舰船科学技术  2020, Vol. 42 Issue (1): 151-153   PDF    
宋媚婷, 陈志强, 李利, 张长浩     
大连测控技术研究所,辽宁大连 116013
摘要: 本文提出一种螺旋双锥体积阵宽带恒定束宽波束形成方法。在远场条件下,依据信号源和阵元的位置信息,给出了螺旋双锥体积阵接收信号模型,将阵列响应向量表示成以Bessel函数为核函数的形式。确定参考频率,将宽带划分成多个子带,使得子带内各频率分量上的波束图与参考频率上的波束图一致。本文提出的宽带恒定束宽波束形成方法能有效地运用到螺旋双锥体积阵处理宽带信号中。采用螺旋双锥体积阵接收处理宽带信号,解决了垂直线阵、矢量水听器和平面阵的各种局限,更有利于实现宽频带信号处理。
关键词: 螺旋双锥     体积阵     恒定束宽     宽带波束形成    
A broadband constant beamwidth beamforming method of the spiral biconical volume array
SONG Mei-ting, CHEN Zhi-qiang, LI li, ZHANG Chang-hao     
Dalian Scientific Test and Control Technology Institute, Dalian 116013, China
Abstract: A wideband constant beamwidth beamforming method of spiral biconical volume array is studied in thispaper. Under the condition of far field, the receiver signal model of the spiral biconical volume array is given according to the location information of the signal source and the array element, and the array response vector is expressed as the Bessel function as the kernel function. The reference frequency is determined and the broadband is divided into several subbands, so that the beam pattern of each frequency component in the subband is consistent with that on the reference frequency. The broadband constant beamwidth beamforming method proposed in this paper can be effectively applied to the wideband signal processing with the spiral biconical volume array. Aspiral biconical volume array is used to receive and process broadband signal, which solves the limitation of vertical linear array, vector hydrophone and planar array, and is more conducive to realize of wideband signal processing.
Key words: spiral biconical     volume array     constant beamwidth     broadband beamforming    
0 引 言




1 螺旋双锥体积阵接收信号模型 1.1 螺旋双锥体积阵阵列模型

螺旋双锥体积阵阵元坐标图如图1所示。各圆周半径为 ${r_n}$ ,阵元均匀分布,对于第n个圆周第m个阵元,位置向量可写为:

图 1 阵元坐标图 Fig. 1 The coordinate diagram of array element
${{{r}}_m} = ({r_{xm}},{r_{ym}},{r_{zm}}) = ({r_n}\cos {\theta _m},{r_n}\sin {\theta _m},{z_n})\text{,}$ (1)

平面波从 ${{r}}$ 方向入射到基阵:

${{r}} = (\sin \phi \cos \theta ,\sin \phi \sin \theta ,\cos \phi )\text{,}$ (2)


${\tau _m} = {{r}} \cdot {{{r}}_m}/c = [{r_m}\sin \phi \cos ({\theta _m} - \theta ) + {z_n}\cos \phi ]/c\text{,}$ (3)



$ \begin{aligned} & {{A}}(f,\theta ) = [{e^{j(2{\text{π}} f{r_1}\sin \phi \cos ({\theta _1} - \theta ) + {z_1}\cos \phi )/c}} \\ & \cdots {e^{j(2\pi f{r_m}\sin \phi \cos ({\theta _m} - \theta ) + {z_n}\cos \phi )/c}}{]^{\rm T}} \text{。}\\ \end{aligned} $ (4)
1.2 设计参考频率下的波束图

假设宽带信号的频率范围为 $f \in [{f_L},{f_U}]$ ,令参考频率 ${f_0} = {f_U}$ ,若要形成指向 ${\theta _s}$ 的波束,则加权向量:

${{{w}}_{{f_0}}} = diag({\bf{w}}){{{A}}^H}({f_0},{\theta _s})\text{,}$ (5)

其中, ${{w}} = [{w^1} \cdots {w^M}]$ 是加权向量。则参考波束图为:

${{B}}({f_0},\theta ) = \left| {{{{w}}_{{f_0}}}{{A}}({f_0},\theta )} \right|\text{。}$ (6)
1.3 宽带恒定束宽波束的形成

宽带恒定束宽波束形成的实质是:确定波束形成的加权向量,使得 ${{B}}(f,\theta ) = \left| {{{{w}}_f}{{A}}(f,\theta )} \right| \cong {{B}}({f_0},\theta )$


由平面波分解公式 ${e^{jz\cos \Psi }} = \sum\limits_{ - \infty }^\infty {{J_n}(z){{(j)}^n}{e^{ - jn\Psi }}} $ ,把阵列响应向量的各分量表示成以下Bessel函数和的形式:

$\begin{array}{l} a({r_m},{\phi _m},\theta ;f) = {e^{j2\pi f{r_m}\cos ({\phi _m} - \theta )/c}} = \\ \sum\limits_{ - \infty }^\infty {{{(j)}^n}{J_n}(2\pi f{r_m}/c){e^{jn{\phi _m}}}{e^{ - jn\theta }}}\text{,} \\ \end{array} $ (7)

${[{\tilde{ T}}(f)]_{mn}} = {(j)^n}{J_n}(2\pi f{r_m}/c){e^{jn{\phi _m}}}\text{,}$ (8)
${[{\tilde{ w}}(\theta )]_n} = {e^{ - jn\theta }} \; m = 1, \cdots ,M;n = 0, \pm 1, \pm 2, \cdots\text{,} $ (9)
${{A}}(\theta ,f) = {\tilde{ T}}(f){\tilde{ w}}(\theta )\text{,}$ (10)

$\left| n \right| = {n_\varepsilon }$ 可对 ${\tilde{ T}}(f)$ ${\tilde{ w}}(\theta )$ 进行截断处理,其中, $\varepsilon $ 是符合精度要求的小量, ${n_\varepsilon }$ 是Bessel函数的阶次。截断处理后,得

$ {{A}}(\theta ,f) \cong {{T}}(f){{w}}(\theta )\text{。} $ (11)

其中: ${{T}}(f)$ 的大小为 $M \times (2{n_\varepsilon } + 1)$ ${{w}}(\theta )$ 的大小为 $(2{n_\varepsilon } + 1) \times 1$


${{{w}}_f} = {{{w}}_0}{{T}}\text{,}$ (12)


${{T}} = {{T}}({f_0}){{{T}}^ + }(f) = {{T}}({f_0}){[{{T}}{(f)^H}{{T}}(f)]^{ - 1}}{{{T}}^H}(f)\text{,}$ (13)


$\begin{array}{l} {{B}}(f,\theta ) = \left| {{{{w}}_f}{{A}}(f,\theta )} \right| \cong \left| \begin{array}{l} {{{w}}_{{f_0}}}{{T}}({f_0}){[{{T}}{(f)^H}{{T}}(f)]^{ - 1}} \\ {{{T}}^H}(f){{T}}(f){{w}}(\theta ) \\ \end{array} \right| = \\ \left| {{{{w}}_{{f_0}}}{{T}}({f_0}){{w}}(\theta )} \right| \cong \left| {{{{w}}_{{f_0}}}{{A}}({f_0},\theta )} \right|\text{。} \\[-10pt] \end{array} $ (14)


2 实 例

考虑如图2所示的螺旋双锥体积阵列,阵元数为 $M = {N_{cir}} \times {N_L} = 8 \times 7 = 56$ ,各阵元的坐标已知,声源位于阵列的远场。假设波束形成处理的频率范围为500~1 000 Hz,参考频率 ${f_0} = 1\;{\rm{kHz}}$ ,选取 ${n_\varepsilon } = 3$ 。把处理频带均匀划分为r=20个子带,并利用以上叙述的恒定束宽波束形成方法处理在每个子带内产生一个指向 $({\theta _s},{\varphi _s}) = ({0^ \circ },{90^ \circ })$ 方向的理想波束。

图 2 螺旋双锥体积阵结构模型示意图 Fig. 2 The structural model of spiral biconical volume array

得到的参考波束图如图3所示。图4为螺旋双锥体积阵列不同频点上的恒定束宽波束叠加的波束图,图中所取频点分别为500 Hz,600 Hz,800 Hz,900 Hz和1 000 Hz。可见,其与图3的参考波束图一致,主波束在整个范围内表现出良好的恒定束宽特性和较低旁瓣级。从图4可以看出,波束的主瓣宽度为Θ–3 dB≈30°,表明该波束形成器具有很好的空间指向特性和抗噪声干扰能力。

图 3 参考波束图 Fig. 3 The reference beam chart

图 4 螺旋双锥体积阵不同频点上的恒定束宽波束叠加图 Fig. 4 The superposition of constant beam width beams at different frequencies of spiral biconical volume array
3 结 语



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