出版日期: 2019-11-25
DOI: 10.11834/jrs.20198118
2019 | Volumn23 | Number 6
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expand article info 林昱坤1,2 , 王楠1 , 张立福3,1 , 岑奕1 , 孙雪剑1 , 卢涵宇4 , 童庆禧1
1. 中国科学院遥感与数字地球研究所,北京 100101
2. 中国科学院大学,北京 100049
3. 石河子大学,石河子 832003
4. 贵州京元科技有限公司,贵阳 550081




独立成分分析, 异常变化检测, 投影寻踪, 亚像元, 遥感, 高光谱

Hyperspectral anomaly change detection model based on independent component analysis
expand article info LIN Yukun1,2 , WANG Nan1 , ZHANG Lifu3,1 , CEN Yi1 , SUN Xuejian1 , LU Hanyu4 , TONG Qingxi1
1.Institute of Remote Sensing and Digital Earth, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China
2.University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China
3.Shihezi University, Shihezi 832003, China
4.Guizhou Jingyuan Science and Technology Co., Ltd, Guiyang 550081, China


Small target signals detected through remote sensing are typically weak signals. The traditional hyperspectral anomaly change detection method directly suppresses the background. However, it frequently causes small targets to be suppressed simultaneously, thereby resulting in a low target detection rate and a high false alarm rate. In this study, a hyperspectral anomaly change detection model based on independent component analysis is used. The proposed model is projected on an independent component, which first highlights the anomaly changes and then suppresses the background to achieve the effective separation of anomaly changes and background. This model can effectively reduce the false alarm rate and improve the detection rate. The accuracy is verified by simulation and real data. Results show that the detection accuracy is 99% using simulated data, and the detection accuracy is 86% using real data. The accuracy is increased by 9% in comparison with the traditional anomaly change detection algorithm. The proposed hyperspectral anomaly change detection method is suitable for processing weak targets. Remote sensing image change detection is the process of quantitatively analyzing the surface changes in remote sensing images that are not obtained in the same surface area simultaneously. However, change detection frequently fails to highlight the change in interest given the differences in atmospheric environment and radiation difference caused by various sensors. We aim to find the small changes that are rare and different from the overall background trend. Traditional hyperspectral anomaly detection methods are generally used to highlight abnormal changes by directly suppressing the background. However, the three methods mentioned above cannot effectively eliminate the radiation differences in the case of complex objects and cannot guarantee the consistency of the background. The background is difficult to suppress, and the anomaly changes cannot be highlighted. Abnormal change detection method based on Independent Component Analysis (ICA) through the abnormal changes in RX anomaly detection method of pixels selects the anomalies with strong changes in abnormal pixels for initial projection direction and to all pixels to initialize the orthogonal projection of projection direction and abnormal pixel labeling for a second projection direction until the number of iterations to achieve independent component. The visual discrimination results after joining LCRA anomaly change detection results effectively restrain the false alarm rates and highlight the anomaly change targets, and abnormal change detection obtains accurate results. The ICA results show that the accuracy of anomaly change detection is superior to other methods. The result shows the quantitative evaluation result of abnormal change detection. ICA realizes the highest accuracy. The ICA anomaly change detection method achieves a low false alarm rate and favorable detection effect, and this method can obtain the highest accuracy with or without the LCRA matching strategy. Considering the evident geometric matching error of real data, the accuracies of all methods improve by approximately 0.2 after the LCRA matching strategy is adopted. The result shows the corresponding accuracy of the ICA anomaly detection method for analyzing the number of different independent components. Moreover, the result accuracy of this method is the highest when the number of independent components is moderate and between 7 and 14, thereby reflecting its robustness. The accuracy of the proposed method is better than other methods when the parameter size is reasonable. This study presents an ICA model, which determines the abnormal changes in projection on an independent component and the prominent changes in the target and restrains the background to achieve the effective separation of target and background, effectively improve the detection rate, and achieve low false alarm rates. The conclusions are summarized as follows: (1)The proposed method that uses simulated data achieves abnormal change detection accuracy of 99% and real data detection accuracy of 86% in comparison with the traditional abnormal change detection algorithm, which accuracy reaches 9%; (2) Aiming at the abnormal change target of a subpixel level, the proposed method has a 1% improvement in accuracy in comparison with traditional abnormal change detection. (3) The proposed method has only one parameter, and the selection of parameters slightly impact accuracy, which has strong robustness.

Key words

independent component analysis, anomaly change detection, projection pursuit, subpixel, remote sensing, hyperspectral

1 引 言

遥感影像变化检测是从不同时相获取的覆盖同一地表区域的遥感影像中,定量分析地表变化的过程(Singh 1989Vongsy 等,2007Wang 等,2015)。然而由于不同时相影像获取时的大气环境差异,以及不同传感器带来的辐射差异,变化检测往往无法突出人们感兴趣的变化(Theiler,2008b)。通过高光谱遥感影像所提供的丰富且详细的光谱特征和高维数据(童庆禧 等,2016),异常变化检测能够寻找到数量稀少、与整体背景变化趋势不同的、难以发现的感兴趣的变化(Eismann 等,2008Theiler和Matsekh 2010彭波 等,2017)。近年来,高光谱异常变化检测技术在很多领域中得到成功应用,如边境监察、搜索营救等,因此得到有关学者的高度重视(Matteoli 等,2010)。

当前异常变化检测方法相对较少,异常变化检测方法通常先将两幅影像进行中心化,然后确定两幅影像的线性关系,将参考影像与线性变换后的测试影像做差,最后用异常探测算子计算异常变化(Pieper 等,2015b)。其中典型相关分析CCA(Canonical Correlation Analysis)方法首先将两幅影像分别采用典型相关分析进行线性变换,将变换后的影像作差后用RX算法(Reed和Yu,1990Schweizer和Moura,2000)计算异常变化;PCA方法采用相同流程,差别在于分别对两幅影像分别提取相同数量的主成分,再检测其异常变化(Pieper 等,2015a)。异常变化检测中常用的CC(Chronochrome)方法首先采用最小二乘法将一景影像向另一景影像投影,并对投影后的两景影像进行差值异常变化检测(Theiler,2008a);CE(Covariance Equation)方法通过对两景影像进行白化处理,消除影像之间的辐射差异后检测异常像元(Theiler和Perkins,2006Rotman和Shalev,2017)。然而这类高光谱异常变化检测方法都是通过直接抑制背景的方式来突出异常变化,在地物较为复杂的情况下,无法有效消除辐射差异,无法保证背景的一致性,难以整体抑制背景,突出异常变化像元(Acito 等,2014)。


2 基于独立成分分析的小目标异常变化检测方法


图 1 异常变化检测原理图
Fig. 1 The principle diagram of anomaly change detection

基于独立成分分析的原理,需首先对差分影像进行白化预处理。白化的步骤如下:将差分后的高光谱影像记为R,该高光谱数据共有L个波段,每个波段共有I个像素,mR ${{{\varGamma }}_{\rm{R}}}$ 分别表示差分影像的均值向量和方差矩阵。对方差矩阵进行奇异值分解,得到 ${{{\varGamma }}_{\rm{R}}}{{ = UD}}{{{U}}^{\rm T}}$ ,式中,UL×L大小的矩阵,且U的每个列向量代表方差矩阵的特征向量;DL×L大小的对角矩阵,对角线上的值代表方差矩阵的特征值,对差分影像进行白化处理,如下:

${{Z = }}{{{D}}^{ - {\rm{1/2}}}}{{{U}}^{\rm T}}\left({{{R - }}{{{m}}_{\rm{R}}}{{{V}}_{{\rm{1}},I}}} \right)$ (1)

式中, ${{{V}}_{{\rm{1}},I}}$ 是所有元素都为1的I维行向量。白化后的影像各波段均值为0,方差为单位阵,并用rz分别代表原始空间和白化空间中的影像光谱。

基于独立成分分析的原理,采用投影寻踪策略寻找与最大异常变化强度对应的正交投影方向 ${{{w}}_j}$ ,利用以峭度作为非高斯度量的快速ICA方法逐次迭代计算投影方向,并设定第 $j$ 次的投影方向与前 $j$ 次的投影方向相互正交。在ICA期望计算中选择函数形式g3(x)=x3进行迭代计算,与传统ICA不同的是,该异常变化检测方法初始化向量w需要寻找差分影像中的最大异常变化强度像元作为初始投影方向,以得到最终的异常变化检测结果。


${L_{{\rm{RX}}}}\left({{{{r}}_i}} \right){{ = }}{\left({{{{r}}_i}{{ - m}}} \right)^{\rm T}}{{\hat{ \varGamma }}^{ - {\rm{1}}}}\left({{{{r}}_i}{{ - m}}} \right)$ (2)

式中, ${\hat{ \varGamma }}$ 是对背景协方差矩阵 ${{\varGamma }}$ 的最大似然估计,m为背景均值向量的估计值,对于白化后的影像,其RX计算公式可表示为

${\Lambda _{{\rm{RX}}}}\left({{{z}_i}} \right) = {{z}}_i^{\rm T}{{{z}}_i} = \left\| {{{z}}_i} \right\|_2^2$ (3)


${i^ * } = \arg \;\mathop {\rm{max}}\limits_i \left({{\Lambda _{{\rm{RX}}}}\left({{{z}}_i} \right)} \right)$ (4)


${{w}^ * } = \frac{{{{z}}_{{i^ * }}}}{{{{\left\| {{{z}}_{{i^ * }}} \right\|}_2}}}$ (5)

假设白化后影像Z的像元光谱符合标准正态分布,并且 ${{{z}}_{{i^ * }}}$ 表示异常变化像素的光谱,则 ${{{s}}_{{{{w}}^ * }}} = {{{w}}^ * }^{\rm T}{{Z}}$ 与其他投影方向投影后的向量相比峭度较高,因此正则化向量 ${{{w}}^ * }$ 可以作为初始化的投影方向。对于第 ${i^ * }$ 个像素来说,它在相应异常类别中具有最高的异常度,因此当选定 ${{{w}}^ * }$ 为初始化向量,则计算得到的投影方向 ${{w}}$ ${{{w}}^ * }$ 方向相近,同时可以保证峭度最大化。

在第 $j + 1$ 次迭代中,前j次的生成的正交投影向量都保存在矩阵W中,然后将白化后的影像向与W正交的子空间投影,公式如下

${{\tilde Z}} = {{P}}_{{W}}^ \bot {{Z}}$ (6)

生成的新影像 ${{\tilde Z}}$ 的均值为0,协方差矩阵为 ${{P}}_{{W}}^ \bot $ ,对投影后的影像利用RX异常探测算子计算异常变化强度,仍然选取异常程度最大的像元光谱作为投影方向,如此迭代循环直到达到预设的独立成分个数。

针对异常变化检测易受配准误差影响这一问题,Theiler和Wohlberg(2012)提出局部匹配策略LCRA(Local Coregistration Adjustment)进一步减小不同时相影像带来的匹配误差。由于不同时相的真实数据中常存在配准误差,异常变化检测方法与LCRA相结合,进一步降低虚警率。由于LCRA方法的计算量与窗口大小成平方倍(Theiler和Wohlberg,2012),同时对于变化检测而言,首先都需要对影像进行粗略的几何校正,保证两景影像的偏差在一像素左右,因此窗口大小为3既可减少计算量,又可取得较高精度。图2是完整的算法流程。

图 2 算法流程图
Fig. 2 Flow chart of proposed algorithm

3 实验结果与分析

共采用两组实验数据验证该方法的有效性,其中模拟数据为其中一幅影像加入影像中并不存在的其他地物光谱,并以一定的比例与原始像元混合,作为异常变化;真实数据即采用最新发布的公开数据集对异常变化检测方法进行评估(Rossi 等,2014)。

采用ROC曲线和ROC曲线下的面积AUC值进行精度评价。其中,ROC曲线常用来评价高光谱异常变化检测算法中对异常变化的识别能力(Vongsy 等,2009Wohlberg和Theiler,2010)。ROC曲线的横轴为虚警率,纵轴为探测率,在相同虚警率的情况下,探测率越高,算法的检测精度越好(Wang 等,2013)。AUC值(Jin和Ling,2005)方法通过计算ROC曲线下的面积来反映算法的检测精度,数值越大,精度越好。

3.1 基于模拟数据的实验结果




将模拟数据中不同时相影像通过变化向量分析CVA(Change Vector Analysis),计算得到变化强度图(图5(a))。其中,强度图中越靠近白色,表明发生变化,越靠近黑色代表没发生变化。局部放大图(图5(b))表明,模拟影像中异常变化的像素点就叠加在变化的背景地物之上;而从模拟数据的异常变化检测结果(图5(c))中看出,本文方法能够有效抑制背景变化,突出异常变化。

图 3 模拟数据和异常变化参考图
Fig. 3 The simulated images and anomaly change detection reference map
图 4 基于模拟数据的异常变化检测结果
Fig. 4 The anomaly change detection result based on simulated images
图 5 模拟影像变化强度分析图
Fig. 5 The change magnitude analysis map of simulated images


图 6 不同变化背景下的LAICA异常变化检测结果
Fig. 6 The LAICA anomaly change detection result in different change background


图 7 基于模拟数据的精度评价结果
Fig. 7 The precision evaluation of simulated images


在原始的模拟影像,图3(a)中加入高斯白噪声,信噪比为30 dB,光谱差异如图9所示,采用LAICA异常变化检测方法仍然能够得到异常变化目标,本文方法的鲁棒性较好。

图 8 模拟数据参数分析
Fig. 8 The parameter analysis of simulated images
图 9 LAICA算法鲁棒性分析
Fig. 9 LAICA algorithm robustness analysis

3.2 基于真实数据的实验结果

该数据集采集计划由CISAM主办,并与多个大学同时合作完成,该数据集采集于2013年5月,拍摄地点在意大利的维亚雷焦市,因此数据集被命名为Viareggio 2013 trial(Rossi 等,2014)。在高光谱异常变化检测中需要有准确的参考影像对各种异常变化检测方法进行精度评价,但是目前公开的高光谱异常变化检测数据较少,因此本实验采用该数据集进行高光谱异常变化检测。


图 10 真实数据和异常变化参考图
Fig. 10 The real images and anomaly change detection reference map


图 11 基于真实数据的异常变化检测结果
Fig. 11 The anomaly change detection result based on real images




图 12 基于真实数据的精度评价结果
Fig. 12 The precision evaluation of real images
图 13 真实数据参数分析
Fig. 13 The parameter analysis of real images

4 结 论







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