林业科学  2016, Vol. 52 Issue (7): 165-169   PDF    
DOI: 10.11707/j.1001-7488.20160720


苏筱雨, 王婧, 任晓婧, 李会平
Su Xiaoyu, Wang Jing, Ren Xiaojing, Li Huiping
Ultraviolet Mutation Breeding for High Toxicity Strains of Beauveria bassiana against Larvae of Hyphantria cunea (Drury)
林业科学, 2016, 52(7): 165-169
Scientia Silvae Sinicae, 2016, 52(7): 165-169.
DOI: 10.11707/j.1001-7488.20160720





苏筱雨, 王婧, 任晓婧, 李会平    
河北农业大学 河北省林木种质资源与森林保护重点实验室 保定 071000
摘要【目的】 对分离自美国白蛾幼虫虫尸的1株白僵菌菌株BH01进行紫外线诱变,以获得高毒力突变株,为美国白蛾的生物防治提供新的工程菌株。 【方法】 将白僵菌的孢子悬浮液置于紫外灯下进行诱变处理,诱变处理后获得的菌株进行培养后以产孢量超过原始菌株2倍以上作为依据筛选正向突变菌株,测定其对美国白蛾5龄幼虫的致病力,筛选高毒力突变株进行继代培养,研究其产孢量和致病力的稳定性。 【结果】 对原始菌株BH01经紫外线诱变处理后获得28个菌落,孢子校正死亡率为85.5%,将获得的菌落重新接种于PDA平板上得到产孢量高于原始菌株2倍以上的正突变株BH01-5、BH01-12、BH01-25。其中诱变菌株BH01-5对美国白蛾5龄幼虫的校正死亡率明显低于原始菌株,BH01-25与原始菌株相当,而BH01-12的校正死亡率和LT50值分别为原始菌株的1.30和0.68倍,具有显著差异。将突变株BH01-25和BH01-12继代培养6次,发现诱变菌株BH01-25菌株在继代过程中产孢量和致病力明显降低,表现出与原始菌株类似的趋势,但其产孢量始终高于原始菌株,另外,原始菌株培养第4代时即开始降低,BH01-25至第6代时才出现明显的降低,表现出了更好的稳定性。诱变菌株BH01-12在试验的6代继代培养过程中,无论产孢量还是对美国白蛾幼虫的致病力方面均未出现下降,且均明显优于原始菌株。 【结论】 经过对分离自美国白蛾幼虫的1株球孢白僵菌BH01进行紫外诱变,得到了产孢量和致病力均高于原始菌株的突变株BH01-12,该菌株经过继代培养后,其产孢量和致病力均未出现降低,表现出一定的遗传稳定性,具有很好的生产和应用前景。
关键词: 白僵菌     紫外诱变     致病力     产孢量     美国白蛾    
Ultraviolet Mutation Breeding for High Toxicity Strains of Beauveria bassiana against Larvae of Hyphantria cunea (Drury)
Su Xiaoyu, Wang Jing, Ren Xiaojing, Li Huiping    
Key Laboratory for Forest Tree Germplasm and Forest Protection of Hebei Province Agricultural University of Hebei Baoding 071000
Abstract: 【Objective】 In this study, ultraviolet irradiation was used to mutate Beauveria bassiana BH01, isolated from an infested larvae of Hyphantria cunea (Drury) (Lepidoptera:Arctiidae), to select high virulent mutants and provide new engineered strains for the biocontrol of H. cunea. 【Method】 The spore suspension of BH01 was put under UV lamp to mutagenize, positive mutant strain was first selected based on the mutation strains' spore yield which was more than 2 times of original strains. Then the pathogenicity of positive mutant strains to 5th instar larvae of H. cunea was determined. The screened high virulent mutant strains were subculture to determine the stability of the sporulation yield and pathogenicity. 【Result】 We obtained 28 colonies after UV treatment, and the corrected mortality of spore was 85.5%. The colonies acquired after UV treatment were cultured on PDA plate and three positive mutant strains of BH01-5, BH01-12, and BH01-25 with more than 2 times higher spore yield than the original strain were obtained. Contrast to the original strains, the corrected mortality of 5th instar larvae of H. cunea caused by the mutant strain BH01-5 was significantly lower, and BH01-25 caused the almost equivalent mortality. However, the BH01-12 caused the significantly higher mortality, and the corrected mortality and LT50 values were 1.30 and 0.68 times higher than that of the original strain, respectively, and the differences are statistically significant. The mutant strains BH01-12 and BH01-25 were subcultured 6 generations. The results showed that the spore yield and pathogenicity of BH01-25 decreased gradually, with the same trend with the original strain. But the spore yield was always higher than that of the original strain. In addition, the pathogenicity of original strain decreased from the 4 generation, while that of BH01-25 decreased from the 6 generation, indicating the better stability of the mutant. In contrast, both the amount of spore production and the pathogenicity to the larvae of H. cunea of the mutant strain BH01-12 were not declined during the 6 generation of subculture, indicating the mutant was significantly better than that of original strain. 【Conclusion】 After the UV mutagenizing to B. bassiana BH01 isolated from diseased larvae of H. cunea, a mutant strain BH01-12 with higher spore yield and pathogenicity was obtained. During 6 generation sub-culture of the mutant, the spore production and pathogenicity of BH01-12 had no any reduction, showing to a certain degree genetic stability and good production and application prospects.
Key words: Beauveria bassiana     UV mutagenizing     sporulation yield     pathogenicity     Hyphantria cunea (Drury)    

美国白蛾[Hyphantria cunea (Drury)]又名美国灯蛾、秋幕毛虫,属鳞翅目(Lepidoptera)灯蛾科 (Arctiidae),是举世瞩目的世界性检疫害虫,主要危害果树和观赏树木,尤其以阔叶树为重,对园林树木、经济林、农田防护林等造成严重的危害,已被列入我国首批外来入侵物种(杨宝山等,2012Yang et al., 2008刘子欢等,2015杨忠岐等,2007Sullivan et al., 2011)。生物防治因其优良的环境友好性及可持续性等优点越来越受到人们的关注和认可。白僵菌作为一类广谱性昆虫病原真菌,已有许多研究证实其对多种害虫表现出较强的致病力(Zibaee et al., 2013; 刘永清等,2013陆秀君等,2008刘世建等,2008Özdikmen et al., 2004; Aurelien et al., 2004; Edison et al., 2006; Eken et al., 2006; Li et al., 2007韩慧等,2011Feng et al., 2004)。而不同菌株在营养生长、产孢量、致病力、抗逆性及稳定性等方面存在着相当大的差异,筛选性状优良的菌株是提高白僵菌杀虫效果及应用前景的重要手段之一。优良菌株的获得有自然分离、诱变和基因构建等手段。紫外线能使微生物发生变异,菌株DNA 吸收紫外光后正常的复制受到影响,引起基因突变,是一种可在短时间内获得大量突变株的常用诱变方法(靳磊等,2011Cagáň et al., 2001田志来等,2011曹伟平等,2007)。


1 材料与方法 1.1 试验材料

1) 球孢白僵菌BHO1菌株,由河北农业大学林木病理实验室提供。该菌株于2010年9月分离自河北省秦皇岛市的僵死美国白蛾幼虫。

2) 供试昆虫 野外采集美国白蛾卵置于室内待其孵化后,以经表面消毒的毛白杨叶片在人工气侯室内(温度25 ℃,湿度80%,光暗比12∶12光照条件下)饲养至5龄幼虫用于致病性测定。

1.2 试验方法

1) 紫外线诱变处理 将盛有107 个·mL-1 白僵菌孢子悬浮液的培养皿打开皿盖置于磁力搅拌器上,放置在预先预热30 min的15 W紫外灯下(28 cm)。20 min后将经过诱变处理的孢子悬浮液稀释成200个孢子·mL-1的孢悬液,取0.1 mL接种于PDA培养基上,用灭菌的玻璃刮棒涂布均匀,使每皿大约有20个孢子,然后用黑布包裹培养皿,放入恒温培养箱培养8天。共接种10个培养皿,以未经紫外诱变处理的悬浮液为对照。

2) 产孢量测定及正突变株筛选 将经过上述诱变处理及黑暗培养的PDA平板上出现的菌落重新接种到新的PDA平板上进行培养,每个菌株接种3皿,待其充分产孢后,参照(卢振启等,2013)测定各菌株产孢量,以未经诱变处理的BH01原始菌株作对照,以产孢量超过原始菌株2倍以上作为正向突变菌株,计算正突变率。


3) 正突变株对美国白蛾致病性测定 将经紫外线诱变处理获得的正突变菌株和原菌株的1×108·mL-1的孢子悬液,用POTTER喷雾塔对5龄美国白蛾幼虫进行定量喷雾,每个菌株4个重复,每重复50头供试幼虫,每个处理喷雾3 mL,以含0.05%吐温-80的无菌水处理作对照。喷雾接种后的虫体被转移至透明塑料盒中置于自然光照下饲喂灭菌毛白杨叶片,每天更换叶片并观察记载幼虫死亡情况,共调查记录8天。将死亡虫体保湿培养,通过检查僵死虫体表面的菌丝和孢子确定其是否因白僵菌感染致死。计算校正死亡率和致死中时LT50

$\begin{array}{l} \;\;\;\;\;\;校正死亡率 = \\ \frac{{处理组死亡率 - 对照组死亡率}}{{1 - 对照组死亡率}} \times 100\% \circ \end{array}$

4) 诱变株的继代培养及其稳定性测定 将经过产孢量和致病力筛选获得的突变菌株接种于PDA 斜面培养基上,继代培养6代,每代培养10天,测定各代产孢量及对美国白蛾幼虫的致病力,以确定诱变株的稳定性。

2 结果与分析 2.1 正突变株的获得

原始菌株经紫外线诱变处理,稀释分离并涂布PDA平板后,得到28个单菌落,对照得到186个菌落,孢子校正死亡率为85.5%。将获得的菌落重新接种于PDA平板上测定各诱变菌株的产孢量结果见表 1

表 1可以看出,通过诱变获得的菌株其产孢量变化情况不同,19个诱变菌株产孢量低于原始菌株,9个菌株产孢量高于原始菌株,其中高于菌株2倍以上的正突变菌株3株,分别为BH01-5、BH01-12、BH01-25。

表 1 紫外诱变菌株的产孢量 Tab.1 Sporulation yield of strains by ultraviolet ray mutation
2.2 正突变株对美国白蛾幼虫的致病力测定

经过紫外线诱变获得的正突变菌株对美国白蛾5龄幼虫的校正死亡率见表 2

表 2 正突变株对美国白蛾幼虫的校正死亡率 Tab.2 Corrected mortalities and LT50 of H. cunea larvae treated with positive mutant strains

表 2可以看出,经初筛获得的3株正突变菌株对美国白蛾5龄幼虫均表现出了一定的致病力,无论是原始菌株还是诱变菌株,校正死亡率均随着处理时间的延长逐渐增大,至第8天时原始菌株处理组的校正死亡率为69.34%,LT50值为5.971天。诱变菌株BH01-5的校正死亡率明显低于原始菌株,BH01-25与原始菌株相当,而BH01-12的校正死亡率和LT50值分别为原始菌株的1.30和0.68倍,具有显著差异。

2.3 正突变高毒力株的继代稳定性

将经过产孢量及其致病力测定的诱变菌株BH01-25和BH01-12继代培养6次,测定各代菌株的产孢量和致病力,结果见表 3

表 3 BH01-25和BH01-12菌株继代培养后产孢量和校正死亡率测定 Tab.3 Sporulation yields and corrected mortality of subcultured BH01-25 and BH01-12 strains

表 3可以看出,随着继代次数的增加,原始菌株BH01的产孢量和对美国白蛾幼虫的校正死亡率逐渐下降,表现出退化的趋势。诱变菌株BH01-25菌株在继代过程中表现出与原始菌株类似的趋势,但其产孢量始终高于原始菌株,另外,就对美国白蛾幼虫的校正死亡率而言,原始菌株培养第4代时即开始降低,BH01-25至第6代时才出现明显的降低,表现出了更好的稳定性。诱变菌株BH01-12在试验的6代继代培养过程中,无论产孢量还是对美国白蛾幼虫的致病力方面均未出现下降,且均明显优于原始菌株,表现出了更大的应用潜力。

3 结论与讨论

紫外诱变设备简单、效果好,是获得真菌突变体的常用方法,其诱变效应为引起真菌DNA结构或碱基序列的变化,导致基因发生突变。本课题组2015 年9月分离自美国白蛾幼虫一株球孢白僵菌BH01菌株,该菌株1×108 conidia·mL-1的悬浮液处理8天后对美国白蛾5龄幼虫的致死率为84.78%,致死中时为4.94天,致死中浓度为1.39 × 106个·mL-1,田间防治试验7天后,BH01的防治效果达88.84%,与4.5% 高效氯氢菊酯无明显差异(李会平等,2015)。经过对该菌株进行紫外诱变,得到了产孢量和致病力均高于原始菌株的突变株BH01-12,该菌株经过继代培养后,其产孢量和致病力均表现出极好的稳定性,显示出很好的生产和应用前景。



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