舰船科学技术  2021, Vol. 43 Issue (7): 137-142    DOI: 10.3404/j.issn.1672-7649.2021.07.028   PDF    
大连测控技术研究所,辽宁 大连 116013
摘要: 根据海上实测海水电导率参数,建立空气—分层海水—海床5层海洋环境模型。基于传统的水平电偶极子空气-海水-海床3层介质模型中水下电场衰减规律和分布特性,通过对海水进一步分层的多层介质模型构建数学模型,进行理论推导和仿真计算,给出场源强度为1A·m,深度为4 m,频率为1 Hz时电场在不同水深处的空间分布及正下方Y=0测线上的水下电场分布。结果表明,随着水深的增加,电场X分量与电场Z分量之比是增加的;在海水-海床界面上,测线上电场Z分量最大值约为电场X分量最大值的1/4,电场Y分量最大值相对Y=0处有一定的偏移。从衰减曲线可以看出,在60~500 m范围内电场X分量和电场Z分量沿径向随距离呈3次方衰减。
关键词: 分层海水     水平电偶极子     电场     分布规律     衰减特性    
Research on attenuation law and distribution characteristics of underwater electric field in stratified seawater environment
JIAO Da-wen     
Dalian Scientific Test and Control Technology Institute, Dalian 116013, China
Abstract: Based on the measured sea water conductivity parameters, a five-layer marine environment model of air - stratified sea water - seabed was established. Based on the underwater electric field attenuation regularity and distribution characteristics in air - water - sea three layer medium of the traditional horizontal electric dipole, a further stratified sea multilayer medium model was presented to construct the mathematical model. And theoretical derivation and simulation calculation was executed. The source strength was assumed to be 1 A·m in the depth of 4 m. The spatial distribution of electric field in different water depths and right Y =0 online measurement of underwater electric field distribution was showed when the frequency was 1 Hz. The results showed that the ratio of Ex to Ez increased with the increase of water depth. On the sea-seabed interface, the maximum value of Ez on the survey line was about 1/4 of the Ex, and the maximum value of Ey was offset to a certain extent from the point of Y=0. It was seen from the attenuation curve that Ex and Ez decayed to the third power along the radial direction in the distance within the range of 60~500 m.
Key words: stratified sea water     horizontal electric dipole     electric field     distribution law     attenuation characteristic    
0 引 言[1-2]


1 N层模型理论[3-5]


图 1 时谐水平电偶极子在N层海洋环境中示意图 Fig. 1 Schematic diagram of a time-harmonic horizontal electric dipole in an N-layer marine environment

矢量位 $A$ 只有 ${A_x}$ ${A_z}$ 分量,而 ${A_y} = 0$ ,即 $\hat A = i{{\rm{\hat A}}_{\rm{x}}} + $ $ k{{\rm{\hat A}}_{\rm{z}}} = i{{\rm{\hat A}}_{\rm{x}}} + k{\partial / {\partial x}}{\hat \Lambda _{\rm{z}}}$ 。矢量位可以用如式(1)形式表示。

$\begin{split}& {{\rm{A}}_{\rm{x}}}(\rho ) = \frac{1}{{2\text{π} }}\int\nolimits_0^\infty {{{{\rm{\hat A}}}_{\rm{x}}}(\lambda ,z){{\rm{J}}_0}(\rho \lambda )\lambda {\rm{d}}\lambda }{\text{,}} \\ &{{\rm{A}}_{\rm{z}}}(\rho ) = \frac{1}{{2\text{π} }}\frac{\partial }{{\partial x}}\int\nolimits_0^\infty {{{\hat \Lambda }_{\rm{z}}}(\lambda ,z){{\rm{J}}_0}(\rho \lambda )\lambda {\rm{d}}\lambda }{\text{。}} \end{split} $ (1)


$\begin{split}{{\rm{\hat A}}_{{\rm{x,i}}}}(\lambda ,z) = &{{\rm{a}}_{\rm{i}}}{e^{{v_{\rm{i}}}{\rm{(z - }}{{\rm{z}}_{{\rm{i}} + {\rm{1}}}})}} + {{\rm{b}}_{\rm{i}}}{e^{ - {v_{\rm{i}}}{\rm{(z - }}{{\rm{z}}_{\rm{i}}})}} + {\delta _{{\rm{ij}}}}\frac{\mu }{{2{v_{\rm{j}}}}}{e^{ - {v_{\rm{j}}}\left| {{\rm{z}} - {z_s}} \right|}}{\text,} \\{\hat \Lambda _{{\rm{z,i}}}}(\lambda ,z) =& {{\rm{c}}_{\rm{i}}}{e^{{v_{\rm{i}}}{\rm{(z - }}{{\rm{z}}_{{\rm{i}} + {\rm{1}}}})}} + {{\rm{d}}_{\rm{i}}}{e^{ - {v_{\rm{i}}}{\rm{(z - }}{{\rm{z}}_{\rm{i}}})}}-\\ &\frac{{{v_i}}}{{{\lambda ^2}}}{\rm{(}}{{\rm{a}}_{\rm{i}}}{e^{{v_{\rm{i}}}{\rm{(z - }}{{\rm{z}}_{{\rm{i}} + {\rm{1}}}})}} - {{\rm{b}}_{\rm{i}}}{e^{ - {v_{\rm{i}}}{\rm{(z - }}{{\rm{z}}_{\rm{i}}})}}){\text,}\end{split}$ (2)

其中: ${{{z}}_{{i}}}$ 是第i层的深度, $v_i^2 = {\lambda ^2} - i\mu \omega {\sigma _i}$ ${\delta _{{\rm{ij}}}} = 1, (i = j), $ $ {\delta _{{\rm{ij}}}} = 0,(i \ne j)$ 。偶极子位于第j层,在深度 ${z_s}$ 处。注意向上衰减系数 ${a_i}$ ${c_i}$ 是在这层底界面向上,向下衰减系数 ${b_i}$ ${d_i}$ 确定是在这层的顶部向下。这样将矢量势表示成衰减指数。

通过应用切向电场E和磁场B连续的边界条件推导出衰减系数。在求解系数过程中引入反射系数 $R_i^{}$ $S_i^{}$ ,其中对于源点上面的层系数 $R_i^ - = {{{b_i}} / {{a_i}}}$ $S_i^ - = {{{d_i}} / {{c_i}}}$ ,其中对于源点下面的层系数 $R_i^ + = {{{a_i}} / {{b_i}}}$ $S_i^ + = {{{c_i}} / {{d_i}}}$ 。通过上边界和下边界应用边界条件,在含源层的矢量势系数如下:

$\begin{split} &{a_j} = ({e^{ - {v_{\rm{j}}}\left| {{z_{j + 1}} - {z_s}} \right|}} + R_j^ - {e^{ - {v_j}\left| {{z_j} - {z_s}} \right|}})\frac{{R_j^ + {e^{{v_{\rm{j}}}{h_j}}}}}{{1 - R_j^ - R_j^ + }}\frac{\mu }{{2{v_{\rm{j}}}}}{\text{,}}\\ &{b_j} = (R_j^ + {e^{ - {v_j}\left| {{z_{j + 1}} - {z_s}} \right|}} + {e^{ - {v_{\rm{j}}}\left| {{z_j} - {z_s}} \right|}})\frac{{R_j^ - {e^{{v_{\rm{j}}}{h_j}}}}}{{1 - R_j^ - R_j^ + }}\frac{\mu }{{2{v_{\rm{j}}}}}{\text{,}}\\ &{c_j} = ( - {e^{ - {v_{\rm{j}}}\left| {{z_{j + 1}} - {z_s}} \right|}} + S_j^ - {e^{ - {v_j}\left| {{z_j} - {z_s}} \right|}})\frac{{S_j^ + {e^{{v_{\rm{j}}}{h_j}}}}}{{1 - S_j^ - S_j^ + }}\frac{\mu }{{2{\lambda ^2}}}{\text{,}}\\ &{d_j} = ( - S_j^ + {e^{ - {v_j}\left| {{z_{j + 1}} - {z_s}} \right|}} + {e^{ - {v_{\rm{j}}}\left| {{z_j} - {z_s}} \right|}})\frac{{S_j^ - {e^{{v_{\rm{j}}}{h_j}}}}}{{1 - S_j^ - S_j^ + }}\frac{\mu }{{2{\lambda ^2}}}{\text{。}}\end{split} $ (3)

其中: $R_i^ \pm = \dfrac{{(r_i^ \pm + R_{i \pm 1}^ \pm {e^{ - {v_{{\rm{i}} \pm {\rm{1}}}}{h_{i \pm 1}}}}){e^{ - {v_{\rm{i}}}{h_i}}}}}{{1 + r_i^ \pm R_{i \pm 1}^ \pm {e^{ - {v_{{\rm{i}} \pm {\rm{1}}}}{h_{i \pm 1}}}}}}$ $r_i^ \pm = \dfrac{{{v_{\rm{i}}} - {v_{{\rm{i}} \pm {\rm{1}}}}}}{{{v_{\rm{i}}} + {v_{{\rm{i}} \pm {\rm{1}}}}}}$ $S_i^ \pm = $ $ \dfrac{{(s_i^ \pm + s_{i \pm 1}^ \pm {e^{ - {v_{{\rm{i}} \pm {\rm{1}}}}{h_{i \pm 1}}}}){e^{ - {v_{\rm{i}}}{h_i}}}}}{{1 + s_i^ \pm S_{i \pm 1}^ \pm {e^{ - {v_{{\rm{i}} \pm {\rm{1}}}}{h_{i \pm 1}}}}}}$ $s_i^ \pm = \dfrac{{{v_{\rm{i}}}{\sigma _{{\rm{i}} \pm {\rm{1}}}} - {v_{{\rm{i}} \pm {\rm{1}}}}{\sigma _{\rm{i}}}}}{{{v_{\rm{i}}}{\sigma _{{\rm{i}} \pm {\rm{1}}}} + {v_{{\rm{i}} \pm {\rm{1}}}}{\sigma _{\rm{i}}}}}$ ${h_i} = {z_{{\rm{i}} + {\rm{1}}}} - $ $ {z_{\rm{i}}}$ 是第i层的厚度。符号+表示源点下面的层(i>j),符号-表示源点上面的层(i<j)。



$\begin{split} &{E_x} = - \hat z{A_x} + \frac{1}{{\hat y}}\frac{\partial }{{\partial x}}\left(\frac{{\partial {A_x}}}{{\partial x}} + \frac{{\partial {A_z}}}{{\partial z}}\right){\text,}\\ &{E_y} = \frac{1}{{\hat y}}\frac{\partial }{{\partial y}}\left(\frac{{\partial {A_x}}}{{\partial x}} + \frac{{\partial {A_z}}}{{\partial z}}\right){\text,}\\ &{E_z} = - \hat z{A_z} + \frac{1}{{\hat y}}\frac{\partial }{{\partial z}}\left(\frac{{\partial {A_x}}}{{\partial x}} + \frac{{\partial {A_z}}}{{\partial z}}\right){\text。}\end{split} $ (4)
2 海水分层模型的建立

海水电导率受海水温度和盐度的影响而变化。通过测量海水不同深度下的海水电导率,建立等效的海水分层模型。根据某海域海水电导率垂直剖面实测曲线,建立空气—3层海水—海床5层海洋环境模型,其中将海水分为3层,各层深度及电导率数据如表1所示。场源强度为1 A·m,深度为4 m,频率为1 Hz。通过仿真计算了第1层海水中30 m水深处、第2层海水层中35 m水深处、第3层海水层中40 m水深处以及海水-海床界面51.2 m水深处电场三分量数据。

表 1 仿真计算模型中各层介质电导率及深度 Tab.1 The conductivity and depth of each layer in the simulation model

图 2 某海域海水电导率随深度变化曲线 Fig. 2 Variation curve of seawater conductivity with depth in the sea area
3 仿真结果


图 3 5层海洋环境模型中时谐水平电偶极子示意图 Fig. 3 Variation curve of seawater conductivity with depth in the sea area

图4图6给出了场源强度为1 A·m,深度为4 m,频率为1 Hz情况下,偶极子电场在30~51.2 m水深的空间分布及正下方Y=0测线上的分布特性。表2给出了电场特征值统计结果。

图 4 电场30 m水深处平面分布等值线图 Fig. 4 Contour map of plane distribution of electric field at the depth of 30 m

图 5 电场51.2 m水深处(海床)平面分布等值线图 Fig. 5 Contour map of plane distribution of electric field at 51.2 m deep water(the seabed)

图 6 偶极子电场三分量空间分布等值线图(30~51.2 m水深) Fig. 6 Contour map of three-component spatial distribution of dipole electric field(30~51.2 m water depth)

表 2 电场特征值统计表 Tab.2 Statistical table of electric field characteristic values


图 7 海床平面上电场分布图(水深51.2 m) Fig. 7 Distribution of electric field on the seabed(water depth: 51.2 m)


图 8 正下方(Y=0)测线上电场分布 Fig. 8 The electric field distribution on the measuring line(Y=0)is directly below

图9图10给出水深51.2 m,水深4 m,水平电偶极子场源正横Y=0 m,海床电导率为1 S/m,信号频率1 Hz情况下水下电磁场在海水—海床界面的衰减曲线。可以看出,在60~500 m范围内电场X分量和电场Z分量沿径向随距离呈3次方衰减。

图 9 电场X分量和电场Z分量在海水—海床界面上沿径向随距离衰减曲线(信号频率1 Hz,海床电导率1 S/m) Fig. 9 Radial and distance attenuation curves of the X component and Z component of the electric field at the sea-seabed interface(Signal frequency 1 Hz,seabed conductivity 1 S/m)

图 10 电场X分量和电场Z分量曲线拟合 Fig. 10 Curve fitting of X component and Z component of electric field
4 结 语

根据实测海水电导率参数,建立空气—分层海水—海床5层海洋环境模型。通过对海水进一步分层的多层介质模型构建数学模型,进行理论推导和仿真计算,给出场源强度为1 A·m,深度为4 m,频率为1 Hz时电场在不同水深处的空间分布及正下方Y=0测线上的水下电场分布。结果表明,随着水深的增加,电场X分量与电场Z分量之比也随之增大;在海水-海床界面上水平电偶极子电场具有较为明显的指向性分布特性;测线上电场Z分量最大值约为电场X分量最大值的1/4,电场Y分量最大值相对Y=0处有一定的偏移。从衰减曲线可以得知,在60~500 m范围内电场X分量和电场Z分量沿径向随距离呈3次方衰减。

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