舰船科学技术  2019, Vol. 41 Issue (11): 20-26   PDF    
田阿利, 张海燕, 魏震, 赵元帅, 傅梓轩     
江苏科技大学 船舶与海洋工程学院,江苏 镇江 212003
摘要: 本文提出一种简化的高阶Zig-zag理论,即面板采用一阶剪切变形理论,芯材采用Reddy高阶剪切变形理论,建立钢聚氨酯夹层板在面内压缩载荷作用下的屈曲分析模型。考虑夹层板作为船舶舱口盖的受力特性,利用Matlab和有限元软件Ansys分别求出在面内压缩载荷作用下的钢聚氨酯夹层板的屈曲临界载荷,理论解与仿真值吻合度较高并分析几何参数对结构稳定性的影响。研究结果表明,在考虑结构重量的前提下,增加芯材即聚氨酯的厚度能较好的提高结构的稳性。
关键词: 钢聚氨酯夹层板     高阶理论     面内压缩载荷     屈曲    
Biaxial buckling analysis of SPS sandwich plate based on a simplified Zig-zag model
TIAN A-li, ZHANG Hai-yan, WEI Zhen, ZHAO Yuan-shuai, FU Zi-xuan     
School of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering, Jiangsu University of Science and Technology, Zhenjiang 212003, China
Abstract: In this paper, a simplified high-order Zig-zag theory was proposed and an analytical model for the buckling of steel polyurethane steel (SPS) sandwich plate subjected to in-plane compressive loads was established. The first-order shear deformation theory was adopted for the face sheets and the high-order shear deformation theory from Reddy was adopted for the core, respectively. The critical buckling load of SPS sandwich plate under in-plane compression load was calculated by using Matlab and finite element software Ansys, considering the mechanical characteristic of the sandwich plate as the ship hatch cover. The theoretical solution was in good agreement with the simulation value, and the influence of geometric parameters on the structural stability was analyzed. The results show that the stability of the structure can be improved by increasing the thickness of the core material (polyurethane) on the premise of considering the weight of the structure.
Key words: SPS sandwich plate     high-order theory     in-plane compression load     buckling    
0 引 言

钢/聚氨酯夹层板(Steel Polyurethane Steel Sandwich Plate)简称SPS夹层板,是由钢质面板和聚氨酯弹性体夹芯材料组成,由于其轻质、高比强度等性能而成为现代科学的研究重点。目前,钢/聚氨酯钢夹层板已经应用于船舶修复上。2009年7月韩国大宇造船海洋工程公司与英国IE公司共同投资成立了“SPS海工技术公司”,双方共同对SPS技术展开研究,并将该技术应用于船用钢板的加工。当SPS夹层板应用于舱口盖时,由于受风浪流的影响,使得航行中的船体发生中拱或中垂现象,此时,夹层板受面内载荷作用的影响,可能会发生屈曲失效导致结构发生破坏。因此对夹层板的屈曲性能分析日益重要且迫在眉睫。


由于理论方法受限于研究对象的几何形状,载荷和边界条件,Di Sciuva[14]在1986年提出Zig-zag理论(ZZT)。该理论不仅能较真实地描述面内位移发生在厚度上的变化,而且也能较为准确地预测层合板和夹层板的面内位移和应力。作者采用该方法研究了复合材料层合板的静态、振动和屈曲响应问题。白瑞祥等[15]利用Zig-zag理论对复合材料夹层板的自由振动问题进行了研究。Pandit等[16]基于改进的高阶Zig-zag理论研究了夹层板的屈曲,考虑了芯材压缩变形的影响。Sahoo[17]建立了反三角Zig-zag理论,该理论不仅满足层间界面的连续性,又满足板上下表面自由牵引的边界条件。作者通过数值算例,预测了不同模量比、纵横比、跨厚比、载荷和边界条件下复合材料层合板和夹层板的屈曲响应。



1 简化的高阶Zig-zag理论求解模型


图 1 夹层板的典型坐标及模型图 Fig. 1 Typical coordinate and model
1.1 动力学关系


$\begin{array}{l} {u_i} = {u_{0i}} + {z_i}{\theta _{xi}}\text{,}\\ {v_i} = {v_{0i}} + {z_i}{\theta _{yi}}\text{,}\\ {w_i} = {w_{0i}}\text{。} \end{array}$ (1)

式中: ${u_i}$ ${v_i}$ ${w_i}$ $\left( {i = t,b} \right)$ 分别表示上、下面板在xyz方向上的的位移函数; ${u_{0i}}$ ${v_{0i}}$ ${w_{0i}}$ 分别表示上、下面板中面在xyz方向上的位移函数; ${\theta _{xi}}$ ${\theta _{yi}}$ 分别为绕yx轴转角; ${z_i}$ 表示上、下面板的横向坐标;其中下标t代表上面板,b代表下面板。


$\begin{array}{l} {u_c} = {u_{0c}} + {z_c}{\theta _{xc}} + z_c^2{\phi _{xc}} + z_c^3{\varphi _{xc}}\text{,}\\ {v_c} = {v_{0c}} + {z_c}{\theta _{yc}}\; + z_c^2{\phi _{yc}} + z_c^3{\varphi _{yc}}\text{,}\\ {w_c} = {w_{0c}}\text{。} \end{array}$ (2)

式中: ${u_c}$ ${v_c}$ ${w_c}$ 分别为芯材在xyz方向的位移函数; ${u_0}$ ${v_0}$ ${w_0}$ 分别为芯材中面在xyz方向的位移函数; ${\theta _{xc}}$ ${\theta _{yc}}$ ${\phi _{xc}}$ ${\phi _{yc}}$ ${\varphi _{xc}}$ ${\varphi _{yc}}$ 分别为绕yx轴转角分量; ${z_c}$ 表示芯材的横向坐标。

1.2 连续条件 1.2.1 位移连续条件

面板同芯材变形协调,即3个方向上的位移 $u$ $v$ $w$ 在上下面板与芯材的界面处是连续的,而转角在每一层是独立的。


$\begin{gathered} {u_t}\left( {{z_t} = \frac{{{h_t}}}{2}} \right) = {u_c}\left( {{z_c} = - \frac{{{h_c}}}{2}} \right) \text{,}\\ {v_t}\left( {{z_t} = \frac{{{h_t}}}{2}} \right) = {v_c}\left( {{z_c} = - \frac{{{h_c}}}{2}} \right)\; \text{,} \\ {w_t}\left( {{z_t} = \frac{{{h_t}}}{2}} \right) = {w_c}\left( {{z_c} = - \frac{{{h_c}}}{2}} \right) \text{,}\\ \end{gathered} $ (3)


$\begin{gathered} {u_b}\left( {{z_b} = - \frac{{{h_b}}}{2}} \right) = {u_c}\left( {{z_c} = \frac{{{h_c}}}{2}} \right) \text{,} \\ {v_b}\left( {{z_b} = - \frac{{{h_b}}}{2}} \right) = {v_c}\left( {{z_c} = \frac{{{h_c}}}{2}} \right) \text{,} \\ {w_b}\left( {{z_b} = - \frac{{{h_b}}}{2}} \right) = {w_c}\left( {{z_c} = \frac{{{h_c}}}{2}} \right) \text{。}\\ \end{gathered} $ (4)
1.2.2 层间剪应力连续


$\begin{array}{l} \tau _{yz}^t = \tau _{yz}^c,\\ \bar Q_{44}^t\gamma _{yz}^t\left({z_t} = \dfrac{{{h_t}}}{2}\right) + \bar Q_{45}^t\gamma _{xz}^t\left({z_t} = \dfrac{{{h_t}}}{2}\right) = {C_{44}}\gamma _{yz}^c\left({z_c} = - \dfrac{{{h_c}}}{2}\right)\text{,}\\ \tau _{xz}^t = \tau _{xz}^c,\\ \bar Q_{45}^t\gamma _{yz}^t\left({z_t} = \dfrac{{{h_t}}}{2}\right) + \bar Q_{55}^t\gamma _{xz}^t\left({z_t} = \dfrac{{{h_t}}}{2}\right) = {C_{55}}\gamma _{xz}^c\left({z_c} = - \dfrac{{{h_c}}}{2}\right)\text{,} \end{array}$ (5)


$\begin{array}{l} \tau _{yz}^b = \tau _{yz}^c,\\ \bar Q_{44}^b\gamma _{yz}^b\left({z_b} = - \dfrac{{{h_b}}}{2}\right) + \bar Q_{45}^b\gamma _{xz}^b\left({z_b} = - \dfrac{{{h_b}}}{2}\right) = {C_{44}}\gamma _{yz}^c\left({z_c} = \dfrac{{{h_c}}}{2}\right)\text{,}\\ \tau _{xz}^b = \tau _{xz}^c,\\ \bar Q_{45}^b\gamma _{yz}^b\left({z_b} = - \dfrac{{{h_b}}}{2}\right) + \bar Q_{55}^b\gamma _{xz}^b\left({z_b} = - \dfrac{{{h_b}}}{2}\right) = {C_{55}}\gamma _{xz}^c\left({z_c} = \dfrac{{{h_c}}}{2}\right)\text{。} \end{array}$ (6)
1.3 控制方程

根据哈密尔顿原理(Hamilton Principle)推导出夹层板面板和芯材的控制方程。


$\int_{{t_1}}^{{t_2}} {(\delta U + \delta V - \delta K} ){\rm d}t = 0\text{。}$ (7)

式中: $\delta U$ $V\delta $ $\delta K$ 分别为夹层板的总应变能,外力势能和动能; $\delta $ 为变分符号; ${t_1}$ ${t_2}$ 为任意时间积分上下限。


$\begin{aligned} &\delta {u_0}:\frac{{\partial N_x^t}}{{\partial x}} + \frac{{\partial N_{xy}^t}}{{\partial y}} + \frac{{\partial N_x^c}}{{\partial x}} + \frac{{\partial N_{xy}^c}}{{\partial y}} + \frac{{\partial N_x^b}}{{\partial x}} + \frac{{\partial N_{xy}^b}}{{\partial y}} = 0\text{,}\\ &\delta {v_0}:\frac{{\partial N_y^t}}{{\partial y}} + \frac{{\partial N_{xy}^t}}{{\partial x}} + \frac{{\partial N_y^c}}{{\partial y}} + \frac{{\partial N_{xy}^c}}{{\partial x}} + \frac{{\partial N_y^b}}{{\partial y}} + \frac{{\partial N_{xy}^b}}{{\partial x}} = 0\text{,}\\ &\delta {\theta _{xc}}: - {a_1}\left(\frac{{\partial N_x^t}}{{\partial x}} + \frac{{\partial N_{xy}^t}}{{\partial y}}\right) + \bar Q_{xz}^t\frac{{{C_{55}}}}{{\bar Q_{55}^t}} + {c_1}\left(\frac{{\partial N_x^b}}{{\partial x}} + \right.\\ &\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\left.\frac{{\partial N_{xy}^b}}{{\partial y}}\right) + \bar Q_{xz}^b\frac{{{C_{55}}}}{{\bar Q_{55}^b}} - \frac{{\partial M_x^c}}{{\partial x}} - \frac{{\partial M_{xy}^c}}{{\partial y}} + Q_{xz}^c = 0\text{,}\\ &\delta {\theta _{yc}}: - {a_1}\left(\frac{{\partial N_y^t}}{{\partial y}} + \frac{{\partial N_{xy}^t}}{{\partial x}}\right) + \bar Q_{yz}^t\frac{{{C_{44}}}}{{\bar Q_{44}^t}} + {c_1}\left(\frac{{\partial N_y^b}}{{\partial y}} + \frac{{\partial N_{xy}^b}}{{\partial x}}\right) +\\ &\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\; \bar Q_{yz}^b\frac{{{C_{44}}}}{{\bar Q_{44}^b}} - \frac{{\partial M_y^c}}{{\partial y}} - \frac{{\partial M_{xy}^c}}{{\partial x}} + Q_{yz}^c = 0\text{,}\\ &\delta {\phi _{xc}}: - {a_2}\left(\frac{{\partial N_x^t}}{{\partial x}} + \frac{{\partial N_{xy}^t}}{{\partial y}}\right) - Q_{xz}^t\frac{{{h_c}{C_{55}}}}{{\bar Q_{55}^t}} - {c_2}\left(\frac{{\partial N_x^b}}{{\partial x}} + \frac{{\partial N_{xy}^b}}{{\partial y}}\right) + \\ &\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;Q_{xz}^b\frac{{{h_c}{C_{55}}}}{{\bar Q_{55}^b}} - \frac{{\partial P_x^c}}{{\partial x}} - \frac{{\partial P_{xy}^c}}{{\partial y}} + 2S_{xz}^c = 0\text{,}\\ &\delta {\phi _{yc}}: - {b_2}\left(\frac{{\partial N_y^t}}{{\partial y}} + \frac{{\partial N_{xy}^t}}{{\partial x}}\right) - Q_{yz}^t\frac{{{h_c}{C_{44}}}}{{\bar Q_{44}^t}} - {d_2}\left(\frac{{\partial N_y^b}}{{\partial y}} + \frac{{\partial N_{xy}^b}}{{\partial x}}\right) + \\ &\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;Q_{yz}^b\frac{{{h_c}{C_{44}}}}{{\bar Q_{44}^b}} - \frac{{\partial P_y^c}}{{\partial y}} - \frac{{\partial P_{xy}^c}}{{\partial x}} + 2S_{yz}^c = 0\text{,}\\ &\delta {\varphi _{xc}}: - {a_3}\left(\frac{{\partial N_x^t}}{{\partial x}} + \frac{{\partial N_{xy}^t}}{{\partial y}}\right) + Q_{xz}^t\frac{{3h_c^2{C_{55}}}}{{4\bar Q_{55}^t}} - {c_3}\left(\frac{{\partial N_x^b}}{{\partial x}} + \frac{{\partial N_{xy}^b}}{{\partial y}}\right) + \\ &\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;Q_{xz}^b\frac{{3h_c^2{C_{55}}}}{{4\bar Q_{55}^b}} - \frac{{\partial R_x^c}}{{\partial x}} - \frac{{\partial R_{xy}^c}}{{\partial y}} + 3T_{xz}^c = 0\text{,}\\ &\delta {\varphi _{yc}}: - {b_3}\left(\frac{{\partial N_y^t}}{{\partial y}} + \frac{{\partial N_{xy}^t}}{{\partial x}}\right) + Q_{yz}^t\frac{{3h_c^2{C_{44}}}}{{4\bar Q_{44}^t}} - {d_3}\left(\frac{{\partial N_y^b}}{{\partial y}} + \frac{{\partial N_{xy}^b}}{{\partial x}}\right) +\\ &\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\; Q_{yz}^b\frac{{3h_c^2{C_{44}}}}{{4\bar Q_{44}^b}} - \frac{{\partial R_y^c}}{{\partial y}} - \frac{{\partial R_{xy}^c}}{{\partial x}} + 3T_{yz}^c = 0\text{,}\\ &\delta {w_0}:{a_4}\frac{{{\partial ^2}N_x^t}}{{\partial {x^2}}} + {b_4}\frac{{{\partial ^2}N_y^t}}{{\partial {y^2}}} + ({a_4} + {b_4})\frac{{{\partial ^2}N_{xy}^t}}{{\partial x\partial y}} - \frac{{\partial Q_{xz}^t}}{{\partial x}}\frac{{{C_{55}}}}{{\bar Q_{55}^t}} - \\ &\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\frac{{\partial Q_{yz}^t}}{{\partial y}}\frac{{{C_{44}}}}{{\bar Q_{44}^t}} + {c_4}\frac{{{\partial ^2}N_x^b}}{{\partial {x^2}}} + {d_4}\frac{{{\partial ^2}N_y^b}}{{\partial {y^2}}}+\\ &\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\; ({c_4} + {d_4})\frac{{{\partial ^2}N_{xy}^b}}{{\partial x\partial y}} - \frac{{\partial Q_{xz}^b}}{{\partial x}}\frac{{{C_{55}}}}{{\bar Q_{55}^b}} - \frac{{\partial Q_{yz}^b}}{{\partial y}}\frac{{{C_{44}}}}{{\bar Q_{44}^b}} - \frac{{\partial Q_{xz}^c}}{{\partial x}} - \\ &\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\frac{{\partial Q_{yz}^c}}{{\partial y}} + {{\hat N}_{xx}}\frac{{{\partial ^2}{w_0}}}{{\partial {x^2}}} + 2{{\hat N}_{xy}}\frac{{{\partial ^2}{w_0}}}{{\partial x\partial y}}+\\ &\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\; {{\hat N}_{yy}}\frac{{{\partial ^2}{w_0}}}{{\partial {y^2}}} + {q_t} - {q_b} = 0\text{。} \end{aligned}$ (8)

式中: ${q_t}$ ${q_b}$ 分别表示加载在上、下面板的外载荷。

$\begin{array}{l} {{\hat N}_{xx}} = \hat N_{xx}^t + \hat N_{xx}^c + \hat N_{xx}^b\text{,}\\ {{\hat N}_{xy}} = \hat N_{xy}^t + \hat N_{xy}^c + \hat N_{xy}^b\text{,}\\ {{\hat N}_{yy}} = \hat N_{yy}^t + \hat N_{yy}^c + \hat N_{yy}^b\text{。} \end{array}$ (9)


$\begin{array}{l} {{\hat N}_{xx}} = - {{\hat N}_0}\text{,}\\ {{\hat N}_{yy}} = - K \cdot {{\hat N}_0}\text{,}\\ {{\hat N}_{xy}} = {q_t} = {q_b} = 0\text{。} \end{array}$ (10)


1.4 分析求解


${A_{16}} = {A_{26}} = {A_{45}} = {B_{16}} = {B_{26}} = {D_{16}} = {D_{26}} = 0\text{,}$


$\begin{array}{l} x = 0,x = a\text{,}\;\;\;v = {w_0} = {\theta _{xt}} = {\theta _{xc}} = {\theta _{xb}} = 0\text{,}\\ y = 0,y = b\text{,}\;\;\;u = {w_0} = {\theta _{yt}} = {\theta _{yc}} = {\theta _{yb}} = 0\text{。} \end{array}$ (11)


$\begin{gathered} {u_0}(x,y) = \sum\limits_{n = 1}^\infty {\sum\limits_{m = 1}^\infty {{U_{mn}}} } \cos \alpha x\sin \beta y \text{,}\\ {v_0}(x,y) = \sum\limits_{n = 1}^\infty {\sum\limits_{m = 1}^\infty {{V_{mn}}} } \sin \alpha x\cos \beta y \text{,}\\ {\theta _{xc}}(x,y) = \sum\limits_{n = 1}^\infty {\sum\limits_{m = 1}^\infty {X_{mn}^t} } \cos \alpha x\sin \beta y \text{,}\\ {\theta _{yc}}(x,y) = \sum\limits_{n = 1}^\infty {\sum\limits_{m = 1}^\infty {Y_{mn}^t} } \sin \alpha x\cos \beta y \text{,}\\ {\phi _{xc}}(x,y) = \sum\limits_{n = 1}^\infty {\sum\limits_{m = 1}^\infty {X_{mn}^c} } \cos \alpha x\sin \beta y \text{,}\\ {\phi _{yc}}(x,y) = \sum\limits_{n = 1}^\infty {\sum\limits_{m = 1}^\infty {Y_{mn}^c} } \sin \alpha x\cos \beta y \text{,}\\ {\varphi _{xc}}(x,y) = \sum\limits_{n = 1}^\infty {\sum\limits_{m = 1}^\infty {X_{mn}^b} } \cos \alpha x\sin \beta y \text{,}\\ {\varphi _{yc}}(x,y) = \sum\limits_{n = 1}^\infty {\sum\limits_{m = 1}^\infty {Y_{mn}^b} } \sin \alpha x\cos \beta y \text{,} \\ {w_0}(x,y) = \sum\limits_{n = 1}^\infty {\sum\limits_{m = 1}^\infty {{W_{mn}}} } \sin \alpha x\sin \beta y \text{。} \end{gathered} $ (12)

式中: $\alpha = m{\text{π}}i /a$ $\beta = n{\text{π}} /b$ mn称为屈曲半波数。


${\left[ { A} \right]_{9 \times 9}}{\left\{ X \right\}_{9 \times 1}} = 0\text{。}$ (13)


$\left\{ X \right\} = {\left\{ {{U_{mn}}\;\;{V_{mn}}\;\;X_{mn}^t\;\;\;Y_{mn}^t\;\;X_{mn}^c\;\;Y_{mn}^c\;\;X_{mn}^b\;\;Y_{mn}^b\;\;{W_{mn}}} \right\}^{\rm T}}\text{。}$


2 结果与讨论


2.1 对比验证


表 1 夹层板材料参数 Tab.1 Material parameters of composite sandwich plate
$\bar N = \frac{{{a^2}{{\hat N}_0}}}{{{E_2}{h^3}}}\text{。}$ (14)


无量纲总体屈曲载荷分别由整体-局部高阶理论(Global-local high-order theory,简称GLHOT)、混合型Layer-wise理论(Mixed layer-wise theory,简称MLWT)、Zig-zag理论(Zig-zag theory,简称ZZT)、反三角Zig-Zag理论(Inverse trigonometric Zig-zag theory,简称ITZZT)、有限元软件Ansys以及本文简化的高阶Zig-zag理论计算所得列于表2,考虑了不同长厚比(a/h=2,4,10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100)。

表 2 不同夹层板理论计算无量纲总体屈曲临界载荷对比 Tab.2 Comparisons of the dimensionless overall buckling load for symmetric square sandwich plate


表 3 前四阶屈曲模态以及对应的无量纲屈曲临界载荷 Tab.3 Buckling mode shapes from the first-order to forth-order and corresponding dimensionless buckling loads

图 2 Ansys计算所得的前四阶屈曲模态 Fig. 2 Contour plots of the buckling shapes obtained by Ansys
2.2 几何参数对稳定性的影响


表 4 SPS夹层板材料参数 Tab.4 Material parameters of SPS sandwich plate
2.2.1 面板厚度对临界载荷的影响

本小节讨论不同厚度的面板对SPS夹层板稳定性的影响,以面板厚0.1 mm和芯材厚0.8 mm为基准,分别增重10%,20%,30%和减重10%,20%,30%为条件,得到7种面板厚度,分别为0.147 mm,0.132 mm,0.116 mm,0.1 mm,0.084 mm,0.068 mm,0.053 mm。其中确定参数为:芯材厚度tc=0.8 mm和长宽比a/b=0.5。计算结果列于表5,并且给出了载荷系数K=0K=1下的屈曲临界载荷。

表 5 面板厚度不同的夹层板的屈曲临界载荷对比 Tab.5 Comparison of critical buckling load of sandwich plates with differentthicknesses of face-sheet


图 3 面板厚度对屈曲临界载荷的关系曲线 Fig. 3 Relation curve of face-sheet thickness to critical buckling load
2.2.2 芯材厚度对临界载荷的影响

本小节讨论不同厚度的芯材对SPS夹层板稳定性的影响,以面板厚0.1 mm和芯材厚0.8 mm为基准,分别增重10%,20%,30%和减重10%,20%,30%为条件,得到7种芯材厚度,分别为1.453 mm,1.235 mm,1.018 mm,0.8 mm,0.582 mm,0.365 mm,0.147 mm。其中确定参数为:面板厚度tf=0.1 mm和长宽比a/b=0.5。计算结果列于表6,并给出了载荷系数K=0K=1下的屈曲临界载荷。

表 6 芯材厚度不同的夹层板的屈曲临界载荷对比 Tab.6 Comparison of critical buckling loads of sandwich plate with different core thicknesses


图 4 芯材厚度对临界屈曲载荷的影响关系曲线 Fig. 4 Relation curve of core thickness to critical buckling load


图 5 不同质量增比下,面板和芯材厚度对屈曲载荷的影响关系曲线 Fig. 5 Influence curves of face-sheet and core thickness on critical buckling load at different mass increasing ratios
3 结 语




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