收稿日期: 2016-05-16; 修改日期: 2016-09-08; 优先数字出版日期: 2016-09-15
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(编号:41471355,41301477)
第一作者简介: 行晓黎(1985— ),女,博士研究生,研究方向为极化SAR图像处理与信息提取。E-mail:
通讯作者简介: 刘修国(1969— )男,教授,研究方向为遥感影像信息提取与3S集成。E-mail:
中图分类号: TP751
文献标识码: A
极化SAR, 相干斑, 滤波, 非局部均值, 异质性
Polarimetric Synthetic Aperture Radar (PolSAR) occupies an important place in remote sensing because it provides richer information about the targets and earth surface compared with single-channel SAR systems. However, PolSAR data is contaminated by speckle noise due to the coherent imaging mechanism, which considerably affects the accuracy of target classification and recognition. Therefore, speckle-noise filtering of PolSAR images is a crucial pretreatment. Nonlocal(NL) means compute the weights between two pixels with similar surrounding neighborhoods (known as patches) instead of two individual pixels. Considering that patches contain structural information, the NL mean filter preserves repetitive structures and performs better than other filters. The key point of the NL algorithm is the similarity criterion setting or the patch weights. This paper proposes a technique to reduce speckle noise using NL means by combining structure and homogeneity similarity. First, image heterogeneity is measured based on the distance of K distribution and is further utilized to distinguish homogeneous and heterogeneous regions. In PolSAR imagery, backscattering from point targets is significantly different from that of distributed media. Strong backscattering from point targets is caused by strong elementary scatterers within a resolution cell. They lack the typical characteristics of speckle and are not random in nature. The preservation of signatures from strong point targets and man-made structures is desired for image interpretation and other applications. In this paper, various samples are collected based on scene heterogeneity. A threshold is utilized to preserve the point and line targets. Then, a new strategy is presented to adapt to the changes in the heterogeneity of the image, which sets the weights of the NL means that were implemented between patches based on the heterogeneity coefficient. Finally, the filtered image is computed. The obtained filter is compared with the refined Lee, mean shift, NLLee, and WisNLTV filters. The qualitative and quantitative aspects of the filters were compared. To compare the ability of the filters to maintain details, corresponding areas in the enlarged span images are shown after filtering with various methods. The proposed method is significantly better on the global and local scales than the existing methods. Moreover, results of H/A/α decomposition show that the proposed method effectively converges the same scattering mechanism and retains complicated scattering mechanisms. The quantitative assessment verifies the equivalent number of looks (a measure of noise reduction), the edge-preserving index, and polarization information preservation on real images. The proposed method has improved filtering performance. The concept of accounting for the heterogeneity coefficient within the NL means algorithm is implemented. The proposed method filters adaptively based on heterogeneity. In addition, comparative results confirm the advantages of the proposed algorithm on both speckle reduction and detail preservation.
Key words
polarimetric SAR, speckle, filtering, nonlocal means, heterogeneity
1 引 言
极化合成孔径雷达(PolSAR)为地球表面参数估计提供了有效且可靠的信息收集手段,是重要的遥感信息源(Deledalle 等,2015)。由于相干成像方式所致的相干斑噪声,使得PolSAR图像的分析处理比较困难,抑制相干斑就成为信息提取前的一项重要处理步骤(Nie 等,2015)。
早期常用的PolSAR图像相干斑抑制方法有极化白化滤波(PWF)(Novak和Burl,1990)、最优加权滤波(Lee 等,1992)等为代表的极化域滤波算法,这类滤波算法能够有效地抑制相干斑和保持图像分辨率,但同时会引入通道串扰丢失极化信息(肖世忱 等,2015)。精制极化Lee(Lee 等,1999)、IDAN(Vasile 等,2006)等空域滤波算法弥补了这种缺陷,通过选取同质像元估计中心像元值,能够有效地抑制相干斑。但是这些算法大多由当前像元和局部或半局部的邻域像元信息来计算,对图像的结构信息利用不足,尤其在边缘细节信息丰富的异质区域,能够利用的同质像元较少,抑制相干斑的同时容易造成边缘细节信息的丢失(马晓双 等,2015;Nie 等,2016)。非局部均值滤波算法通过扩展同质像元的搜寻范围,并利用图像块(patch)的结构(Liu和Zhong,2014)相似性作为均值滤波的加权权重,改进了传统算法根据单像元加权的缺点,更好的利用了图像的结构信息,能够良好的保持图像的纹理信息(杨学志 等,2012)。基于最大似然估计(Deledalle 等,2009)、贝叶斯估计(陈建宏 等,2015)以及Wishart分布(Chen 等,2011;Zhong 等,2014)等多种相似性检验方法的非局部滤波算法对PolSAR图像都有显著的滤波效果,然而在图像中相似性结构较少、冗余信息不足的区域,非局部均值算法会出现过滤波现象,丢失边缘细节信息。
在PolSAR图像滤波中,为了达到好的滤波效果,独立的点、线以及同质和异质区域需要不同程度的滤波(Lee 等,2015)。异质性能够比较客观定量的描述不同场景的纹理特性差异,作为反映图像区域中不同场景之间差异程度的关键参数,已被广泛应用于空域自适应滤波算法中(Lopes 等,1990;Li 等,2013)。因此,本文综合考虑图像的异质性和结构信息,提出一种基于PolSAR图像异质性的非局部均值滤波方法。该方法首先度量图像中地物的异质性,保留图像中的点、线等高异质性的目标;然后计算图像块之间的异质性差异,作为度量中心像元估计值的权重系数,最终获得非局部均值滤波结果图像。
2 PolSAR图像异质性度量
图像局部统计标准差与均值之比的变差系数(CoV)是一种常用的SAR图像异质性检验指标(Li 等,2013;Lang 等,2015),总功率SPAN图像的变差系数CoV也被扩展用于度量PolSAR图像的异质性(Lang 等,2015;Ma 等,2015)。该方法只利用了图像的部分信息,为此,本文提出基于PolSAR图像相干矩阵K分布距离的异质性度量方法。
2.1 PolSAR数据
${ S} = \left[ {\begin{array}{*{20}{c}}{{S_{HH}}}&{{S_{HV}}}\\{{S_{VH}}}&{{S_{VV}}}\end{array}} \right]$ | (1) |
在满足互易定理的情况下,单站PolSAR的Pauli基矢量 k可表示为
${k} = \frac{1}{{\sqrt 2 }}{\left[ {{S_{HH}} + {S_{VV}}\;\;{S_{HH}} - {S_{VV}}\;\;2{S_{HV}}} \right]^{\rm T}}$ | (2) |
L视处理的相干矩阵 T则表示为
${T} = \left\langle {{k}{{k}^{*{\rm T}}}} \right\rangle = \frac{1}{L}\sum\limits_{i = 1}^L {{ k}(i){ k}{{(i)}^{*{\rm T}}}} $ | (3) |
2.2 K距离计算
$p({T}) = \frac{{2{{\left| {T} \right|}^{L - q}}{{\left( {L\alpha } \right)}^{\left( {\alpha + qL} \right)/2}}}}{{K(L,q) \varGamma \left( \alpha \right)}} \cdot \frac{{{K_{a - qL}}\left( {2\sqrt {tr\left( {{\varSigma ^{ - 1}}{T}} \right)L\alpha } } \right)}}{{{{\left| \varSigma \right|}^L}tr{{\left( {{\varSigma ^{ - 1}}{T}} \right)}^{\left( {qL - \alpha } \right)/{\rm{2}}}}}}$ | (4) |
本文根据Wishart距离度量(Lee 等,1994),利用K分布概率密度函数式(4)推导了K距离度量式(5):
$\begin{aligned}d({T},{C}) = & \ln (K(L,q)) + \ln (\varGamma (\alpha )) + L\ln (\left| {C} \right|)\\ & + \frac{{qL - \alpha }}{2}\ln (tr({{C}^{ - 1}}{T})) - (L - q)\ln (2\left| {T} \right|)\\ & - \frac{{\alpha + qL}}{2}\ln (L\alpha ) - \ln ({K_{\alpha - qL}}(2\sqrt {tr({{C}^{ - 1}}{T})L\alpha } ))\end{aligned}$ | (5) |
式中, C表示滑动窗中像元矩阵均值。
2.3 异质性度量
首先,计算滑动窗中像元的平均值 C,通过式(5)推导的K分布距离,计算滑动窗中各个像元 Ti与该窗中像元平均值 C的距离di。如果局部区域异质性低,各个像元计算得到的距离di的标准差就较小,反之,距离di的波动性会比较大,标准差随之增大。因此,本文用该距离标准差作为度量图像异质性的指标I,即每个n×n像元的滑动窗中计算出的n×n个距离di的标准差,如式(6)所示。
$I = \sqrt {{\mathop{\rm var}} ({d_i})} $ | (6) |
3 顾及目标异质性的非局部均值滤波
Buades等人(2005)提出了非局部均值滤波算法,该算法的思想是根据图像中的结构相似性代替单个像元的相似性,更大范围的利用图像的冗余信息来估计像元值,在数字图像中取得了较好的滤波效果,其形式表示为(Torres 等,2014)
$\hat { u}(x) = \frac{{\rm{1}}}{{Z(x,y)}}\sum\limits_{y \in {{\varOmega}} } {w(x,y){ u}(y)} $ | (7) |
$w(x,y) = \exp (\left\| {{I}\left( {{{N}_x}} \right) - {I}\left( {{{N}_y}} \right)} \right\|_2^2/{h^2})$ | (8) |
步骤1 根据第1节中方法计算像元异质性;
步骤2 在异质性图像中选取点目标等强目标样本,根据样本异质性值确定阈值Imax;
步骤3 根据阈值分段滤波,在异质性图像中,当像元值大于等于阈值Imax,保留原始图像中相应的像元,不做处理;剩余像元由步骤4处理;
步骤4 通过式(6)—(8)计算基于异质性图像的非局部加权系数,用非局部均值方法进行滤波。
4 实验结果与分析
4.1 异质性判断检验
表 1 典型地物异质性计算结果
Table 1 The results of typical targets heterogeneity
典型地物 | 最小值 | 最大值 | 均值 | 标准差 |
点1 | 11.703 | 16.557 | 14.135 | 1.552 |
点2 | 6.795 | 8.395 | 7.266 | 0.425 |
边缘1 | 16.593 | 19.727 | 18.428 | 1.137 |
边缘2 | 11.196 | 14.906 | 12.394 | 1.015 |
城区1 | 4.506 | 12.312 | 8.081 | 1.618 |
城区2 | 5.648 | 9.583 | 7.378 | 0.854 |
林地1 | 3.129 | 5.518 | 4.270 | 0.625 |
林地2 | 3.196 | 5.952 | 4.485 | 0.574 |
农田1 | 2.874 | 4.187 | 3.557 | 0.393 |
农田2 | 3.247 | 4.731 | 4.000 | 0.388 |
4.2 相干斑抑制和细节信息保持效果分析
实验将Refined Lee滤波、Mean-shift算法(Lang 等,2014)、NL-Lee算法(Zhong 等,2014)和本文所提滤波方法进行对比分析。其中,Refined Lee和Mean-shift算法是局部滤波算法,滤波窗口大小分别选取为7×7和11×11,非局部滤波的NL-Lee算法和本文方法的搜索窗口大小选取为21×21,图像块为7×7。NL-Lee算法的阈值系数设置为20,本文方法的平滑控制参数h通常是
由图3可以看出,在跑道、田块等均质区域,图3(c) NL-Lee算法和图3(d)本文方法的相干斑抑制效果要好于图3(a)、(b)局部滤波的图像。在图4的SPAN局部放大图中,图4(b)Mean-shift算法和(d)本文方法的边缘明显比图4(a)、(c)更清晰,边缘信息保持性要好于图4(a)和图4(c)。
为了进一步定量评价不同滤波算法的相干斑抑制效果,采用常用的等效视数(ENL)(王超 等,2008;Foucher和Lopez-Martinez,2014)作为评价指标,分别在各滤波结果SPAN图像中选取两块均质区域如图1中的区域Z1、Z2,计算其等效视数,结果如表2所示。由于等效视数越大,表明图像上的相干斑越弱,抑制效果越好,从表2中可以看出,等效视数都大于原图像,4种算法都具有一定的滤波效果,而且NL-Lee算法和本文方法要明显高于两种局部滤波算法,相干斑抑制性具有比较大的优势。
表 2 等效视数(ENL)和边缘保持指数(EPI)
Table 2 Equivalent number of looks(ENL) and edge preserving index(EPI)
方法 | 原图像 | RefinedLee | Meanshift | NL-Lee | 本文算法 | |
Z1 | ENL | 3.663 | 32.40 | 27.32 | 183.8 | 209.4 |
Z2 | 4 | 36 | 36 | 36 | 49 | |
Z3 | EPI | 1 | 0.7137 | 0.7360 | 0.8948 | 0.9886 |
Z4 | 1 | 0.6278 | 0.4943 | 0.4912 | 0.8916 |
详细对比可以发现,虽然NL-Lee算法整体滤波效果优于Refined Lee和Mean shift算法,但在区域4,Refined Lee、Mean shift滤波方法的EPI还要略高于NL-Lee算法,而本文方法的相干斑抑制效果和边缘结构信息的保持性都要更优于其他3种算法。定量对比结果与目视分析基本一致,进一步证明本文方法具有更好地相干斑抑制和细节信息保留能力。
4.3 极化信息保持效果分析
极化功率变化量(PRC)是对极化信息保持性的定量分析指标,该指标先计算不同极化功率占总功率的百分比,然后对比经过不同算法滤波处理的结果与原图像的差异,差异越大,表明极化信息保持性越弱,反之,则保持性越好(肖世忱 等,2015;邓少平 等,2011),结果如表3所示。从表中能够看出,3种方法的极化信息保持性明显好于Refined Lee滤波算法,而且本文方法的极化信息保持性好于NL-Lee算法。
表 3 极化信息保持性
Table 3 Polarization information preservation
/(%) | |||||
原图 | Refined Lee | Mean shift | NL-Lee | 本文算法 | |
P(HH) | 49.45 | 41.01 | 48.6 | 49.25 | 49.44 |
P(HV) | 37.94 | 31.54 | 36.58 | 37.65 | 37.96 |
P(VV) | 12.61 | 10.7 | 11.97 | 12.64 | 12.61 |
PRC | 0 | 16.75 | 2.85 | 0.52 | 0.03 |
表 4 RADARSAT-2地物异质性计算结果
Table 4 The results of RADARSAT-2 typical targets heterogeneity
典型地物 | 最小值 | 最大值 | 均值 | 标准差 |
点 | 6.036 | 6.750 | 6.453 | 0.207 |
边缘 | 18.648 | 20.847 | 19.893 | 0.634 |
城区 | 5.500 | 10.697 | 7.959 | 1.449 |
水域 | 2.261 | 4.044 | 2.971 | 0.507 |
为了与基于全变差的非局部均值WisNLTV算法 (Nie 等,2016)进行对比,实验同样采用AIRSAR系统获取的4视旧金山湾地区数据进行实验。
表 5 AIRSAR地物异质性计算结果
Table 5 The results of AIRSAR typical targets heterogeneity
典型地物 | 最小值 | 最大值 | 均值 | 标准差 |
点 | 5.752 | 7.406 | 6.374 | 0.618 |
边缘 | 11.131 | 12.351 | 11.626 | 0.426 |
林地 | 2.375 | 4.709 | 3.627 | 0.739 |
建筑区 | 5.062 | 7.722 | 6.104 | 0.622 |
海洋区域 | 1.544 | 3.119 | 2.156 | 0.415 |
表 6 等效视数和边缘保持结果
Table 6 Equivalent number of looks(ENL) and edge preserving index(EPI) of AIRSAR
ENL | EPI HD | EPI VD | |||||||||
方法 | HH | HV | VV | HH | HV | VV | HH | HV | VV | ||
Wis-NLTV | 9.18 | 29.23 | 11.31 | 0.70 | 0.76 | 0.70 | 0.76 | 0.81 | 0.77 | ||
本文方法 | 35.32 | 63.94 | 37.97 | 0.82 | 0.80 | 0.72 | 0.75 | 0.81 | 0.78 |
5 结 论
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