舰船科学技术  2022, Vol. 44 Issue (17): 114-117    DOI: 10.3404/j.issn.1672-7649.2022.17.022   PDF    
江苏海事职业技术学院,江苏 南京 211170
摘要: 为提升多发故障信号监测效果,提出多传感器融合的船舶轮机设备多发故障信号监测方法。多个传感器采集船舶轮机设备运行信号,通过经验小波变换提取轮机设备多发故障信号特征;神经网络根据故障信号特征得到单个传感器的多发故障信号监测结果,将单个传感器的监测结果为基本概率分配函数,根据证据理论获取最终的船舶轮机设备多发故障信号监测结果。实验证明:该方法可有效采集船舶轮机设备运行信号,并提取多发故障信号特征;该方法可有效检测多发故障信号,具备较高的多发故障信号监测精度。
关键词: 多传感器融合     船舶轮机设备     多发故障     信号监测     小波变换     证据理论    
Research on multi - sensor fusion multi-fault signal monitoring of Marine turbine equipment
ZHAO Yun-bo     
Jiangsu Maritime Institute, Nanjing 211170, China
Abstract: To improve the monitoring effect of multiple fault signals, a multi-sensor fusion monitoring method for multiple fault signals of marine engine equipment is proposed. Multiple sensors collect the operation signals of marine engine equipment, and extract the characteristics of multiple fault signals of marine engine equipment through empirical wavelet transform. The neural network obtains the monitoring results of multiple fault signals of a single sensor according to the characteristics of fault signals. The monitoring results of a single sensor are regarded as the basic probability distribution function, and the final monitoring results of multiple fault signals of marine engine equipment are obtained according to the evidence theory. The experimental results show that this method can effectively collect the operation signals of marine engine equipment and extract the characteristics of multiple fault signals. This method can effectively detect multiple fault signals and has high monitoring accuracy.
Key words: multi-sensor fusion     marine turbine equipment     multiple faults     signal monitoring     wavelet transform     evidence theory    
0 引 言


1 船舶轮机设备多发故障信号监测 1.1 船舶轮机设备多发故障信号特征提取

利用多个传感器采集船舶轮机设备运行信号,令单个传感器采集的船舶轮机设备运行信号为x(t),其中,采样时间为t;分解x(t)获取 $ N + 1 $ 个本征模态函数xk(t),即经验小波变换分量,x(t)的计算公式如下:

$ x\left( t \right) = \sum\limits_{k = 0}^N {{x_k}\left( t \right)}。$ (1)


x(t)划分为N个不间断的区间,各小波滤波器间的边界是 $ {\omega _n} $ ,第n个分割区间 $ {\Lambda _n} $ 为:

$ {\Lambda _n} = \left[ {{\omega _{n - 1}},{\omega _n}} \right],n = 1,2,\Lambda ,N ,$ (2)

确定 $ {\Lambda _n} $ 后,计算经验小波变换的尺度与小波函数是 $ \mathop {{\phi _n}}\limits^\Lambda \left( \omega \right) $ $ \mathop {{\psi _n}}\limits^\Lambda \left( \omega \right) $ ,原始船舶轮机设备运行信号重构公式如下:

$ x'\left( t \right) = \lambda W_x^e\left( {0,t} \right)*\mathop {{\phi _1}}\limits^\Lambda \left( t \right) + \sum\limits_{n = 1}^N {\lambda W_x^e\left( {n,t} \right)*\mathop {{\psi _n}}\limits^\Lambda \left( \omega \right)} 。$ (3)

其中: $ * $ 为卷积符号; $ W_x^e\left( {0,t} \right) $ 为近似系数; $ W_x^e\left( {n,t} \right) $ 为细节系数。

$ W_x^e\left( {0,t} \right) $ $ W_x^e\left( {n,t} \right) $ 的计算公式如下:

$ \begin{split} & W_x^e\left( {0,t} \right) = \int {\hat x\left( \omega \right){{\bar \psi }_1}\left( {\omega - t} \right){\rm{d}}\omega } ,\\ & W_x^e\left( {n,t} \right) = \int {\hat x\left( \omega \right){{\bar \psi }_n}\left( {\omega - t} \right){\rm{d}}\omega } 。\end{split} $ (4)

其中: $ {\bar \psi _1} $ $ {\bar \psi _n} $ $ {\psi _1} $ $ {\psi _n} $ 的复共轭; $ \hat x\left( \omega \right) $ $ x\left( \omega \right) $ 的傅里叶变换。


1) 利用尺度空间法划分x(t)的频谱,并分解x(t),获取xk(t),k=1,2,3,…,k+1;

2) 以方差为指标,再次分解首个x1(t),以x1(t)与邻近2个经验小波变换分量方差未超过0.01为,此时获取x(t)内的趋势信号x1(t);

3) 在x(t)内剔除x1(t),获取新的船舶轮机设备运行信号,并分解该信号。求解各xk(t)与x(t)相关系数rk,公式如下:

$ {r_k} = \dfrac{{\displaystyle\sum\limits_{k = 1}^{N + 1} {\left( {{x_k}\left( t \right) - \bar x\left( t \right)} \right)\left( {{x_{kj}}\left( t \right) - {{\bar x}_k}\left( t \right)} \right)} }}{{\sqrt {\displaystyle\sum\limits_{k = 1}^{N + 1} {{{\left( {{x_k}\left( t \right) - \bar x\left( t \right)} \right)}^2}{{\left( {{x_{kj}}\left( t \right) - {{\bar x}_k}\left( t \right)} \right)}^2}} } }} 。$ (5)

其中: $ \bar x\left( t \right) $ $ x\left( t \right) $ 的均值; $ {x_{kj}}\left( t \right) $ 为第k个分量的第j个元素; $\bar{x}{_{k}}\left( t \right)$ $ {x_k}\left( t \right) $ 的均值。


1.2 单个传感器的船舶轮机设备多发故障信号监测

归一化处理单个传感器的船舶轮机设备多发故障信号特征 $ x' $ ,并输入径向基函数(radial basis function,RBF)神经网络内,输出单个传感的船舶轮机设备多发故障信号监测结果。RBF网络输入与输出向量间的映射关系为:

$ RBF\left\{ \begin{gathered} {R^d} \to {R^m} ,\\ x' \to y 。\\ \end{gathered} \right. $ (6)

其中: $ {R^d} $ d维输入空间;x'为输入向量即单个传感器的船舶轮机设备多发故障信号特征样本, $x' = \{ {{x'}_i},i = 1,2, \cdots ,l \}$ l为样本数量;Rmm维输出空间;输出向量即单个传感器的船舶轮机设备多发故障信号, $ y = \left\{ {{y_i},i = 1,2, \cdots ,l} \right\} $ 为监测结果。

RBF的第k个隐藏神经元的高斯函数θkθk的中心与宽度是 $ {\varpi _k} $ $ {\sigma _k} $ 。第g个输出节点的输出为:

$ {y_g} = \sum\limits_{k = 1}^q {\eta {w_{gk}}{\theta _k}\left( {x'} \right)}。$ (7)

其中:q为隐藏神经元数量; $ \eta $ 为可调节因子;wgk为权值。


1.3 基于多传感器融合的多发故障信号检测

以单个传感器的船舶轮机设备多发故障信号监测结果为基本概率分配函数,利用基于证据理论的多传感器融合方法,融合单个传感器的船舶轮机设备多发故障信号监测结果,获取最终的船舶轮机设备多发故障信号监测结果。多发故障信号监测原理为:以输出的单个传感器多发故障信号监测结果为基本概率分配函数,通过组合规则展开运算,按照融合结果完成多发故障信号监测。多传感器融合的船舶轮机设备多发故障信号监测框架是 $ \Theta $ $ \Theta $ 内包含多发故障信号监测的基本命题;令随机命题A属于幂集 $ {2^\Theta } $ ,则在 $ {2^\Theta } $ 内存在:

$ y:{2^\Theta } \to \left[ {0,1} \right];y\left( \varnothing \right) = 0;\sum\limits_{A \subset \Theta } {y\left( A \right) = 1}。$ (8)

其中: $ \varnothing $ 为空集; $ y\left( A \right) \in \left[ {0,1} \right] $ $ A \subset \Theta $ y为基本概率分配函数;y(A)的A为概率赋值,代表船舶轮机设备多发故障信号监测证据支持A的发生程度。若A $ \Theta $ 的子集,同时y(A)>0,那么A是船舶轮机设备多发故障信号监测证据的焦元,全部焦元集合是核。证据是通过船舶轮机设备多发故障信号监测证据体(y,y(A))构建而成,通过(y, y(A))设置 $ {2^\Theta } $ 内的信任函数 $ B:{2^\Theta } \to \left[ {0,1} \right] $ 与似真度函数 $ P:{2^\Theta } \to \left[ {0,1} \right] $ ,公式如下:

$ \begin{split} & B\left( A \right) = \sum\limits_{B \subseteq A} {y\left( A \right),\forall A \subset \Theta } ,\\ &P\left( A \right) = \sum\limits_{B \cap A \ne \emptyset } {y\left( B \right)} = 1 - B\left( A \right),\forall A \subset \Theta 。\end{split} $ (9)


多传感器的船舶轮机设备多发故障信号监测结果的组合规则为:B1B2 $ \Theta $ 中的信任函数;与之相应的基本概率分配函数为y1,y2;船舶轮机设备多发故障信号监测证据的焦元为 $ {A_1},{A_2}, \cdots {A_h} $ $ {C_1},{C_2}, \cdots {C_z} $ ;证据间的信任冲突度为:

$ U = \sum\limits_{i',} {\sum\limits_{j'} {{y_1}\left( {{A_{i'}}} \right)} } {y_1}\left( {{C_{j'}}} \right) < 1,{A_{i'}} \cap {C_{j'}} = \varnothing 。$ (10)

其中: $ {A_{i'}} $ $ {C_{j'}} $ 为第 $ i' $ 个与第 $ j' $ 个焦元。

因此,组合后新的基本概率分配函数 $ y = {y_1} \oplus {y_2} $ 如下:

$ y\left( S \right) = \left\{ \begin{gathered} \dfrac{{\displaystyle \sum\limits_{i',} {\displaystyle \sum\limits_{j'} {{y_1}\left( {{A_{i'}}} \right)} } {y_1}\left( {{C_{j'}}} \right)}}{{1 - U}},\forall S \subset \Theta ,S \ne \varnothing,\\ 0,\mathop {}\nolimits_{} \mathop {}\nolimits_{} \mathop {}\nolimits_{} \mathop {}\nolimits_{} \mathop {}\nolimits_{} \mathop {}\nolimits_{} \mathop {}\nolimits_{} \mathop {}\nolimits_{} S = \varnothing。\\ \end{gathered} \right. $ (11)

其中,S为组合后多传感器融合的船舶轮机设备多发故障信号监测证据的焦元。在 $ U \ne 1 $ 情况下,y(S)仅存在一个确定的概率赋值;在 $ U = 1 $ 情况下,说明y1y2完全矛盾,不可组合。


2 实验结果与分析


图 1 船舶轮机结构图 Fig. 1 Structural diagram of ship turbine


图 2 船舶轮机设备运行信号采集结果 Fig. 2 Acquisition results of operational signals of marine turbine equipment


图 3 多发故障信号特征提取结果 Fig. 3 Feature extraction results of multiple fault signals


图 4 船舶轮机设备多发故障信号监测结果 Fig. 4 Monitoring results of multiple fault signals of marine turbine equipment
3 结 语


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