四川动物  2015, Vol. 34 415-417



田明, 范彪, 陈元晓
TIAN Ming, FAN Biao, CHEN Yuanxiao
One New Species of Boysidia Genus from Yunnan, China (Pulmonata: Stylommatophora: Pupillidae)
四川动物, 2015, 34: 415-417
Sichuan Journal of Zoology, 2015, 34: 415-417


田明, 范彪, 陈元晓     
昆明医科大学细胞生物学与医学遗传学系, 昆明650500
摘要:详细记述了喇叭螺属Boysidia一新种,金平喇叭螺新种Boysidia (Bensonella) jinpingensis sp. nov..对新种的形态进行了详细描述,并与其近似种进行了对比和讨论.模式标本保存于昆明医科大学细胞生物学与医学遗传学系标本室.
关键词肺螺亚纲     柄眼目     虹蛹螺科     喇叭螺属     新种    
One New Species of Boysidia Genus from Yunnan, China (Pulmonata: Stylommatophora: Pupillidae)
TIAN Ming, FAN Biao, CHEN Yuanxiao     
Department of Cell Biology and Medical Genetics, Kunming Medical University, Kunming 650500, China
Abstract:This paper described a new species of Boysidia genus, Boysidia (Bensonella) jinpingensis sp. nov. The material studied was collected by the authors from Yunnan province (China) on 19th, September 2013. The type specimens were deposited in the Department of Cell Biology and Medical Genetics, Kunming Medical University, Kunming.
Boysidia (Bensonella) jinpingensis sp. nov. (Fig.1: a~g)
Holotype: alt. 7.20 mm, diam. 4.10 mm; alt. of aperture 2.40 mm, diam. of aperture 1.80 mm. Collected from Tongchang town, Jinping county (22°07'N, 103°02'E ), Yunnan province, China, September 19th 2013.
Paratypes: 13 specimens. alt. 7.10-7.25 mm, diam. 4.00-4.15 mm; alt. of aperture 2.36-2.45 mm, diam. of aperture 1.70-1.85 mm. Collected from Tongchang town, Jinping county (22°07'N, 103°02'E), Yunnan province, China, September 19th 2013.
Etymology: The name of the new species is based on Jinping county form where the specimens were collected.
Shell small, slightly thick, no-luster, opaque, long-conic. Having 6.5 whorls, moderately convex, spire long conical, embryo-whorls (1-1.5) increased slowly, smooth, the body whorl very inflated, and slants downward, with pronounced vertical two keel-shaped at the neck of aperture. Shell yellow brown or chestnut brown in color, with innumerable slender and dense oblique growth lines and spiral lines. Apex blunt, suture deep. Aperture elliptical, bell-formed, very expanded and reflexed, thick, the peristome separated from body whorl, and the aperture oblique. The inner lip keeps close to body whorl, having loose callus. With 7 teeth in the aperture, including 1 large flake-formed angular lamella, 1 big papule-formed upper palatal fold on right aperture margin, 1 small nipple-formed lower palatal fold on aperture bottom, 1 small flake-formed basal fold on left aperture margin, 1 large flake-formed columellar lamella on columella. Umbilicus big, with hole-formed.
Habitat: Boysidia (Bensonella) jinpingensis sp. nov., as other Boysidia members, usually lives on dark and damp, and calcareous rocks and screes or fallen leaves.
This new species very resembles Boysidia (Bensonella) xiuwenensis Zhang, Luo and Zhou, 2010, but the latters shell is small, with 6.5 whorls (alt. 4.20 mm, diam. 1.90 mm, alt. of aperture 1.55 mm, diam. of aperture 1.40 mm), having 4 teeth: 1 large stout, flake-formed angular lamella, 1 bigger flexuous, flake-formed columellar lamella, 1 small nipple-formed lower palatal fold, and 1 small nipple-formed upper palatal fold.
Key words: Pulmonata     Stylommatophora     Pupillidae     Boysidia     new species    

喇叭螺属Boysidia属于虹蛹螺科,是C. F. Ancey于1881年首次建立。该属大部分种类分布于我国黄河流域以南广大地区及东亚和日本。Thiele将喇叭螺属分成2个亚属:喇叭螺指名亚属Boysidia(Boysidia)和贝喇叭螺亚属Boysidia(Bensonella)。指名亚属的主要特征是壁板和角板融合成1个叶板,柱板在内向下弯曲;贝喇叭螺属的主要特征是壁板和角板分离,柱板水平状,在内不向下弯曲。1916—1918年,Pilsbry根据壳口上的齿特征,将贝喇叭螺属中不呈钩状齿的种类独立为奇喇叭螺亚属B.(Paraboysidia) Pilsbry。故Pilsbry把喇叭螺属分为3个亚属:喇叭螺指名亚属Boysidia(Boysidia) Pilsbry,贝喇叭螺亚属B.(Bensonella) Pilsbry,1900和奇喇叭螺亚属B.(Paraboysidia) Pilsbry,1917。1983年,Thompson和Dance新建立毛蛹喇叭螺亚属Boysidia(Dasypupa),现该亚属种类仅见于东南亚地区。本文作者在整理云南省金平县铜厂乡采集的一批陆生贝类标本时,发现喇叭螺属一新种,现描述如下。 1 喇叭螺属Boysidia Ancey,1881

Boysidia Ancey,1881 Le Naturalisle,p.373

Gredeileriella Moellendorff,1884

Dasypupa Thompson and Dance,1983

Paraboysidia Pilsbry,1917

Boysidia Pilsbry,1916—1918 Manual of Conch.,24:192-209

Boysidia Thiele,1931 H and ,System.,p. 830-831

Boysidia Yen,1939 Abh. Mus. Nat. Ges.,444:75

Boysidia Chen and Gao 1987 Sci. Press Beijing China,p.43-44

Boysidia Abbott and Boss,1989

Boysidia Panha and Burch,2004—2005

模式种:Pupa dorsata Ancey,1881 Le Naturalisle,p.373

喇叭螺指名亚属Boysidia(Boysidia)Pilsbry,1917;贝喇叭螺亚属Boysidia(Bensonella) Pilsbry,1900;奇喇叭螺亚属Boysidia(Paraboysidia) Pilsbry,1917;毛蛹喇叭螺亚属Boysidia(Dasypupa) Thompson and Dance,1983


分布:我国长江流域南至印度尼西亚爪哇岛的广大区域,东亚、南亚、太平洋岛屿、中国南部和长江流域。 2 金平贝喇叭螺 新种Boysidia(Bensonella)jinpingensis sp. nov.(图 1:a~g) 正模标本

壳高7.20 mm,壳宽4.10 mm;壳口高2.40 mm,壳口宽1.80 mm。采自我国云南省金平县铜厂乡(22°07'N,103°02'E),2013年9月19日。

图 1 金平贝喇叭螺 新种Boysidia(Bensonella)jinpingensis sp. nov. Fig. 1 Boysidia(Bensonella)jinpingensis sp. nov. a. 侧面观(lateral view),b. 左面观(left view),c. 右面观(right view),d. 后侧面观(back lateral),e. 顶面观(top view),f. 腹面观(ventral view),g. 壳口放大(aperture enlargement)。

13个,壳高7.10~7.25 mm,壳宽4.00~4.15 mm;壳口高2.36~2.45 mm,壳口宽1.70~1.85 mm。采自我国云南省金平县铜厂乡(22°07'N,103°02'E),2013年9月19日。 词源

种名源于该模式标本采集地的名称:金平县。 形态特征

贝壳小型,稍厚,无光泽,不透明,呈长圆锥形。有6.5个螺层,中度膨大,螺旋部呈长圆锥形,胚螺层(1~1.5层)光滑,增长缓慢,体螺层非常膨大,向下倾斜。壳口颈部有2条明显垂直的脊状凸起。壳面棕黄色或栗色,并有细密、斜行的生长线和螺纹。壳顶钝,缝合线深。壳口椭圆形,厚实,极度膨大且外折呈喇叭状,口缘与体螺层分离,倾斜。内唇贴于体螺层,形成薄胼胝体。壳口内含7枚齿,包括1枚较大的片状角板,壳口右侧内缘的1枚较大粒状上腭褶,1枚乳头状下腭褶,1枚较小的片状基褶,1枚较大的片状柱板。脐孔较大,呈孔穴状。 栖息环境

与其他喇叭螺属的种类相似,一般生活于多石灰岩山区,喜欢栖息在阴暗、潮湿的石头裂缝或碎石堆中以及落叶下。 讨论

新种与修文贝喇叭螺Boysidia(Bensonella)xiuwenensis Zhang,Luo and Zhou,2010较相似,但后者的螺壳较小(壳高4.20 mm,壳宽1.90 mm;壳口高1.55 mm,壳口宽1.40 mm),具有3.5个螺层,壳口内有4枚齿,1枚大而坚实的片状角板,1枚大而弯曲的片状柱板,1枚小的乳头状下腭褶,1枚小的乳头状上腭褶,故有所区别。

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