Wave Attenuation due to Stratified Porous Structure with Stepped Seabed

Varghese Ashna Athul Krishna K. R. Karmakar D.

Ashna Varghese, K. R. Athul Krishna, D. Karmakar (2024). Wave Attenuation due to Stratified Porous Structure with Stepped Seabed. Journal of Marine Science and Application, 23(4): 844-866. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11804-024-00407-4
Citation: Ashna Varghese, K. R. Athul Krishna, D. Karmakar (2024). Wave Attenuation due to Stratified Porous Structure with Stepped Seabed. Journal of Marine Science and Application, 23(4): 844-866. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11804-024-00407-4

Wave Attenuation due to Stratified Porous Structure with Stepped Seabed

    Corresponding author:

    D. Karmakar dkarmakar@nitk.edu.in

  • Abstract

    The wave interaction with stratified porous structure combined with a surface-piercing porous block in a stepped seabed is analysed based on the small amplitude wave theory. The study is performed to analyse the effectiveness of partial porous structure in increasing the wave attenuation in the nearshore regions consisting of stratified porous structures of different configurations using the eigenfunction expansion method and orthogonal mode-coupling relation. The hydrodynamic characteristics such as wave reflection coefficient, transmission coefficient, dissipation coefficient, wave force impact and surface elevation are investigated due to the presence of both horizontally and vertically stratified porous structures. The effect of varying porosity, structural width, angle of incidence, wavelength and length between the porous block and stratified structure is examined. The numerical results are validated with the results available in the literature. The present study illustrates that the presence of the stratified structure decreases wave transmission and efficient wave attenuation can also be easily achieved. The wave force acting on stratified structure can be decreased if the structure is combined with wider surface-piercing porous blocks. Further, the presence of stratified porous structure combined with porous block helps in creating a tranquil zone in the leeside of the structure. The combination of vertical and horizontal stratified porous structure with surface-piercing porous block is intended to be an effective solution for the protection of coastal facilities.


    Article Highlights
    ● The hydrodynamic performance of stratified porous structure combined with a surface-piercing porous block in a stepped seabed is analysed using small amplitude wave theory.
    ● The effect of structural and geometrical parameters due to stepped bottom configuration are analysed for the compsite breakwater system.
    ● The wave attenuation charecteristics along with wave force experience on the stratified breakwater and porous block due to stepped sea-bed is analysed.
  • Coastal erosion is a threat to coastal community that can cause various risks, including property damage, loss of land and ecosystem. The construction and use coastal protection structures is necessary to protect coastline and coastal facilities from severe wave action. In order to dissipate the incoming wave energy and thereby aid in the creation of a calm and secure harbourage, porous structures are frequently used in coastal engineering. Several researchers have extensively studied the dissipation of incoming wave energy due to the presence of single-layer porous structure with uniform porosity and friction factor (Sollitt and Cross, 1972; Madsen, 1983; Darymple et al., 1991; Mallayachari and Sundar, 1994; Das and Bora, 2014; Sulisz, 1985) and vertical porous membrane (Koley and Sahoo, 2017; Ashok and Manam, 2022). Experimental studies are also conducted to study the hydrodynamic characteristics of porous structures (Kondo and Toma, 1972; Sollitt and Cross, 1972; Twu and Lin, 1990; Somervell et al., 2017). The design and construction of a stratified structure is found to be an effective solution for dissipating the maximum wave energy and creating a tranquillity zone. In addition, studies are being conducted for the development of new configurations of porous structures in order to achieve maximum wave energy dissipation.

    Significant studies have been carried out on the dissipation characteristics of wave interaction with stratified porous structures. Yu and Chwang (1994) examined the wave motion through a porous structure consisting of two layers and noted that a limiting thickness exists for the structure, beyond which hydrodynamic coefficients remain constant with any further increase in thickness. Later, Twu and Chieu (2000) designed an offshore breakwater having minimal wave reflection and transmission using complex eigen‐function method. The numerical and experimental study revealed that a multi-layer breakwater can reduce both wave reflection and transmission at a narrower width compared to a single-layer porous structure. Thereafter, Twu et al. (2002) studied the wave-damping characteristics of a vertically stratified porous breakwater under oblique wave action. Further, Liu et al. (2007) proposed a two-layer horizontally stratified rock-filled core for a perforated break‐water and studied the effect of perforated breakwater on wave reflection and wave force impact on the structure. Recently, Venkateswarlu et al. (2020a) studied the oblique wave transformation due to fully-extended two-layered, three-layered and two-layered submerged horizontally stratified structures using the eigenfunction expansion approach. The study concluded that the increase in porosity of surface layer and moderate friction factor enhances energy damping. The multiple structures are found to be useful if the structure width is high and for a fixed structural width, separating into several structures helps in achieving high wave damping.

    Additionally, it is critical to comprehend and understand the effect of seabed topography on the hydrodynamic behaviour of coastal protection structures, as reported by various researchers in the literature. Das and Bora (2014) investigated the wave reflection by a vertical porous structure placed on a stepped seabed as two separate cases with two and multiple steps. The study reported that lower values of friction factor led to oscillation in the reflection coefficient which vanished for higher values of friction factor but for relatively long waves, the values of the angle of incidence did not affect the reflection coefficient whereas short waves resulted in lower reflection coefficient. Afterwards, Hu et al. (2019) conducted an analytical study for oblique scattering of monochromatic small amplitude wave trains by a stationary rigid multi-layered structure of rectangular crosssection for a combined floating and bottom-mounted permeable breakwater. Venkateswarlu and Karmakar (2020b) investigated the significance of seabed characteristics in wave transformation in the presence of a vertically stratified porous structure. The study noted that the wave energy dissipation increases with the increase in porosity of the seaward porous layer. The theoretical results are compared with Twu and Chieu (2000) and found to be in good agreement with the experimental observations. The study suggested that, for better wave blocking, porosity of the leeside porous layer can be kept minimal. The performance in wave reflection of the porous structure placed on a stepped seabed is found better compared to that on a uniform and elevated seabed whereas the structure placed on an elevated seabed showed a significant role in wave blocking. Tabssum et al. (2020) analysed wave interaction with a thick, porous breakwater in a two-layer fluid, which is particularly applicable to continental shelves, having bottom undulation. Later, Venkateswarlu and Karmakar (2020c) examined the wave interaction with multiple porous structures upon elevated seabed in the presence and absence of a leeward wall.

    Several researchers performed studies on partial structures which can be combined with primary structures to understand the improvement of wave dissipation properties of composite structures. These partial structures are especially beneficial as they are economic, uses less construction material and has least environmental concerns. Sahoo et al. (2000) investigated the wave interaction with vertical permeable barriers of various configurations including surface-piercing, bottom-touching and fully submerged barrier using eigenfunction expansion and least-squares method. The study concluded that the presence of porous barrier helps in attaining a minimum value of reflection coefficient for a particular value of the porous-effect parameter. Liu and Li (2013) presented a new analytical solution for hydrodynamic coefficients of a surface-piercing porous breakwater. Karmakar and Guedes Soares (2014) investigated the interaction of surface gravity waves with multiple bottom-standing flexible porous barriers. The study suggested that these structures are effective in wave attenuation. Later, Koley et al. (2015) studied wave scattering by a surface-piercing and bottom-standing structure placed at a distance from a rigid wall. Further, Behera and Ghosh (2019) dealt with a surface-piercing flexible porous barrier near a rigid wall in the presence of step-type bottoms and concluded that using suitable combination of wave and structural parameters, this structure can be used as an effective breakwater.

    On investigating the studies performed by previous researchers, it is noted that the combination of stratified porous structure with partial porous structure in the presence of elevated step is limited. So, in the present study, wave interaction due to the presence of horizontal and vertical stratified porous structure combined with surface-piercing porous block in stepped sea bottom is examined to understand the effect of the combined stratified structure with surface-piercing porous block on wave attenuation. Numerical modelling is carried out using the eigenfunction expansion method along with orthogonal modecoupling relations. The numerical study on the horizontally and vertically stratified porous structure combined with the porous block is performed and further analysis is performed for the effect of varying porosity, structural width, angle of incidence and length between the porous block and stratified structure. The study performed on the wave interaction with stratified porous structure with stepped bottom is noted to attenuate the wave height in transited region and helps in the dissipation of incoming wave in the large extent. The presence of the stratified structure is observed to largely dissipate the wave energy as compared to single porous structure and the wave trapping phenomenon is also noted due to the stepped bottom resulting in attenuation of wave height. The present study will be very helpful in the wave force reduction on the offshore facility and also useful in the dissipation of wave energy to create the tranquil region.

    The present study investigates the oblique wave interaction with stratified porous structure combined with a surface-piercing porous block placed on stepped sea bottom using the small amplitude wave theory. The porous structure is considered to have different layers of porosity in horizontal and vertical directions considering the wave direction. The structure with layers of different porosity is termed as stratified structure. The study is performed on both horizontally and vertically stratified porous structures consisting of two layers of different porosities and friction factors. The surface-piercing porous block is on the seaward side of the stratified porous structure. The horizontally stratified porous structure is placed over the first rigid step whereas the vertically stratified structure is over first and second rigid steps such that each layer is over each step. The thickness of both the porous layers are kept equal throughout the study. The physical problem is analysed in the two-dimensional cartesian coordinate system with x and z-axis in horizontal directions and the y-axis is considered positive downward. The structure is infinitely extended along z-direction with the wave considered to be obliquely propagating in x-direction with an angle θ.

    The seabed is assumed to be impervious such that no flow is possible in a perpendicular direction. The porous structure is assumed to be fully-extended and the height is considered equal to the free surface. The fluid domain is divided into nine regions. In the case of horizontally strati‐ fied porous structure (Figure 1), the regions considered include the upstream open sea region I1h ≡(0 ≤ x ≤ ∞, 0 ≤ yh), porous block region I2h ≡(− a1x ≤ 0, 0 ≤ ya), region below porous block I3h ≡ (− a1x ≤ 0, ayh), region between porous block and stratified porous block I4h ≡ (− a2x ≤− a1, 0 ≤ yh), stratified structure region I5h ≡ (− a3x ≤− a2, 0 ≤ yb), bottom stratified structure region Ih6 ≡ (− a3x ≤− a2, byh), open sea region above second rigid step I7h ≡ (− a4x ≤− a3, 0 ≤ yh3), open sea region above the third rigid step I8h ≡ (− a5x ≤− a4, 0 ≤ yh4) and downstream open region I9h ≡ (− ∞ ≤ x ≤ − a5, 0 ≤ yh5). In the case of vertically stratified porous structure (Figure 2), the regions include the upstream open sea region I1v ≡ (0 ≤ x ≤ ∞, 0 ≤ yh), porous block region Iv2 ≡ (− a1x ≤ 0, 0 ≤ ya), region below porous block Iv3 ≡ (− a1x ≤ 0, ayh), open sea region between porous block and stratified porous block I4v ≡ (− a2x ≤ − a1, 0 ≤ yh), seaward porous layer over first rigid step Iv5 ≡ (− a3x ≤− a2, 0 ≤ yh2), leeward porous layer over second rigid step I6v ≡ (− a4x ≤− a3, 0 ≤ yh3), open sea region above third rigid step I7v ≡ (− a5x ≤ − a4, 0 ≤ yh4), open sea region above the fourth rigid step I8v ≡ (− a6x ≤− a5, 0 ≤ yh5) and the downward open sea region I9v ≡ (− ∞ ≤ x ≤− a6, 0 ≤ yh6).

    Figure  1  Horizontally stratified porous structure with the porous block in the stepped seabed
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    Figure  2  Vertically stratified porous structure with porous block in stepped seabed
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    It is assumed that fluid is inviscid, incompressible, irrotational and time harmonic with angular frequency ω. The velocity potentials in the respective regions are represented in the form ϕj ( x , y, z, t) = Re[ϕj ( x , y)ei (lzωt)], where l = γ10 sin θ and γ10 is the progressive wave number in open water region. The velocity potentials in the respective regions satisfy the Helmholtz equation given by

    $$ \frac{\partial^2 \phi_j}{\partial x^2}+\frac{\partial^2 \phi_j}{\partial y^2}-l^2 \phi_j=0, \text { for }-\infty<x<\infty, 0<y<h $$ (1)

    The linearized free surface boundary condition for the open water and porous structure region is of the form

    $$ \frac{\partial \phi_j}{\partial y}+K_j \phi_j=0, \text { on } y=0 $$ (2)

    where $ K_{j=1, 4, 7, 8, 9}=\frac{\omega^2}{g}, \text { and } K_{j=5, 6}=\frac{\omega^2}{g}\left(S_j+\mathrm{i} f_j\right)$ for free surface and vertically stratified porous structure region, Sj and fj are reactance and frictional coefficients of porous regions of breakwater and g is the acceleration due to gravity. The bottom boundary condition due to the presence of impermeable sea-bed is given by

    $$ \frac{\partial \phi_j}{\partial y}=0, \text { on } y=h $$ (3)

    The wave propagating due to the presence of the porous structure suggest the continuity of fluid pressure and velocity across the seaward and leeward structural interfaces. The linearized resistance fj and reactance coefficients Sj (Sollitt and Cross, 1972) offered by each of the porous layer is determined on solving the relation given by

    $$ S_j=1+C_m\left[\frac{1-\varepsilon_j}{\varepsilon_j}\right] \text {, on } j=2, 3 $$ (4a)
    $$ f_j=\frac{1}{\omega}\left\{\frac{\int\limits_V \mathrm{~d} V \int\limits_t^{t+T} \varepsilon_j^2\left(\frac{v q^2}{\Lambda_p}+\frac{C_f \varepsilon_j}{\sqrt{\Lambda_p}}|q|^3\right) \mathrm{d} t}{\int\limits_V \mathrm{~d} V \int\limits_t^{t+T} \varepsilon_j q^2 \mathrm{~d} t}\right\} \text {, on } j=5, 6 $$ (4b)

    where, Cm is coefficient of added mass considered to be very minimal/zero (Sollitt and Cross, 1972), thus Sj = 1 is kept fixed throughout the study. Λp is the intrinsic permeability, q the instantaneous Eulerian velocity vector, ν the kinematic viscosity, V the volume, Cf the turbulent resistant coefficient and T the wave period. The continuity of the velocity and pressure is satisfied for both surface piercing porous block and stratified porous structures. In the farfield region, the radiation conditions in the presence of porous structure is given by

    $$ \phi_{j=1, 9}(x, y)= \begin{cases}\left(I_{10} \mathrm{e}^{-\mathrm{i} y_{10} x}+R_{10} \mathrm{e}^{\mathrm{i} y_{10} x}\right) f_{10}(y) & \text { as } x \rightarrow \infty \\ \left(T_{90} \mathrm{e}^{-\mathrm{i} \gamma_{30} x}\right) f_{90}(y) & \text { as } x \rightarrow-\infty\end{cases} $$ (5)

    where, I10, R10 and T90 are the complex amplitude of the incident, reflected and transmitted wave energies respectively. In the present study, the incident wave I10 is considered to be unity. The continuity of pressure and velocity due to the presence of surface piercing porous block at the edge x = 0, − a1 and j = 1, 4 are given by

    $$ \left.\phi_j(x, y)\right|_{j=1, 4}= \begin{cases}\left(S_2+\mathrm{i} f_2\right) \phi_2(x, y) & \text { for } 0 <y <a \\ \phi_3(x, y) & \text { for } \mathrm{a}<y<h\end{cases} $$ (6a)
    $$ \left.\frac{\partial \phi_j(x, y)}{\partial x}\right|_{j=1, 4}= \begin{cases}\varepsilon_2 \frac{\partial \phi_2(x, y)}{\partial x} & \text { for } 0<y<a \\ \frac{\partial \phi_3(x, y)}{\partial x} & \text { for } \mathrm{a}<y<h\end{cases} $$ (6b)

    The wave number in surface-piercing porous block region satisfies the dispersion relation for finite water depth given by

    $$ \begin{gathered} \omega^2-g \gamma_{2 n} \tanh \gamma_{2 n} h-F_n\left[\omega^2 \tanh \gamma_{2 n} h-g \gamma_{2 n}\right]=0 \\ \text { for } n=0, 1, 2, \cdots \end{gathered} $$ (7a)


    $$ F_n=\frac{\left\{\left(S_2+\mathrm{i} f_2\right)-\varepsilon_2\right\} \tanh \gamma_{2 n} a}{\left\{\left(S_2+\mathrm{i} f_2\right)-\varepsilon_2 \tanh ^2 \gamma_{2 n} a\right\}} $$ (7b)

    In Eq. 7(a), γ2n, n = 0, 1, 2, ··· are the wave number for the surface-piercing porous block region which has infinite number of complex roots with the associated eigen value. The real part of the complex wave number, specifies the spatial periodicity (Sollitt and Cross, 1972) whereas the imaginary part specifies the decay rate. The dispersion relation due to the presence of surface-piercing block in Eq. 7(a) is solved using the perturbation method as discussed in Mendez and Losada (2004). The contour plot to determine the location of complex roots of the dispersion relation is presented in Figure 3 considering S2 = 1.0, f2 = 0.5, a/h = 0.20 and ε2 = 0.25. The contour plots are used to find the initial guess for the determination of the roots of the dispersion relations.

    Figure  3  Contour plots of roots of dispersion relation of surface-piercing porous block considering S2 = 1.0, f2 = 0.5, a/h = 0.20 and ε2 = 0.25
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    The horizontally stratified porous structure is assumed to be placed at − a3 < x < − a2 on the leeward side of porous block over a rigid step and the water depth 0 < y < h2. So, the continuity of pressure and velocity due to the presence of two layered porous structure at the edge x = − a2, − a3 and j = 4, 7 are given by

    $$ \left.\phi_j(x, y)\right|_{j=4, 7}= \begin{cases}\left(S_5+\mathrm{i} f_5\right) \phi_5(x, y) & \text { for } 0 <y <b \\ \left(S_6+\mathrm{i} f_6\right) \phi_6(x, y) & \text { for } b <y <h_2\end{cases} $$ (8a)
    $$ \left.\frac{\partial \phi_j(x, y)}{\partial x}\right|_{j=4, 7}= \begin{cases}\varepsilon_5 \frac{\partial \phi_5(x, y)}{\partial x} & \text { for } 0 <y<b \\ \varepsilon_6 \frac{\partial \phi_6(x, y)}{\partial x} & \text { for } b<y<h_2\end{cases} $$ (8b)

    In addition, there exists a flow within the surface and bottom porous layers in the vertical direction (Liu et al., 2007) for − a3 < x < − a2 and y = b is given by

    $$ \left(S_5+\mathrm{i} f_5\right) \phi_5(x, y)=\left(S_6+\mathrm{i} f_6\right) \phi_6(x, y) $$ (9a)
    $$ \varepsilon_5 \frac{\partial \phi_5(x, y)}{\partial y}=\varepsilon_6 \frac{\partial \phi_6(x, y)}{\partial y} $$ (9b)

    In the case of change in the bottom topography, the flow near rigid step at x = − a2, − a3, − a4, − a5 satisfies the zeroflow condition given by

    $$ \begin{aligned} & \frac{\partial \phi_4(x, y)}{\partial x}=0, \text { for } h_2 <y<h \\ & \frac{\partial \phi_6(x, y)}{\partial x}=0, \text { for } h_3<y<h_2 \end{aligned} $$ (10a)
    $$ \begin{aligned} & \frac{\partial \phi_7(x, y)}{\partial x}=0, \text { for } h_4<y<h_3 \\ & \frac{\partial \phi_8(x, y)}{\partial x}=0, \text { for } h_5<y<h_4 \end{aligned} $$ (10b)

    The wave number in upstream/downstream free-water region γj0 for j = 1, 4, 7, 8, 9 and porous structure region γ50 satisfies the dispersion relation for finite water depth is given by

    $$ \omega^2=\left\{\begin{array}{ll} g \gamma_{j 0} \tanh \gamma_{j 0} h_j & \text { for } n=0 \\ -g \gamma_{j n} \tan \gamma_{j n} h_j & \text { for } n=1, 2, ··· \end{array} \text { for } j=1, 4, 7, 8, 9\right. $$ (11a)
    $$ \begin{aligned} & \left(S_5+\mathrm{i} f_5\right) \omega^2-g \gamma_{5 n} \tanh \gamma_{5 n} h_2 \\ & =P_n\left[\left(S_5+\mathrm{i} f_5\right) \omega^2 \tanh \gamma_{5 n} h_2-g \gamma_{5 n}\right] \\ & \quad \text { for } j=5, n=0, 1, 2, \cdots \end{aligned} $$ (11b)

    where, hj = h for j = 1, 4, hj = h3 for j = 7, hj = h4 for j = 8 and hj = h5 for j = 9 respectively with

    $$ P_n=\frac{\left\{1-\frac{\varepsilon_6\left(S_5+\mathrm{i} f_5\right)}{\varepsilon_5\left(S_5+\mathrm{i} f_5\right)}\right\} \tanh \gamma_{5 n} b}{\left\{1-\frac{\varepsilon_6\left(S_5+\mathrm{i} f_5\right)}{\varepsilon_5\left(S_6+\mathrm{i} f_6\right)} \tanh ^2 \gamma_{5 n} b\right\}} $$ (11c)

    The dispersion relation of open water regions has one real root and infinite imaginary roots which is solved using Newton-Raphson method while the dispersion relation for horizontally stratified porous structure is having infinite number of complex roots which is solved using perturbation method (Mendez and Losada, 2004).

    The vertically stratified porous structure is assumed to be placed at − a4x ≤− a2 over two rigid steps with water depths 0 ≤ ya2 and 0 < y < h3. So, the continuity of pressure and velocity due to the presence of two layered porous structure at the edges x = − a2, − a3, − a4 are given by

    $$ \begin{aligned} \phi_4(x, y) & =\left(S_5+\mathrm{i} f_5\right) \phi_5(x, y) \text { and } \\ \frac{\partial \phi_4(x, y)}{\partial x} & =\varepsilon_5 \frac{\partial \phi_5(x, y)}{\partial x} \text { at } x=-a_2 \end{aligned} $$ (12a)
    $$ \begin{gathered} \left(S_5+\mathrm{i} f_5\right) \phi_5(x, y)=\left(S_6+\mathrm{i} f_6\right) \phi_6(x, y) \text { and } \\ \varepsilon_5 \frac{\partial \phi_5(x, y)}{\partial x}=\varepsilon_6 \frac{\partial \phi_6(x, y)}{\partial x} \text { at } x=-a_3 \end{gathered} $$ (12b)
    $$ \begin{gathered} \left(S_6+\mathrm{i} f_6\right) \phi_6(x, y)=\phi_7(x, y) \text { and } \\ \varepsilon_6 \frac{\partial \phi_6(x, y)}{\partial x}=\frac{\partial \phi_7(x, y)}{\partial x} \text { at } x=-a_4 \end{gathered} $$ (12c)

    In the case of vertically stratified porous structure, zero flow condition exists at the interface of rigid steps x = − a2, − a3, − a4, − a5, − a6 given by

    $$ \begin{aligned} & \frac{\partial \phi_4(x, y)}{\partial x}=0, \text { for } h_2 <y<h, \\ & \frac{\partial \phi_5(x, y)}{\partial x}=0, \text { for } h_3<y<h_2 \end{aligned} $$ (13a)
    $$ \begin{aligned} & \frac{\partial \phi_6(x, y)}{\partial x}=0, \text { for } h_4<y<h_3 \\ & \frac{\partial \phi_7(x, y)}{\partial x}=0, \text { for } h_5<y<h_4 \end{aligned} $$ (13b)
    $$ \frac{\partial \phi_8(x, y)}{\partial x}=0, \text { for } h_6<y<h_5 $$ (13c)

    The wave numbers in the upstream/downstream free-water regions are same as Eq. (11a) and the vertically stratified porous structure region satisfy the dispersion relation given by

    $$ \omega^2\left(S_j+\mathrm{i} f_j\right)=g \gamma_{j n} \tanh \gamma_{j n} h_j \text { for } n=0, 1, 2, \cdots $$ (14)

    where hj = h2, h3 for j = 5, 6 respectively. The dispersion relation for the vertically stratified porous structure region is solved using perturbation method (Mendez and Losada, 2004). The contour plot to determine the location of complex roots of the dispersion relation is presented in Figure 4.

    Figure  4  Contour plots of roots of dispersion relation of vertically S5 = 1.0, f5 = 0.25 and hs/h = 0.50
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    The wave interaction with the stratified porous structures combined with porous block in the presence of elevated sea-bed is examined using the eigenfunction expansion method. In the present section, the solution approach for both horizontally and vertically stratified porous structure is presented in detail. The velocity potential in the incident open water region for both the horizontally and vertically stratified structure over stepped seabed is given by

    $$ \begin{gathered} \phi_1(x, y)=\left(I_{10} \mathrm{e}^{-\mathrm{i} k_{10} x}+R_{10} \mathrm{e}^{\mathrm{i} k_{10} x}\right) f_{10}(y) \\ +\sum\limits_{n=1}^{\infty} R_{1 n} \mathrm{e}^{-\mathrm{i} k_{1 n} x} f_{1 n}(y) \text { for } 0 \leqslant x \leqslant \infty, 0 \leqslant y \leqslant h \end{gathered} $$ (15)

    where, I10 is the amplitude of the incident wave, R1n for n = 1, 2, 3, ··· are the unknown constants to be determined. The vertical eigenfunction for incident open water region is given by

    $$ f_{1 n}(y)= \begin{cases}\frac{\cosh \gamma_{10}(h-y)}{\cosh \gamma_{10} h} & \text { for } n=0 \\ \frac{\cos \gamma_{1 n}(h-y)}{\cos \gamma_{1 n} h} & \text { for } n=1, 2, \cdots\end{cases} $$ (16)

    The velocity potential due to the presence of surface piercing porous block and leeward open water region are given by

    $$ \begin{aligned} \phi_2(x, y)= & \sum\limits_{n=0}^{\infty}\left\{A_{2 n} \mathrm{e}^{-\mathrm{i} k_{2 n} x}+B_{2 n} \mathrm{e}^{\mathrm{i} k_{2 n}\left(x+a_1\right)}\right\} f_{2 n}(y), \\ & -a_1 \leqslant x \leqslant 0, \quad 0 \leqslant y \leqslant a \end{aligned} $$ (17a)
    $$ \begin{aligned} \phi_3(x, y)= & \sum\limits_{n=0}^{\infty}\left\{A_{2 n} \mathrm{e}^{-\mathrm{i} k_{2 n} x}+B_{2 n} \mathrm{e}^{\mathrm{i} k_{2 n}\left(x+a_1\right)}\right\} f_{3 n}(y), \\ & -a_1 \leqslant x \leqslant 0, \quad a \leqslant y \leqslant h \end{aligned} $$ (17b)
    $$ \begin{array}{c} & \phi_4(x, y)=\left\{A_{40} \mathrm{e}^{-\mathrm{i} k_{j p}\left(x+a_{j-3}\right)}+B_{40} \mathrm{e}^{\mathrm{i} k_{j 0}\left(x+a_{j-2}\right)}\right\} f_{40}(y) \\ &+\sum\limits_{n=1}^{\infty}\left\{A_{4 n} \mathrm{e}^{-\mathrm{i} k_{j n}\left(x+a_{j-3}\right)}+B_{4 n} \mathrm{e}^{\mathrm{i} k_{j m}\left(x+a_{j-2}\right)}\right\} f_{4 n}(y) \\ &-a_2 \leqslant x \leqslant-a_1, 0 \leqslant y \leqslant h \end{array} $$ (17c)

    where A2n, B2n, A40, B40, A4n, B4n for n = 0, 1, 2, … are the unknown constants to be determined, w1 = a1 is thickness of the porous block. The vertical eigenfunctions for the porous block and leeward open water regions are given by

    $$ f_{2 n}(y)=\frac{\cosh \gamma_{2 n}(h-y)-F_n \sinh \gamma_{2 n}(h-y)}{\cosh \gamma_{2 n} h-F_n \sinh \gamma_{2 n} h} $$ (18a)
    $$ \begin{gathered} f_{3 n}(y)=\frac{1-F_n \tanh \gamma_{2 n} a \cosh \gamma_{2 n}(h-y)}{\left(S_2+\mathrm{i} f_2\right)\left(\cosh \gamma_{2 n} h-F_n \sinh \gamma_{2 n} h\right)}, \\ \text { for } n=0, 1, 2, \cdots \end{gathered} $$ (18b)
    $$ f_{4 n}(y)= \begin{cases}\frac{\cosh \gamma_{40}(h-y)}{\cosh \gamma_{40} h} & \text { for } n=0 \\ \frac{\cos \gamma_{4 n}(h-y)}{\cos \gamma_{4 n} h} & \text { for } n=1, 2, \cdots\end{cases} $$ (18c)

    The eigenfunctions fjn(y) for j = 2, 3 satisfy the orthogonal mode-coupling relation of the form

    $$ \begin{aligned} & \left\langle f_{j n}, f_{j m}\right\rangle_{j=2, 3}=\int\limits_0^h f_{j n}(y) f_{j m}(y) \mathrm{d} y \\ & \quad=\int\limits_0^a f_{2 n}(y) f_{2 m}(y) \mathrm{d} y+\int\limits_a^h f_{3 n}(y) f_{3 m}(y) \mathrm{d} y \end{aligned} $$ (19)

    Using the continuity of pressure and velocity along with orthogonal mode-coupling relation at the interface x = 0, − a1, the equation is given by

    $$ \begin{aligned} & \left\langle\phi_j(x, y), f_{j m}(y)\right\rangle_{j=1,4}=\int\limits_0^h \phi_j(x, y) f_{j m}(y) \mathrm{d} y \\ & =\left\{\int\limits_0^a+\int\limits_a^h\right\} \phi_j(x, y) f_{j m}(y) \mathrm{d} y \\ & =\left(S_2+\mathrm{i} f_2\right) \int\limits_0^a \phi_2(x, y) f_{j m}(y) \mathrm{d} y \\ & +\int\limits_a^h \phi_3(x, y) f_{j m}(y) \mathrm{d} y \text { for } m=0,1,2, \cdots \end{aligned} $$ (20a)
    $$ \begin{aligned} & \left\langle\phi_{j x}(x, y), f_{j m}(y)\right\rangle_{j=1, 4}=\int\limits_0^h \phi_{j x}(x, y) f_{j m}(y) \mathrm{d} y \\ & =\left\{\int\limits_0^a+\int\limits_a^h\right\} \phi_{j x}(x, y) f_{j m}(y) \mathrm{d} y \\ & =\varepsilon_2 \int\limits_0^a \phi_2(x, y) f_{j m}(y) \mathrm{d} y \\ & +\int\limits_a^h \phi_3(x, y) f_{j m}(y) \mathrm{d} y \text { for } m=0, 1, 2, \cdots \end{aligned} $$ (20b)

    The velocity potentials due the presence of horizontally stratified porous structure and leeward open water regions are given by

    $$ \begin{aligned} & \left.\phi_j(x, y)\right|_{j=5, 6} \\ & \quad=\sum\limits_{n=0}^{\infty}\left\{A_{j n} \mathrm{e}^{-\mathrm{i} k_{j n}\left(x+a_{j-3}\right)}+B_{j n} \mathrm{e}^{\mathrm{i} k_{j n}\left(x+a_{j-2}\right)}\right\} f_{j n}(y) \\ & \quad 0 \leqslant y \leqslant b \text { for } j=5, b \leqslant y \leqslant h_2 \text { for } j=6 \end{aligned} $$ (21a)
    $$ \begin{aligned} & \left.\phi_j(x, y)\right|_{j=7, 8} \\ & \quad=\left\{A_{j 0} \mathrm{e}^{-\mathrm{i} k_{j 0}\left(x+a_{j-3}\right)}+B_{j 0} \mathrm{e}^{\mathrm{i} k_{j 0}\left(x+a_{j-2}\right)}\right\} f_{j 0}(y) \\ & \quad+\sum\limits_{n=1}^{\infty}\left\{A_{j n} \mathrm{e}^{-\mathrm{i} k_{j m}\left(x+a_{j-3}\right)}+B_{j n} \mathrm{e}^{\mathrm{i} k_{j n}\left(x+a_{j-2}\right)}\right\} f_{j n}(y), \\ & \quad 0 \leqslant y \leqslant h_3 \text { for } j=7, 0 \leqslant y \leqslant h_4 \text { for } j=8 \end{aligned} $$ (21b)
    $$ \begin{aligned} & \phi_9(x, y)=T_{90} \mathrm{e}^{-\mathrm{i} k_{90}\left(x+a_5\right)} f_{90}(y) \\ & \quad+\sum\limits_{n=1}^{\infty} T_{9 n} \mathrm{e}^{k_{5 n}\left(x+a_5\right)} f_{9 n}(y), -\infty \leqslant x \leqslant-a_5, 0 \leqslant y \leqslant h_5 \end{aligned} $$ (21c)

    where T90 is the transmitted wave amplitude, Ajn, Bjn and T9n for n = 0, 1, 2, … and j = 5, 6, 7, 8 are the unknown constants to be determined, w2 = (a3a2) is thickness of the porous structure. The vertical eigenfunctions for the porous structure and leeward open water regions are given by

    $$ f_{5 n}(y)=\frac{\cosh \gamma_{5 n}\left(h_2-y\right)-P_n \sinh \gamma_{5 n}\left(h_2-y\right)}{\cosh \gamma_{5 n} h_2-P_n \sinh \gamma_{5 n} h_2} $$ (22a)
    $$ \begin{gathered} f_{6 n}(y)=\frac{\left(S_5+\mathrm{i} f_5\right)\left(1-P_n \tanh \left(\gamma_{5 n} b\right) \cosh \gamma_{5 n}\left(h_2-y\right)\right)}{\left(S_6+\mathrm{i} f_6\right)\left(\cosh \gamma_{5 n} h_2-P_n \sinh \gamma_{5 n} h_2\right)}, \\ \text { for } n=0, 1, 2, \cdots \end{gathered} $$ (22b)
    $$ f_{j n}(y)= \begin{cases}\frac{\cosh \gamma_{j 0}\left(h^{\prime}-y\right)}{\cosh \gamma_{j 0} h^{\prime}} & \text { for } n=0 \\ \frac{\cos \gamma_{j n}\left(h^{\prime}-y\right)}{\cos \gamma_{j n} h^{\prime}} & \text { for } n=1, 2, \cdots\end{cases} $$ (22c)

    where, h' = h3, h4, h5 for j = 7, 8, 9 respectively. The eigen‐functions fjn(y) for j = 1, 4, 7, 8, 9 satisfy the orthogonal mode-coupling relation of the form

    $$ \left\langle f_{j n}, f_{j m}\right\rangle_{j=1, 4, 7, 8, 9}= \begin{cases}0 & \text { for } m \neq n \\ C_{j n}^{\prime} & \text { for } m=n\end{cases} $$ (23a)
    $$ \begin{aligned} & \left\langle f_{j n}, f_{j m}\right\rangle_{j=5, 6}=\int\limits_0^{h_2} f_{j n}(y) f_{j m}(y) \mathrm{d} y \\ & \quad=\int\limits_0^b f_{5 n}(y) f_{5 m}(y) \mathrm{d} y+\int\limits_b^h f_{6 n}(y) f_{6 m}(y) \mathrm{d} y \end{aligned} $$ (23b)

    where $ C_{j n}^{\prime}=\left\{\frac{2 \gamma_{j n} h_j+\sinh 2 \gamma_{j n} h_j}{4 \gamma_{j n} \cosh ^2 \gamma_{j n} h_j}\right\}$, for j = 1, 4, 7, 8, 9, n = 0 respectively with $ \left.C_{j n}^{\prime}\right|_{j=1, 4, 7, 8, 9}$ for n = 1, 2, 3, … are obtained by substituting γjn = iγjn in the case of open water region. Using the continuity of pressure and velocity along with orthogonal mode-coupling relation at the interface x = − a2, − a3, the equation is given by

    $$ \begin{aligned} \left\langle\phi_j\right. & \left.(x, y), f_{j m}(y)\right\rangle_{j=4,7}=\int\limits_0^{h_2} \phi_j(x, y) f_{j m}(y) \mathrm{d} y \\ & =\left\{\int\limits_0^b+\int\limits_b^{h_2}\right\} \phi_j(x, y) f_{j m}(y) \mathrm{d} y \\ & =\left(S_5+\mathrm{i} f_5\right) \int\limits_0^b \phi_5(x, y) f_{j m}(y) \mathrm{d} y \\ & +\left(S_6+\mathrm{i} f_6\right) \int\limits_b^{h_2} \phi_6(x, y) f_{j m}(y) \mathrm{d} y \text { for } m=0,1,2, \cdots \end{aligned} $$ (24a)
    $$ \begin{aligned} \left\langle\phi_{j x}\right. & \left.(x, y), f_{j m}(y)\right\rangle_{j=4, 7}=\int\limits_0^{h_2} \phi_{j x}(x, y) f_{j m}(y) \mathrm{d} y \\ & =\left\{\int\limits_0^b+\int\limits_b^h\right\} \phi_{j x}(x, y) f_{j m}(y) \mathrm{d} y \\ & =\varepsilon_5 \int\limits_0^b \phi_5(x, y) f_{j m}(y) \mathrm{d} y \\ & +\varepsilon_6 \int\limits_b^{h_2} \phi_6(x, y) f_{j m}(y) \mathrm{d} y \text { for } m=0, 1, 2, \cdots \end{aligned} $$ (24b)

    Next, the continuity of pressure and velocity at the edge x =− a4 along with orthogonal mode-coupling relation is utilized to obtain the equation given by

    $$ \begin{aligned} & \left\langle\phi_j(x, y), f_{j m}(y)\right\rangle_{j=7}=\int\limits_0^{h_3} \phi_7(x, y) f_{j m}(y) \mathrm{d} y \\ = & \int\limits_0^{h_4} \phi_8(x, y) f_{j m}(y) \mathrm{d} y \text { for } x=-a_4, m=0, 1, 2, \cdots \end{aligned} $$ (25a)
    $$ \begin{aligned} & \left\langle\phi_{j x}(x, y), f_{j m}(y)\right\rangle_{j=7}=\int\limits_0^{h_3} \phi_{7 x}(x, y) f_{j m}(y) \mathrm{d} y \\ = & \int\limits_0^{h_4} \phi_{8 x}(x, y) f_{j m}(y) \mathrm{d} y \text { for } x=-a_4, m=0, 1, 2, \cdots \end{aligned} $$ (25b)

    Further, the continuity of pressure and velocity at the edge x = − a5 along with orthogonal mode-coupling relation is utilized to obtain the equation given by

    $$ \begin{aligned} & \left\langle\phi_j(x, y), f_{j m}(y)\right\rangle_{j=8}=\int\limits_0^{h_4} \phi_8(x, y) f_{j m}(y) \mathrm{d} y \\ = & \int\limits_0^{h_5} \phi_9(x, y) f_{j m}(y) \mathrm{d} y \text { for } x=-a_5, m=0, 1, 2, \cdots \end{aligned} $$ (26a)
    $$ \begin{aligned} & \left\langle\phi_{j x}(x, y), f_{j m}(y)\right\rangle_{j=8}=\int\limits_0^{h_4} \phi_{8 x}(x, y) f_{j m}(y) \mathrm{d} y \\ = & \int\limits_0^{h_5} \phi_{9 x}(x, y) f_{j m}(y) \mathrm{d} y \text { for } x=-a_5, m=0, 1, 2, \cdots \end{aligned} $$ (26b)

    The infinite sums presented in the Eqs. 24(a‒b), 25(a‒b) and 26(a‒b) obtained from the orthogonal mode-coupling relation are truncated upto finite M terms to obtain a linear system of 12(M + 1) algebraic equations for the determination of 12(M + 1) unknowns. The wave reflection and transmission coefficient due to the presence of porous structure is given by

    $$ K_r=\left|\frac{R_{10}}{I_{10}}\right| \text { and } K_t=\left|\frac{T_{90}}{I_{10}}\right| $$ (27a)

    Due the existence of porous structure along with stepped seabed the energy dissipation in the wave propagation is represented as

    $$ K_d=1-K_r^2-\chi K_t^2 $$ (27b)

    where $ \chi=\left\{\frac{k_{j 0} \tanh \gamma_{j 0} h_j}{k_{10} \tanh \gamma_{10} h}\right\}\left\{\frac{\cosh ^2 \gamma_{10} h}{\cosh ^2 \gamma_{j 0} h_j}\right\}\left\{\frac{2 \gamma_{j 0} h_j+\sinh 2 \gamma_{j 0} h_j}{2 \gamma_{10} h+\sinh 2 \gamma_{10} h}\right\}$

    In the next section, the wave attenuation due to the presence of vertically stratified porous structure is examined.

    The velocity potentials in the porous structure and leeward open water regions for the vertically stratified porous structure are given by

    $$ \begin{gathered} \left.\phi_j(x, y)\right|_{j=5, 6}=\sum\limits_{n=0}^{\infty}\left\{A_{j n} \mathrm{e}^{-\mathrm{i} k_{j n}\left(x+a_{j-3}\right)}+B_{j n} \mathrm{e}^{\mathrm{i} k_{j m}\left(x+a_{j-2}\right)}\right\} f_{j n}(y), \\ 0 \leqslant y \leqslant h_2 \text { for } j=5, 0 \leqslant y \leqslant h_3 \text { for } j=6 \end{gathered} $$ (28a)
    $$ \begin{gathered} \left.\phi_j(x, y)\right|_{j=7, 8}=\left\{A_{j 0} \mathrm{e}^{-\mathrm{i} k_{j0}\left(x+a_{j-3}\right)}+B_{j 0} \mathrm{e}^{\mathrm{i} k_{j 0}\left(x+a_{j-2}\right)}\right\} f_{40}(y) \\ +\sum\limits_{n=1}^{\infty}\left\{A_{j n} \mathrm{e}^{-\mathrm{i} k_{j n}\left(x+a_{j-3}\right)}+B_{j n} \mathrm{e}^{\mathrm{i} k_{j n}\left(x+a_{j-2}\right)}\right\} f_{j n}(y), \\ 0 \leqslant y \leqslant h_4 \text { for } j=7, 0 \leqslant y \leqslant h_5 \text { for } j=8 \end{gathered} $$ (28b)
    $$ \begin{aligned} & \phi_9(x, y)=T_{90} \mathrm{e}^{-\mathrm{i} k_{90}\left(x+a_6\right)} f_{90}(y) \\ & \quad+\sum\limits_{n=1}^{\infty} T_{9 n} \mathrm{e}^{k_{{9 n}}\left(x+a_6\right)} f_{9 n}(y), \text { for }-\infty \leqslant x \leqslant-a_6, 0 \leqslant y \leqslant h_6 \end{aligned} $$ (28c)

    where T90 is the transmitted wave amplitude, Ajn, Bjn and T9n for j = 5, 6, 7, 8, n = 0, 1, 2, … and are the unknown constants to be determined, w2 = (a4a2) is thickness of the porous structure. The vertical eigenfunctions for the porous structure and leeward open water regions are given by

    $$ f_{j n}(y)=\frac{\cosh \gamma_{j n}(h-y)}{\cosh \gamma_{j n} h} \text { for } j=5, 6, n=0, 1, 2, \cdots $$ (29a)
    $$ \left.f_{j n}(y)\right|_{j=7, 8, 9}= \begin{cases}\frac{\cosh \gamma_{j 0}\left(h_j-y\right)}{\cosh \gamma_{j 0} h_j} & \text { for } n=0 \\ \frac{\cos \gamma_{j n}\left(h_j-y\right)}{\cos \gamma_{j n} h_j} & \text { for } n=1, 2, \cdots\end{cases} $$ (29b)

    where, hj = h4 for j = 7, hj = h5 for j = 8 and hj = h6 for j = 9 respectively. The eigenfunctions fjn(y), j = 1, 4, 7, 8, 9 satisfy the orthogonality relation of the form

    $$ \begin{aligned} & \left\langle f_{j n}, f_{j m}\right\rangle_{j=1, 4, 7, 8, 9}=\left\{\begin{array}{ll} 0 & \text { for } m \neq n, \\ C_{j n}^{\prime} & \text { for } m=n, \end{array}\right. \text { and } \\ & \left\langle f_{j n}, f_{j m}\right\rangle_{j=5, 6}=\left\{\begin{array}{lll} 0 & \text { for } & m \neq n \\ C_{j n}^{\prime \prime} & \text { for } & m=n \end{array}\right. \end{aligned} $$ (30)

    where $ \left.C_n^{\prime}\right|_{j=1, 4, 7, 8, 9}=\left\{\frac{2 \gamma_{j n} h_j+\sinh 2 \gamma_{j n} h_j}{4 \gamma_{j n} \cosh ^2 \gamma_{j n} h_j}\right\}$, n = 0, and $ \left.C_n^{\prime \prime}\right|_{j=5, 6}= \left\{\frac{2 \gamma_{j n} h+\sinh 2 \gamma_{j n} h}{4 \gamma_{j n} \cosh ^2 \gamma_{j n} h}\right\}$, n = 0, 1, 2, … with $ \left.C_n^{\prime}\right|_{j=1, 4, 7, 8, 9}$ for n = 1, 2, 3, … are obtained by substituting γjn = iγjn in the case of open water region.

    Using the orthogonal mode-coupling relation at the interface x = − a2, 0 ≤ yh2 we have

    $$ \begin{aligned} & \left\langle\phi_4(x, y), f_{4 m}(y)\right\rangle=\int\limits_0^{h_2} \phi_4(x, y) f_{4 m}(y) \mathrm{d} y \\ & \quad=\left(S_5+\mathrm{i} f_5\right) \int\limits_0^{h_2} \phi_5(x, y) f_{4 m}(y) \mathrm{d} y \text { for } m=0, 1, 2, \cdots \end{aligned} $$ (31a)
    $$ \begin{aligned} & \left\langle\phi_{4 x}(x, y), f_{4 m}(y)\right\rangle=\int\limits_0^{h_2} \phi_{4 x}(x, y) f_{4 m}(y) \mathrm{d} y \\ & \quad=\varepsilon_5 \int\limits_0^{h_2} \phi_{5 x}(x, y) f_{4 m}(y) \mathrm{d} y \text { for } m=0, 1, 2, \cdots \end{aligned} $$ (31b)

    Also, at the interface between the porous layers x = − a3, 0 ≤ yh2, the continuity of pressure and the pressure and velocity along with orthogonal relation gives

    $$ \begin{aligned} & \left\langle\phi_5(x, y), f_{5 m}(y)\right\rangle=\int\limits_0^{h_2} \phi_5(x, y) f_{5 m}(y) \mathrm{d} y \\ & \quad=\left\{\frac{S_6+\mathrm{i} f_6}{S_5+\mathrm{i} f_5}\right\}_0^{h_2} \int\limits_0 \phi_6(x, y) f_{5 m}(y) \mathrm{d} y \text { for } m=0, 1, 2, \cdots \end{aligned} $$ (32a)
    $$ \begin{aligned} \left\langle\phi_{5 x}\right. & \left.(x, y), f_{5 m}(y)\right\rangle=\int\limits_0^{h_2} \phi_{5 x}(x, y) f_{5 m}(y) \mathrm{d} y \\ & =\left\{\frac{\varepsilon_6}{\varepsilon_5}\right\} \int\limits_0^{h_2} \phi_{6 x}(x, y) f_{5 m}(y) \mathrm{d} y \text { for } m=0, 1, 2, \cdots \end{aligned} $$ (32b)

    The continuity of pressure and velocity at the edge x = − a4 along with orthogonal mode-coupling relation is utilized to obtain the equation given by

    $$ \begin{gathered} \left\langle\phi_7(x, y), f_{7 m}(y)\right\rangle=\int\limits_0^{h_4} \phi_7(x, y) f_{7 m}(y) \mathrm{d} y \\ =\left(S_6+\mathrm{i} f_6\right) \int\limits_0^{h_4} \phi_6(x, y) f_{7 m}(y) \mathrm{d} y \\ \text { for } x=-a_4, m=0, 1, 2, \cdots \end{gathered} $$ (33a)
    $$ \begin{gathered} \left\langle\phi_{7 x}(x, y), f_{7 m}(y)\right\rangle=\int\limits_0^{h_4} \phi_{7 x}(x, y) f_{7 m}(y) \mathrm{d} y \\ =\varepsilon_6 \int\limits_0^{h_4} \phi_{6 x}(x, y) f_{7 m}(y) \mathrm{d} y \text { for } x=-a_4, m=0, 1, 2, \cdots \end{gathered} $$ (33b)

    Next, the continuity of pressure and velocity at the edge x = − a5 along with orthogonal mode-coupling relation is utilized to obtain the equation given by

    $$ \begin{aligned} & \left\langle\phi_j(x, y), f_{j m}(y)\right\rangle_{j=7}=\int\limits_0^{h_4} \phi_7(x, y) f_{j m}(y) \mathrm{d} y \\ = & \int\limits_0^{h_5} \phi_8(x, y) f_{j m}(y) \mathrm{d} y \text { for } x=-a_5, m=0, 1, 2, \cdots \end{aligned} $$ (34a)
    $$ \begin{aligned} & \left\langle\phi_{j x}(x, y), f_{j m}(y)\right\rangle_{j=7}=\int\limits_0^{h_4} \phi_{7 x}(x, y) f_{j m}(y) \mathrm{d} y \\ = & \int\limits_0^{h_5} \phi_{8 x}(x, y) f_{j m}(y) \mathrm{d} y \text { for } x=-a_5, m=0, 1, 2, \cdots \end{aligned} $$ (34b)

    Further, the continuity of pressure and velocity at the edge x = − a6 along with orthogonal mode-coupling relation is utilized to obtain the equation given by

    $$ \begin{aligned} & \left\langle\phi_j(x, y), f_{j m}(y)\right\rangle_{j-8}=\int\limits_0^{h_5} \phi_8(x, y) f_{j m}(y) \mathrm{d} y \\ = & \int\limits_0^{h_6} \phi_9(x, y) f_{j m}(y) \mathrm{d} y \text { for } x=-a_6, m=0, 1, 2, \cdots \end{aligned} $$ (35a)
    $$ \begin{aligned} & \left\langle\phi_{j x}(x, y), f_{j m}(y)\right\rangle_{j=8}=\int\limits_0^{h_5} \phi_{8 x}(x, y) f_{j m}(y) \mathrm{d} y \\ = & \int\limits_0^{h_6} \phi_{9_x}(x, y) f_{j m}(y) \mathrm{d} y \text { for } x=-a_6, m=0, 1, 2, \cdots \end{aligned} $$ (35b)

    The infinite sums presented in the Eqs. 31(a‒b)‒35(a‒b) obtained from the orthogonal mode-coupling in open water regions are truncated upto finite M terms to obtain a linear system of 14(M + 1) algebraic equations for the determination of 14(M + 1) unknowns. The wave reflection, transmission and dissipation coefficients due to the presence of vertically stratified structure are same as in Eq. 27(a‒b).

    The wave force impact acting on the front face of porous block, Kfb1 and that of stratified structure, Kfs1 are given by

    $$ K_{f b 1}=\left|\frac{F_{f b 1}}{2 \rho g h I_{10}}\right| \text { and } K_{f s 1}=\left|\frac{F_{f s 1}}{2 \rho g h I_{10}}\right| $$ (36a)

    and I10 is the amplitude of the incident wave potential considered to be unity. In the case of surface piercing porous block, Ffb1 is given by

    $$ F_{f b 1}=\mathrm{i} \rho \omega \int\limits_0^a\left\{\phi_2(x, y)-\phi_1(x, y)\right\} \mathrm{d} y \text { at } x=0 $$ (36b)

    In the case of horizontally stratified porous structure, Ffs1 for j = 5, 6 is given by

    $$ F_{\mathrm{fs} 1}=\mathrm{i} \rho \omega\left\{\int\limits_0^h \phi_j(x, y) \mathrm{d} y-\int\limits_0^h \phi_4(x, y) \mathrm{d} y\right\} \text { at } x=-a_2 $$ (37a)

    In the case of vertically stratified porous structure, Ffs1 is given by

    $$ F_{\mathrm{fs} 1}=\mathrm{i} \rho \omega \int\limits_0^{h_2}\left\{\phi_5(x, y)-\phi_4(x, y)\right\} \mathrm{d} y \text { at } x=-a_2 $$ (37b)

    The free surface gravity wave elevation in the incident and transmitted wave regions are obtained from the relations

    $$ -\mathrm{i} \omega \zeta_j=\phi_{j y} \text { on } y=0, j=1, 9 $$ (38a)

    which can be expressed in the form as

    $$ \zeta_j(x)=\frac{\mathrm{i}}{\omega}\left\{\begin{array}{l} -\left(I_{10} \mathrm{e}^{-\mathrm{i} k_{10} x}+R_{10} \mathrm{e}^{\mathrm{i} k_{10} x}\right) \gamma_{10} \tanh \gamma_{10} h+\sum\limits_{n=1}^{\infty} R_{1 n} \mathrm{e}^{-\kappa_{1 n} x} \gamma_{1 n} \tan \gamma_{1 n} h \text { for } 0 <x <\infty \\ -T_{90} \mathrm{e}^{-\mathrm{i} k_{60}\left(x+a_j\right)} \gamma_{90} h_j+\sum\limits_{n=1}^{\infty} T_{9 n} \mathrm{e}^{\kappa_{9 n}\left(x+a_j\right)} \gamma_{9 n} \tan \gamma_{9 n} h_j \text { for }-\infty<x<-a_j \end{array}\right. $$ (38b)

    where, − aj = − a5, hj = h5 for horizontally stratified structure and − aj= − a6, hj = h6 in the case of vertically stratified porous structure. The numerical investigation performed using the eigenfunction expansion method is for the regular geometry of the stratified porous structure and elevated sea-bed. In the case of irregular geometry, the numerical approach using the eigenfunction expansion method can be coupled with Boundary Element Method (BEM) to perform the numerical investigation.

    The numerical investigation is performed to examine the wave interaction due to stratified porous structure combined with surface-piercing porous block in changing bottom topography considering various values of porosity ε, linearized friction factor f, angle of incidence θ, finite spacing between the structures and porous block L. The wave reflection Kr, transmission coefficient Kt, energy dissipation Kd, wave force impact on the front face of the porous block Kfb1, wave force impact on the front face of the stratified structure Kfs1 and the surface deflection in the incident and transmitted region ζj ( x ) is plotted to understand the behaviour of porous structure with change in bottom topography for wave energy dissipation. The convergence study in Kr and Kt due to the increasing number of evanescent wave modes M is performed for horizontally and vertically stratified porous structure combined with a surface-piercing porous block placed on stepped sea bottom and the numerical results obtained are tabulated in Table 1. The numerical result is noted to converge with the increase in the number of evanescent wave modes M ≥ 15 as tabulated in Table 1. In the present study the evanescent wave mode is truncated for M = 15 and the numerical results are evaluated. The parameters that are kept constant are ρ = 1 000 kg/m3, g = 9.81 m/s2 and Sj = 1 throughout the computation.

    Table  1  Convergence of Kr and Kt for horizontally and vertically stratified porous structure combined with a surface-piercing porous block placed on stepped sea bottom considering γ10h = 1.5, w1/h = 0.50, w1/h = 0.50, L/h = 0.25, a/h = 0.25, θ = 20°, S2 = S5 = S6 = 1, ε2 = 0.2, f2 = 0.6, f5 = 0.8 and f6 = 0.5
    Evanescent modes M Horizontally stratified porous structure with surface-piercing porous block Vertically stratified porous structure with surface-piercing porous block
    Kr Kt Kr Kt
    0 0.435 36 0.618 27 0.365 42 0.302 39
    5 0.420 36 0.623 61 0.328 95 0.336 77
    10 0.410 08 0.630 45 0.301 36 0.342 71
    15 0.408 83 0.639 55 0.293 52 0.345 64
    20 0.408 84 0.639 52 0.293 54 0.345 60

    The numerical modelling of single layered and multilayered porous structures for different configurations is performed by Dattatri et al. (1978), Dalrymple et al. (1991), Zhu and Chwang (2001) and Liu and Li (2013). The study conducted on a single layer porous structure is validated with results from the literature in order to assess the validity of the present numerical model based on the eigenfunction expansion method. Dalrymple et al. (1991) examined the reflection and transmission characteristics for oblique wave incidence on a vertical porous structure using plane wave approximation.

    In Figure 5 the comparative study between the present numerical model and the results obtained for single porous structure on wave reflection coefficient for varying angle of incidence is performed and a good agreement with the result obtained by Dalrymple et al. (1991) is noted. The study reveals that, with the increase in the linearized friction factor, the minimum in the reflection coefficient is obtained for 65° < θ < 75° Further, Liu and Li (2013) developed an analytical solution for wave reflection and transmission by a surface-piercing porous breakwater without using the complex dispersion relation. The results obtained for the reflection and transmission coefficient (Figure 6) based on the analytical solution of single layer porous structure as in Liu and Li (2013) is compared with that result obtained using the present numerical approach. The study shows a considerable agreement between the results using the present numerical approach and by Liu and Li (2013) for both reflection and transmission coefficients. Thereafter, the numerical investigation is extended for both horizontally and vertically stratified porous structure combined with porous block in varying seabed.

    Figure  5  Comparative study for the reflection coefficient in the case of single porous structure and Dalrymple et al. (1991) considering B/h = 1, ω2h/g = 0.2012, S = 1 and ε = 0.45
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    Figure  6  Comparative study for Kr and Kt using the present analytical approach for single porous structure and Liu and Li (2013) considering ε = 0.45, S = 1 and f = 1
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    The wave transformation due to horizontally stratified porous structure combined with porous block in changing bottom topography is analyzed on studying the wave reflection coefficient Kr, transmission coefficient Kt, dissipation coefficient Kd, surface displacement ζj ( x ), wave force acting on the front face of porous block Kfb1 and on the stratified structure Kfs1.

    4.2.1   Reflection, transmission and dissipation coefficient

    The wave reflection, transmission and dissipation coefficients are analysed for the change in the porosity, change in structural width, change in dimensionless wave number, change in the angle of incidence.   Effect of multiple porosities

    In order to analyze the effect of porosity on hydrodynamic coefficients, the behaviour of combinations of different porosity for top and bottom porous layer of stratified structure is studied in Figure 7(a‒b) for varying dimensionless width of structure. The stratified porous structure with uniform porosity of 50% is observed to have more wave reflection and intermediate transmission compared to the other combinations. The wave reflection shows intermediate characteristics, and transmission coefficient is least for combination of ε5 = 0.7 and ε6 = 0.3. As a result, wave dissipation is higher for the porosity combination ε5 = 0.7 and ε6 = 0.3. A mono resonating behaviour is observed for Kr and maximum peak is observed when width of porous structure is same as the depth of incident open water region. The maximum wave reflection may be due to constructive inference between incident and reflected waves by the porous structure. Thus for ε5 = 0.7 and ε6 = 0.3, Kr for uniform porosity is 33.33% more than that of combination of ε5 = 0.9 and ε6 = 0.1. Most of the surface concentrated waves may be either attenuated or reflected by the surface-piercing porous block and hence only the remaining incoming wave energy are attenuated by the stratified structure.

    Figure  7  Variation of Kr, Kt and Kd versus w2/h for different combinations of porosities considering γ10h = 1.5, hs/h = 0.10, w1/h = 0.50, L/h = 0.25, θ = 20°, S2 = S5 = S6 = 1, ε2 = 0.2, f2 = 0.6, f5 = 0.8 and f6 = 0.5
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    In Figure 7(a), it can be noted that Kr is decreasing as the porosity of surface layer is increasing which may be caused due to the easy penetration of waves through the pores of surface layer of stratified structure. This is evident from Kt in Figure 7(a) that with the maximum wave transmission is observed for the combination of highest porosity at the surface layer. Further, about 95% wave energy dissipation is achieved when width of stratified structure is more than 1.5 times the water depth as depicted in Figure 7(b).   Effect of structural width of porous block and stratified structure

    Figure 8 illustrates the hydrodynamic coefficients versus θ for different structural width of the porous block varying within 0.5 < w1/h < 3.0. The increase in the structural width w1/h shows an increase in wave reflection but a decrease in wave transmission. For direct wave attack, Kr for w1/h = 3.0 is observed to be twice as compared to w1/h = 0.5. Also, a small mono resonating behaviour in Kr is prominent at θ = 22° as width of porous block increases. This can be due to the change in phase of the incident and reflected wave due to the increased width of the porous structure. For higher angle of incidence, a steep increase in wave reflection is observed.

    Figure  8  Variation of Kr, Kt and Kd versus θ for different values of w1/h considering γ10h = 1.5, hs/h = 0.10, a/h = 0.25, w2/h = 0.50, L/h = 0.25, S2 = S5 = S6 = 1, ε2 = 0.2, ε5 = 0.7, ε6 = 0.4, f2 = 0.6, f5 = 0.8 and f6 = 0.5
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    As depicted in Figure 8(b), wave energy dissipation decreases with increase in width of porous block, although larger variation is not observed for oblique waves with angle of incidence greater than θ = 45°. At θ = 15°, Kd shows a decrease of 65.28% from w1/h = 0.5 to w1/h = 3.0. The decrease in wave energy dissipation is caused as most of the incoming waves are being reflected by the porous block. A local minima is observed in Kd for w1/h = 3.0 due to the sudden increase in wave reflection. A steep decrease in Kd is observed for higher angle of incidence which is an opposite trend to that of Kr. This may be due to the less effective wave trapping as most of this incoming wave energy is being reflected by the porous structure.

    The hydrodynamic behaviour of structure with respect to different structural width of stratified porous structure as well is analysed for varying angle of incidence. In Figure 9(a) the variation in Kr is observed, which increases with more oblique wave angle. Also wave reflection is more when width of structure is half of the open water depth. In all other cases, no significant variation in Kr is observed. Wave transmission characteristics for w2/h = 0.5 also suggests that this structural width is not suitable for stratified structure as Kt is more. This is due to the availability of shorter path through the stratified porous structure and hence lesser pore spaces for the wave energy to be dissipated. For θ = 0°, wave transmission decreases by around 82% when w2/h is increased from 0.5 to 3.0. Wave damping efficiency for most cases, except for w2/h = 0.5 is greater than 90% as noted in Figure 9(b). Since, for all other cases, wave damping efficiency is almost the same, it is economical to construct stratified porous structure with intermediate structural width and to decrease wave transmission for this width of stratified structure, it is better to increase the width of surface-piercing porous block. Thus, cost can be considerably reduced due to the combination of a fully extended structure with a partial porous structure.

    Figure  9  Variation of Kr, Kt and Kd versus θ for different values of w2/h considering γ10h = 1.5, hs/h = 0.10, a/h = 0.25, w1/h = 0.50, L/h = 0.25, S2 = S5 = S6 = 1, ε2 = 0.2, ε5 = 0.7, ε6 = 0.4, f2 = 0.6, f5 = 0.8 and f6 = 0.5
    Download: Full-Size Img   Effect of dimensionless wavenumber

    To examine the behaviour of waves in the presence of horizontal stratified structure combined with porous block in changing bottom topography the dimensionless wave number ranging from 0.75 to 1.75 is varied. In Figure 10, the wave reflection, transmission and dissipation coefficients are analysed for varying length between stratified structure and porous block with the change in the non-dimensional wave number. Due to high wave oscillations in the confined region, resonating behaviour is observed for the hydrodynamic coefficients which allow us to determine the optimum length to be provided between stratified structure and porous block from the resonating troughs. The minimum value in wave reflection as observed in Figure 10(a) corresponds to the destructive interference of the waves due to the presence of the porous block. It is observed that wave reflection for shorter waves is more compared to longer waves. Further, wave transmission for longer waves is more. This is due to the lesser interaction of longer waves compared to the length of the structure and vice versa for shorter waves. In addition, as represented in Figure 10(b), wave damping efficiency for shorter waves is higher for the structure, although more prominent resonating behaviour is observed for such waves. However, the oscillating pattern diminishes for lesser value of γ10h and more uniform value is achieved due to the formation of the standing waves in the confined region formed by the porous block in seaward side and rigid steps in leeward side with the horizontally stratified structure.

    Figure  10  Variation of Kr, Kt and Kdversus L/h for different values of γ10h considering hs/h = 0.10, a/h = 0.25, w1/h = w2/h = 0.50, θ = 20°, S2 = S5 = S6 = 1, ε2 = 0.2, ε5 = 0.7, ε6 = 0.3, f2 = 0.6, f5 = 0.8 and f6 = 0.5
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    In Figure 11 the effect of dimensionless wavenumber for varying dimensionless width of stratified structure is presented for varying dimensionless width of stratified structure. For shorter waves, wave reflection is more, and transmission is minimum compared to longer waves due to increased wave interaction with the structure as illustrated in Figure 11(a). In addition, as the width of stratified structure is increased, Kr achieves more consistent value and hence any further increase in width of structure has less effect on wave reflection characteristic. The local maxima observed in Kr for 0.5 < w2/h < 1.5 may be caused due to the constructive interference between incoming and reflected waves. However, this local maximum value shifts towards left with the increase in γ10h, which can be due to the change in phase of incident and reflected waves when the wavelength of incoming waves changes. Also, even for small structural width, wave dissipation behaviour for shorter waves is efficient as presented in Figure 11(b). A local minima is observed in the case of γ10h = 1.75 because of high wave reflection on account of standing wave formation. Hence, this structure is economical for waves with shorter wavelength. In the case of an increased width of stratified structure, longer waves can also be attenuated effectively by better interaction of wave with structure.

    Figure  11  Variation of Kr, Kt and Kd versus w2/h for different values of γ10h considering hs/h = 0.10, a/h = 0.25, w1/h = 0.50, L/h = 0.25, θ = 20°, S2 = S5 = S6 = 1, ε2 = 0.2, ε5 = 0.7, ε6 = 0.3, f2 = 0.6, f5 = 0.8 and f6 = 0.5
    Download: Full-Size Img   Effect of angle of incidence

    The impact of angle of wave attack on the wave transformation is examined for the stratified porous structure combined with porous block for stepped seabed. The hydrodynamic coefficients are studied varying angle of incidence within 0 ≤ θ ≤ 90° in Figure 12(a‒b) for different combinations of porosity of surface and bottom layers of stratified structure. It can be inferred from Figure 12(a) that, for more oblique waves, θ > 60°, Kr increases considerably, whereas transmission decreases due to increased wave interaction with structure. Further, for higher angle of incidence, wave dissipation property of the structure as shown by Figure 12(b) decreases. This may be caused due to increased reflection, as a result of which only marginal number of waves would be passing through the porous structure and hence lesser wave energy attenuation of incoming waves.

    Figure  12  Variation of Kr, Kt and Kd versus θ for different combinations of porosities considering γ10h = 1.5, hs/h = 0.10, a/h = 0.25, w1/h = w2/h = 0.50, L/h = 0.25, S2 = S5 = S6 = 1, ε2 = 0.2, f2 = 0.6, f5 = 0.8 and f6 = 0.5
    Download: Full-Size Img   Effect of length between porous block and stratified structure

    The variation of hydrodynamic coefficients with the change in the length between porous block and the stratified structure for varying combination of porosity of surface and bottom porous layer is studied and presented in Figure 13. An oscillating pattern is obtained for all the cases of combinations of porosity. This oscillation diminishes as the porosity of surface layer is increased and that of bottom layer is decreased. This may be due to the formation of standing waves in the confined region between surface-piercing porous block and stratified structure. In addition, the trough is observed for L/h having the value 1.0, 3.0, 4.0 and so on. The L/h values are significant for designing the structure as we can achieve minimal wave reflection. In these cases, even zero wave reflection is observed in Figure 13(a). This may be the case when incident and reflected waves are 180° out of phase and all the waves are absorbed within the confined region. Also, reflection coefficient decreases as the porosity of surface layer is increased and the bottom layer is decreased. This is due to the availability of more pore spaces in surface layer to allow more surface waves to pass through. Resonating peaks are also observed in the case of Kt, such that the value is increasing with increase in porosity of surface layer. However, wave damping efficiency is maximum shown for the combination with ε5 = 0.7 and ε6 = 0.3. Resonating crests for Kd as depicted in Figure 13(b) are observed for L/h corresponding to negligible or fairly zero wave reflection due to the absorption of incoming wave energy.

    Figure  13  Variation of Kr, Kt and Kd versus L/h for different combinations of porosities considering γ10h = 1.5, hs/h = 0.10, a/h = 0.25, w1/h = w2/h = 0.50, θ = 20°, S2 = S5 = S6 = 1, ε2 = 0.2, f2 = 0.6, f5 = 0.8 and f6 = 0.5
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    4.2.2   Surface elevation

    The surface elevation in the open water regions for various angle of incidence of gravity waves in the range 0 ≤θ ≤ 60° is analysed in Figure 14. The maximum surface elevation is observed in the case of θ = 60° for the incident open water region. However, irrespective of incident wave angle, considerable reduction in surface elevation of transmitted region is achieved due to the presence of the structure.

    Figure  14  Surface elevation versus x for different values of θ considering γ10h = 1.5, hs/h = 0.10, a/h = 0.25, w1/h = w2/h = 0.50, L/h = 0.25, S2 = S5 = S6 = 1, ε2 = 0.2, ε5 = 0.7, ε6 = 0.3, f2 = 0.6, f5 = 0.8 and f6 = 0.5
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    Most attenuation is achieved in the case of higher angle of incidence due to considerably more interaction of oblique waves with the structure. Phase change in the incoming waves is observed in Figure 14 due to the presence of the structure. Thus, it is clear that a tranquil zone can be created in the leeward side by the combination of stratified structure with surface-piercing porous block.

    4.2.3   Wave force on front face of porous block and stratified structure

    Figure 15 shows the force acting on front face of both horizontally stratified porous structure and the surface piercing porous block varying dimensionless wavenumber. It is observed that Kfs1 is less when longer waves are incident as noted in Figure 15(a) This is because longer waves have least interaction with structure and hence less reflection.

    Figure  15  Variation of Kfs1 and Kfb1 versus L/h for different values of γ10h considering hs/h = 0.10, a/h = 0.25, w1/h = w2/h = 0.50, θ = 20°, S2 = S5 = S6 = 1, ε2 = 0.2, ε5 = 0.7, ε6 = 0.3, f2 = 0.6, f5 = 0.8 and f6 = 0.5
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    The resonating behaviour gradually diminishes as the wavelength increases and tend to attain a more uniform value. For the same L/h value, when γ10h = 1.75 attains the peak value, Kfs1 is 86% more compared to that of γ10h = 0.75. The same trend is observed for Kfb1 as in Figure 15(b). On varying angle of incidence of wave, the wave force on the front face of the stratified structure and porous block is studied for different dimensionless width of porous block as in Figure 16(a ‒ b). Both Kfs1 and Kfb1 is decreasing with increase in angle of incidence. For w1/h = 3.0, Kfs1 is maximum for θ < 10° and minimum for θ ≥ 20°. From Figure 16(a), it is clear that, as the structural width of porous block is increased, wave transmission to the confined region between porous block and stratified structure decreases and hence considerably less wave would be incident on the stratified structure. As a result, wave force acting on the stratified structure would be less. Thus, with the presence of surface-piercing partial structure in combination with a fully extended structure, wave force acting on our primary structure can be significantly reduced. As depicted in Figure 16(b), wave force acting on the front face of the porous block increases with increase in width of porous block as most of the incident wave energy is being reflected by the surface-piercing structure.

    Figure  16  Variation of Kfs1 and Kfb1 versus θ for different values of w1/h considering γ10h = 1.5, hs/h = 0.10, a/h = 0.25, w2/h = 0.50, L/h = 0.25, S2 = S5 = S6 = 1, ε2 = 0.2, ε5 = 0.7, ε6 = 0.4, f2 = 0.6, f5 = 0.8 and f6 = 0.5
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    Further, to study the effect of structural width (Figure 17) on wave transformation, w1/h is varied from 0.5 to 3.0 against γ10h. There is considerable variation in Kfs1 for different w1/h and it is observed to have peak value at around γ10 = 1.5 for any structural width, as in Figure 15. The wave force on stratified structure is observed to be decreasing for wider surface-piercing porous blocks. Beyond γ10h = 5, for smaller structural widths, Kfs1 again increases whereas for larger structural widths, Kfs1 becomes constant.

    Figure  17  Variation of Kfs1 versus γ10h for different values of w1/h considering hs/h = 0.10, a/h = 0.25, L/h = 0.25, w2/h = 0.50, θ = 20°, S2 = S5 = S6 = 1, ε2 = 0.2, ε5 = 0.7, ε6 = 0.4, f2 = 0.6, f5 = 0.8 and f6 = 0.5
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    The wave transformation due to the vertically stratified porous structure combined with porous block in changing bottom topography is analyzed on studying the wave reflection coefficient Kr, transmission coefficient Kt, dissipation coefficient Kd, surface displacement ζj ( x ), wave force acting on the front face of porous block Kfb1 and on the stratified structure Kfs1.

    4.3.1   Reflection, transmission and dissipation coefficient

    The wave reflection, transmission and dissipation coefficients are analysed for the change in porosity, change in structural width, change in dimensionless wave number and change in the angle of incidence.   Effect of multiple porosities

    In Figure 18, the vertically stratified porous structure combined with porous block in the presence of stepped bottom topography is analyzed for hydrodynamic coefficients, varying the dimensionless width of porous block and for different combinations of porosities of seaward and leeward porous layers. A mono resonating behaviour is observed for Kr in Figure 18(a) which becomes more prominent as porosity of seaward layer increases. Minimum Kr is observed for the combination of ε5 = 0.9 and ε6 = 0.1 when w2/h = 0.75. Thus, this structural width can be used while designing the structure to achieve minimum wave reflection. The reason for zero wave reflection may be that the incoming and reflected waves become 180° out of phase. The Kt value is also considerably reduced as porosity of seaward layer increases and that of leeward porous layer decreases. This can be due to more wave trapping while passing through the porous layers. Compared to horizontally stratified structure in combination with porous block, the combination of vertically stratified structure and porous block showed less Kr and Kt, resulting in more wave energy dissipation as given in Figure 18(b). This may be because, most of the surface concentrated waves are being reflected and dissipated by the surface-piercing porous block and the remaining incident on the stratified structure would be reflected and trapped effectively within the porous layers of vertically stratified structure. The effective trapping is possible when the difference between porosity of seaward and leeward porous layer become larger as observed in the combination of ε5 = 0.9 and ε6 = 0.1.

    Figure  18  Variation of Kr, Kt and Kd versus w2/h for different combinations of porosities considering γ10h = 1.5, hs/h = 0.10, w1/h = 0.50, L/h = 0.25, θ = 20°, S2 = S5 = S6 = 1, ε2 = 0.2, f2 = 0.6, f5 = 0.8 and f6 = 0.5
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    The hydrodynamic characteristics of vertically stratified porous structure combined with porous block is again studied with various combinations of porosity varying dimensionless wavelength. In Figure 19 it is observed that the reflection coefficient is same for all combinations of porosity except that the sudden drop of Kr shows different minimum value for different combinations. This sudden reduction in Kr may be due to the destructive interference. The critical wavelength for which reflection coefficient is minimal is observed to be near to λ/h = 3.0. The critical wave‐length decreases as the porosity of seaward layer is increased and that of leeward layer is decreased. Further, for dimensionless wavelength beyond the critical wavelength, an increase in Kr is observed. In the case of wave transmission coefficient, a considerable decrease in Kt is observed for ε5 = 0.75 and ε6 = 0.15. Thus, this combination of porosity may be suitable while designing the vertically stratified structure to achieve less reflection and transmission simultaneously and thereby more wave energy attenuation.

    Figure  19  Variation of Kr and Kt versus λ/h for different combinations of porosities considering hs/h = 0.10, a/h = 0.25, w1/h = w2/h = 0.50, L/h = 0.25, θ = 20°, S2 = S5 = S6 = 1, ε2 = 0.2, f2 = 0.6, f5 = 0.8 and f6 = 0.5
    Download: Full-Size Img   Effect of structural width of porous block and stratified structure

    To examine the dependence of hydrodynamic properties on structural width of the structure, the wave reflection, transmission, and dissipation coefficients versus λ/h is studied for 0.5 < w1/h < 2.0. It can be inferred from Figure 20(a) that due to the presence of the structure, wave reflection coefficient first decreases up to a minimum value and then achieves a nearly stable value for λ/h > 4. Also, for wider structures, as observed in the case of horizontally stratified structure, reflection coefficient is more while the transmission coefficient is less. However, the decrease in Kr is more prominent than increase in Kt for less wider structures, which helps in improving the wave dissipation characteristics as observed in Figure 20(b). For λ/h = 2, a decrease in w1/h from 2.0 to 0.5, increased Kd by four times. A sudden drop in Kd is observed for w1/h = 2.0 due to high wave reflection and less transmission of incoming wave energy.

    Figure  20  Variation of Kr, Kt and Kd versus λ/h for different values of w1/h considering hs/h = 0.10, a/h = 0.25, w2/h = 0.50, L/h = 0.25, θ = 20°, S2 = S5 = S6 = 1, ε2 = 0.2, ε5 = 0.7, ε6 = 0.3, f2 = 0.6, f5 = 0.8 and f6 = 0.5
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    Further, to understand the significance of width of stratified structure in influencing hydrodynamic behaviour, different values of w2/h in the range 0.5 ≤ w2/h ≤ 3.0 are varied against dimensionless wavenumber. It can be inferred from Figure 21(a) that, for shorter waves, Kr is nearly the same irrespective of the width of stratified structure. However, for further increase in λ/h, Kr sharply decreases to a critical value and then increases. The local minima shift towards right with increase in width of stratified structure, may be due to the phase shift when waves encounter more wider structure. In addition, the wave transmission decreases with increase in structural width. For shorter waves, Kt is less but Kd remains same for any structural width. As observed in the case of horizontally stratified structure, longer waves require wider sections for effective wave attenuation. Thus, for these longer waves, wave dissipation of upto 97% can be achieved (Figure 21(b)) by the design of wider structures.

    Figure  21  Variation of Kr, Kt and Kd versus λ/h for different values of w2/h considering hs/h = 0.10, a/h = 0.25, w1/h = 0.50, L/h = 0.25, θ = 20°, S2 = S5 = S6 = 1, ε2 = 0.2, ε5 = 0.7, ε6 = 0.4, f2 = 0.6, f5 = 0.8 and f6 = 0.5
    Download: Full-Size Img   Effect of angle of incidence

    The impact of angle of incidence in wave transformation by vertically stratified porous structure combined with porous block is studied for 0 < θ < 90° varying porosity of seaward and leeward porous layer. In the case of higher angle of incidence, the Kt seems to be considerably less while Kr steeply increases as observed in Figure 22(a). In comparison to horizontally stratified structure, although wave reflection is nearly same transmission can be considerably reduced by the construction of vertically stratified structure of same structural width in combination with the partial porous structure. Wave damping efficiency for any angle of attack less than 60° has a constant value, beyond which Kd sharply decreases (Figure 22(b)).

    Figure  22  Variation of Kr, Kt and Kd versus θ for different combinations of porosities considering γ10h = 1.5, hs/h = 0.10, a/h = 0.25, w1/h = w2/h = 0.50, L/h = 0.25, S2 = S5 = S6 = 1, ε2 = 0.2, f2 = 0.6, f5 = 0.8 and f6 = 0.5
    Download: Full-Size Img   Effect of dimensionless wave number

    In Figure 23, the hydrodynamic coefficients for the vertically stratified structure combined with porous block in the presence of stepped bottom is analysed for 0.75 < γ10h < 1.75 varying dimensionless width of stratified structure, w2/h. Slight resonating behaviour is observed for Kr with the minimum value being shifted towards right as the wavenumber decreases due to phase shift and destructive interference. The local maxima correspond to the situation when there is constructive interference between incoming and reflected waves. Kr further increases to achieve a fairly stable value, which increases with decrease in wavelength.

    Figure  23  Variation of Kr, Kt and Kd versus w2/h for different values of γ10h considering hs/h = 0.10, a/h = 0.25, w1/h = 0.50, L/h = 0.25, θ = 20°, S2 = S5 = S6 = 1, ε2 = 0.2, ε5 = 0.7, ε6 = 0.3, f2 = 0.6, f5 = 0.8 and f6 = 0.5
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    Wave transmission is on a slightly higher side for longer waves. Compared to the hydrodynamic behaviour of horizontally stratified structure in combination with the porous block, wave reflection and transmission for vertically stratified structure is significantly reduced as observed in previous sections. This is because of effective wave trapping by the vertical layers of stratified structure. For Kd, as shown in Figure 23(b), variation is observed particularly for longer waves only, in the range of 0.5 < γ10h < 3. In contrast to horizontally stratified structure, wave damping was also efficient even for less wider structures.

    4.3.2   Surface elevation

    In Figure 24, the surface elevation in the incident and transmitted regions for various angle of incidence is observed. The maximum surface elevation is observed in the case of θ = 60° in the incident open sea region, although there is no considerable variation for different angle of incidence. The reduction in surface elevation by vertically stratified structure is more efficient compared to that of horizontally stratified structure in combination with surface-piercing porous block. There is nearly 60% more decrease in surface elevation for vertically stratified structure. Thus, it is more advisable to construct a vertically stratified porous structure combined with porous block for more tranquil zone in the leeward side.

    Figure  24  Surface elevation versus x for different values of θ considering γ10h = 1.5, hs/h = 0.10, a/h = 0.25, w1/h = w2/h = 0.50, L/h = 0.25, S2 = S5 = S6 = 1, ε2 = 0.2, ε5 = 0.7, ε6 = 0.3, f2 = 0.6, f5 = 0.8 and f6 = 0.5
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    4.3.3   Wave force on front face of porous block and stratified structure

    The wave force on the front face of the stratified structure and porous block is observed to show a resonating behaviour, for varying length between porous block and stratified structure and is plotted for different values of γ10h as shown in Figure 25. The wave force due to shorter wave is although more on porous block, it is significantly less when acting on the stratified structure. As observed in Figure 25(b), harmonic crests and troughs tend to be increasing with increase in wavenumber due to more interaction of wave with porous block. Optimum length between porous block and stratified structure so as to have minimum wave force can be determined from the plot while designing the structure. In contrary to the wave force acting on horizontally stratified structure, vertically stratified structure combined with porous block is subjected to less impact of waves. This can be due to less wave reflection and more wave trapping within the structure.

    Figure  25  Variation of Kfs1 and Kfb1 versus L/h for different values of γ10h considering hs/h = 0.10, a/h = 0.25, w1/h = w2/h = 0.50, θ = 20°, S2 = S5 = S6 = 1, ε2 = 0.2, ε5 = 0.7, ε6 = 0.3, f2 = 0.6, f5 = 0.8 and f6 = 0.5
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    In order to study the wave force on the front face of vertically stratified structure Kfs1, different values of w1/h is considered for varying λ/h. Wave force seems to be increasing with wavelength to attain a peak value and then decreases with further increase in wavelength. This may be due to more reflection that is taking place from the structure for that particular wavelength as a result of constructive interference. Also, it is observed in Figure 26 that wave force decreases with increase in structural width of porous block. This is because, a major part of incident wave energy would be reflected by the wider surface-piercing porous block creating less impact on the stratified structure. However, there are optimum widths of porous block for which wave force can be kept minimal.

    Figure  26  Variation of Kfs1 versus λ/h for different values of w1/h considering hs/h = 0.10, a/h = 0.25, w2/h = 0.50, L/h = 0.25, θ = 20°, S2 = S5 = S6 = 1, ε2 = 0.2, ε5 = 0.7, ε6 = 0.4, f2 = 0.6, f5 = 0.8 and f6 = 0.5
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    In Figure 27(a‒b), the wave forces Kfs1 and Kfb1 versus w1/h is analysed for values of γ10h. The harmonic crests and troughs are observed for both Kfs1 and Kfb1 in such a way that harmonic peak is noted increasing with increase in width of porous block. This is more visible in the case of shorter waves due to increased wave interaction with structure and hence more constructive interference takes place between the incident and reflected waves. The values of w1/h for which wave force is minimum correspond to the optimum width of porous block. As observed in the previous case, Kfb1 (Figure 27(b)) is considerably more for longer waves.

    Figure  27  Variation of Kfs1 and Kfb1 versus w1/h for different values of γ10h considering hs/h = 0.10, a/h = 0.25, w2/h = 0.50, L/h = 0.25, θ = 20°, S2 = S5 = S6 = 1, ε2 = 0.2, ε5 = 0.7, ε6 = 0.4, f2 = 0.6, f5 = 0.8 and f6 = 0.5
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    Further to understand the effect of wave force due to varying width of stratified structure, Kfs1 and Kfb1 are plotted for varying w2/h for different values of γ10h in Figure 28. For smaller structural width, mono resonating behaviour is observed in Kfs1 such that shorter waves tend to show peak value at lesser widths of stratified structure due to constructive interference between incoming and reflected waves. The same is observed in the case of Kfb1. However, wave forces tend to attain a stable value for wider structures.

    Figure  28  Variation of Kfs1 and Kfb1 versus w2/h for different values of γ10h considering hs/h = 0.10, a/h = 0.25, w1/h = 0.50, L/h = 0.25, θ = 20°, S2 = S5 = S6 = 1, ε2 = 0.2, ε5 = 0.7, ε6 = 0.3, f2 = 0.6, f5 = 0.8 and f6 = 0.5
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    The wave transformation due to horizontally and vertically stratified porous structures combined with surface piercing porous block in changing bottom topography is analyzed based on eigenfunction expansion method. The conclusions drawn from the present study are as follows:

    • In the case of horizontally stratified structure, least transmission can be achieved for combination of ε5 = 0.7 and ε6 = 0.3 along with 20% porosity for surface-piercing block.

    • Wave energy dissipation decreases with increase in width of porous block. Kd shows a decrease of 65.28% from w1/h = 0.5 to w1/h = 3.0 in case of horizontally stratified structure combined with porous block.

    • In the case of direct angle of incidence, wave transmission decreases by around 82% when width of horizontally stratified porous structure is increased from 0.5 to 3.0 times the water depth.

    • Wave reflection for shorter waves is more compared to longer waves. However, wave transmission is least and wave attenuation can be easily achieved due to the presence of the porous block. For longer waves, wave dissipation of upto 97% can be achieved by designing wider structures.

    • The wave force acting on stratified structure can be decreased if the structure is combined with wider surface-piercing porous blocks.

    • In the case of vertically stratified porous structure, minimum wave reflection can be achieved for the combination of ε5 = 0.9 and ε6 = 0.1 when width of the stratified structure is 0.75 times the water depth.

    • The presence of stratified porous structure combined with porous block decreases surface elevation to a large extent.

    • Vertically stratified structure combined with the surface-piercing porous block seems to be more efficient in terms of less wave reflection and transmission and thereby high wave energy dissipation compared to vertically stratified structure.

    Cm Added mass coefficient
    Cf Turbulent resistant coefficient
    ε2 Porosity of the surface piercing porous block
    ε5 Porosity of the surface or seaward porous layer
    ε6 Porosity of the bottom or leeward porous layer
    f2 Frictional coefficient of surface piercing porous block
    f5 Frictional coefficient of surface or seaward porous layer
    f6 Frictional coefficient of bottom or leeward porous layer
    g Acceleration due to gravity
    I10 Complex amplitude of incident wave energy
    i Imaginary number
    Kd Energy dissipation coefficient
    Kfb1 Wave force coefficient on front face of porous block
    Kfs1 Wave force coefficient on front face of stratified porous structure
    kjn Wave number in x-direction
    Kr Reflection coefficient
    Kt Transmission coefficient
    L Gap between the porous block and stratified porous structure
    l Wave number in z-direction
    M Number of evanescent wave modes
    q Instantaneous Eularian velocity vector
    R10 Complex amplitude of reflected wave energy
    S2 Reactance coefficient of surface piercing porous block
    S5 Reactance coefficient of surface or seaward porous layer
    S6 Reactance coefficient of bottom or leeward porous layer
    t Time
    T Wave period
    T90 Complex amplitude of transmitted wave energy
    V Volume
    w1 Width of the porous block
    w2 Width of the stratified porous structure
    ω Wave frequency
    x Horizontal distance along x-direction
    y Vertical distance along y-direction
    γjn Wave number in y-direction
    θ Incident wave angle

    Acknowledgement: The authors acknowledge Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB), Department of Science & Technology (DST), Government of India for supporting financially under the research grant No. CRG/2018/004184 and Ministry of Ports, Shipping and Waterways, Government of India through the research grant No. DW/01013(13)/2/2021.
    Competing interest  D. Karmakar is an editorial board member for the Journal of Marine Science and Application and was not involved in the editorial review, or the decision to publish this article. All authors declare that there are no other competing interests.
  • Figure  1   Horizontally stratified porous structure with the porous block in the stepped seabed

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    Figure  2   Vertically stratified porous structure with porous block in stepped seabed

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    Figure  3   Contour plots of roots of dispersion relation of surface-piercing porous block considering S2 = 1.0, f2 = 0.5, a/h = 0.20 and ε2 = 0.25

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    Figure  4   Contour plots of roots of dispersion relation of vertically S5 = 1.0, f5 = 0.25 and hs/h = 0.50

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    Figure  5   Comparative study for the reflection coefficient in the case of single porous structure and Dalrymple et al. (1991) considering B/h = 1, ω2h/g = 0.2012, S = 1 and ε = 0.45

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    Figure  6   Comparative study for Kr and Kt using the present analytical approach for single porous structure and Liu and Li (2013) considering ε = 0.45, S = 1 and f = 1

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    Figure  7   Variation of Kr, Kt and Kd versus w2/h for different combinations of porosities considering γ10h = 1.5, hs/h = 0.10, w1/h = 0.50, L/h = 0.25, θ = 20°, S2 = S5 = S6 = 1, ε2 = 0.2, f2 = 0.6, f5 = 0.8 and f6 = 0.5

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    Figure  8   Variation of Kr, Kt and Kd versus θ for different values of w1/h considering γ10h = 1.5, hs/h = 0.10, a/h = 0.25, w2/h = 0.50, L/h = 0.25, S2 = S5 = S6 = 1, ε2 = 0.2, ε5 = 0.7, ε6 = 0.4, f2 = 0.6, f5 = 0.8 and f6 = 0.5

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    Figure  9   Variation of Kr, Kt and Kd versus θ for different values of w2/h considering γ10h = 1.5, hs/h = 0.10, a/h = 0.25, w1/h = 0.50, L/h = 0.25, S2 = S5 = S6 = 1, ε2 = 0.2, ε5 = 0.7, ε6 = 0.4, f2 = 0.6, f5 = 0.8 and f6 = 0.5

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    Figure  10   Variation of Kr, Kt and Kdversus L/h for different values of γ10h considering hs/h = 0.10, a/h = 0.25, w1/h = w2/h = 0.50, θ = 20°, S2 = S5 = S6 = 1, ε2 = 0.2, ε5 = 0.7, ε6 = 0.3, f2 = 0.6, f5 = 0.8 and f6 = 0.5

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    Figure  11   Variation of Kr, Kt and Kd versus w2/h for different values of γ10h considering hs/h = 0.10, a/h = 0.25, w1/h = 0.50, L/h = 0.25, θ = 20°, S2 = S5 = S6 = 1, ε2 = 0.2, ε5 = 0.7, ε6 = 0.3, f2 = 0.6, f5 = 0.8 and f6 = 0.5

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    Figure  12   Variation of Kr, Kt and Kd versus θ for different combinations of porosities considering γ10h = 1.5, hs/h = 0.10, a/h = 0.25, w1/h = w2/h = 0.50, L/h = 0.25, S2 = S5 = S6 = 1, ε2 = 0.2, f2 = 0.6, f5 = 0.8 and f6 = 0.5

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    Figure  13   Variation of Kr, Kt and Kd versus L/h for different combinations of porosities considering γ10h = 1.5, hs/h = 0.10, a/h = 0.25, w1/h = w2/h = 0.50, θ = 20°, S2 = S5 = S6 = 1, ε2 = 0.2, f2 = 0.6, f5 = 0.8 and f6 = 0.5

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    Figure  14   Surface elevation versus x for different values of θ considering γ10h = 1.5, hs/h = 0.10, a/h = 0.25, w1/h = w2/h = 0.50, L/h = 0.25, S2 = S5 = S6 = 1, ε2 = 0.2, ε5 = 0.7, ε6 = 0.3, f2 = 0.6, f5 = 0.8 and f6 = 0.5

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    Figure  15   Variation of Kfs1 and Kfb1 versus L/h for different values of γ10h considering hs/h = 0.10, a/h = 0.25, w1/h = w2/h = 0.50, θ = 20°, S2 = S5 = S6 = 1, ε2 = 0.2, ε5 = 0.7, ε6 = 0.3, f2 = 0.6, f5 = 0.8 and f6 = 0.5

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    Figure  16   Variation of Kfs1 and Kfb1 versus θ for different values of w1/h considering γ10h = 1.5, hs/h = 0.10, a/h = 0.25, w2/h = 0.50, L/h = 0.25, S2 = S5 = S6 = 1, ε2 = 0.2, ε5 = 0.7, ε6 = 0.4, f2 = 0.6, f5 = 0.8 and f6 = 0.5

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    Figure  17   Variation of Kfs1 versus γ10h for different values of w1/h considering hs/h = 0.10, a/h = 0.25, L/h = 0.25, w2/h = 0.50, θ = 20°, S2 = S5 = S6 = 1, ε2 = 0.2, ε5 = 0.7, ε6 = 0.4, f2 = 0.6, f5 = 0.8 and f6 = 0.5

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    Figure  18   Variation of Kr, Kt and Kd versus w2/h for different combinations of porosities considering γ10h = 1.5, hs/h = 0.10, w1/h = 0.50, L/h = 0.25, θ = 20°, S2 = S5 = S6 = 1, ε2 = 0.2, f2 = 0.6, f5 = 0.8 and f6 = 0.5

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    Figure  19   Variation of Kr and Kt versus λ/h for different combinations of porosities considering hs/h = 0.10, a/h = 0.25, w1/h = w2/h = 0.50, L/h = 0.25, θ = 20°, S2 = S5 = S6 = 1, ε2 = 0.2, f2 = 0.6, f5 = 0.8 and f6 = 0.5

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    Figure  20   Variation of Kr, Kt and Kd versus λ/h for different values of w1/h considering hs/h = 0.10, a/h = 0.25, w2/h = 0.50, L/h = 0.25, θ = 20°, S2 = S5 = S6 = 1, ε2 = 0.2, ε5 = 0.7, ε6 = 0.3, f2 = 0.6, f5 = 0.8 and f6 = 0.5

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    Figure  21   Variation of Kr, Kt and Kd versus λ/h for different values of w2/h considering hs/h = 0.10, a/h = 0.25, w1/h = 0.50, L/h = 0.25, θ = 20°, S2 = S5 = S6 = 1, ε2 = 0.2, ε5 = 0.7, ε6 = 0.4, f2 = 0.6, f5 = 0.8 and f6 = 0.5

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    Figure  22   Variation of Kr, Kt and Kd versus θ for different combinations of porosities considering γ10h = 1.5, hs/h = 0.10, a/h = 0.25, w1/h = w2/h = 0.50, L/h = 0.25, S2 = S5 = S6 = 1, ε2 = 0.2, f2 = 0.6, f5 = 0.8 and f6 = 0.5

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    Figure  23   Variation of Kr, Kt and Kd versus w2/h for different values of γ10h considering hs/h = 0.10, a/h = 0.25, w1/h = 0.50, L/h = 0.25, θ = 20°, S2 = S5 = S6 = 1, ε2 = 0.2, ε5 = 0.7, ε6 = 0.3, f2 = 0.6, f5 = 0.8 and f6 = 0.5

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    Figure  24   Surface elevation versus x for different values of θ considering γ10h = 1.5, hs/h = 0.10, a/h = 0.25, w1/h = w2/h = 0.50, L/h = 0.25, S2 = S5 = S6 = 1, ε2 = 0.2, ε5 = 0.7, ε6 = 0.3, f2 = 0.6, f5 = 0.8 and f6 = 0.5

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    Figure  25   Variation of Kfs1 and Kfb1 versus L/h for different values of γ10h considering hs/h = 0.10, a/h = 0.25, w1/h = w2/h = 0.50, θ = 20°, S2 = S5 = S6 = 1, ε2 = 0.2, ε5 = 0.7, ε6 = 0.3, f2 = 0.6, f5 = 0.8 and f6 = 0.5

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    Figure  26   Variation of Kfs1 versus λ/h for different values of w1/h considering hs/h = 0.10, a/h = 0.25, w2/h = 0.50, L/h = 0.25, θ = 20°, S2 = S5 = S6 = 1, ε2 = 0.2, ε5 = 0.7, ε6 = 0.4, f2 = 0.6, f5 = 0.8 and f6 = 0.5

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    Figure  27   Variation of Kfs1 and Kfb1 versus w1/h for different values of γ10h considering hs/h = 0.10, a/h = 0.25, w2/h = 0.50, L/h = 0.25, θ = 20°, S2 = S5 = S6 = 1, ε2 = 0.2, ε5 = 0.7, ε6 = 0.4, f2 = 0.6, f5 = 0.8 and f6 = 0.5

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    Figure  28   Variation of Kfs1 and Kfb1 versus w2/h for different values of γ10h considering hs/h = 0.10, a/h = 0.25, w1/h = 0.50, L/h = 0.25, θ = 20°, S2 = S5 = S6 = 1, ε2 = 0.2, ε5 = 0.7, ε6 = 0.3, f2 = 0.6, f5 = 0.8 and f6 = 0.5

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    Table  1   Convergence of Kr and Kt for horizontally and vertically stratified porous structure combined with a surface-piercing porous block placed on stepped sea bottom considering γ10h = 1.5, w1/h = 0.50, w1/h = 0.50, L/h = 0.25, a/h = 0.25, θ = 20°, S2 = S5 = S6 = 1, ε2 = 0.2, f2 = 0.6, f5 = 0.8 and f6 = 0.5

    Evanescent modes M Horizontally stratified porous structure with surface-piercing porous block Vertically stratified porous structure with surface-piercing porous block
    Kr Kt Kr Kt
    0 0.435 36 0.618 27 0.365 42 0.302 39
    5 0.420 36 0.623 61 0.328 95 0.336 77
    10 0.410 08 0.630 45 0.301 36 0.342 71
    15 0.408 83 0.639 55 0.293 52 0.345 64
    20 0.408 84 0.639 52 0.293 54 0.345 60
    Cm Added mass coefficient
    Cf Turbulent resistant coefficient
    ε2 Porosity of the surface piercing porous block
    ε5 Porosity of the surface or seaward porous layer
    ε6 Porosity of the bottom or leeward porous layer
    f2 Frictional coefficient of surface piercing porous block
    f5 Frictional coefficient of surface or seaward porous layer
    f6 Frictional coefficient of bottom or leeward porous layer
    g Acceleration due to gravity
    I10 Complex amplitude of incident wave energy
    i Imaginary number
    Kd Energy dissipation coefficient
    Kfb1 Wave force coefficient on front face of porous block
    Kfs1 Wave force coefficient on front face of stratified porous structure
    kjn Wave number in x-direction
    Kr Reflection coefficient
    Kt Transmission coefficient
    L Gap between the porous block and stratified porous structure
    l Wave number in z-direction
    M Number of evanescent wave modes
    q Instantaneous Eularian velocity vector
    R10 Complex amplitude of reflected wave energy
    S2 Reactance coefficient of surface piercing porous block
    S5 Reactance coefficient of surface or seaward porous layer
    S6 Reactance coefficient of bottom or leeward porous layer
    t Time
    T Wave period
    T90 Complex amplitude of transmitted wave energy
    V Volume
    w1 Width of the porous block
    w2 Width of the stratified porous structure
    ω Wave frequency
    x Horizontal distance along x-direction
    y Vertical distance along y-direction
    γjn Wave number in y-direction
    θ Incident wave angle
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Publishing history
  • Received:  12 July 2023
  • Accepted:  18 February 2024


