舰船科学技术  2021, Vol. 43 Issue (6): 7-13    DOI: 10.3404/j.issn.1672-7649.2021.06.002   PDF    
张晓宇, 胡大炜, 余鹏, 张锦岚     
武汉第二船舶设计研究所,湖北 武汉 430205
摘要: 本文研究Ansys中2种环肋建模方法对圆柱壳振动特性影响。其中环肋采用梁模型(Beam188单元)和壳体模型(Shell181单元)模拟,计算并对比不同边界条件、不同偏心距及不同环肋尺寸时2种环肋建模方法得到的加筋圆柱壳固有频率和模态振型。结果表明:采用Beam188单元和Shell181单元模拟环肋对计算圆柱壳固有频率存在影响、且环肋尺寸越大二者差异越显著,但对模态振型几乎无影响;增加环肋尺寸对圆柱壳模态振型影响显著。
关键词: 圆柱壳     有限元     环肋建模方法     固有频率     模态振型    
Influence of modeling methods of cylindrical shell ring stiffeners on vibration characteristics calculation in Ansys
ZHANG Xiao-yu, HU Da-wei, YU Peng, ZHANG Jin-lan     
Wuhan Second Ship Design and Research Institute, Wuhan 430205, China
Abstract: The present paper studies effects of the modelingmethod of ring stiffeners in Ansys on vibration characteristics of ring stiffened cylindrical shells, and the ring stiffeners are modeled as beam and shell models (namely Beam188 and Shell181 elements). Through comparing natural frequencies and mode shapes of two methods for the stiffened shell with different boundary conditions, eccentricities of stiffeners and sizes of stiffeners, the results reveal that effects of two different models of ring stiffeners on natural frequencies are obvious, and the effects increase as the size of stiffeners increases. However, mode shapes are not affected by different models of ring stiffeners. In addition, with the increase of size of stiffeners, effects of ring stiffeners on mode shapes of the shell significantly increase.
Key words: cylindrical shells     finite element method     modeling of ring stiffeners     natural frequencies     mode shapes    
0 引 言



1 结构有限元法


$ {{M}}\ddot{\delta}+{{C}}\dot{\delta}+{{K}}\delta={{F}}{\text{。}} $ (1)

式中: ${{K}}$ ${{C}}$ ${{M}}$ 分别表示结构刚度,阻尼和质量矩阵; $\delta$ $\dot{\delta}$ $\ddot{\delta}$ 为节点位移,速度和加速度向量; ${{F}}$ 为节点载荷向量。


$ \left({{K}}-\omega^{2}\boldsymbol{{M}}\right){\delta}={0}\text{。} $ (2)

式中: $\omega $ 为圆频率。通过求解式(2),即可得到结构的固有频率和模态振型。

2 计算结果分析


2.1 模型说明

圆柱壳半径、长度和厚度分别为3.5 m,9.6 m和0.03 m;矩形截面环肋的厚度和高度分别为0.03 m和0.3 m;壳体和环肋均由钢组成,其杨氏模量、密度和泊松比为2.1×1011 N/m2,7800 kg/m3和0.3。在Ansys 16.0中建立环肋圆柱壳有限元模型时,圆柱壳采用Shell181单元,环肋分别采用Beam188和Shell181两种单元。采用Beam188单元模拟环肋时,通过设置不同的偏心距以区分内环肋、对称环肋和外环肋,如图1所示。采用Shell181单元模拟环肋时,通过建立与环肋对应的圆环面后划分网格即可。

图 1 环肋圆柱壳有限元模型(Beam188) Fig. 1 Finite element models of ring stiffened cylindrical shell (Beam188)
2.2 模态分析


表 1 简支边界条件下环肋不同建模方法对固有频率影响(Hz) Tab.1 Effects of the modeling method of ring stiffeners on natural frequencies of the simply supported cylindrical shell (Hz)

表 2 固支边界条件下环肋不同建模方法对固有频率影响(Hz) Tab.2 Effects of the modeling method of ring stiffeners on natural frequencies of the clamped cylindrical shell (Hz)

表 3 自由边界条件下环肋不同建模方法对固有频率影响(Hz) Tab.3 Effects of the modeling method of ring stiffeners on natural frequencies of the free cylindrical shell (Hz)

为进一步讨论2种环肋建模方法对圆柱壳固有振动特性的影响,图2对比了简支边界条件下模态振型(n=4, m=1)。结合表1中固有频率可知,尽管2种环肋建模方得到的固有频率差异显著,但圆柱壳的法向模态振型曲线完全重合,即表明不同环肋建模方法主要影响壳体固有频率、而对模态振型几乎无影响。进一步分析可知,外环肋时模态振型不再是光滑曲线、而存在明显波动,如图2(c)所示,即表明环肋作用导致圆柱壳模态振型发生变化。

图 2 不同环肋建模方法对简支圆柱壳模态振型影响(n=4, m=1) Fig. 2 Effects of the method of modeling of ring stiffeners on mode shapes (n=4, m=1)

为讨论不同环肋尺寸下2种环肋建模方法对圆柱壳固有振动特性影响,表4表6对比了环肋高度为0.2m,0.3m和0.4m时内环肋、对称环肋和外环肋3种模型固有频率,表中环肋厚度保持不变、仅高度变化。分析可知,除少数几阶模态外,环肋高度为0.2 m时采用Beam188和Shell181单元模拟环肋得到的固有频率差异明显小于其他2种情况,且随着环肋高度增加采用Beam188和Shell181模拟环肋得到圆柱壳固有频率差异快速增加。另外,对于3种尺寸的环肋,采用Beam188和Shell181单元模拟对称环肋时差异整体上小于内环肋和外环肋。

表 4 不同环肋高度时环肋建模方法对固有频率影响(Hz, 内环肋) Tab.4 Effects of the modeling method of ring stiffeners on natural frequencies for the stiffeners with different height (Hz, interior)

表 5 不同环肋高度时环肋建模方法对固有频率影响(Hz, 对称环肋) Tab.5 Effects of the modeling method of ring stiffeners on natural frequencies for the stiffeners with different height (Hz, concentric)

表 6 不同环肋高度时环肋建模方法对固有频率影响(Hz, 外环肋) Tab.6 Effects of the modeling method of ring stiffeners on natural frequencies for the stiffeners with different height (Hz, exterior)


图 3 不同环肋高度时2种环肋建模方法对内环肋圆柱壳模态振型影响(n=4, m=1) Fig. 3 Effects of the modeling of ring stiffeners on mode shapes for the shell with interior rings of different height (n=4, m=1)

图 4 不同环肋高度时2种环肋建模方法对对称环肋圆柱壳模态振型影响(n=4, m=1) Fig. 4 Effects of the modeling of ring stiffeners on mode shapes for the shell with concentric rings of different height (n=4, m=1)

图 5 不同环肋高度时2种环肋建模方法对外环肋圆柱壳模态振型影响(n=4, m=1) Fig. 5 Effects of the modeling of ring stiffeners on mode shapes for the shell with exterior rings of different height (n=4, m=1)


图 6 不同环肋高度对圆柱壳模态振型影响(n=4, m=1, Beam188) Fig. 6 Effects of the height of ring stiffeners on mode shapes (n=4, m=1, Beam188)
3 结 语





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