四川动物  2015, Vol. 34(1) 59-61



张卫红, 程樟峰, 陈德牛
ZHANG Weihong, CHENG Zhangfeng, CHEN Deniu
A New Species of the Genus Sinoennea Kobelt from Zhejiang Province, China (Pulmonata, Stylommatophora, Streptaxidae)
四川动物, 2015, 34(1): 59-61
Sichuan Journal of Zoology, 2015, 34(1): 59-61


张卫红1, 程樟峰2, 陈德牛3     
1. 新疆大学生命科学与技术学院, 乌鲁木齐 830046;
2. 浙江清凉峰自然保护区管理局, 浙江临安 311300;
3. 中国科学院动物研究所, 北京 100101
摘要:记述了浙江弯螺属一新种,即龙塘山弯螺新种Sinoennea longtangshanensis sp. nov.。标本采自浙江省临安市龙塘山清凉峰自然保护区。弯螺属的种类主要分布于东亚和南亚地区,在我国主要分布于长江以南的地区。龙塘山弯螺贝壳小型(壳高4.40 mm,壳宽2.40 mm),壳质薄,有6.5个螺层,胚螺层和第二螺层光滑,无肋纹,壳口具4枚齿。模式标本保存于中国科学院动物研究所。
关键词陆生贝类     扭轴蜗牛科     弯螺属     新种     浙江省    
A New Species of the Genus Sinoennea Kobelt from Zhejiang Province, China (Pulmonata, Stylommatophora, Streptaxidae)
ZHANG Weihong1, CHENG Zhangfeng2, CHEN Deniu3     
1. College of Life Sciences and Technology, Xinjiang University, Urumqi 830046, China;
2. Administration of Zhejiang Qingliangfeng Nature Reserve, Linan, Zhejiang Province 311300, China;
3. Insitute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China
Abstract:The study reported a new species of the genus Sinoennea Kobelt, 1904 from China: Sinoennea longtangshanensis sp. nov. The material was collected by the authors in Longtangshan Town, Linan City, Qingliangfeng Nature Reserve, Zhejiang Province, China. Shell of Sinoennea longtangshanensis is small (height 4.40 mm, diameter 2.40 mm), thin, with 6.5 whorls. The last and penultimate whorls are translucence. Aperture has 4 barriers. The type specimens are deposited in the Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China.Sinoennea longtangshanensis sp. nov. (Plate Ⅰ: 1~5)Holotype. Height 4.40 mm, diameter 2.40 mm, height of aperture 1.30 mm, diameter of aperture 1.21 mm, height of spire 2.80 mm, collected by authors from Longtangshan Town, Linan City, Qingliangfeng Nature Reserve (30°01'N, 118°80'E), Zhejiang Province, China, 26 June 2013.Paratypes. 26 adult specimens. Height 4.10~4.50 mm(4.32 mm±0.18 mm), diameter 2.35~2.45 mm (2.38 mm±0.15 mm), height of aperture 1.25~1.35 mm (1.31 mm±0.11 mm), diameter of aperture 1.20~1.30 mm (1.24 mm±0.09 mm), height of spire 2.59~2.88 mm (2.74 mm±0.14 mm), collecting data same as holotype.Description: Shell is small, thin, lustrous, cylindrical conic and with a rather truncated apex. The last and penultimate whorls are translucence. Whorls are 6.5, moderately convex with high spire. Apex is blunt, short and ovate. Sutures are deep. Shells are white or light yellow in color, with regularly spaced 120~130 pronounced some strong curve vertically rib-striae (23~26 ribs on the last whorl), but the embryonic and second whorls are smooth, without rib-stria. Aperture is small, elliptical shaped. Peristome margin is thick, expanded and reflexed; and the angular region is slightly curved backward. Apertural barriers are 4: one strong flake-shaped parietal tooth is connected with parietal callus, and the end of parietal tooth is somewhat bilobed; two connected nipple-formed palatal teeth are nearly equal in size, one is situated at the edge of the peristome, and the other is a bit deeper within the aperture; on the columellar lip, there is one large nipple-shaped columellar tooth even deeper within the aperture. Umbilicus is small, narrow and chink-shaped.Habitat: This new species was found in limestone areas of mountainous regions, in dark, moist habitats with bryophyte and lichen, on the surface of limestone or in chink of rock.Discussion: The new species is similar with Sinoennea fuzhouensis Zhou & Chen, 2006 and Sinoennea pupoidea Zhou & Zhang, 2009. Sinoennea fuzhouensis differs from the new species by the following shell characters: Shell of Sinoennea fuzhouensis is thicker and bigger (height 5.17 mm, diameter 2.57 mm), with 7.5 whorls. Aperture is ear-shaped, with 3 teeth, columellar tooth wanting. Aperture of Sinoennea pupoidea also has four barriers, but it differs obviously from the new species. Shell of Sinoennea pupoidea is smaller (height 2.94 mm, diameter 1.68 mm), thick, not translucence, pupa-shaped, with 5.5 whorls.
Key words: landsnail     Streptaxidae     Sinoennea     new species     Zhejiang province    

扭轴蜗牛科Streptaxidae弯螺属Sinoennea系1904年由Kobelt建立,包括2个亚属,Indoennea Kobelt,1904和Gibrus(Ennea)H. & A. Adams,1855(Kobelt,1904)。Thiele(1931)Sinoennea归为属Gulella L. Pfeiffer,1896,亚属Diaphora Albers,1850 2个组(SinoenneaDiaphora)中的一个组。基于分子系统学分析,Sutcharit等(2010)建立一个新科Diapheridae,并将SinoenneaDiaphera归为其下的2个属。然而,多数学者认为Sinoennea为扭轴蜗牛科的一个属(Yen,1939Schileyko,20002011Panha & Burch,2005)。弯螺属的种类,贝壳小型,呈卵圆形、长卵圆形或圆柱形,壳面具粗或较粗的肋纹,体螺层底部圆,脐孔开放或十分狭窄,壳口具1枚壁板(角板),1枚轴板,1枚小的腭褶和1枚小的基褶(Zilch,1961)。该属主要分布于喜马拉雅山麓丘陵地带、印度南部、印度支那、中国、马来半岛、苏门答腊岛、泰国、日本和韩国等东亚和南亚地区(Thiele,1931Azuma,1982Schileyko,2000Panha & Burch,2005)。我国共记载弯螺属13种,主要分布于长江流域以南的地区,包括湖南、广西、安徽、贵州、江西、广东、福建和香港等省区(Heude,1882Yen,1939罗泰昌等,19982004周卫川等,20062009欧阳珊等,2012)。作者于2013年6月26日在浙江省临安市清凉峰自然保护区龙塘山采得此属标本,经鉴定发现一新种,即龙塘山弯螺新种Sinoennea longtangshanensis sp. nov.,此种为弯螺属在浙江省的首次记录。1 材料与方法

蜗牛标本保存于70%的酒精中。用测微尺对27个成体螺壳进行了测量,精确至0.01 mm。螺层的计算采用Kerney和Cameron(1979)描述的方法。 2 结果2.1 龙塘山弯螺新种Sinoennea longtangshanensis sp. nov.(图版Ⅰ: 1~5)

正模标本:壳高4.40 mm,壳宽2.40 mm,壳口高1.30 mm,壳口宽1.21 mm,螺旋部高2.80 mm。2013年6月26日釆自浙江省临安市龙塘山清凉峰自然保护区(30°01′N,118°80′E)。张卫红等: 浙江弯螺属一新种记述(肺螺亚纲,柄眼目,扭轴蜗牛科)

图版Ⅰ 龙塘山弯螺新种Sinoennea longtangshanensis sp. nov. Plate Ⅰ Sinoennea longtangshanensis sp. nov.1. 贝壳侧面观,2. 贝壳背侧面观,3. 贝壳左侧面观,4. 壳口放大,5. 贝壳右侧面观。

1. lateral view,2. dorsal-lateral view,3. left-lateral view,4. aperture enlarged,5. right-lateral view.

副模标本:26个成体,壳高4.10~4.50 mm(4.32 mm±0.18 mm),壳宽2.35~2.45 mm(2.38 mm±0.15 mm),壳口高1.25~1.35 mm(1.31 mm±0.11 mm),壳口宽1.20~1.30 mm(1.24 mm±0.09 mm),螺旋部高2.59~2.88 mm(2.74 mm±0.14 mm)。采集信息同正模标本。2.2 形态特征

贝壳小型,壳质薄,有光泽,呈圆柱形。有6.5个螺层,各螺层膨胀凸出。螺旋部高,体螺层下部逐渐缩小。壳顶钝(1~1 12个螺层),卵形。缝合线深。壳面白色或淡黄色,其上有120~130条成斜行排列粗而弯曲的肋纹(其中体螺层上具23~26条),但胚螺层和第二螺层光滑,无肋纹。壳口小,呈椭圆形;口缘厚,外折,扩大而延长,呈喇叭状;壳轴垂直;壳口内唇角板处略弯曲下陷。壳口具4齿:内唇上有1枚较大呈片状的角(壁)板达口缘,齿末端略成两瓣状;口缘右侧下有2枚大小相近,较小呈丘疹状相连排列的腭褶,1枚位于口缘,1枚位置稍深;轴缘处有1枚较大呈乳头状的轴板,位于壳口较深处。脐孔狭小,呈孔隙状。

正、副模标本均保存于中国科学院动物研究所标本馆(北京)。 2.3 词源

新种名源于本种的采集地龙塘山镇。2.4 栖息环境

龙塘山弯螺标本采自阴暗潮湿多腐殖质的石灰岩山区,多苔藓、地衣的岩石壁上或石缝中。3 讨论

新种与福州弯螺Sinoennea fuzhouensis Zhou,Chen & Guo,1996 和蛹形弯螺Sinoennea pupoidea,Zhou & Zhang,2009在外部形态上相似。但福州弯螺贝壳较大(壳高5.17 mm,壳宽2.57 mm,壳口高1.86 mm,壳口宽1.48 mm);壳质厚,不透明;有7.5个螺层;壳口近耳状,具3齿,无轴板;脐孔大而深,呈洞穴状,与新种相区别。蛹形弯螺与新种相似,壳口也具有4枚齿,但与新种相比明显不同的是:蛹形弯螺贝壳较小(壳高2.94 mm,壳宽1.68 mm,壳口高0.57 mm,壳口宽0.57 mm);壳质厚,不透明,呈蛹形;有5.5个螺层。

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