青海省第四人民医院职业病科, 青海 西宁 810000
摘要:目的 通过对职业受照人群的健康检查,了解必检项目的实施及漏检情况,分析原因、提供对策,提高健康监护及评价工作质量,更好控制放射工作人员确定性效应的发生,降低随机性效应的发生率,减轻放射工作人员职业性放射损伤。方法 选择2016年青海省不同受照工作人员1116名,包括从事医用普通X射线摄片、CT、介入治疗、核医学、放射治疗和其他非医疗单位辐射设备应用等,对其健康检查资料做统计分析。结果 总体上X射线胸片检查漏检率最高(56.6%),依次是眼科裂隙灯检查(37.0%)、实验室检查(11.2%)、电生理检查(5.8%)和内科检查(0.3%);不同工种职业受照人群中:X射线胸片检查漏检率最高是CT室工种人员(84.9%),眼科裂隙灯检查漏检率最高是放疗人员(51.9%),实验室检查漏检率最高是核医学人员(14.8%),电生理检查漏检率最高是CT室人员(9.2%),内科检查漏检率最低。普放人群中县区级医疗单位漏检率最高(27.1%),个体诊所医院漏检率较低(11.6%)。结论 健康检查必检项目的漏检,不能全面反映放射人员健康状况,影响判断是否继续进行放射工作,不完整的体检报告直接影响放射场所效果评价工作,直接影响对放射工作人员确定性效应的发生和降低随机性效应的发生率控制。
关键词:职业受照 健康检查 漏检
Analysis of reasons for the missing of some required examination items in the health examination of population exposed to vocational radiation
ZHAO Xuemei
MA Shaoyuan
WANG Wenming
The Fourth People's Hospital of Qinghai Occupational Disease Department, Xining 810000 China
Abstract: Objective To grasp the implementation of required examination items and missing examination items, enhance the quality of health supervision and assessment works, control the deterministic effect of radiation workers better, reduce the occurrence rate of stochastic effect and alleviate the vocational radiation injury of radiation workers by carrying out heath examination for population exposed to vocational radiation. Methods 1116 radiation workers in Qinghai in 2016 were chosen, including those who operate medical ordinary X-rays radiography, CT, interventional therapy, nuclear medicine, radiotherapy and other radiological equipment in non-medical units, for the statistical analysis of their health examination data. Results The highest examination missing rate was found in X-ray chest film examination (56.8%), which was followed by ophthalmological slit-lamp examination (37.0%), laboratory examination (11.2%), electrophysiological examination (5.8%) and internal medicine examination (0.3%). Among the population of different types of work exposed to vocational radiation, workers from CT department had the highest missing rate of X-rays chest film examination (84.9%), the radiotherapy personnel had the highest missing rate of ophthalmological slit-lamp examination (51.9%), the nuclear medical personnel had the highest missing rate of laboratory examination (14.8%), CT department workers had the highest missing rate of electrophysiological examination (9.2%). it is worth-noticing that internal medicine examination had the lowest examination missing rate. Among the general population, the county and district-level medical units had the highest examination-missing rate (27.1%) while individual clinics and hospitals had the lowest (11.6%). Conclusions The missing of required health examination items fails to comprehensively reflect the health conditions of radiation workers and judge whether these workers should continue with their works. The incomplete medical examination reports directly affect the assessment of radiation places and the control over the occurrence of deterministic effect of radiation workers and the reduction of occurrence rate of stochastic effect.
Key words:
Vocational Radiation Health Examination Examination Missing
我国相继颁布并实施了《放射工作人员职业健康管理办法》、《放射工作人员职业健康监护技术规范》(GBZ 235)和《放射工作人员健康标准》(GBZ 98),职业受照人群的健康监护不断走向规范和重视,但也存在必检项目漏检情况[1],直接影响是否继续从事放射工作的判断和建设项目评价报告的质量[2-3],同时也不能全面反映受照人员的实际职业健康状况[4-6]。
1 对象和方法
1.1 对象
1.2 方法
按《放射工作人员职业健康监护技术规范》(GBZ 235)进行职业健康检查,对上岗前、在岗期间、离岗时和应急照射时检查确定必检项目,按内科检查(放射工作史询问、一般情况测量及心肺听诊等)、电生理检查(心电图、上腹部B超)、实验室检查(血细胞分析、生化等抽血检查和尿液分析)、X射线胸片检查、眼科(视力、辨色力、散瞳后裂隙灯检查)项目进行,按不同岗位分医疗普放、CT、介入、核医学、放疗和其他(非医疗辐射设备应用)工种。
1.3 统计学处理
应用SPSS 19.0软件进行统计。
2 结果
2.1 不同工种受照人群必检项目漏检情况
总体观察X射线胸片检查漏检率最高,依次是眼科裂隙灯检查、实验室检查、电生理检查和内科检查;从检查项目观察,电生理检查、X射线胸片和实验室检查漏检率最高的均为CT室工作人员,裂隙灯检查漏检率最高的是放疗工作人员,见表 1。
表 1
Table 1
表 1 不同工种受照人群必检项目漏检情况(n,%)
专业 |
医疗普放 |
CT |
介入治疗 |
核医学 |
放疗 |
其他 |
总计 |
检查例数 |
527(47.2) |
196(17.6) |
97(8.7) |
27(2.4) |
54(4.8) |
215(19.2) |
1116(100.0) |
漏检例数 |
内科 |
1(0.2) |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
2(0.9) |
3(0.3) |
电生理 |
38(7.2) |
18(9.2) |
5(5.2) |
0 |
0 |
4(1.9) |
65(5.8) |
实验室 |
66(12.5) |
29(14.8) |
14(14.4) |
4(14.8) |
6(11.1) |
6(2.8) |
125(11.2) |
胸片 |
315(60.0) |
166(84.7) |
68(70.1) |
13(48.1) |
29(53.7) |
41(19.1) |
632(56.6) |
裂隙灯 |
188(35.7) |
80(40.8) |
43(44.3) |
9(33.3) |
28(51.9) |
65(30.2) |
413(37.0) |
表 1 不同工种受照人群必检项目漏检情况(n,%)
2.2 不同级别医疗单位普放必检项目漏检情况
在医疗单位中,普放占58.5%(527/901),尤其在县、乡和个体医疗单位主要以普放为主,核医学和放疗仅在省级单位,CT和介入治疗集中在省、州地市两级单位。各项检查漏检率最高的均是省级单位,眼科裂隙灯漏检率最低的是县、区级,胸片和电生理漏检率最低的是乡镇卫生院,实验室检查漏检率最低的是个体医疗单位,见表 2。
表 2
Table 2
表 2 不同级别医疗单位普放必检项目漏检情况(n,%)
医疗单位级别 |
省级医院 |
州地市级医院 |
县区级医院 |
乡镇卫生院 |
个体医疗 |
总计 |
检查例数 |
139(26.3) |
100(19.0) |
143(27.1) |
84(16.0) |
61(11.6) |
527(47.2) |
漏检例数 |
内科 |
1(0.7) |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
1(0.2) |
电生理 |
15(11.0) |
9(9.0) |
10(7.0) |
2(2.4) |
2(3.3) |
38(7.2) |
实验室 |
28(20.1) |
15(15.0) |
18(12.6) |
3(3.6) |
2(3.3) |
66(12.5) |
胸片 |
125(89.9) |
81(81.0) |
86(60.1) |
12(14.3) |
11(18.0) |
315(60.0) |
裂隙灯 |
64(46.0) |
39(39.0) |
38(26.6) |
23(27.4) |
24(39.3) |
188(35.7) |
表 2 不同级别医疗单位普放必检项目漏检情况(n,%)
3 讨论
3.1 原因分析
3.1.1 个人重视程度不够
从结果分析胸片和眼科裂隙灯检查的漏检率较高,从事普放、CT和介入的省、州地市两级胸片漏检率很高,主要原因部分医务人员意识淡薄,不愿意额外增加X射线照射,总认为自己在从事放射工作,一旦身体出现不适可以随时在自己单位拍片检查,所以大部分受检者都拒绝拍片检查;眼科裂隙灯漏检率在各级医疗单位和各不同工种间差别不大。分析原因主要是部分受检者自驾车来体检,散瞳后无法及时驾车,部分受检人员完成后需赶到单位进行阅片等工作,由于散瞳后视力恢复需4~6 h,回到单位视力尚未恢复无法正常工作。
3.1.2 客观原因
3.2 对策
3.2.1 加强宣教,使受检者认识放射检查的重要性
3.2.2 体检流程人性化,客观上减少漏检率
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