A Postdoctoral Fellowship in Vascular Immuno- biology focused on inflammation in lung vascular remodeling, inflammation and fibrosis is available. Experience in vascular cell biology and immunology with strong cell and molecular biology skills is essential. Applicants for the position should include a curriculum vitae and names/contact information for three references to Roger Johns, MD PhD c/o April Maith (amaith2@jhmi.edu).(源于Science[2014-04-28])
Columbia University seeks one or more Postdoctoral Research Scientists to join their team in studies of the ion channel expression, drug modulation, and regulatory responses for ion channels expressed in mammalian cell lines and in cardiac myocytes derived from induced pluripotent stem cells. The position(s) will involve structure- function analysis of ion channel activity, cell culture of lines expressing channels, molecular biological techniques to engineer mutations in channel genes, and general laboratory skills in data analysis using commercial and lab-specific programs. Extensive experience in whole cell and single channel patch clamp recording and analysis is essential to this position. Candidates with background in ion channel molecular physiology/pharmacology and experience in molecular biology are preferred. PhD in Pharmacology, Physiology or related sciences is required. To apply please visit: https://academicjobs.columbia.edu/applicants/Central?quickFind=59148. (源于Science[2014-04-30])
A postdoctoral position is available at College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Minnesota at Twin Cities, to work on molecular virology, pathogenesis and immunity of emerging bunyaviruses including SFTSV and Heartland virus or avian influenza viruses. Candidates should have a PhD or equivalent with strong expertise in immunology and/or virology, and be proficient in molecular and cell biology techniques. Individuals who are selfmotivated with solid virology background are encouraged to apply. Candidates should submit curriculum vitae, brief statement of interests, and arrange three references to: zxing@umn.edu.(源 于 Science[2014-04-30])
University of Pittsburgh opens a position to study MCV, KSHV, and other human tumor viruses. Current studies include survivin,4E-BP and Fbw7regulation by MCV, LANA alternative reading frames and proteomic/transcriptomic tumor virus discovery projects. Pittsburgh, a vibrant city with a rich cultural tradition and easy access to the outdoors, is routinely cited as one of the most“livable”cities in the United States. Please submit letter of interest, curriculum vitae and three references with the subject line as POSTDOC to administrator Bethany Darnley via E-mail: darnleyb@upmc.edu. For more information please visit: http://www.tumorvirology.pitt.edu/index.html.(源于Science[2014-04-30])
King Abdullah University of Science and Technology is reviewing applications for an open Postdoctoral Associate position in a collaborative Program directed to the design, assembly and optimizations of solution- processed organic Solar Cells, spanning elaborate single and multi- junction device configurations. Projects involve: Device implementation studies, testing, and advanced characterizations; Charge transport and spectroscopic studies, nanostructural ordering and morphology analyses; Tandem devices, and novel Applications may be sent directly to pierre.beaujuge@kaust.edu.sa, including Resume/CV, list of publications/patents, and contact information of2-3referees.(源于 Science[2014-05-01])
Two full-time research positions at the levels of Postdoctoral Fellows or Research Associates or Visiting Scientists in neurovascular disease. They are looking to recruit highly motivated research fellows to join a vascular biology and stroke research group at the Department of Neurosurgery and the Center for Cardiovascular Disease and Sciences. A PhD or equivalent experience in neuroscience or related field is required. The successful candidate should have extensive experience with animal stroke models and laboratory techniques such as IHC, flow cytometry, cell culture, Western blot, qRT-PCR, microRNAs, etc. Preference will be given to individuals with advanced knowledge in the field of neuroscience and adept laboratory techniques of microRNAs assays and/or MCAO models, and good writing skills in English. Individuals interested in this position should submit a curriculum vitae and recent publications to: Dr. Guohong Li,E-mail:gli@lsuhsc.edu.(源于 Science[2014-05-01])
Two highly competitive postdoctoral positions are available immediately at Virginia Commonwealth University, (1) to study fundamental mechanisms underlying the role of neuroinflammatory glial signaling in synaptic injury and/or neural progenitor cell dysfunction, and (2) to explore activities along the autophagy. Highly translational research projects emphasize basic cellular and molecular approaches to understanding how opiate drugs exacerbate neuronal injury and synaptic losses in neuro-acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (neuroAIDS) and the role of glia in the pathogenesis. The preference is for a candidate with a PhD and/or MD and experience in neuroscience, drug abuse, innate or adaptive immunology, or pharmacological or neurovirological research. Interested individuals should forward a curriculum vitae, a list of three references, and a statement of research interests and career goals to knapprecruit@vcu.edu.(源于Science[2014-05-01])
The ideal candidate must have a PhD in a relevant field, proven expertise in quantitative proteomics research, strong background in chromatographic techniques, sample preparation, analysis of highly complex samples, study of post- translational modifications using phosphoproteomic approaches, and application of different quantitative techniques. Their research uses of a combination of multi- targeted, and large scale approaches, including proteomics, analysis of synaptic signaling complexes, post translational modification studies, computational biology and mouse genetics, directed to the analysis of cell signaling networks, their role controlling synaptic function and the mechanisms affecting disease. Of particular interest is the characterization of the molecular and cellular circuits impacted by mutations causing neurodevelopmental and psychiatric diseases. Interested candidates should submit a brief letter outlining research and training objectives, prior academic record, and potential references. Post- doc candidates should also include a full CV and reprints of any relevant publications. Address applications to: Postdoctoral position in Proteomics/Mass Spectrometry coba@usc.edu or: Postdoctoral position in Proteomics/ Mass Spectrometry,Zilkha Neurogenetic Institute, Keck School of Medicine, Department of Psychiatry & The Behavioral Sciences, University of Southern California,1501San Pablo Street, ZNI427, MC2821, Los Angeles, CA90089,USA. (源于Science[2014-05-01])
Tufts University opnes a position for qualified individuals with PhD/DVM/MD or equivalent degree/s. The successful candidate will study host-pathogen interaction and immunity to enteric pathogens in animal models including gnotobiotic piglets. A background in immunology, vaccine development or infectious disease will be preferred. Candidates should submit resume and names of at least three references to Dr. Abhineet Sheoran, Department of Infectious Disease and Global Health, Tufts University School of Veterinary Medicine,200Westboro Road, North Grafton, MA01536, USA, or by E-mail(abhineet.sheoran@tufts.edu).(源于Science[2014-05-02])
The postdoctoral position is available immediately at UT Health Science Center-San Antonio. They are seeking a motivated, creative postdoctoral fellow to work on the role of epigenetic modifiers in tumor growth and metastasis. The candidate will be expected to participate in the ongoing efforts within the lab to capitalize upon high throughput screen data to identify novel epigenetic modifiers, examining their role in cancer, how they are altered within cancer and the consequences of these alterations. The candidate must have a PhD or MD in a relevant field preferably with less than five years of postdoctoral experience. Applicants should have excellent communication skills, and ability to conduct research independently. The ideal candidate would have experience using molecular biology, DNA and RNA isolation, Northern/Western blotting, RNA interference, establishing and using transient and stable cell clones, performing viability assays, and ability to implement a variety of assays as needed. To apply, please send your CV with bibliography, description of research experience and contact information for three references to: Manjeet Rao, Assistant Professor Cellular and Structural Biology, Principal Investigator Greehey Children's Cancer Research Institute, The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, Mail Code7784, 8403Floyd Curl Drive, San Antonio, TX78229-3900, USA. E-mail:raom@uthscsa.edu.(源于Science [2014-05-02])
An NIH- funded PostdoctoralFellow position is available to highly motivated candidates, who have intense interest in stem cell biology using kidney organogenesis as a model system. Candidates must hold or expect to obtain a PhD degree in basic life science with strong training in developmental biology, stem cell biology or mouse genetics. For details, please visit the lab website: http://depts.washington.edu/aklab/Kobayashi_Lab/. Please send a CV, a brief description of career goals (in 5 and 10 years) and the contact information of three references by E- mail to akiok@uw.edu, Akio Kobayashi, PhD, Assistant Professor, Division of Nephrology, Institute for Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine, University of Washington.(源于Science[2014-05-04])
New Postdoctoral Fellowships are being offered to attract outstanding researchers within six years from the award of their PhD to conduct full-time research in any of the Faculties and Schools at the University of Sydney. These will be available from January2015for a maximum duration of three years. All applications must be submitted via the University of Sydney careers website. Visitsydney. edu.au / recruitment and search by the reference number for more information and to apply. Click http:// sydney.edu.au/ research_support/ funding/ sydney/ postdoctoral_fellowship.shtml for guidelines and other accompanying documentation.(源 于Science [2014-05-05])
Two postdoctoral positions are available at Brigham & Women’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School in the areas of aging and redox biology. They are seeking highly motivated researchers regardless of prior experience in these research areas. Applicants should send a brief statement of research interest, CV and contact details of three references. To apply: http://jobs.sciencecareers.org/apply/329715/ postdoctoral- fellows- in- aging- and- redox- biology/?LinkSource= JobDetails .Lab Information: http:// gladyshevlab.bwh.harvard.edu.(源 于Science[2014-05-05])
The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center invites applications for two tenure track faculty positions at the level of assistant professor. Successful applicants should have a PhD or MD degree, at least two years of postdoctoral training and an exceptional publication record. The candidate selected will be expected to establish an independent research program in an appropriate area in immunology and to train graduate students and postdoctoral fellows as members of their nationally recognized graduate programs in Immunology and Infectious Diseases. Candidates should submit a curriculum vitae, a description of research interests (2-3pages), and have three letters of reference sent/forwarded to: Faculty Search Committee, c/o Andrea Gonzales, Department of Immunology, UT Southwestern Medical Center,5323Harry Hines Boulevard, Dallas, Texas 75390-9093, USA. Applications may also be submitted digitally by emailing PDF documents to: andrea. gonzales@utsouthwestern.edu.(源于Science[2014-04-28])
The Innovative Genomics Initiative (igi.berkeley.edu) is a newly formed research organization at the University of California, Berkeley. The IGI is dedicated to the advancement of genome editing research, technology, and applications, including their development and proliferation via business ventures and academic research communities. Research Scientists at the IGI will build and use technologies to investigate the mechanisms underlying aberrant signaling in genetic disease and cancer, with the goal of discovering new therapeutic avenues. A PhD in cell biology, biochemistry, or genetics is required at the time of application. The candidate must have excellent skills in functional genomics, cell biology/ biochemistry, and mammalian cell culture. Experience in cell line or mouse genome engineering, for example using CRISPR/Cas9, ZFNs, or TALENs. Visit http://apptrkr.com/465034 to apply. Interested individuals should submit application documents as PDFs, which includes, an updated curriculum vitae and names with contact information for at least 3-5individuals who have agreed to provide a reference for this specific position (contact information includes title, institution, email, basis for this individual's recommendation of the applicant as student/employee/mentor), and a cover letter. Letters of reference may be requested of the finalists.(源于Science[2014-05-01])
The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Science Park, seeks applicants for a term tenure track position at the rank of assistant professor. They seek individuals working in the areas of genetic susceptibility, epigenetic reprogramming, genomic instability and cancer stem cells. Candidates must be committed to working in a highly collaborative, interdisciplinary environment. The successful candidate will be expected to develop and maintain an internationally recognized and competitively funded research program, and to participate in graduate training. The department is well funded with many outstanding core support services, including facilities for analysis of genetically engineered mouse models and next- generation sequencing. Required qualifications include a PhD or equivalent, postdoctoral or independent scholarly research experience, and a strong publication record. Interested applicants should submit a statement of research interest and a curriculum vitae, and three letters of recommendation to the email address below by July 1, 2014. E-mail: sciencepark@mdanderson.org. Http://sciencepark.mdanderson.org.(源于Science[2014-05-01])
(编辑 孙杨慧(实习生),石萌萌) |