收稿日期: 2018-03-12
基金项目: 国家重点研发计划(编号:2017YFB0503903)
第一作者简介: 涂宽,1992年生,男,硕士研究生,研究方向为遥感地质、极化SAR应用。E-mail:tukuan@21at.com.cn
通信作者简介: 文强,1964年生,男,高级工程师,研究方向为遥感技术应用、遥感数据处理、影像信息提取、遥感大数据管理与服务。E-mail:wenqiang@21at.com.cn
高分三号, 全极化SAR, 浅覆盖区, 断裂构造, 环带构造
Synthetic aperture radar (SAR) has been adopted in this study to compensate for the shortage of obtaining structural information below the meadow covering. Structural information is obtained through field surveying and special remote sensing images. Influenced by weathering and meadow covering, the structural information in the meadow covering environment acquired through these methods is limited. Given its long wavelength, SAR has the advantage of penetrability, which can help in detecting structural information below the meadow covering. The technology can efficiently compensate for the disadvantage of spatial remote sensing and field observing in meadow covering area. This study aims (1) to establish a new method of structural interpretation in meadow covering based on GaoFen (GF)-3 Pol-SAR images; (2) to verify the application of GF-3 Pol-SAR images in four different atmosphere districts, namely, Gerze in Tibet, Nyingchi in Tibet, Qianjiadian in Beijing, and Sinan County in Guizhou Province; and (3) to interpret the faults and circular structures systematically in these areas and verify the authenticity and accuracy of interpretation through GF-3 SAR images by comparing with the 1∶50000 field mapping. GF-3 C-band SAR images have been used in detecting geology structures in this study because of its penetrability. GF-3 SAR images have the most observing modes worldwide. GF-3 full polarization mode images are utilized in this study to optimize the use of information in different polarization modes. To use the GF-3 SAR images effectively and accurately, the data processing procedure, including focusing, multi-looking, filtering, and geocoding, has been completed. The effect from speckle in the images can be effectively reduced by Lee filtering. Geocoding can ensure the accuracy of spatial information. The 90 m SRTM DEM data are obtained in the geocoding process to eliminate the topographic influence, which helps in optimizing the use of micro-topographic features to interpretation structures. On the contrary, the structures have different features in various polarization images. To optimize the use of features in different polarization images, the R-G-B combination of various polarization directions is used in the study. As the cross polarization has more peak features than the straight polarization, the cross polarization images have been merged as R channel and the straight polarization images have been merged as G and B channels. The interpretation capability of GF-3 SAR images has been increased by combining different polarization images. In this work, four study areas in different covering environments have been selected. The interpretation keys of faults and circular structures in study areas can be established on the basis of the combination of different polarization images, by analyzing the unique color, topography, and hydrographic features of faults and circular structures. The structural features have been systematically interpreted on the basis of the interpretation keys in four study areas. To analyze the authenticity and accuracy of interpretation through GF-3 SAR images, the structural features have been compared with the faults in 1∶50000 mapping. The color combination of different polarization images in four study areas has been acquired through data processing. Interpretation keys of faults and circular structures in study areas have been established by analyzing the unique color, topography, and hydrographic features of faults and circular structures. The structures in study areas have been interpreted systematically. Structural feature maps interpreted through GF-3 SAR images in study areas have been drawn. The faults in 1∶50000 field maps are contained in the structures interpreted through GF-3 SAR images, compared with 1∶50000 field mapping. The position of faults in 1∶50000 mapping fits the position of faults interpreted through GF-3 SAR images. The number of faults interpreted through GF-3 SAR images is largely increased. In this study, SAR has been adopted to detect geology structures. GF-3 SAR images have been used in four study areas, namely, Gerze in Tibet, Nyingchi in Tibet, Qianjiadian in Beijing, and Sinan County in Guizhou Province. By investigating structural interpretation through GF-3 SAR images in study areas, the following conclusions can be obtained: (1) A new method of structural interpretation in meadow covering based on GF-3 Pol-SAR images has been established. (2) The interpretation keys of faults and circular structures in four study areas, namely, Gerze in Tibet, Nyingchi in Tibet, Qianjiadian in Beijing, and Sinan County in Guizhou Province, based on GF-3 SAR images have been established. (3) The faults and circular structures in study areas have been interpreted systematically through GF-3 SAR images. The faults in 1∶50000 map have been contained in structural features interpreted through GF-3 SAR images, compared with 1∶50000 field mapping. The number of faults interpreted through GF-3 SAR images is largely increased. These increased faults are mostly structures below the meadow covering that cannot be observed through field work and special remote sensing images. The structural interpretation in four study areas demonstrates its authenticity and accuracy through GF-3 SAR images. The method based on GF-3 SAR images can effectively compensate for the disadvantage of field work and spatial remote sensing in meadow covering.
Key words
GF-3, Pol-SAR, meadow covering, structure interpretation, Loop structure
1 引 言
地质构造在地质调查、矿产勘察等地质工作中具有重要意义,对反映地质构造格架、地质背景、成矿背景、成矿机制都有重要意义(侯增谦 等,2008;许志琴 等,2012)。为查明研究区的地质构造特征,大量的野外调查、槽探、光学遥感、地球物理等手段被应用在地质填图及矿产调查工作中(王根厚 等,2009;刘德长 等,2017;向杰 等,2016)。在实际地质调查工作中,受植被、第四系沉积物、风化物等地表覆盖影响,野外测量及光学遥感无法获取浅覆盖层以下的构造信息(Carter和Clift,2008), 而槽探因环境原因无法大范围开展。另一方面,地球物理手段不能详细的反映地质构造特征。目前,在覆盖区地质构造填图技术瓶颈亟待突破。
合成孔径雷达(SAR)对地表覆盖区具有一定的穿透性,具有全天时全天候工作的能力(Woodhouse,2006),能穿透地表浅覆盖层,对覆盖层以下的地质特征进行有效探测(Pour 等,2016),穿透深度与波长、地表介电常数、地表粗糙度有关(Spatz,1997)。SAR影像多用于对冰川、火山、地质灾害的探测及地表形变监测等方面(Wadhams 等,2004;Saepuloh 等,2012;Pour 等,2014;Pour和Hashim, 2014, 2015a, 2015b;邢学敏 等,2016),在地质中应用较少,Pour等人(2018)运用PALSAR影像系统地解译出了马来西亚中心成矿区的断裂构造。利用SAR影像对浅覆盖区地质构造解译相关研究成果极少,而利用GF-3全极化SAR影像在地表浅覆盖区进行地质构造解译的相关研究成果在国内未见有公开发表。
2 试验区及数据源介绍
表 1 影像参数
Table 1 Image parameters

研究区位置 | 景序列号 | 成像模式 | 分辨率/m | 采集时间 |
西藏阿里地区 | 3340221 | QPSⅠ | 8 | 2017-03-17 |
西藏山南地区 | 4351717 | QPSⅠ | 8 | 2017-11-20 |
北京千家店 | 2223438 | QPSⅠ | 8 | 2017-03-06 |
贵州省贵阳市思南县 | 3143618 | QPSⅠ | 8 | 2016-12-21 |
3 数据处理
3.2 数据处理
SAR影像的四种极化方式(HH、HV、VH、VV)分为单极化(HH、VV)和交叉极化(HV、VH)。其中单极化峰值特征表现为高峰值、高陡度,峰值较集中;交叉极化峰值特征表现为低峰值、低陡度,峰值较分散。为了充分利用地质特征在不同极化方式下的峰值差异,本文通过对不同极化模式的影像进行RGB合成(Pradipta 等,2016),将灰度影像转变为假彩色影像,以提高影像的解译性。交叉极化方式的峰值更分散,具有更多更明显的峰值信息,故选择其中一个为红色组成,绿色和蓝色由单极化(VV、HH)组成,这样在合成影像上可以显示出更多样化的特征。经过多次的试验,本文最终选择用HV-VV-HH作为R-G-B的组合方式进行彩色合成(图2)。
表 2 解译标志
Table 2 Interpretation keys

直接解译标志 | 间接解译标志 | |||
断裂构造 | 颜色 | 地形地貌 | 水系特征 | |
交切关系 |
统一颜色背景下的异色线性; 两侧颜色存在明显差异且边 界呈线性分割 |
三角面。线性河谷。线性 分布的低洼或泉眼 |
曲。串珠状泉眼、湖泊 |
环带构造 | 呈圆形、椭圆形出露
的穹窿或凹陷 |
围岩存在明显差异的区域 |
窿、凹陷、沟谷等 |
河流呈环形或近环形 |
4 结果分析
GF-3为C波段极化SAR卫星,具有多种极化方式。微波的地表穿透能力、成像效果与地表介电常数、地表粗糙度有关(Spatz,1997)。不同地区的地表介电常数和地表粗糙度不一样,GF-3的探测效果也不一样。根据中国高分辨率地表粗糙分布图(李沁怡 等,2014),西藏阿里地区为高原草甸地表粗糙度最低约为0.01—0.05 m,林芝地区地表粗糙度约为0.05—0.1 m,北京地区地表粗糙度约为0.1—0.2 m,贵州地区地表粗糙度约为0.2—0.4 m。观测地表的介电常数与该区的含水量及地表土壤成分有关。综合比较各研究区的图像目视效果(图2)及构造解译效果(图6),GF-3全极化影像在西藏阿里地区(图2(a))、西藏林芝地区(图2(b))的图像效果和解译效果最好,贵州贵阳市(图2(c))和北京千家店镇(图2(d))图像效果次之。
5 结 论
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