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  智能系统学报  2018, Vol. 13 Issue (3): 399-406  DOI: 10.11992/tis.201612022


郑敏, 刘成林, 刘飞. 具有定常输入的二阶多智能体系统的平均一致性滤波[J]. 智能系统学报, 2018, 13(3): 399-406. DOI: 10.11992/tis.201612022.
ZHENG Min, LIU Chenglin, LIU Fei. Average-consensus filter of second-order multiagent systems with constant inputs[J]. CAAI Transactions on Intelligent Systems, 2018, 13(3): 399-406. DOI: 10.11992/tis.201612022.




刘成林. E-mail: liucl@jiangnan.edu.cn.


刘飞,男,1965年,教授,博士生导师,主要研究方向为先进控制理论与应用、过程监控等。主持国家863、国家自然科学基金等省部以上课题12项,企业技术开发20多项,完成省部鉴定科技成果8项,获省部及行业协会科技奖5项,申请/获得专利及软   件著作权8项,论文被SCI、EI检索100余篇


郑敏, 刘成林, 刘飞    
江南大学 自动化研究所,江苏 无锡 214122
关键词平均一致性滤波    比例-积分算法    定常输入    通信时延    二阶多智能体系统    无时延    对称连通拓扑    频域分析    
Average-consensus filter of second-order multiagent systems with constant inputs
ZHENG Min, LIU Chenglin, LIU Fei    
Institute of Automation, Jiangnan University, Wuxi 214122, China
Abstract: Average-consensus filtering of a second-order multiagent system with constant inputs was investigated and a proportional-integral consensus filtering algorithm was proposed. Based on constant input, fixed and symmetrical connection topology, and on the Routh and Nyquist Criteria, the asymptotically consistent convergence conditions of second-order multiagent systems without time delays and with identical communication delays were obtained. In addition, the final consensus state of multiagent systems was the average value of the constant inputs. Finally, a numerical simulation of a multiagent system comprising five agents in the connection topology was used to verify the accuracy of the theoretical results.
Key words: average-consensus filter    proportional-integral algorithm    constant inputs    communication delay    second-order multi-agent systems    without time delay    symmetric and connected topology    frequency-domain analysis    


近些年,一致性滤波问题[1]引起了部分学者的研究兴趣,并在分布式估计、分布式传感器网络等领域得到应用。一致性滤波问题是指基于一致性协调控制的滤波算法,使每个智能体通过和相邻智能体之间进行信息通信来达到相同的状态;如果每个智能体渐近收敛到给定输入的平均值,那么这就是平均一致性滤波问题[2]。Olfati-Saber等[3-5]分别提出了分布式低通一致性滤波和高通一致性滤波,它们通过追踪网络中所有智能体输入的平均值来实现一致性滤波,但是存在估计误差。针对文献[3-5]中算法存在的误差,涌现了一些改进算法来减少估计误差[6-9]。Freeman等[7]提出了比例积分算法(proportional-integral algorithm),证明了该算法在输入是常量的情况下收敛一致。与文献[7]相比,Bai等[8]运用内部模型原则[10]设计传递函数使每个智能体跟踪所有时变输入的平均值。Li等[11]对比例积分算法(PI)进一步研究,提出了改进的PI算法,并证明该算法收敛到定常输入的加权平均值;同时,Li等[12]也提出一种新的混杂一致性滤波协议,给出了该协议分别在固定拓扑和切换图下渐近一致的条件。



1 问题描述 1.1 连接拓扑图

$n$ 阶有向图 ${{G}} = \left( {{{V}},{{E}},{{A}}} \right)$ 的组成部分包括:节点集 ${{V}} = \{ {v_1},{v_2}, \cdots ,{v_n}\} $ 、边集 ${{E}} \subseteq {{V}} \times {{V}}$ 以及加权邻接矩阵 ${{A}} = [{a_{ij}}] \in {{\bf{R}}^{n \times n}}$ 。便于描述,节点的下标集表示为 ${{\varGamma }} = \{ 1,2, \cdots ,n\} $ 。在图 ${{G}}$ 中,节点 $i$ 指向节点 $j$ 的有向边为 ${e_{ij}} = (i,j) \in {{E}}$ ,对应的连接权值为 ${a_{ij}} > 0$ ,否则, ${a_{ij}} = 0$ 。如果 ${a_{ij}}{\rm{ = }}{a_{ji}} > 0$ ,则称图 ${{G}}$ 是对称的。节点 $i$ 的邻接集合定义为 ${N_i} = \left\{ {j \in {{V}}:\left( {i,j} \right) \in {{E}}} \right\}$ 。根据邻接矩阵写出拉普拉斯矩阵 ${{L}} = [{l_{ij}}]({{L}} \in {{\bf{R}}^{n \times n}})$ ,定义为

${l_{ij}}{\rm{ = }}\left\{ \begin{array}{l}\displaystyle\sum\limits_{j = 1}^n {{a_{ij}}} ,\;\;\;\;i = j\\ - {a_{ij}},\;\;\;\;i \ne j\end{array} \right.$

在图 ${{G}}$ 中,若节点 $i$ 和节点 $j$ 之间有一条路径,那么称节点 $j$ 和节点 $i$ 之间是可达的,若有一个节点从图 ${{G}}$ 中任意其他点是可达的,那么称该节点是全局可达点。若图 ${{G}}$ 中包含全局可达点,那么该图是连通的。

在本文中, ${{I}} \in {{\bf{R}}^{n \times n}}$ 表示 $n$ 阶单位矩阵, ${{\bf{0}}_{n \times n}} \in {{\bf{R}}^{n \times n}}$ 表示 $n$ 阶零矩阵, ${{{\bf{1}}}_n}$ 表示向量 $[1\,\, \cdots \,\,1] \in {{\bf{R}}^n}$ ${{\bf{0}}_n}$ 表示向量 $[{\rm{0}}\,\, \cdots \,\,{\rm{0}}] \in {{\bf{R}}^n}$

1.2 模型描述

$n$ 个二阶智能体构成的二阶多智能体系统为

$\left\{ \begin{array}{l}{{\dot x}_i} = {v_i}\\{{\dot v}_i} = {u_i},i \in {{\varGamma }}\end{array} \right.$ (1)

式中: ${x_i} \in {\bf{R}}$ ${v_i} \in {\bf{R}}$ ${u_i} \in {\bf{R}}$ 分别表示智能体 $i$ 的位置、速度和控制输入。每个智能体有一个定常输入为 ${\varphi _i} \in {\bf{R}}$ ,如果:

${\lim _{t \to \infty }}{x_i}(t) = \frac{1}{n}\sum\limits_{i \in {{\varGamma }}} {{\varphi _i}} $



$\left\{ \begin{array}{l}{u_i} = - k{v_i} + \gamma ({\varphi _i} - {x_i}) - {k_P}\displaystyle\sum\limits_{j \in {N_i}} {{a_{ij}}({x_i} - {x_j})} - {k_I}{\eta _i}\\{{\dot \eta }_i} = \sum\limits_{j \in {N_i}} {{a_{ij}}({x_i} - {x_j})} \end{array} \right.$ (2)

式中: ${\varphi _i} \in {\bf{R}}$ ${\eta _i} \in {\bf{R}}$ 分别表示智能体 $i$ 的输入和内部状态; $k \in {\bf{R}}$ $\gamma \in {\bf{R}}$ ${k_p} \in {\bf{R}}$ ${k_I} \in {\bf{R}}$ 为控制常数。不同于针对一阶多智能体系统的平均一致滤波问题所提出的比例-积分一致性算法,本文直接采用一致性协调控制项的积分量 ${\eta _i}$ 加入控制算法中。


$\left\{ \begin{array}{l}{{\dot x}_i} = {v_i}\\{{\dot v}_i} = - k{v_i} + \gamma ({\varphi _i} - {x_i}) - {k_P}\displaystyle\sum\limits_{j \in {N_i}} {{a_{ij}}({x_i} - {x_j})} - {k_I}{\eta _i}\\{{\dot \eta }_i} = \sum\limits_{j \in {N_i}} {{a_{ij}}({x_i} - {x_j})} \end{array} \right.$ (3)
2 一致性收敛分析 2.1 无时延情况


$\left\{ \begin{array}{l}{\dot{ x}} = {{v}}\\{\dot{ v}} = - k{{v}} + \gamma ({{\varphi }} - {{x}}) - {k_P}{{Lx}} - {k_I}{{\eta }}\\{\dot{ \eta }} = {{Lx}}\end{array} \right.$ (4)


$\begin{array}{c}{{x}}(s) = {{P}}(s){{\varphi }}(s) + \displaystyle\frac{{s + k}}{\gamma }{{P}}(s){{x}}(0) + \\[8pt]\displaystyle\frac{1}{\gamma }{{P}}(s){{v}}(0) - \displaystyle\frac{{{k_I}}}{\gamma }\frac{{{{P}}(s)}}{s}{{\eta }}(0)\end{array}$ (5)


${{P}}(s) = \frac{{\gamma s{{I}}}}{{({s^3} + k{s^2} + \gamma s){{I}} + {k_p}{{L}}s + {k_I}{{L}}}}$ (6)

${{x}}(s) \!=\!\! {[{x_1}(s) \,{x_2}(s) \cdots {x_n}(s)]^{\rm{T}} }$ ${{v}}(s) \!=\!\! {[{v_1}(s)\, {v_2}(s) \cdots {v_n}(s)]^{\rm{T}} }$ ${{\eta }}(s) = $ $ {[{\eta _1}(s)\, {\eta _2}(s) \, \cdots \, {\eta _n}(s)]^{\rm{T}} }$ ${{\varphi }}(s) = {[\displaystyle\frac{{{\varphi _1}}}{s} \, \displaystyle\frac{{{\varphi _2}}}{s} \, \cdots \, \displaystyle\frac{{{\varphi _n}}}{s}]^{\rm{T}} }$ ${{x}}(0)$ ${{v}}(0)$ ${{\eta }}(0)$ 分别为智能体的位置、速度和内部状态初始值。

定理1 假设多智能体系统式(3)的连接拓扑为对称连通的,且 $\displaystyle\sum\limits_{i \in {{\varGamma }}} {{\eta _i}(0)} = 0$ 。多智能体系统渐近达到平均一致滤波,当且仅当下列条件:

1) $k > 0,\gamma > 0$

2) ${k_I} > 0,k(\gamma + {k_p}{\lambda _i}) > {k_I}{\lambda _i}$

成立,其中, ${\lambda _i}$ 是拉普拉斯矩阵L的特征值,并且0 = $ {\lambda _1} < {\lambda _2} \leqslant {\lambda _3} \leqslant \cdots \leqslant {\lambda _n}$

证明 证明过程分两步。1) 利用Routh判据给出满足传递函数矩阵(6)特征方程的根在左半平面的条件;2) 利用传递函数的终值定理来证明多智能体系统式(3)渐近达到平均一致性。

1) 令传递函数矩阵 ${{P}}(s)$ 的特征方程为

$\det (({s^3} + k{s^2} + \gamma s){{I}} + {k_p}{{L}}s + {k_I}{{L}}) = 0$ (7)


$\prod\limits_{i = 1}^n {{s^3} + k{s^2} + (\gamma + {k_p}{\lambda _i})s + {k_I}{\lambda _i} = 0} $ (8)


${s^3} + k{s^2} + (\gamma + {k_p}{\lambda _i})s + {k_I}{\lambda _i} = 0,\;i = 1, \cdots ,n$ (9)

${\lambda _1} = 0$ 时,式(9)表示为

$s({s^2} + ks + \gamma ) = 0$ (10)

根据定理1的条件1)可得:特征方程式(10)有一个根 $s = 0$ ,并且其他根为负实数。

${\lambda _i},\;i = 2,3, \cdots ,n$ 时,方程(9)的Routh阵列表为

$\begin{array}{*{20}{c}} {{s^3}}&1&{\gamma + {k_p}{\lambda _i}} \\ {{s^2}}&k&{{k_I}{\lambda _i}} \\ s&{\displaystyle\frac{{k(\gamma + {k_p}{\lambda _i}) - {k_I}{\lambda _i}}}{k}}&{} \\ {{s^0}}&{{k_I}{\lambda _i}}&{} \end{array}$


因此,当且仅当定理1的条件1)和2)都成立时,多智能体系统式(3)渐近达到一致,则 ${\lim _{t \to \infty }}{{x}}(t) = $ c,其中c为常向量。


${{P}}(s){{\varphi }}(s) \to \displaystyle\frac{{{{\bf{1}}_n}{\bf{1}}_n^{\rm{T}} }}{n}{{\varphi }}$

② 保证式(5)中 $\displaystyle\frac{{s + k}}{\gamma }{{P}}(s){{x}}(0)$ $\displaystyle\frac{1}{\gamma }{{P}}(s){{v}}(0)$ $\displaystyle\frac{{{k_I}}}{\gamma }\displaystyle\frac{{{{P}}(s)}}{s}{{\eta }}(0)$ 渐近趋于零状态。

①的证明 在无向连通拓扑结构下,Laplacian矩阵 ${{L}}$ 是实对称的。 ${\lambda _1} = 0$ ${{L}}$ 的一个单一特征值,对应的右特征向量为 ${{r}} = \displaystyle\frac{{{{\bf{1}}_n}}}{{\sqrt n }}$ ,其他 $n - 1$ 个特征值对应的特征向量为 ${{S}} = [{S_2}\,\,{S_3}\,\, \cdots \,\, {S_n}]$ 。假定 ${{Q}} = [\displaystyle\frac{{{{\bf{1}}_n}}}{{\sqrt n }}\,\,\,\,{{S}}]$ ,则 ${{Q}}{{{Q}}^{\rm{T}} } = {{I}}$ ${{QL}}{{{Q}}^{\rm{T}} } =$ $ \rm{diag} \left\{ {{\lambda _1}} \right., \cdots ,\left. {{\lambda _n}} \right\}$


$\begin{array}{c}{{P}}(s) = {{{Q}}^{\mathop{\rm T}\nolimits} }{{QP}}(s){{{Q}}^{\mathop{\rm T}\nolimits} }{{Q}} = \\{{{Q}}^{\mathop{\rm T}\nolimits} }\displaystyle\frac{{\gamma s{{I}}}}{{({s^3} + k{s^2} + \gamma s){{I}} + {k_p}{{QL}}{{{Q}}^{\mathop{\rm T}\nolimits} }s + {k_I}{{QL}}{{{Q}}^{\mathop{\rm T}\nolimits} }}}{{Q}} = \\[8pt]{{{Q}}^{\mathop{\rm T}\nolimits} }\left( {\begin{array}{*{20}{c}}{{h_1}(s)} & {{\bf{0}}_{n - 1}^{\rm{T}}}\\{{{\bf{0}}_{n - 1}}} & {{\bar{ P}}(s)}\end{array}} \right){{Q}}\end{array}$ (11)


${h_1}(s) = \frac{\gamma }{{{s^2} + ks + \gamma }}$ (12)
$\begin{array}{c}{\bar{ P}}(s) = {\mathop{\rm diag}\nolimits} \left\{ {\displaystyle\frac{{\gamma s}}{{{s^3} + k{s^2} + (\gamma + {k_p}{\lambda _2})s + {k_I}{\lambda _2}}}} \right., \cdots ,\\[8pt]\left. {\displaystyle\frac{{\gamma s}}{{{s^3} + k{s^2} + (\gamma + {k_p}{\lambda _n})s + {k_I}{\lambda _n}}}} \right\}\end{array}$ (13)


$\begin{array}{c}{\lim _{s \to 0}}s{{P}}(s)\displaystyle\frac{{{\varphi }}}{s} = {{P}}(0){{\varphi }} = \left( {\begin{array}{*{20}{c}}{\displaystyle\frac{{{{\bf{1}}_n}}}{{\sqrt n }}} & {{S}}\end{array}} \right)\left( {\begin{array}{*{20}{c}}{{h_1}(0)} & {{\bf{0}}_{n - 1}^{\rm{T}}}\\{{{\bf{0}}_{n - 1}}} & {{\bar{ P}}(0)}\end{array}} \right)\left( {\begin{array}{*{20}{c}}{\displaystyle\frac{{{\bf{1}}_n^{\rm{T}}}}{{\sqrt n }}}\\{{{{S}}^{\rm{T}}}}\end{array}} \right){{\varphi }} = \\[8pt]\displaystyle\frac{{{{\bf{1}}_n}{\bf{1}}_n^{\rm{T}}}}{n}{h_1}(0){{\varphi }} + {{S\bar P}}(0){{{S}}^{\mathop{\rm T}\nolimits} }{{\varphi }}\end{array}$ (14)

根据式(12)、(13)可得 ${h_1}(0) \! = \!\! 1$ ${\bar{ P}}(0) \! = $ ${\rm{diag}} \left\{ {0,0, \cdots \! ,\left. \! 0 \right\}} \right.$

因此,得到 ${\lim _{s \to 0}}s{{P}}(s)\displaystyle\frac{{{\varphi }}}{s} = \displaystyle\frac{{{{\bf{1}}_n}{\bf{1}}_n^{\rm{T}} }}{n}{{\varphi }}{\rm{ = }}{{\bf{1}}_n}\displaystyle\frac{1}{n}\sum\limits_{i \in {{\Gamma }}} {{\varphi _i}} $

②的证明 由①的证明可得:

${\lim _{s \to 0}}s\frac{{s + k}}{\gamma }{{P}}(s){{x}}(0) = {\lim _{s \to 0}}s\frac{{s + k}}{\gamma }s{{P}}(s)\frac{{{{x}}(0)}}{s} = {{\bf{0}}_n}$
${\lim _{s \to 0}}s\frac{1}{\gamma }{{P}}(s){{v}}(0) = {\lim _{s \to 0}}s\frac{1}{\gamma }s{{P}}(s)\frac{{{{v}}(0)}}{s} = {{\bf{0}}_n}$

同时,结合定理1中的假设 $\displaystyle\sum\limits_{i \in {{\Gamma }}} {{\eta _i}(0)} = 0$ ,可得

$\begin{array}{c}{\lim _{s \to 0}}s\displaystyle\frac{{{k_I}}}{\gamma }\frac{{{{P}}(s)}}{s}{{\eta }}(0) = {\lim _{s \to 0}}\frac{{{k_I}}}{\gamma }s{{P}}(s)\frac{{{{\eta }}(0)}}{s} = \\\displaystyle\frac{{{k_I}}}{\gamma }\frac{{{{\bf{1}}_n}{\bf{1}}_n^{\mathop{\rm T}\nolimits} }}{n}{{\eta }}(0) = \frac{{{k_I}{{\bf{1}}_n}}}{{n\gamma }}\sum\limits_{i \in {{\Gamma }}} {{\eta _i}(0) = {{\bf{0}}_n}} \end{array}$

综合证明①和②,可以得到 ${\lim _{t \to \infty }}{x_i}(t) = $ $ \displaystyle\frac{1}{n}\sum\limits_{i \in {{\varGamma }}} {{\varphi _i}} $ ,即多智能体系统式(3)渐近达到平均一致滤波。

2.2 有时延情况


$\begin{array}{c}{u_i}(t) = - k{v_i}(t) + \gamma ({\varphi _i} - {x_i}(t)) - \\{k_p}\displaystyle\sum\limits_{j \in {N_i}} {{a_{ij}}} ({x_i}(t - \tau ) - {x_j}(t - \tau )) - {k_I}{\eta _i}(t)\\[8pt]{{\dot \eta }_i}(t) = \displaystyle\sum\limits_{j \in {N_i}} {{a_{ij}}} ({x_i}(t - \tau ) - {x_j}(t - \tau ))\end{array}$ (15)


$\left\{ \begin{array}{l}{{\dot x}_i}(t) = {v_i}(t)\\{{\dot v}_i}(t) = - k{v_i}(t) + \gamma ({\varphi _i} - {x_i}(t)) - \\\quad\quad{k_p}\displaystyle\sum\limits_{j \in {N_i}} {{a_{ij}}} ({x_i}(t - \tau ) - {x_j}(t - \tau )) - {k_I}{\eta _i}(t)\\[6pt]{{\dot \eta }_i}(t) = \displaystyle\sum\limits_{j \in {N_i}} {{a_{ij}}} ({x_i}(t - \tau ) - {x_j}(t - \tau ))\end{array} \right.$ (16)

式中通信延时 $\tau > 0$ 。对式(16)进行Laplace变换得到

$\left\{ \begin{array}{l}\!\!\! s{x_i}(s) - {x_i}(0) = {v_i}(s)\\\!\!\! s{v_i}(s) - {v_i}(0) = - k{v_i}(s) + \gamma ({\varphi _i}(s) - {x_i}(s)) - \\\quad{k_p}\displaystyle\sum\limits_{j \in {N_i}} {{a_{ij}}} ({x_i}(s) - {x_j}(s)){{\rm{e}}^{ - s\tau }} - {k_p}{w_i}(s) - {k_I}{\eta _i}(s)\\\!\!\! s{\eta _i}(s) - {\eta _i}(0) = \displaystyle\sum\limits_{j \in {N_i}} {{a_{ij}}} ({x_i}(s) - {x_j}(s)){{\rm{e}}^{ - s\tau }} - {w_i}(s)\end{array} \right.$ (17)


${w_i}(s) = \sum\limits_{j \in {N_i}} {{a_{ij}}} \int_{ - \tau }^0 {({x_i}(\theta ) - {x_j}(\theta ))} {{\rm{e}}^{ - s\theta }}{\rm{d}}\theta $

定义一个向量 ${{w}}(s) = {[{w_1}(s){w_2}(s) \cdots {w_n}(s)]^{\rm{T}}}$ ,式(17)可进一步描述为

$\begin{array}{c}{{x}}(s) = {{{G}}_\tau }(s){{\varphi }}(s) + \\\displaystyle\frac{{s + k}}{\gamma }{{{G}}_\tau }(s){{x}}(0) + \frac{1}{\gamma }{{{G}}_\tau }(s){{v}}(0) - \\[6pt]\displaystyle\frac{{{k_I}}}{\gamma }\frac{{{{{G}}_\tau }(s)}}{s}{{\eta }}(0) + \frac{{{k_I} - {k_p}s}}{{\gamma s}}{{{G}}_\tau }(s){{w}}(s)\end{array}$ (18)


${{{G}}_\tau }(s) = \frac{{\gamma s{{I}}}}{{({s^3} + k{s^2} + \gamma s){{I}} + {k_p}{{L}}{{\rm{e}}^{ - s\tau }}s + {k_I}{{L}}{{\rm{e}}^{ - s\tau }}}}$ (19)

定理2 假设多智能体系统式(16)的连接拓扑为对称连通的。参数 $k$ $\gamma $ ${k_p}$ ${k_I}$ 满足定理1给出的条件,且 $T > 0$ $\displaystyle\sum\limits_{i \in {{\varGamma }}} {{\eta _i}(0)} = 0$ 。多智能体系统式(16)渐近达到平均一致滤波,如果条件:

1) ${k^2} - 2\gamma \geqslant 0$

2) $\tau < \mathop {\min }\limits_{i = 2,3, \cdots ,n} (\displaystyle\frac{{\arctan (\sqrt {{y_i}} \displaystyle\frac{{{k_p}}}{{{k_I}}}) - {\rm{arccot}} (\displaystyle\frac{{\gamma - {y_i}}}{{ k \sqrt {{y_i}} }}) + \displaystyle\frac{{\text{π}}}{2}}}{{\sqrt {{y_i}} }})$

成立,其中 ${y_i}$ 是式(20)的唯一正根:

${y^3} + ({k^2} - 2\gamma ){y^2} + ({\gamma ^2} - k_p^2\lambda _i^2)y - k_I^2\lambda _i^2 = 0,i = 2,3, \cdots ,n$ (20)


引理1 考察函数:

$f(x) = \frac{{{c_1}x + {c_2}}}{{{x^3} + {c_3}{x^2} + {c_4}x}}$

假设满足 ${c_1} > 0$ ${c_2} > 0$ ${c_3} > 0$ ${c_4} > 0$ ,那么在区间 $x \in (0, + \infty )$ $f(x)$ 是单调下降的。

证明 对 $f(x)$ 关于 $x$ 的导数:

$f'(x) = \frac{{ - 2{c_1}{x^3} - ({c_1}{c_3} + 3{c_2}){x^2} - 2{c_2}{c_3}x - {c_2}{c_4}}}{{{{({x^3} + {c_3}{x^2} + {c_4}x)}^2}}}$

由于 ${c_1} > 0$ ${c_2} > 0$ ${c_3} > 0$ ${c_4} > 0$ ,那么在区间 $x \in (0, + \infty )$ $f'(x) < 0$ 始终成立,因此可得在区间 $x \in (0, + \infty )$ $f(x)$ 是单调下降的。

引理2 考虑3次多项式:

${f_1}(x) = {x^3} + {d_1}{x^2} + {d_2}x + {d_3}$

假设满足系数 ${d_1} \geqslant 0$ 并且 ${d_3} < 0$ ,根据韦达定理,满足 ${f_1}(x) = 0$ 只有唯一正根。

定理2证明 证明过程分两步。1)利用频域分析方法来给出使系统式(16)渐近达到平均一致滤波的通信时延 $T$ 的范围;2)利用终值定理证明多智能体达到平均一致性滤波。

1)根据式(19) ${{{G}}_\tau }(s)$ 特征方程为

$\det (({s^3} + k{s^2} + \gamma s){{I}} + {k_p}{{L}}{{\rm{e}}^{ - s\tau }}s + {k_I}{{L}}{{\rm{e}}^{ - s\tau }}) = 0$


$\prod\limits_{i = 1}^n {{s^3} + k{s^2} + \gamma s + {k_p}{\lambda _i}{{\rm{e}}^{ - s\tau }}s + {k_I}{\lambda _i}{{\rm{e}}^{ - s\tau }} = 0} $ (21)


${s^3} + k{s^2} + \gamma s + {k_p}{\lambda _i}{{\rm{e}}^{ - s\tau }}s + {k_I}{\lambda _i}{{\rm{e}}^{ - s\tau }}{\rm{ = }}0,i = 1,2, \cdots ,n$ (22)

$s = 0$ 时,特征方程式(22)变为

${0^3} + k{0^2} + \gamma 0 + {k_p}{\lambda _i}{{\rm{e}}^{ - 0\tau }}0 + {k_I}{\lambda _i}{{\rm{e}}^{ - 0\tau }}{\rm{ = }}0$

满足 ${k_I}{\lambda _i} = 0$ ,由于 ${\lambda _1} = 0$ ,所以满足 ${\lambda _1} = 0$ 时, $s = 0$ 是特征方程的单根。

$s \ne 0$ 时,式(22)整理为闭环特征函数的形式:

$1 + \frac{{{k_p}{\lambda _i}(s + \displaystyle\frac{{{k_I}}}{{{k_p}}})}}{{{s^3} + k{s^2} + \gamma s}}{{\rm{e}}^{ - s\tau }} = 0$ (23)


$k(s) = \frac{{{k_p}{\lambda _i}(s + \displaystyle\frac{{{k_I}}}{{{k_p}}})}}{{{s^3} + k{s^2} + \gamma s}}{{\rm{e}}^{ - s\tau }}$ (24)

$s = {\rm{j}} w$ ,开环特征函数式(24)的频率特性为

$k({\rm{j}} w) = \frac{{{k_p}{\lambda _i}({\rm{j}} w + \displaystyle\frac{{{k_I}}}{{{k_p}}})}}{{{{({\rm{j}} w)}^3} + k{{({\rm{j}} w)}^2} + {\rm{j}} \gamma w}}{{\rm{e}} ^{ - {\rm{j}} w\tau }}$ (25)

根据Nyquist判据,特征方程(22)的根是负实数,等价于 $k({\rm{j}} w)$ 的Nyquist曲线不包围 $( - 1,{\rm{j}} 0)$ 点。整理式(25)可得幅频特性为

${A_i}(w) = \frac{{{k_p}{\lambda _i}\sqrt {{w^2} + \displaystyle\frac{{k_I^2}}{{k_P^2}}} }}{{w\sqrt {{k^2}{w^2} + {{(\gamma - {w^2})}^2}} }}$ (26)


$\beta (w) = \arctan (\frac{{{k_p}}}{{{k_I}}}w) - {\rm{arccot}} (\frac{{\gamma - {w^2}}}{{kw}}) - w\tau - \frac{\text{π}}{2}$ (27)

接下来,考察 ${A_i}(w)$ 关于 $w$ 的单调性。令 ${w^2} = y$ ,考察函数

$f(y) = \frac{{k_p^2y + k_I^2}}{{{y^3} + ({k^2} - 2\gamma ){y^2} + {\gamma ^2}y}}$ (28)

由于 ${k^2} - 2\gamma \geqslant 0$ ,根据引理1可得 $f(y)$ 在区间 $y \in (0, $ $ + \infty )$ 上是单调下降的函数,即幅频特性 ${A_i}(w)$ 随着 $w$ 的增大而下降。令 ${A_i}(w) = 1$ ,即 $\lambda _i^2f(y) = 1$ ,可得

${y^3} + ({k^2} - 2\gamma ){y^2} + ({\gamma ^2} - k_p^2\lambda _i^2)y - k_I^2\lambda _i^2 = 0$ (29)

由于 ${k^2} - 2\gamma \geqslant 0$ ,根据引理2,方程式(29)在 $y \in (0,$ $ +\infty )$ 只有一个正解 ${y_i}$ ,即 ${A_i}(w) = 1$ ,在 $w \in (0, + \infty )$ 的解为 ${w_i} = \sqrt {{y_i}} $ 。由 $\lambda _i^2 = {f^{ - 1}}(y)$ 可知, ${\lambda _i}$ 关于 $f({y_i})$ 是单调下降的,根据 $f({y_i})$ 关于 ${y_i}$ 是单调下降的,因此 ${\lambda _i}$ 关于 ${y_i}$ 是单调上升的。根据Nyquist判据,为了使 $k({\rm{j}} w)$ 奈奎斯特图不包围 $( - 1,{\rm{j}} 0)$ 点,当幅值 ${A_i}(w) = 1$ 时,对应求得的相频特性满足

$\beta ({w_i}) = \beta (\sqrt {{y_i}} ) > - {\rm{\pi }}$ (30)


${\tau _i} < \frac{{\arctan (\sqrt {{y_i}} \displaystyle\frac{{{k_p}}}{{{k_I}}}) - {\rm{arccot}} (\displaystyle\frac{{\gamma - {y_i}}}{{k\sqrt {{y_i}} }}) + \displaystyle\frac{{\rm{\pi }}}{2}}}{{\sqrt {{y_i}} }}$ (31)

取得的最小时延 $\tau < \mathop {\min {\tau _i}}\limits_{i = 2,3, \cdots ,n} $

因此,当条件1)和2)成立时,特征方程式(22)的根满足: $s = 0$ 为单根,非零根均具有负实部。


$\begin{array}{l}{{{G}}_\tau }(s) = {{{Q}}^{\rm{T}}}{{Q}}{{{G}}_\tau }(s){{{Q}}^{\rm{T}}}{{Q}} = \\[5pt]{{{Q}}^{\rm{T}}}\left[ {\begin{array}{*{20}{c}}{{h_1}(s)} & {{\bf{0}}_{n - 1}^{\rm{T}}}\\[5pt]{{{\bf{0}}_{n - 1}}} & {{{{\bar{ G}}}_\tau }(s)}\end{array}} \right]{{Q}}\end{array}$ (32)


$\begin{array}{c}{{{\bar{ G}}}_\tau }(s) = {\mathop{\rm diag}\nolimits} \left\{ {\displaystyle\frac{{\gamma s}}{{{s^3} + k{s^2} + (\gamma + {k_p}{\lambda _2}{{\rm{e}}^{ - s\tau }})s + {k_I}{\lambda _2}{{\rm{e}}^{ - s\tau }}}}} \right. , \cdots , \\\left. {\displaystyle\frac{{\gamma s}}{{{s^3} + k{s^2} + (\gamma + {k_p}{\lambda _n}{{\rm{e}}^{ - s\tau }})s + {k_I}{\lambda _n}{{\rm{e}}^{ - s\tau }}}}} \right\}\end{array}$ (33)
${{\bar{ G}}_\tau }(0) = {{\bf{0}}_{n \times n}}$ (34)

根据 ${h_1}(0) = 1$ ,并结合式(32)和式(34)可得

${{{G}}_\tau }(0) = {{{Q}}^{\rm{T}} }{{Q}}{{{G}}_\tau }(0){{{Q}}^{\rm{T}} }{{Q}} = \frac{{{{\bf{1}}_n}{\bf{1}}_n^{\rm{T}} }}{n}$ (35)


${\lim _{s \to 0}}s{{{G}}_\tau }(s)\frac{{{\varphi }}}{s} = {{{G}}_\tau }(0){{\varphi }} = \frac{{{{\bf{1}}_n}{\bf{1}}_n^{\rm{T}}}}{n}{{\varphi }}$ (36)


${\lim _{s \to 0}}s\frac{{s + k}}{\gamma }{{{G}}_\tau }(s){{x}}(0) = {{\bf{0}}_n}$ (37)
${\lim _{s \to 0}}s\frac{1}{\gamma }{{{G}}_\tau }(s){{v}}(0) = {{\bf{0}}_n}$ (38)

同时,结合定理2中的假设 $\displaystyle\sum\limits_{i \in {{\varGamma }}} {{\eta _i}(0)} = 0$ ,可得

${\lim _{s \to 0}}s\frac{{{k_I}}}{\gamma }\frac{{{{{G}}_\tau }(s)}}{s}{{\eta }}(0) = \frac{{{k_I}{{\bf{1}}_n}}}{{\gamma n}}{\bf{1}}_n^{\rm{T}} {{\eta }}(0) = {{\bf{0}}_n}$ (39)
$\begin{array}{c}{\lim _{s \to 0}}s\displaystyle\frac{{{k_I} - {k_p}s}}{{\gamma s}}{{{G}}_\tau }(s){{w}}(s) = \displaystyle\frac{{{k_I}}}{\gamma }{{{G}}_\tau }(0){{w}}(0) = \frac{{{k_I}{{\bf{1}}_n}}}{{\gamma n}}{\bf{1}}_n^{\rm{T}}{{w}}(0) = \\[10pt]\displaystyle\frac{{{k_I}{{\bf{1}}_n}}}{{\gamma n}}\sum\limits_{i \in {{\varGamma }}} {\left(\sum\limits_{j \in {N_i}} {{a_{ij}}} \int_{ - T}^0 {({x_i}(\tau ) - {x_j}(\tau ))} {\rm{d}}\tau \right)} \end{array}$ (40)

由于 ${a_{ij}} = {a_{ji}}$ ,得到

${a_{ij}}\int_{ - T}^0 {({x_i}(\tau ) - {x_j}(\tau ))} {\rm{d}}\tau + {a_{ji}}\int_{ - T}^0 {({x_j}(\tau ) - {x_i}(\tau ))} {\rm{d}}\tau = 0$


$\sum\limits_{i \in {{\varGamma }}} {\left(\sum\limits_{j \in {N_i}} {{a_{ij}}} \int_{ - T}^0 {({x_i}(\tau ) - {x_j}(\tau ))} {\rm{d}}\tau \right)} = 0$ (41)


${\lim _{s \to 0}}s\frac{{{k_I} - {k_p}s}}{{\gamma s}}{{{G}}_\tau }(s){{w}}(s) = {{\bf{0}}_n}$ (42)

根据式(36)~(39)、(42),得到 ${\lim _{t \to \infty }}{x_i}(t) = \displaystyle\frac{1}{n}\sum\limits_{i \in {{\varGamma }}} {{\varphi _i}} $ ,因此具有相同时延的智能体达到平均一致性滤波。

根据定理2的证明,如果条件1)成立, ${\lambda _n} \geqslant {\lambda _i}$ ${y_n} \geqslant {y_i},i = 2,3, \cdots ,n - 1$ 显然成立。在条件1)和2)成立的前提下,如果式(27)中 $\beta (w)$ $w \in [\sqrt {{y_i}} , + \infty )$ 区间上单调减,则条件2)给出的时延条件为充分必要的。

3 数值仿真 3.1 无时延的二阶多智能体系统

考察由5个智能体构成的多智能体系统,其拓扑结构是无向连通的(见图1)。在连接拓扑中,智能体之间的连接权值是对称的,分别为: ${a_{12}} = {a_{21}} = $ $ 1$ ${a_{15}} = {a_{51}} = 1$ ${a_{23}} = {a_{32}} = 1$ ${a_{34}} = {a_{43}} = 1$ ${a_{45}} = {a_{54}} = 1$ 。计算可得,拉普拉斯矩阵 ${{L}}$ 的特征值为: ${\lambda _1} = 0,{\lambda _2}{\rm{ = }}$ $1.382,{\lambda _3}{\rm{ = }}1.382,{\lambda _4}{\rm{ = }}3.618,{\lambda _5}{\rm{ = }}3.618$

图 1 包含4个多智能连接拓扑G Fig. 1 Graphical topology of four agents

随机设定智能体初始位置和初始速度,且内部状态的初始值设为 ${{\eta }}(0) = {[2 \,\, - 1 \,\, - 3 \,\, 2 \,\, 0]^{\rm{T}}}$ ,满足 $\displaystyle\sum\limits_{i \in {{\varGamma }}} {{\eta _i}(0)} = $ 0。智能体的常量输入为: ${{\varphi }} = {[8 \,\, - 2 \,\, - 2 \,\,}$ 0 1]T,则定常输入的平均值为 $\alpha = \displaystyle\frac{1}{5}\sum\limits_{i = 1}^5 {{\varphi _i}} = 1$ 。给定控制参数分别为: $k = 1$ $r = 0.3$ ${k_p} = 0.4$ 。根据定理1,可得 $0 < {k_I} < 0.483$ 。当 $0 < {k_I} < 0.483$ 时,智能体的位置轨迹渐近达到所有常量输入的平均一致和速度轨迹趋于零,如图2所示。当 ${k_I} \geqslant 0.483$ 时,智能体的位置和速度发生振荡( ${k_I}{\rm{ = }}0.483$ )如图3所示或发散( ${k_I} > $ 0.483)如图4所示。

图 2 智能体的位置和速度( ${k_I} = $ 0.03) Fig. 2 Positions and velocities of agents with ${k_I} = $ 0.03
图 3 智能体的位置和速度( ${k_I} = $ 0.483) Fig. 3 Positions and velocities of agents with ${k_I} = $ 0.483
图 4 智能体的位置和速度( ${k_I} = $ 0.5) Fig. 4 Positions and velocities of agents with ${k_I} = $ 0.5
3.2 时延二阶多智能体系统

针对具有通信时延的多智能体系统式(16),选择和3.1小节中的相同连接拓扑、连接权重以及控制参数: $k = 1$ $\gamma = 0.3$ ${k_p} = 0.4$ ${k_I} = 0.03$ 。显然,定理2中的条件1)成立。根据式(20)和式(31)计算得: ${y_{2,3}} = 0.311$ ${w_{2,3}} = \sqrt {{y_{12}}} = 0.5577$ ${T_{2,3}} = 2.5414$ ${y_{4,5}} = $ 1.233、 ${w_{4,5}} = \sqrt {{y_{15}}} = 1.1105$ ${T_{4,5}} = 0.7244$ 。再根据定理2中的条件2),系统式(16)渐近达到平均一致滤波的时延为 $T < $ 0.724 4 s。同时,在上述给定参数情况下,计算幅频特性的导数,得

$\begin{array}{c}\displaystyle\frac{{{\rm{d}}\varphi (w)}}{{{\rm{d}}w}} = - T + \displaystyle\frac{1}{{\left[ {1 + {{\left( {\displaystyle\frac{{{k_p}}}{{{k_I}}}} \right)}^2}{w^2}} \right][{k^2}{w^2} + {{(\gamma - {w^2})}^2}]}} \times \\\left\{ \! {\displaystyle\frac{{{k_p}}}{{{k_I}}}(1 - k\frac{{{k_p}}}{{{k_I}}}){w^4} \!+\! [\frac{{{k_p}}}{{{k_I}}}({k^2} \!-\! 2\gamma ) - k - k{{(\displaystyle\frac{{{k_p}}}{{{k_I}}})}^2}\gamma ]{w^2} \!+\! \displaystyle\frac{{{k_p}}}{{{k_I}}}{\gamma ^2} \!-\! k\gamma } \! \right\} \!\!= \\ - T + \displaystyle\frac{{ - 164{w^4} - 49{w^2} + 0.9}}{{(1 + 177.8{w^2})({w^4} + 0.4{w^2} + 0.09)}}\end{array}$

显然, $\displaystyle\frac{{{\rm{d}}\varphi (w)}}{{{\rm{d}}w}} < 0$ 对所有的 $w \in [\sqrt {{y_{15}}} , + \infty )$ $T \geqslant 0$ 成立。因此, $T < $ 0.724 4 s是系统式(16)渐近达到平均一致滤波的充分条件。

给定任意选择智能体的初始状态,且选择 $x(t) = x(0),t \in [ - T,0]$ ;选择内部状态的初始值为 ${{\eta }}(0) = {[2 \,\,- 1 \,\, - 3 \,\, 2 \,\, 0]^{\rm{T}}}$ ,满足 $\displaystyle\sum\limits_{i \in {{\varGamma }}} {{\eta _i}(0)} = 0$ 。因此,当通信时延满足 $T < $ 0.724 4 s,智能体的位置轨迹渐近达到常量输入的平均值,且速度轨迹趋于零(如图5所示)。图6给定的通信时延是 $T > $ 0.724 4 s,各个智能体的状态逐步发散,不满足平均一致性。

图 5 智能体的位置和速度( $T = $ 0.32 s) Fig. 5 Positions and velocities of agents with communication delay $T = $ 0.32 s
图 6 智能体的位置和速度( $T = $ 0.75 s) Fig. 6 Positions and velocities of agents with communication delay $T = $ 0.75 s
4 结束语


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