modifications. Prior experience in electrochemistry (batteries)
and physical chemistry is required. The experience in lithium
batteries, ionic liquids and surface analytical techniques (XPS,
TOF- SIMS) will be highly appreciated. The post- doc will be
awarded to the successful applicant according to the local
conditions and salary scales. For information please email the
contact shown below. Approximate starting date: June-July 2014.
To apply send CV and cover letter to: Jolanta Swiatowska:
jolanta.swiatowska@chimie-paristech.fr; Michel Cassir: michel.cassir@chimie-paristech.fr.( 源于Science [2014-12-10])
CRP- Santé opens a post- doctoral position in Proteomics at the
Norlux Neuro- Oncology Laboratory. The postdoctoral fellow will
focus on the characterization and validation of protein based
biomarkers with an emphasis on malignant brain tumours. The
project will be carried out in close collaboration with the
Luxembourg Clinical Proteomics unit of CRP-Santé. The
candidate will apply targeted proteomics technologies to study
biomarker candidates that correlate with treatment responses. A
strong background in mass spectrometry and its application to
biological samples are required. Significant expertise in data
analysis, sample preparation and a keen interest in oncology
research are major assets. Only candidates with a strong track
record and demonstrated ability to perform and publish
independent research will be considered. A detailed job
description is available in the‘job section’of the website www.crp-sante.lu.(源于Science [2014-12-10])
EMBL is seeking to recruit a postdoctoral researcher to join the
group of Marco Marcia at EMBL Grenoble. EMBL is a leading
international research organization with a collaborative
atmosphere. They are seeking to recruit an outstanding candidate
with a strong interest in applying structural biology approaches to
important biological problems. They focus on ribonucleoproteins
formed by long non- coding RNAs and involved in transcription
regulation. The successful applicant should hold a PhD and have a
solid background in biochemical analysis of protein and/or RNA
complexes. Experience in single particle cryo-electron microscopy
and/or X-ray crystallography would be an advantage. The
laboratory has excellent access to state- of- the- art equipment
including the ESRF synchrotron and a Tecnai F20 Polara
equipped with K2 direct electron detector. They welcome
applications from candidates that are interested in working at the
interface of cryoEM and X-ray crystallography. Motivation to work
in a multidisciplinary and international environment is
fundamental to this position. Please apply online through www.embl.org/jobs.( 源于Science [2014-12-11])
The University of Alabama at Birmingham Center for
Neurodegeneration and Experimental Therapeutics (CNET) is
recruiting postdoctoral fellows with interests in translational
science, neurodegeneration, and Parkinson’s disease. Applicants
should have recently received a PhD degree in neuroscience,
biochemistry or a related field. Preferred candidates will have
experience with cell culture, animal models,
immunohistochemistry and biochemistry. The research project will
focus on how genes implicated in Parkinson’s disease, such as asynuclein
and LRRK2, contribute to the development and spread
of pathology and neuron toxicity. The CNET provides a highly
collaborative and exciting work environment. Applicants should
submit a CV and a cover letter describing their experience and
research interests to: Laura Volpicelli- Daley, PhD and Andrew
West, PhD, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Center for
Neurodegeneration and Experimental Therapeutics, CIRC 552,
1719 6th Ave South, Birmingham, AL 35294, USA. E- mail:
pdpostdoc@uab.edu.( 源于Science [2014-12-11])
Yale University has a postdoctoral position available in the
Bergwitz Laboratory. The lab (for details: http://yalemedicalgroup.org/find/clemens_bergwitz.profile?source=news) focuses on inborn
errors of phosphate metabolism and the endocrine regulation of
phosphate homeostasis with emphasis on the metabolic and
endocrine effects of phosphate. They recently performed a
Drosophila genome-wide RNAi knockdown screen to identify
genes involved in phosphate-signaling. Their goal in the next few
years will be to study the role of these genes in Drosophila and
murine models. Relevant readouts for humans will be the
homeostatic regulation of synthesis and secretion of PTH, 1,25-D,
FGF23 by phosphate and it’s metabolic effects on life-span in
genetic disorders such as familial hyperphosphatemic tumoral
calcinosis (FHTC) and in chronic kidney disease. Applicants
should have an MD or PhD and be energetic and highly motivated.
Experience in signal transduction, phosphate homeostasis and/or
work with the mentioned animal models is desirable. Please send
CV and the names of three references to clemens.bergwitz@yale.edu.( 源于Science [2014-12-11])
NIH opens a postdoctoral position for highly motivated candidates
interested in conducting research designed to dissect neural
circuits that specific health and longevity in the fruit fly,
Drosophila melanogaster. Their group has identified specific
sensory neurons, neuropeptides, and associated regions of the fly
brain, that are capable of rapidly and significantly modulating
aging in the fly. They seek highly motivated post-doctoral
scientists to employ modern neurobiological techniques in this
model system to study the broad biological impact of sensory
systems and to provide an understanding of the molecular details
about how neuronal inputs orchestrate cell non- autonomous
mechanisms that promote healthy aging. Requirements: Doctoral
degree (PhD); Exceptional track record of productivity and interest
in basic biomedical research; Ability for creative and independent
thinking; Also highly desirable will be a thorough grounding in
aging biology and/or basic training in genetics or neuroscience.
Please submit applications, comprising the following, to Dr. Scott
Pletcher at spletch@umich.edu.(源于Science [2014-12-11])
University of Illinois at Chicago open postdoctoral fellow positions
to study the molecular mechanisms of integrin signaling, platelet
activation, and roles of platelets in vascular inflammation and
thrombosis. Candidates must have MD or PhD. Expertise in
platelet biology, molecular biology, animal models of thrombosis,
stroke, or sepsis preferred. For fullest consideration, please submit
CV and names of 3 references by 3/1/2015 to Dr. X. Du at
Department of Pharmacology, University of Illinois at Chicago, 835
S. Wolcott Ave. Chicago, IL 60612, USA. E-mail: xdu@uic.edu.
(源于Science [2014-12-11])
NIH is opening a postdoctoral position in the areas of
computational biology and structural bioinformatics. They are
looking for a creative, self- motivated individual who can apply
computational tools to challenging problems associated with the
design of vaccines in a fast-paced and highly collaborative
research environment. The individual will work closely with an
SBIS mentor to collaborate with experimental sections in the
center and to develop novel methods for computational vaccine
design. Applicants who meet the following requirements will be
considered for the position: PhD in bioinformatics, computational
biology, or a closely related field; Proficiency in at least one of
the following programming languages: C, C ++ , or Fortran;
Proficiency in either Python or Perl; Prior experience in at least
three of the following computational areas: Computational protein
design, Computational immunology, Structure modeling and
prediction, Structural bioinformatics ,Analysis of next- generation
sequencing data; Oral and written communication skills ; Clear
sense of organization, purpose, and accountability. Interested
applicants should send a current curriculum vitae to Cinque Soto,
cinque.soto@nih.gov.( 源于Science [2014-12-11])
East Carolina University opens a postdoctoral scholar position to
study the genetics and virulence mechanisms of Borrelia
burgdorferi, the Lyme disease spirochete (http://www.ecu.edu/csdhs/microbiology/fac_Motaleb.cfm). The project will provide an
opportunity for the candidate to develop and implement new ideas
to study disease progression caused by the spirochete. In addition,
he/she will be part ofa dynamic group of scientists working with a
wide range of host-pathogen models. The ideal candidate should
have a PhD (or equivalent) degree in microbial genetics, molecular
biology or a related field. Experience working with animals is
desired, but not required. Additional details about the position,
including the job description, qualifications, and instructions for
submitting application materials may be found by accessing this
link: https://ecu.peopleadmin.com/applicants/Central?quickFind=76110. Applicants must complete a candidate profile online via
the People Admin system and submit the documents requested in
order to be considered for the position. Apply Here: www.Click2Apply.net/8tc2tn9 PI87613936.( 源于Science [2014-12-12])
Cleveland Clinic opens a postdoctoral position supported by the
National Cancer Institute and the Prostate Cancer Foundation in
the laboratory of Dr. Nima Sharifi. Their laboratory is focused on
molecular mechanisms of androgen synthesis and androgen
receptor (AR) gain-of-function that lead to resistance to androgen
deprivation therapy and the translational relevance thereof. The
position will provide a unique and multidisciplinary exposure to
tumor metabolism, molecular oncology, drug development and
clinical trials. This research program is supported by the Howard
Hughes Medical Institute, the American Cancer Society, the
Prostate Cancer Foundation, the Department of Defense Prostate
Cancer Research Program and the National Institutes of Health.
Further details are available at the following link: https://www.lerner.ccf.org/cancerbio/sharifi/#lab. The candidate should hold a
doctoral degree with a background in molecular biology,
metabolism or cancer biology. Candidates with an interest in the
position should send their cv and contact information for 3
references to: Nima Sharifi, MD, Kendrick Family Chair for
Prostate Cancer Research, Department of Cancer Biology, Lerner
Research Institute, Cleveland Clinic, 9500 Euclid Avenue,
Cleveland, OH 44195, USA. E-mail: sharifn@ccf.org.(源于
Science [2014-12-13])
The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center has a faculty
position available at the rank of assistant professor, term tenure
track. The department and MD Anderson provide an outstanding
environment for development of multidisciplinary research careers.
Applicants must have a PhD and at least two years of postdoctoral
fellowship. Refer to the Department of Cancer Biology
Web page for additional information about the department and its
programs. Interested applicants should submit their current
curriculum vitae, 2~4 page research plan/synopsis, and three (3)
letters of reference (one internal to candidate’s current institution,
two external) from individuals at the appointment academic rank
or higher to: Department of Cancer Biology - Search Committee,
Unit #1906, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center,
1515 Holcombe Blvd., Houston, TX 77030- 4009, USA.(源于
Science [2014-12-12])
Harvard Medical School invites applications for a tenure-track
assistant or associate professor position. A PhD and/or MD will
join this Center’s research mission on mechanisms in the
resolution of inflammation and tissue injury. Successful candidate
will have maintained research in receptors (GPCR) in
inflammation-resolution, with a focus on lipid mediators and
resolution. Continued research activities and mentoring are
integral to this position. Qualified individuals with post-doctoral
training and/or faculty experience should submit a cover letter,
and curriculum vitae online at website: https://research.bwhanesthesia.org/research-groups/cetri/serhan-lab/position. The
names of three references and application should be addressed to
Dr. Charles N Serhan, Search Committee Chair, no later than
February 9, 2015.( 源于Science [2014-12-11])
(编辑 孙杨慧(实习生),石萌萌)