林业科学  2015, Vol. 51 Issue (8): 134-142   PDF    
DOI: 10.11707/j.1001-7488.20150818


李巧, 卢志兴, 张威, 马艳滟, 冯萍
Li Qiao, Lu Zhixing, Zhang Wei, Ma Yanyan, Feng Ping
Communities of Ground-Dwelling Ants in Different Plantation Forests in Arid-Hot Valleys of Jinsha River, Yunnan Province, China
林业科学, 2015, 51(8): 134-142
Scientia Silvae Sinicae, 2015, 51(8): 134-142.
DOI: 10.11707/j.1001-7488.20150818





李巧, 卢志兴, 张威, 马艳滟, 冯萍    
西南林业大学云南省森林灾害预警与控制重点实验室 昆明 650224
摘要【目的】比较金沙江干热河谷地区7种人工林地表蚂蚁群落的物种组成及多度和多样性,揭示各种人工林生物多样性状况及其对当地生物多样性保护的意义,为云南干热河谷地区的植被恢复和生物多样性保护提供参考。【方法】在云南省元谋县荒漠化生态系统定位观测站的桉树林、膏桐林、膏桐-新银合欢林、印楝林、印楝-大叶相思林、印楝-苏门答腊金合欢林以及印楝-新银合欢林7种人工林中设置调查样地,分别于2011年4月(旱季)和8月(雨季)运用陷阱法对各样地地表蚂蚁群落进行抽样调查。在样地内设置1条200 m长的样带,每隔10 m布设1个口径80 mm、高150 mm的陷阱,共20个;以50 mL 50%的丙三醇作为陷阱溶液,陷阱放置5天后取出其内的蚂蚁,用95%酒精保存。每类型样地设2~3个重复样带。【结果】 1)物种组成:金沙江干热河谷人工林地表蚂蚁群落由5亚科17属36种组成,切叶蚁亚科属种最丰富,有6属18种;蚁亚科次之,有5属10种;臭蚁亚科有4属6种;猛蚁亚科和盲蚁亚科仅1属1种。铺道蚁属种类最丰富,有6种;其次是小家蚁属,有4种。旱季(4月)采集到地表蚂蚁2 127头18种,个体数量最多的分别是黑头酸臭蚁和中华小家蚁;雨季(8月)采集到地表蚂蚁1 874头25种,个体数量最多的分别是扁平虹臭蚁和克氏铺道蚁。金沙江干热河谷人工林旱季地表蚂蚁群落组成和雨季不同,雨季蚂蚁群落表现出其物种组成与植被性质趋于一致的特点。2)多度和多样性: 7种人工林中,印楝林蚂蚁多度最大,无论在旱季还是雨季,都显著大于桉树林和印楝-合欢林;印楝-大叶相思林蚂蚁多样性最高,桉树林蚂蚁多样性最低。在旱季,所有人工林地表蚂蚁多样性之间无显著差异;在雨季,印楝-大叶相思林地表蚂蚁多样性显著高于其他6种人工林。7种人工林之间地表蚂蚁群落相似性较低,β多样性较高。【结论】在金沙江干热河谷元谋段,印楝-大叶相思林具有较高的蚂蚁多样性,对当地生物多样性保护具有积极意义,营造印楝-大叶相思林是很好的植被恢复模式;其余6种人工林具有不太相似的蚂蚁物种组成,对提高区域生物多样性具有积极作用。
关键词蚁科    生物多样性    物种组成    生物指示    人工林    
Communities of Ground-Dwelling Ants in Different Plantation Forests in Arid-Hot Valleys of Jinsha River, Yunnan Province, China
Li Qiao, Lu Zhixing, Zhang Wei, Ma Yanyan, Feng Ping    
Key Laboratory of Forest Disaster Warning and Control in Yunnan Province, Southwest Forestry University Kunming 650224
Abstract: [Objective] Because of the fragile ecological environment in arid-hot valleys of Jinsha River, Yunnan Province, China, the region has been the hot spots of vegetation restoration for which plantation is the main model. To reveal the diversity status of these plantations, and the potential role in biodiversity protection, the ground-dwelling ant community was studied in 7 different plantations in Jinsha River arid-hot valleys, by comparing the difference of ground-dwelling ant community in terms of species composition and diversity. It would be reference for revegetation and biodiversity protection in the arid-hot valleys. [Method] The experimental sites were in the Desert Ecosystem Observation Station of the State Forestry Administration in Yuanmou County. The sampled plots were set in the following tree plantations: Eucalyptus spp.; Jatropha carcas; Jatropha carcas +Leucaena leucocephala; Azadirachta indica; Azadirachta indica+Acacia auriculiformis; Azadirachta indica+Acacia glauca and Azadirachta indica+Leucaena leucocephala. Investigation of ground-dwelling ant community was carried out by pitfall trappings in all 7 plantations in April (dry season) and August (wet season), 2011,respectively. At each plot, two-three 200 m transects were established for ant collection. The 20 pitfall traps with 50ml 50% glycerol were set along each transect at 10 m intervals at ground level. Pitfall traps were made from plastic containers, 8 cm diameter and 15 cm deep, covered by a stone plate to protect the trap from rain. Traps were set for 5 days. The contents of each transect were placed separately in plastic bottles and deposited in 95% alcohol. [Results] The resultswere as follows: 1) Ant community composition: 4001 ant individuals were collected, representing 36 species in 17 genera and 5 subfamilies. The collected Myrmicinae subfamily had the most abundant genus and species, with 18 species in 6 genera, followed by Formicinae with 10 species in 5 genera, then Dolichoderinae with 6 species in 4 genera, and the last groups were Ponerinae and Aenictinae, each only with 1 sepcies and 1 genus. The genus of Tetramorium had the most abundant species with 6 species, followed by genus Monomorium with 4 species. There were 2 127 ant individuals representing 18 species captured in dry season (i.e. in April), among which, Tapinoma melanocephalum and Monomorium chinensis were the most abundant. In wet season (i.e. in August), there were 1 874 ant individuals were captured, among which, Iridmyrmex anceps and Tetramorium cuneinode were the most abundant. There was significant difference of ground-dwelling ant community species composition between dry season and wet season. The ant community in wet season could indicate that the species composition accorded to the features of the vegetations. 2) Ant abundance and diversity: among 7 plantations, the ant abundance in Azadirachta indica plantation was highest regardless the season, and was significantly higher than that in Eucalyptus spp. plantation and Azadirachta indica + Leucaena leucocephala or Acacia glauca plantation. The ant species richness in Azadirachta indica + Acacia auriculiformis plantation was the highest among all plantations, and ant species richness was lowest in Eucalyptus spp. plantation. There was no significant difference in species richness among the plantations in dry season. However, in wet season, the ant species richness in Azadirachta indica + Acacia auriculiformis plantation was significantly higher than that of other 6 plantations. There was low similarity of ant community composition among all selected plantations, which suggested higher β diversity. [Conclusion] The results indicated that Azadirachta indica + Acacia auriculiformis plantation has positive role in local biodiversity protection, and should be selected as a good model in restoration. The other 6 plantations also have certain role in increasing the biodiversity in regional level, owing to their different ant species composition.
Key words: Formicidae    biodiversity    species composition    bio-indication    plantations    

干热河谷位于云南省境内横断山区干旱及半干旱河谷地带,主要分布在金沙江、怒江、澜沧江及元江的中游等河谷区(张荣祖,1992;金振洲等,2000)。金沙江干热河谷生态环境极其脆弱(赵跃龙,1999),一直是植被恢复实践的热点地区(纪中华等,2009)。营造人工林是干热河谷地区植被恢复的主要模式,桉树(Eucalyptus spp.)、印楝(Azadirachta indica)、膏桐(Jatropha carcas)等是造林的主要树种(高洁等,1997;李昆等,2004;李国瑾,2008)。金沙江干热河谷生物多样性研究屡见报道,主要围绕植物(方海东等,2005李昆等,2007)或昆虫(李昆等,2006;李巧等, 20062008),然而缺乏对不同类型人工林的生物多样性比较以及人工林对当地生物多样性保护价值探讨的研究。金沙江干热河谷地区人工林生物多样性水平如何,对于地区生物多样性保护具有什么意义,是影响该地区社会经济发展的重要问题。

蚂蚁是地球上分布最广泛、种类和数量最多的社会性昆虫,其物种组成常被用来评价干扰对蚂蚁群落的影响;在世界范围内,蚂蚁已经成为指示生物多样性和环境变化的重要物种,是使用最广泛的指示生物(Hoffmann,2010;李巧等,2011a;Ribas et al., 2011)。地表蚂蚁容易进行规范化抽样,尤其受到研究者的青睐(Vasconcelos,2006;Chen et al., 2011;李巧等,2011b);然而国内的研究相对薄弱,规范化抽样及分析有待加强(李巧等,2009)。


1 研究区概况

研究区位于金沙江一级支流龙川江河谷中下游地区的元谋县境内,地理位置101°35′—102°06′E,25°23′—26°06′N,全县南北长77.3 km,东西宽42 km,面积2 021.47 km2。境内最高海拔2 835.9 m、最低海拔898 m;年平均气温21.5 ℃,最热月平均气温27.1 ℃,最冷月平均气温14.9 ℃;≥10 ℃积温7 996 ℃;无霜期350~365天;年日照时数2 550~2 744 h;年降水量623.1 mm,主要集中在6—10月;年蒸发量3 569.2 mm,为降水量的5.8倍。海拔1 300 m以下为燥红土,1 300~2 200 m之间为红壤。干热河谷地区海拔1 600 m以下以稀树灌木草丛为主;1 600 m以上主要为灌丛草地,也有片状森林分布,植被概况见文献(李巧等,2014a2014b)。

在云南省元谋县荒漠化生态系统定位观测站的7种人工林内设置调查样地,样地基本概况见表 1,以撂荒多年的草坡作为对照。

表 1 金沙江干热河谷人工林调查样地基本概况 Tab.1 Basic conditions of the sample plots in plantation forests in arid-hot valleys of Jinsha River
2 研究方法 2.1 调查方法


2.2 数据分析



3)多度和多样性按照文献(李巧等,2014b)方法,采用地表蚂蚁个体数来度量各调查样地地表蚂蚁多度,采用物种丰富度S值、ACE值、α指数和Shannon指数度量各调查样地地表蚂蚁多样性,利用SPSS中的One-way ANOVA程序对不同地表蚂蚁群落组成进行方差分析及多重比较。

3 结果与分析 3.1 抽样充分性

金沙江干热河谷人工林旱季及雨季地表蚂蚁群落物种累积曲线见图 1,各调查样带地表蚂蚁群落的S/ACE见表 2

图 1 金沙江干热河谷人工林地表蚂蚁群落物种累积曲线 Fig. 1 Species accumulation curves of ground-dwelling ant community arid-hot valleys of Jinsha River
表 2 云南干热河谷人工林调查样带地表蚂蚁群落的S/ACE Tab.2 S/ACE of ground-dwelling ant communities in sampling transects in arid-hot valleys of Jinsha River

图 1显示,无论是旱季还是雨季,金沙江干热河谷人工林地表蚂蚁群落物种累积曲线均呈渐进性,急剧上升后趋于平缓;除旱季T11、雨季T12的S/ACE较低外,其余均接近或超过0.80(表 2)。显然,此次研究抽样量充分。

3.2 物种组成

金沙江干热河谷人工林地表蚂蚁群落由5亚科17属36种组成(附录),其中猛蚁亚科(Ponerinae)和盲蚁亚科(Aenictinae)均为1属1种;切叶蚁亚科(Myrmicinae)有6属18种,是最丰富的亚科;臭蚁亚科(Dolichoderinae)有4属6种,蚁亚科(Formicinae)有5属10种。在属级分类单元中,铺道蚁属(Tetramorium)种类最丰富,有6种;其次是小家蚁属(Monomorium),有4种。旱季地表蚂蚁有2 127头18种,个体数量最多的分别是黑头酸臭蚁(Tapinoma melanocephalum)和中华小家蚁(Monomorium chinensis);雨季有1 874头25种,个体数量最多的分别是扁平虹臭蚁(Iridmyrmex anceps)和克氏铺道蚁(Tetramorium cuneinode)。旱季地表蚂蚁群落个体数较多,而雨季地表蚂蚁群落种类更丰富。

金沙江干热河谷不同季节人工林地表蚂蚁群落相似性分析见图 2图 3。旱季地表蚂蚁群落基本分为4类:样带8,9,10和12聚为一类,样带13,14聚为一类,样带7,15和16聚为一类,样带3,4,5和6聚为一类,其余3条样带相距甚远(图 2)。雨季地表蚂蚁群落也聚为4类:样带6,7,15和16聚为一类,样带8,13聚为一类,样带3,4和5聚为一类,样带1和11聚为一类,其余5条样带相距甚远而未出现在图中(图 3)。

图 2 金沙江干热河谷人工林旱季地表蚂蚁群落非度量多维尺度分析 Fig. 2 Nonmetric multidimensional scaling for grounddwelling ant communities in dry season in arid-hot valleys of Jinsha River T1,T2 未出现在图中。T1 and T2 could not be seen in the figure.
图 3 金沙江干热河谷人工林雨季地表蚂蚁群落非度量多维尺度分析 Fig. 3 Nonmetric multidimensional scaling for ground- dwelling ant communities in wet season in arid-hot valleys of Jinsha River


3.3 多度和多样性

各调查样带不同季节地表蚂蚁群落多度和多样性见表 3。旱季地表蚂蚁群落中,样带5,7和14的物种数最少,其次是样带1,2和15,样带3,6和11蚂蚁物种数丰富,其余6条样带物种数居中。从抽样效果来看,样带11可能是地表蚂蚁最丰富的。雨季地表蚂蚁群落中,样带8,11和12的地表蚂蚁物种数丰富,样带2和5地表蚂蚁物种很少,其余11条样带物种数在5~8之间。从抽样效果来看,大多数样带抽样充分。α指数反映出样带12和11具有较高的地表蚂蚁多样性,样带8和13次之,其余样带地表蚂蚁多样性水平较低。

表 3 金沙江干热河谷人工林地表蚂蚁群落多度及多样性 Tab.3 Abundances and diversities of ground-dwelling ant communities in different plantation forests in arid-hot valleys of Jinsha River

不同林分人工林旱季地表蚂蚁群落多样性比较见表 4。旱季印楝林具有最高的地表蚂蚁多度,膏桐林和印楝-大叶相思林次之,桉树林、膏桐-新银合欢林和印楝-合欢林多度最低,显著低于印楝林,但与对照相比,所有林分在地表蚂蚁多度上均无显著差异。各多样性指数在不同林分中的排序不尽相同,但多重比较的结果显示,无论哪种人工林,其地表蚂蚁多样性水平与对照相比均无显著差异,各人工林彼此间亦无显著差异。

表 4 金沙江干热河谷人工林旱季地表蚂蚁群落多样性比较 Tab.4 Comparison of abundances and diversities of ground-dwelling ant communities in dry season in arid-hot valleys of Jinsha River(mean±SE)

表 5显示,在雨季,对照和印楝林具有最高的蚂蚁多度,桉树林蚂蚁多度较低,印楝-合欢林最低,多重比较结果显示桉树林和印楝-合欢林蚂蚁多度显著低于对照。各多样性指数反映了基本一致的结果:印楝-大叶相思林具有最高的蚂蚁多样性,显著高于对照及其他人工林,而这些人工林多样性水平之间无显著差异。

表 5 金沙江干热河谷人工林雨季地表蚂蚁群落多样性比较 Tab.5 Comparison of abundances and diversities of ground-dwelling ant communities in wet season in arid-hot valleys of Jinsha River(mean±SE)
4 结论与讨论



金沙江干热河谷7种人工林中,印楝-大叶相思林具有最高的蚂蚁多样性,桉树林蚂蚁多样性最低,该结果与以往的研究(温远光等,2005;李巧等,20072008)一致。然而在旱季,所有人工林地表蚂蚁多样性之间无显著差异;在雨季,印楝-大叶相思林地表蚂蚁多样性显著高于其他6种人工林,这6种人工林之间无显著差异。不同人工林的蚂蚁多样性格局形成受到季节的影响,尽管地表蚂蚁更能适应干热气候,但干旱使得不同人工林的旱季地表蚂蚁多样性无显著差异,而雨季的到来则改变了这种多样性格局。雨水在改变干热河谷干旱状况的同时,促进了植物的生长,而不同的植物多度及多样性又进一步影响了不同人工林的地表蚂蚁多度和多样性。金沙江干热河谷大多数人工林地表蚂蚁多样性无显著差异,这种多样性的格局应该与这些人工林具有共同的优势草本植物——扭黄茅(Heteropogonetea contortus)有关。

从群落间相似性即β多样性来看,群落相似性较高,则其异质性较低,亦即β多样性较低(Solow et al., 1994;Crist et al., 2003)。本研究7种人工林地表蚂蚁群落物种组成的相似性较低,说明它们之间具有较高的β多样性。有研究表明,在有自然植被分布的样地营造人工林,对自然植被的保护和恢复具有积极意义;随着时间的推移,人工林的栖境将更加复杂,其作为动植物栖境的价值将更加重要(Brockerhoff et al., 2008);而栖境异质性有助于提高动物的生物多样性(Tews et al., 2004)。因此,在金沙江干热河谷元谋段,印楝-大叶相思林具有较高的蚂蚁多样性,对当地生物多样性保护具有积极意义,营造印楝-大叶相思林是很好的植被恢复模式;其余6种人工林地表蚂蚁群落具有不太相似的物种组成,即它们具有较高的β多样性,对提高区域生物多样性具有积极作用。


此外,人工林的后续管理值得重视。随着人口的快速增长,干热河谷景观已经发生了转变(钟祥浩,2000),导致环境退化、生产力降低、承载力下降以及物种消失(Solbrig et al., 1996),而农业上的精细化管理也会造成蚂蚁多样性的下降(Rizali et al., 2013)。如何对现有人工林进行科学管理,以提高其生物多样性水平,在当地生物多样性保护中充分发挥作用,是研究人员及管理工作者需要共同应对的问题。

附录 金沙江干热河谷人工林地表蚂蚁名录 Appendix List of ground-dwelling ant in different plantations in arid-hot valleys of Jinsha River
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