中华流行病学杂志  2023, Vol. 44 Issue (12): 1864-1868   PDF    


邹华春, 何纳.
Zou Huachun, He Na
Sexual health among older adults
中华流行病学杂志, 2023, 44(12): 1864-1868
Chinese Journal of Epidemiology, 2023, 44(12): 1864-1868


收稿日期: 2023-09-22
邹华春 , 何纳     
复旦大学公共卫生学院, 上海 200032
摘要: 随着人类期望寿命的延长,人口老龄化危机正在世界各地蔓延。性健康是中老年人群全面健康不可或缺的一部分。50~60岁阶段处于生理变化(如女性经历更年期)和社会阶段变化(如工作状态和社会身份的变化)的过渡阶段。≥60岁中老年人群仍有性需求,然而关于该年龄段的性健康研究较少。在此背景下,本文深入探讨≥50岁中老年人群性健康相关话题,了解性健康在老龄化不同阶段的演变过程和影响因素,以制定相关政策,促进该人群的全面健康。
关键词: 中老年社区居民    性健康    老龄化    
Sexual health among older adults
Zou Huachun , He Na     
School of Public Health, Fudan University, Shanghai 200032, China
Abstract: As human life expectancy increases, the population aging crisis is spreading worldwide. Sexual health is integral to the overall health of older adults. The 50-60-year-old age group is in a transitional phase of physiological changes (e.g., women going through menopause) and social changes (e.g., changes in work status and social identity). Individuals aged 60 years and above still have sexual desires. However, there is relatively little research on sexual health in this age group. In this context, this paper delves into topics related to sexual health among those aged 50 years and above, aiming to understand the evolution and influencing factors of sexual health in this population during various stages of aging. This information can be used to formulate relevant policies and promote the overall health of this population.
Key words: Community-based older adults    Sexual health    Aging    











近年来,中老年人群HIV和其他性传播疾病日益凸显。美国CDC的监测数据表明,2012- 2016年≥50岁中老年人群占HIV确证病例的17%,≥55岁中老年人群衣原体、淋病和梅毒的发病率亦显著增加[26]。中国CDC数据显示,在我国每年新报告的HIV感染者中,≥50岁人群占比上升相当明显,从2011年的22%上升到2020年的44%[5]







利益冲突  所有作者声明无利益冲突

作者贡献声明  邹华春:论文撰写;何纳:论文审阅

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