出版日期: 2018-03-25
DOI: 10.11834/jrs.20187046
2018 | Volumn22 | Number 2
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expand article info 张霞1 , 吴兴1,2 , 林红磊1,2 , 王楠1
1. 中国科学院遥感与数字地球研究所,北京 100101
2. 中国科学院大学,北京 100049




火星, Eberswalde撞击坑, 矿物, 协同稀疏分解, 丰度反演

Retrieval of mineral abundances of delta region in Eberswalde, Mars
expand article info ZHANG Xia1 , WU Xing1,2 , LIN Honglei1,2 , WANG Nan1
1.Institute of Remote Sensing and Digital Earth, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China
2.University of Chinese Academy of Science, Beijing 100049, China


The type and content of minerals can constrain the specifically geological environment where they form. Therefore, studying the identification and abundance retrieval of minerals on Martian surface is essential in understanding the geological structure and historical evolution of Mars. Eberswalde Crater, a hotspot of Mars exploration, possesses a complex hydrological system. However, the large-scale mineral retrieval in this region has rarely been studied. Hence, we used hyperspectral technology to quantitatively retrieve the mineral abundances in the delta region of Eberswalde. Furthermore, we analyzed the geological environment that possibly existed at that time on the basis of the distribution and content of minerals. This study adopted a sparse unmixing algorithm to quantitatively retrieve mineral abundances by using Targeted Reduced Data Records (TRDR), which are obtained by Compact Reconnaissance Imaging Spectrometer for Mars (CRISM), together with the CRISM spectral library. However, the high mutual coherence of spectral libraries limits the performance of sparse unmixing because the equation to be solved is ill conditioned and time consuming. Therefore, we used the hyperspectral signal identification by minimum error (Hysime) algorithm to analyze the signal subspace of CRISM data. All the mineral spectra of the spectral library were projected onto the subspace. The spectrum with small projection error was then retained as the endmember, which truly contributed to the observed mixtures. Finally, a collaborative sparse unmixing algorithm was applied to CRISM to retrieve the mineral abundances of the delta region in Eberswalde. The abundance maps show five types of primary minerals (pyroxene, olivine, plagioclase, siderite, diaspore) and one type of alteration minerals (tremolite). Pyroxene is mainly distributed in front of the alluvial fan. Olivine is distributed (east-west) in the central area. Plagioclase is mainly distributed in the western delta region and a small crater edge in the northeastern corner. Siderite, with relatively less content, is mainly distributed along the edge of the alluvial fan. Diaspore is mainly distributed along the river valley, and the relatively enriched diaspore in the northeastern corner was probably caused by the transportation of liquid water in the past. Tremolite is distributed in the northeastern corner of the delta region. We identified a similar trend in both curves by comparing mineral spectra obtained from images with correspondent spectra in the spectral library. The result of the unmixing was consistent with the mineral distribution in the spectral index map, as shown by the comparison of the abundance maps of the three main minerals, namely, plagioclase, pyroxene, and olivine, and the correspondent spectral index map, thereby showing the effectiveness of the inversion results in this study. A collaborative sparse unmixing algorithm was used to quantitatively retrieve the mineral abundances of the delta region in Eberswalde. Six types of minerals were found, namely, pyroxene, olivine, plagioclase, siderite, diaspore, and tremolite. From the perspective of mineralogy, the instability of pyroxene and olivine indicated that the area where they are distributed is close to provenance and the original provenance is ultrabasic rock (e.g., peridotite) and basic rock (e.g., gabbro), respectively. The existence of tremolite and siderite indicated metasomatism between the rich water and the carbon dioxide fluid in this area. The minerals in the area of the alluvial fan were distributed outside the alluvial fan by fluid transportation. The presence of tremolite in the northeastern corner of delta region reflected the existence of contact metamorphism before the alluvial fan.

Key words

Mars, eberswalde crater, minerals, collaborative sparse unmixing, abundance retrival

1 引 言

火星表面以地貌或矿物的形式记录了火星早期水环境对地壳的改变,矿物的种类与含量可揭示其形成时特定的温度、压力、氧化还原环境等信息。研究火星矿物识别、空间分布及丰度含量,对于圈定过去液态环境范围(Mustard 等,2009)和理解火星的地质演化(Bibring 等,2006)具有重要意义。

高光谱遥感是地质岩矿信息探测最为有效的技术手段。火星表面矿物常用遥感探测器有热发射光谱仪(TES)(Bandfield,2002)、可见光及红外矿物填图光谱仪(OMEGA)(Bibring 等,2006Ody 等,2012)及火星紧凑型侦查成像光谱仪(CRISM)(Murchie 等,2007),其中CRISM具有高光谱、高空间分辨率及较高的信噪比的特点,在火星矿物填图方面得到广泛的应用。目前火星矿物光谱研究主要有两种途径:(1)基于矿物诊断性光谱特征的光谱参数方法。Pelkey等人(2007)Viviano-Beck等人(2014)根据CRISM传感器设计了一系列光谱参数产品(如波段比值、吸收深度等)判断特定类型矿物存在与否;Bishop等人(2013)基于CRISM数据根据光谱参数探测出层状硅酸盐在Mawrth Vallis地区广泛分布;Carter等人(2013)提出弱矿物信息自动识别方法,在CRISM数据提取含水硅酸盐矿物,并发现绿帘石。(2)基于混合像元分解的方法,如多端元线性光谱分解(Combe 等,2008)、独立组分分析(Moussaoui 等,2008)、非负矩阵分解等。Schmidt等人(2011)基于OMEGA数据运用迭代线性光谱解混、全约束最小二乘、全约束尺度梯度方法、基追踪去噪4种线性模型对Syrtis Major地区进行矿物解混;Poulet等人(2014)基于辐射传输模型Shkuratov,使用CRISM数据分别对好奇号4个备选着陆地点的一些出露点进行了矿物丰度反演。

CRISM光谱参数产品有利于对大区域尺度上矿物分布进行快速定性评估(Pelkey 等,2007),但实现岩矿信息的定量反演需借助于光谱分解获得像元内地物成分所占比例(丰度)。由于影像中很可能不存在纯净像元,端元选取将会限制解混精度。稀疏分解可避免端元提取的步骤,以半监督的方式从光谱库中寻找最优端元组合,来求解混合像元中各端元的丰度(林红磊 等,2016)。一个混合像元中实际存在的端元数量往往远小于光谱库中光谱的个数,因此光谱解混实际上是一个基于稀疏(即ℓ1范数)正则化的稀疏回归问题(Bioucas-Dias和Figueiredo,2010Iordache 等,2011)。Bioucas-Dias和Figueiredo(2010)基于交叉方向乘子法(ADMM)发展了变量分裂和增广拉格朗日的稀疏解混算法(SUnSAL),之后又有学者对此算法做出改进(Iordache 等,2012a, 2014a, 2014bTang 等,2015)。Lin等人(Lin 等,2016Lin和Zhang,2017)基于CRISM数据采用稀疏解混模型反演了Gale撞击坑好奇号着陆点附近区域含水矿物的丰度,为火星表面矿物定量反演提供了一种新的思路。


2 研究区与数据预处理

2.1 研究区介绍

Eberswalde撞击坑中心位于火星24.3°S,33.5°W,直径65.3 km,深度约800 m(图1(a))。地层、地貌、沉积物等证据显示在火星过去历史上该撞击坑长期存在液态水(Malin和Edgett,2003)。Eberswalde撞击坑是火星探测的热点地区,曾作为火星巡视器“好奇号”与“Mars 2020”的备选着陆区之一。故本文选取Eberswalde撞击坑西北部三角洲作为研究区,定量反演该地区的矿物含量。

图 1 Eberswalde撞击坑
Fig. 1 Eberswalde crater

2.2 实验数据

2.2.1 CRISM数据

CRISM搭载于2005年8月美国发射的火星侦察轨道器(MRO),其目标探测模式数据由可见近红外(VNIR:0.36—1.06 μm)和红外(IR:1.00—3.94 μm)两部分组成,共544个波段,光谱间隔6.55 nm,空间分辨率为18 m,覆盖火星表面2%左右的地区(Murchie 等,2007)。由于矿物的吸收特征大多位于短波红外谱段,且根据CRISM数据信噪比分析(Lin 等,2016),本文选取目标探测模式数据红外的6—236波段(1.034—2.549 μm)进行矿物丰度反演,使用CRISM Analysis Toolkit(CAT)完成格式转换、光度校正、大气校正、几何校正、去条带和光谱去噪等预处理流程,其中大气校正采用Volcano-Scan算法(McGuire 等,2009)。

2.2.2 CRISM光谱库数据

构建恰当合理的光谱库是稀疏解混算法的第一步,光谱库中的光谱要尽量和高光谱传感器的测量条件和环境一致,且需囊括目标地物中可能存在的所有矿物光谱。CRISM光谱库是CRISM科学团队提供的一套实验室模拟的火星样本(由混合物、矿物、有机物3部分组成)光谱数据集。目前包含1134个自然或合成的火星模拟样品的2260条光谱。本文选取库中纯净矿物光谱738条,其中包括硅酸盐、硫酸盐、氧化物、氢氧化物、碳酸盐、卤化物、磷酸盐、硝酸盐矿物。这些光谱在干燥条件下通过双锥反射测量获得,符合火星表面的干燥环境(Lin 等,2016)。采用线性插值将所有矿物光谱重采样至CRISM数据的中心波长。

3 原理与方法

稀疏分解直接利用光谱库内的纯净端元光谱来进行线性解混,但由于光谱库数量庞大、互信息度高(Iordache 等,2012a),且“相似”光谱端元会产生扰动,影响解的稳定性。为了降低运算时间,提高解混精度,本文通过高光谱数据子空间识别算法(Hysime)(Bioucas-Dias和Nascimento,2008)进行CRISM光谱库约简,然后利用协同稀疏分解(CLSUnSAL)(Iordache 等,2014a)进行研究区矿物定量反演。

3.1 光谱库约简方法

假定一幅高光谱数据Y可表示为Y=S+N,其中 ${S},{N} \in {R}^{l \times n}$ 分别是信号矩阵与噪声矩阵,由于高光谱波段间存在信息冗余,可认为信号实际存在于一个未知的pn列的子空间,可表示为式(1)

${S} = {A} \times {X}$ (1)



本文使用高光谱信号子空间识别(Hysime)算法(Bioucas-Dias和Nascimento,2008)获取CRISM数据端元个数k和投影矩阵 ${P}_{l \times l}$ l是波段数;利用式(2)计算光谱库中每条矿物光谱 $\left\{ {A}_j \right\}_{j = 1, \cdots ,m}$ 到投影矩阵的投影误差;对投影误差升序排列,保留投影误差较小的光谱作为约简后的光谱库。

${\varepsilon _j} = {\left\| {P}{A}_j \right\|_2}/{\left\| {A}_j \right\|_2}$ (2)

式中, ${A}_j \in {R}^{l \times 1}$ 是光谱向量, ${\varepsilon _j}$ 表示第j条光谱的投影误差,m是光谱库的光谱总数。

3.2 协同稀疏解混原理

协同稀疏分解(CLSUnSAL)又叫多任务(Multitask)稀疏分解,考虑到图像中实际存在的端元数量往往远小于光谱库中光谱的个数,对应的丰度矩阵中存在很少的非零行。原理如图2(Iordache 等,2014a),高光谱图像中存在的端元在光谱库中呈绿色,对应的丰度矩阵行呈蓝色。多任务稀疏改变了逐像元分解的模式,同时对所有像元的端元光谱数进行约束,公式为(Iordache 等,2014a)

$\mathop {\min }\limits_x {\left\| {AX} - {Y} \right\|_{{F}}} + \lambda {{\left\| {X} \right\|}_{{{2}},{1}}} + {{{\kappa _{{R}}}_+ }}\left( {X} \right)$ (3)

式中, ${Y} \in {R}^{l \times n}$ 是高光谱数据, ${A} \in {R}^{l \times m}$ 是光谱库, ${X} \in {R}^{m \times n}$ 是丰度矩阵, ${\left\| {AX} - {Y} \right\|_{{F}}}$ 是矩阵的Frobenius范数,代表最小二乘残差; ${\left\| {X} \right\|_{2,1}} = {\sum\limits_{i = 1}^m {\left\| {{x^i}} \right\|} _2}$ 是稀疏约束项,表示ℓ2, 1范数; ${\kappa _{{{R}} + }}\left( {X} \right) = \sum\limits_{j = 1}^n {{\kappa _{{{R}} + }}({x_j})} $ 是丰度非负约束项,当 ${x_j}$ 属于非负象限时 ${\kappa _{{{R}} + }}({x_j}) = 0$ ,否则 ${\kappa _{{{R}} + }}({x_j}) = + \infty $ $\lambda $ 是调节因子,通过多次试验本文 $\lambda $ 取0.02。式(3)是凸优化问题,可用交叉方向乘子法(ADMM)(Bioucas-Dias和Figueiredo,2010)求解,具体推导过程详见(Iordache 等,2014a)。

图 2 协同稀疏解混示意图
Fig. 2 Illustration of collaborative sparse unmixing

4 实验与结果分析

4.1 实验结果

本文基于Hysime算法,得出FRT000060DD数据信号子空间的维数为8,即端元数k为8。将CRISM光谱库投影到子空间上并对投影误差排序,投影误差越小表示与遥感图像的端元光谱越相似,越有可能存在于图像中。由于大气校正、去噪可能存在残差,实际保留的端元光谱数是根据图像的估计端元个数、光谱库的光谱数量、投影误差设定的一个经验值,一般略大于k远小于m。取值有两种方法:(1)设定阈值,保留光谱库中所有投影误差小于阈值的光谱(Themelis 等,2010);(2)设定百分比,取投影误差最小的前n个光谱(n=m×bm是光谱库的光谱总数,b是设定的百分比)(Ertürk 等,2017)。因为对不同高光谱数据和光谱库,投影误差值变化较大,本文设定百分比,选取了投影误差最小的前4%,即30条光谱作为精简后的端元光谱库,利用协同稀疏分解算法进行丰度反演,合并同种矿物并剔除最大丰度低于0.01%的矿物(认为不存在),得到的矿物名称及丰度如表1。为突出矿物与地形的关系,将矿物丰度图层叠加在CRISM数据上,颜色显示方案R(矿物丰度图层),G(1.506 μm反射率),B(1.080 μm反射率),6种矿物的分布及丰度分别如图3表1所示。

表 1 矿物名称及对应丰度
Table 1 Minerals and corresponding abundance

英文名称 中文名称 化学式 矿物类型 丰度范围/% 平均丰度/%
Plagioclase 斜长石 (Na2, Ca)O·Al2O3·6SiO2 架状硅酸盐 0—59.4 24.5
Olivine 橄榄石 (Mg, Fe)2SiO4 岛状硅酸盐 0—57.2 18.8
Siderite 菱铁矿 FeCO3 碳酸盐 0—63.3 1.6
Diaspore 硬水铝石 HAlO2 氧化物 0—73.2 10.9
Pyroxene 辉石 Ca(Mg, Fe, A1)(Si, A1)2O6 链状硅酸盐 0—79.3 27.7
Tremolite 透闪石 Ca2(Mg, Fe)5Si8O22(OH)2 链状硅酸盐 0—42.5 15.8
图 3 矿物丰度图(R:矿物丰度,G:1.506 μm,B:1.080 μm;红色区域表示含有该种矿物)
Fig. 3 Abundance maps of minerals (R: Abundance map, G: 1.506 μm, B: 1.080 μm;the minerals are in red areas)

4.2 分析与验证



光谱检验是火星矿物反演常用的验证方法。火星表面矿物可能被灰尘覆盖,导致矿物光谱特征不明显,可在图像中选择不含该种矿物且趋势平坦的光谱做比值,比值光谱起到去除背景突出矿物光谱特征的作用(Viviano 等,2013)。菱铁矿由于碳酸根的倍频与合频振动,在1.92 μm、2.35 μm具有吸收特征;硬水铝石是铝的氧化物矿物,由于羟基振动在1.4 μm,1.81 μm具有吸收谱带(燕守勋 等,2003)。本文从图像中分别提取菱铁矿与硬水铝石丰度最高位置的光谱S1与丰度为0的光谱S2(X,Y是所提取光谱在图像上的行列坐标),并将比值光谱S1/S2与标准库光谱进行对比。菱铁矿(图4(a))的比值光谱和光谱库曲线趋势和吸收位置一致,而硬水铝石(图4(a))两者尽管趋势一致但比值光谱吸收位置不明显,可能由于火星矿物被表面灰尘覆盖所致。

图 4 菱铁矿与硬水铝石的比值光谱和光谱库光谱
Fig. 4 Ratioed spectra and CRISM library spectra from siderite and diaspore respective

CRISM光谱指数是进行火星表面矿物分布快速定性评估的有效手段,一般光谱指数值越大表明该种矿物含量越高。橄榄石指数、斜长石指数、辉石指数分别探测中心波长位于1 μm(式4)、1.3 μm(式5)、1.81 μm(式6)的吸收特征,式中RB=1–CRCR为反射光谱去包络线后数值(Viviano-Beck 等,2014)。对比本文反演的3种主要矿物斜长石、辉石与橄榄石的丰度图与光谱指数图(图5)。本文解混结果与光谱指数图分布趋势一致,且散点图显示每种矿物光谱指数与丰度呈线性关系。

$\begin{array}{l}(R{B_{1080}} + R{B_{1152}} + R{B_{1210}} + R{B_{1250}}) \cdot 0.03 + \\[8pt](R{B_{1263}} + R{B_{1276}}) \cdot 0.07 + (R{B_{1330}} + R{B_{1368}}) \cdot 0.12 + \\[8pt]R{B_{1395}} \cdot 0.14 + (R{B_{1427}} + R{B_{1470}}) \cdot 0.18\end{array}$ (4)
$1 - {R_{1320}}/\left( {0.64 {R_{1080}} + 0.36 {R_{1750}}} \right)$ (5)
$\left( {R{B_{1690}} + R{B_{1750}}} \right) \cdot 0.2 + \left( {R{B_{1810}} + R{B_{1870}}} \right) \cdot 0.3$ (6)
图 5 光谱指数图与丰度反演图对比
Fig. 5 Comparison of spectral index map and abundance map

5 结 论




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