林业科学  2006, Vol. 42 Issue (5): 75-76   PDF    


蔡平, 徐荣侠, 俞春来.
Cai Ping, Xu Rongxia, Yu Chunlai.
A New Species of Leafhopper Injurious to Common Macrocarpium (Homoptera:Cicadellidae:Typhlocybinae)
林业科学, 2006, 42(5): 75-76.
Scientia Silvae Sinicae, 2006, 42(5): 75-76.





蔡平1, 徐荣侠1, 俞春来2     
1. 苏州大学城市科学学院 苏州 215123;
2. 浙江省淳安县林业局 淳安 311700
摘要: 本文记述为害山茱萸的1叶蝉新种:茱萸阿小叶蝉Arboridia surstyli Cai et Xu sp. nov.。模式标本保存在苏州大学昆虫标本室。
关键词: 山茱萸    阿小叶蝉属    新种    中国    
A New Species of Leafhopper Injurious to Common Macrocarpium (Homoptera:Cicadellidae:Typhlocybinae)
Cai Ping1, Xu Rongxia1, Yu Chunlai2     
1. School of Urbanology, Soochow University Suzhou 215123;
2. Chun'an Bureau of Forestry of Zhejiang Province Chun'an 311700
Abstract: A new species of leafhopper, Arboridia surstyli Cai et Xu sp. nov., injurious to Common Macrocarpium is described. Length of the male is 2.5 mm, female 3.0 mm; length incl. tegm. of the male 3.5 mm, female 3.3 mm. Holotype♂and paratypes 5♂♂3♀♀, Linqi, Chun'an Co., Zhejiang Prov., 2003-Ⅸ-27, coll. Yu Chunlai, host plant: Macrocarpium officinalis. This species resembles Arboridia (Arborifera) sohii Dworakowska, from which it can be distinguished by frontoclypeal area with a dark brown U-shaped patch, spiny apex of paramere, and aedeagus with five processes. The type specimen is deposited in the Insect Collection, Soochow University.
Key words: common macrocarpium    Arboridia    new species    China    

山茱萸(Macrocarpium officinalis)为落叶灌木或小乔木,除具有绿化和观赏价值外,果实(称萸肉)还可供药用,是我国山区重要的经济植物之一。近日,笔者在浙江省森林病虫害普查送来鉴定的标本中,发现一种为害山茱萸的叶蝉,其成虫和若虫刺吸叶片汁液,经鉴定为一新种,现将研究结果报道如下。

阿小叶蝉属(Arboridia)Zachvatkin(1946)建于1946年,当时作为Zyginidia Haupt属的亚属,模式标本产自德国。1970年Dworakowska将其上升到属级,目前全世界已知该属有约60余种。

茱萸阿小叶蝉,新种Arboridia surstyli Cai et Xu sp. nov.(图 1)

图 1 茱萸阿小叶蝉,新种 Fig. 1 Arboridia surstyli Cai et Xu sp. nov. 1.头胸部背面观Dorsal view of head and thorax; 2.腹内突Abdominal apodeme; 3.基瓣V valve; 4.尾节侧瓣和突起Pygophore side and process; 5.下生殖板Subgenital plate; 6.连索腹面观Ventral view of connective; 7.阳茎腹面观Ventral view of aedeagus; 8.连索侧面观Lateral view of connective; 9.阳基侧突侧面观Lateral view of paramere; 10.阳茎侧面观Lateral view of aedeagus.

♂:体长2.5 mm,体连翅长3.5 mm;♀:体长3.0 mm, 体连翅长3.3 mm。





本种相似索氏阿小叶蝉[Arboridia (Arborifera) sohii Dworakowska](Dworakowska,1980),但后者额唇基上无“U”形黑褐色斑,阳茎只有1对突起位于末端,阳基侧突末端片状扩延,显然可以区分。

Dworakowska I. 1980. On some Typhlocybinae from India (Homoptera, Auchenorrhyncha, Cicadellidae). Entom Abh Mus Tierk Dresden, 43(8): 151-201.
Zachvatkin A A. 1946. Studies on the Homoptera of Turkey:Ⅰ-Ⅶ. London Ent Soc Trans, 97: 148-176.