杨章旗, 黄永利, 覃开展, 韦元荣. 2014. 马尾松速生良种‘广西南宁市林科所马尾松初级无性系种子园种子’[J]. 林业科学, 50(3): 151-151.
Yang Zhangqi, Huang Yongli, Qin Kaizhan, Wei Yuanrong. 2014. A Fast-Growing Elite Variety of
Pinus massoniana‘The Seeds from Primary Clonal Seed Orchard of Masson Pine in Nanning Forestry Research Institute of Guangxi’. Scientia Silvae Sinicae, 50(3): 151-151. DOI: 10.11707/j.1001-7488.20140322
1. 广西林业科学研究院 南宁 530002;
2. 广西南宁市林业科学研究所 南宁 530107
摘要:‘广西南宁市林科所马尾松初级无性系种子园种子’繁育的苗木生长迅速,材积生长比当地商品种增益36.15%~100.00%,且干形通直圆满,适应性强。该良种适生区为海拔300~800 m的高丘、低山或低中山,由砂页岩、花岗岩、页岩、片麻岩、紫色砂页岩等母岩发育的酸性红壤,坡度小于35°,土层深厚、排水良好,立地指数≥16。
马尾松 良种 种子园种子 速生
A Fast-Growing Elite Variety of Pinus massoniana‘The Seeds from Primary Clonal Seed Orchard of Masson Pine in Nanning Forestry Research Institute of Guangxi’
Yang Zhangqi1,
Huang Yongli2,
Qin Kaizhan2,
Wei Yuanrong1
1. Guangxi Forestry Research Institute Nanning 530002;
2. Nanning Forestry Research Institute Nanning 530107
Abstract: The Pinus massoniana seedlings propagated by‘the seeds from primary clonal seed orchard of Masson pine in Nanning Forestry Research Institute of Guangxi’have characteristics of rapid growth, 36.15%-100.00% greater volume growth than local commercial tree species, straight stem and strong adaptability. The elite variety is suitable for growing in environments of hills and low mountains with elevation 300-800 m, acidic red soil which was developed from the sandstone and sandshale, granite, shale, gneiss and the purple sandshale, and the area with site index≥16, slope less than 35 degrees, deep soil and good drainage.
Key words:
Pinus massoniana elite variety the seeds from the primary clonal seed orchard fast-growing
1976—1984年,在广西28个国营林场的人工林优良林分及广西三大优良种源区的天然优良林分中选出优树601株,建立采穗圃,从601株优树中初选464个无性系作为建园材料,于1981—1987年在广西南宁市林业科学研究所建成66.67 hm2初级无性系嫁接种子园。1987—1994年,在广西营建了3个地点多年度种子园区域试验林,在此试验基础上,于1998年和2004年分别在福建和重庆进行区域试验,参试号为广西南宁市林科所种子园混系和当地商品种。经过连续固定样地测定,各区域试验点该种子园混系表现均优于当地商品种。
具有生长迅速、干形通直、适应性强等特性,可用于纸浆材、建筑材、板材。在广西、福建和重庆3个区域试验点,该种子园混系的树高、胸径和材积分别比当地商品种增益8.64%~100%,12.37%~100%和36.15%~100%,其中在福建13年生平均树高7.67 m,平均胸径10.9 cm,平均蓄积量60.5 m3·hm-2。
播种育苗: 采用50 ℃温水浸泡3~5次自然冷却,可缩短种子萌发时间并促进萌发,待种子50%以上露白后便可播种,种壳脱落前进行移栽,苗期注意遮荫保湿。每隔7~10天喷药防病。造林: 块状(或穴状)整地
(40 cm×40 cm×30 cm)。造林后须抚育2~3年。施肥以P肥为主,适当配以K肥。
适宜栽培区域为广西、福建、重庆海拔300~800 m的高丘、低山或低中山,由砂页岩、花岗岩、页岩、片麻岩、紫色砂页岩等母岩发育的酸性红壤,坡度小于35°,土层深厚、排水良好,立地指数≥16。