舰船科学技术  2018, Vol. 40 Issue (2): 96-101   PDF    
刘伟, 杨朔, 孙健     
江苏科技大学 电子信息学院 江苏 镇江 212003
摘要: 本文研究了具有多个动态领航船的欠驱动无人艇的包含控制问题。假设所有跟随船不知道领航船的控制输入,并且只有部分跟随船能够获得部分领航船的位置和速度。在此条件下,本文首先提出了一种基于虚拟领航船的包含控制方法。使用该方法可以将多无人艇的包含控制问题简化为虚拟领航船的包含控制问题和跟随船的目标跟踪问题。然后为虚拟领航船设计了相应的包含控制算法,并基于滑模控制理论为跟随船设计了目标跟踪算法。仿真结果验证了所提出的控制方法的有效性。
关键词: 欠驱动无人艇     包含控制     目标跟踪    
Research on the containment control problem of the sliding-mode of the underactuated autonomous surface vehicle
LIU Wei, YANG Shuo, SUN Jian     
Electronic Information College, Jiangsu University of Science and Technology, Zhenjiang 212003, China
Abstract: This paper studies the containment control problem for underactuated autonomous surface vehicle with a number of dynamic pilot vessels. Assuming that all the following ships do not know the control inputs of the pilot vessel, and only a part of the following vessel can get the position and speed of the partial navigation vessel. Under this condition, this paper firstly proposes a new method based on virtual pilot ship. Using this method, the control problem of multi autonomous surface vehicle can be simplified as the control problem of virtual pilot ship and the target tracking problem of the following ship. Then the corresponding containment control algorithm is designed for the virtual pilot ship, and the target tracking algorithm is designed based on the sliding mode control theory.Simulation results verify the effectiveness of the proposed control method.
Key words: underactuated autonomous surface vehicle     containment control     target tracking    
0 引 言



对于协同路径跟踪和协同目标跟踪问题,2007年,Bibuli等[3]结合Lyapunov直接法与反步法设计了鲁棒控制器,实现了欠驱动船舶的有效路径跟踪控制。2010年,Oh等[4]基于视线法(line of sight,LOS),利用预测控制设计了当舵角控制输入满足一定约束条件的欠驱动船舶路径跟踪控制。2012年,R.Yu等[5]研究了一个具有参数不确定性的欠驱动船舶鲁棒跟踪控制问题。提出了一种滑模控制律并实现了欠驱动自主水面舰艇的轨迹跟踪。2014年,Thomas Glotzbach等[6]研究了多无人艇编队LOS协同目标跟踪的理论与实践。为了实现LOS协同目标跟踪,开发单一的自主海洋航行器协同编队是控制体系。在控制体系中,解决了跟踪移动水下目标和无人艇编队问题。






1 准备知识与问题描述 1.1 图论的概念

本文采用图 $G = (V,W)$ 来表示无人艇之间的通信网络,其中 $V = \left\{ {1, \ldots ,n} \right\}$ 为节点集。节点 $i$ 对应无人艇 $i$ $W$ 为边集。边 $\left( {j,i} \right) \in W$ ,表示无人艇 $i$ 可以获得无人艇 $j$ 的信息。如果无人艇 $i$ 可以获得无人艇 $j$ 的信息但反之未必成立,称 $\left( {j,i} \right) \in W$ 有向。如果无人艇 $i$ 和无人艇 $j$ 可以相互得到对方的信息,称 $\left( {j,i} \right) \in W$ 无向。如果一个图中的所有的边均为无向的则称为无向图,反之则称为有向图。无人艇 $i$ 的邻居集 ${N_i}$ 的定义为 $ {N_i}\mathop = \limits^\Delta $ $\left\{ {j|\left( {j,i} \right) \in W} \right\}$

一条有向路径是由一系列 $W$ 中的边 $\left( {{i_1},{i_2}} \right)$ $\left( {{i_2},{i_3}} \right)$ $ \ldots $ ,组成的集合,其中 ${i_j} \in V$ 。对于一个有向图 $G$ ,如果存在一个节点 $i$ ,对 $V$ 中的任意节点 $j$ ,从 $i$ $j$ 都有一条有向路径,则称有向图 $G$ 有一棵生成树。

$G$ 的邻接矩阵 ${{A}_d} = [{a_{ij}}] \in {R^{n \times n}}$ 定义为:对所有的 $i = 1, \ldots ,n$ ${a_{ii}} = 0$ ;对 $i \ne j$ ,如果 $\left( {j,i} \right) \in W$ ${a_{ij}} > 0$ ,否则 ${a_{ij}} = 0$ 。图的 $Laplacian$ 矩阵定义为 ${L}= D - {A_d}$ ${L}$ 是对称阵并且满足 ${L}_{1_n} = 0$ ,因此0是 ${L}$ 对应于特征向量1的特征值。

定义1 $E$ 是实矢量空间 $V \in {R^P}$ 的集合。若存在 $p$ $q$ ,如果对于任何 $z \in \left[ {0,1} \right]$ 和集合 $E$ 中任何 $p$ $q$ ,都有点 $\left( {1 - z} \right)p + zq$ 在集合 $E$ 中,则称 $E$ 是凸的。对于 $V$ 中,点 $X = \left\{ {{p_1},{p_2}, \ldots ,{p_q}} \right\}$ 的凸包是指包含 $X$ 中所有点的最小凸集。用 $Co\left\{ {{p_i},i = 1, \ldots ,q} \right\}$ 表示。

1.2 控制问题描述

本文考虑由 $n + s$ 艘欠驱动无人艇组成的系统,该无人艇的水平面运动模型,如图1所示。无人艇仅有的控制输入是纵向推力 ${\tau _{ui}}$ 和偏航力矩 ${\tau _{ri}}$

图 1 具有双推进器的无人艇水面运动模型 Fig. 1 Planar model of the ASV with two propellers


$\left\{ {\begin{array}{*{20}{l}}{\mathop {{u_i}}\limits^ \cdot = \frac{{{m_{22}}}}{{{m_{11}}}}{v_i}{r_i} - \frac{{{d_{11}}}}{{{m_{11}}}}{u_i} + \frac{1}{{{m_{11}}}}\left( {{\tau _{ui}} + {\tau _1}} \right)}\text{,}\\{\mathop {{v_i}}\limits^ \cdot = - \frac{{{m_{11}}}}{{{m_{22}}}}{u_i}{r_i} - \frac{{{d_{22}}}}{{{m_{22}}}}{v_i} + \frac{{{\tau _2}}}{{{m_{22}}}}}\text{,}\\{\mathop {{r_i}}\limits^ \cdot = \frac{{{m_{11}} - {m_{22}}}}{{{m_{33}}}}{u_i}{v_i} - \frac{{{d_{33}}}}{{{m_{33}}}}{r_i} + \frac{1}{{{m_{33}}}}\left( {{\tau _{ri}} + {\tau _3}} \right)}\text{,}\\{\mathop {{x_i}}\limits^ \cdot = {u_i}\cos {\varphi _i} - {v_i}\sin {\varphi _i}}\text{,}\\{\mathop {{y_i}}\limits^ \cdot = {u_i}\sin {\varphi _i} + {v_i}\cos {\phi _i}}\text{,}\\{\mathop {{\varphi _i}}\limits^ \cdot = {r_i}}\text{。}\end{array}} \right.,i = 1, \ldots ,n + s,$ (1)

其中:( ${x_i},{y_i}$ )为船舶的重心在惯性坐标系 $\left\{ A \right\}$ 中的位置; ${\phi _i}$ 为船舶的首向角; ${u_i},{v_i},{r_i}$ 分别为在随船坐标系 $\left\{ O \right\}$ 中船的纵向、横向和偏航(角)速度;纵向推力 ${\tau _{ui}}$ 和偏航力矩 ${\tau _{ri}}$ 是仅有的控制输入; ${\tau _1},{\tau _2},{\tau _3}$ 分别为船在纵向、横向、首向上受的干扰力;参数 ${m_{ii}}$ ${d_{ii}}$ 分别为船的惯性和阻尼参数矩阵在随船坐标系 $\left\{ O \right\}$ 3根坐标轴上的分量,均假设为正常数。

假设 $\left( {i,i} \right) \notin W$ 并假设无人艇 $1, \cdots ,n$ 都至少有一个邻居而 $n + 1, \ldots ,n + s$ 都没有邻居。称无人艇 $1, \cdots ,n$ 为跟随者,无人艇 $n + 1, \ldots ,n + s$ 为领导者。假设所有跟随者之间的通信网络为无向图,并进一步假设 ${a_{ij}} = {a_{ji}}$ $i,j = 1, \ldots ,n$ ,其中 ${a_{ij}}$ 为图 $G$ 的邻接矩阵第 $i$ 行第 $j$ 列的值。如果跟随者 $i$ 能得到领导者 $j$ 的信息,则 ${a_{ij}} = 1$ ;反之,则 ${a_{ij}} = 0$ 。因为领导者没有邻居,所以对所有的 $i = n + 1, \ldots n + s$ $j = 1, \ldots n + s$ ,有 ${a_{ij}} = 0$ 。可以看出, ${L}$ 可以写成

${L}= \left[ {\begin{array}{*{20}{c}} {{L_1}} & {{L_2}} \\ {{0_{s \times n}}} & {{0_{s \times s}}} \end{array}} \right]\text{,}$

其中: ${L_1} \in {R^{n \times n}}$ ${L_2} \in {R^{n \times s}}$

假设1  领导者的控制输入有界,且对于每一个跟随者,至少存在一个领导者到该跟随者之间有一条有向路径。

引理1  若假设1成立,则上文中定义的 ${{L}_1}$ 是正定矩阵。

控制目标是为欠驱动无人艇 $1 \cdots {{n}}$ 设计纵向控制器 ${\tau _{ui}}$ 和横向控制器 ${\tau _{ri}}$ ,使得欠驱动无人艇 $1 \cdots {{n}}$ 的运动轨迹收敛到由领导者形成的凸包内。

${\rm{inf}}\left\| {{\eta _i}\left( t \right) - h\left( t \right)} \right\| \to 0$ ${{i}} = 1 \cdots n$ $t \to \infty $ 。其中 ${\eta _i}\left( t \right) \in {R^{2 \times 1}}$ 为跟随者的位置和速度, $h\left( t \right) \in {R^{2 \times 1}}$ 为领导者的位置和速度。

2 无人艇包含控制系统结构图 2.1 包含控制系统
图 2 无人艇包含控制系统 Fig. 2 ASV containment control system


$\begin{array}{l}\mathop {\widetilde {{x_i}}}\limits^ \cdot = \widetilde {{v_i}}\text{,}\\\mathop {\widetilde {{v_i}}}\limits^ \cdot = \widetilde {{u_i}}\text{。}\end{array}$ (2)

其中: $\widetilde {{x_i}} = \left[ {\begin{array}{*{20}{c}}{\widehat {{x_i}}}\\{\widehat {{y_i}}}\end{array}} \right]$ $\widetilde {{v_i}} = \left[ {\begin{array}{*{20}{c}}{\mathop {\widehat {{x_i}}}\limits^ \cdot }\\{\mathop {\widehat {{y_i}}}\limits^ \cdot }\end{array}} \right]$ 分别为第 $i$ 个虚拟目标船的位置和速度, $\widetilde {{u_i}}$ 为第 $i$ 个虚拟目标船的控制输入。



2.2 包含控制器设计


$\begin{array}{l}\widetilde {{u_i}}\left( t \right) = - \left\{ {\sum\limits_{j = 1}^{n + s} {{a_{ij}}\left[ {\widetilde {{x_i}}\left( t \right) - \widetilde {{x_j}}\left( t \right)} \right]} + \alpha \sum\limits_{j = 1}^{n + s} {{a_{ij}}\left[ {\widetilde {{v_i}}\left( t \right) - \widetilde {{v_j}}\left( t \right)} \right]} } \right\} - \\ \beta {\mathop{\rm sgn}} \left\{ {\sum\limits_{j = 1}^{n + s} {{a_{ij}}\left[ {\widetilde {{x_i}}\left( t \right) - \widetilde {{x_j}}\left( t \right)} \right] + \alpha \sum\limits_{j = 1}^{n + s} {{a_{ij}}\left[ {\widetilde {{v_i}}\left( t \right) - \widetilde {{v_j}}\left( t \right)} \right]} } } \right\},\\ i = 1, \ldots ,n\text{。}\quad\quad\quad\quad\quad\quad\quad\quad\quad\quad\quad\quad\quad\quad\quad\quad\ \ \end{array}$ (3)

其中 $\alpha ,\beta $ 是大于0的常数。

引理2[11]  假设跟随者之间的通信网络为无向图,且对每一个跟随者都有至少一个领导者到该跟随者有一条有向路径。

${P} \!=\! \left[ {\begin{array}{*{20}{c}} {{I_n}} & {\delta {M^{ - 1}}} \\ {\delta {M^{ - 1}}} & {{M^{ - 1}}} \end{array}} \right]$ ${Q} =\! \left[ {\begin{array}{*{20}{c}} {\delta {I_n}} & {\frac{{\alpha \delta }}{2}{I_n}} \\ {\frac{{\alpha \delta }}{2}{I_n}} & {\alpha {I_n} - \delta {M^{ - 1}}} \end{array}} \right]$ ,其中 $M = [{m_{ij}}] \in {R^{n \times n}}$ 满足 ${m_{ii}} = \sum\nolimits_{j = 1}^{n + s} {{a_{ij}}} $ ,且对 $i \ne j$ ${m_{ij}} = - {a_{ij}}$ 。若 $\alpha $ $\delta $ 满足

$\delta < \min \left\{ {\sqrt {{\lambda _{\min }}\left( M \right)} ,\frac{{4\alpha {\lambda _{\min }}\left( M \right)}}{{4 + {\alpha ^2}{\lambda _{\min }}\left( M \right)}}} \right\},$

$\beta > {\left\| {{M^{ - 1}}{\psi _F}} \right\|_1}$ ,则跟随者的位置都最终能收敛到领导者组成的凸包中。

2.3 跟踪控制器设计


定理1  微分方程

$\mathop x\limits^ \cdot = - \frac{{ax}}{{\sqrt {{x^2} + c} }}\text{,}$ (4)

其中: $a > 0$ $c > 0$ ,该微分方程的解渐进稳定,即满足 $\mathop {\lim }\limits_{t \to \infty } x\left( t \right) = 0$ 。接下来的控制器设计中,利用反步法将设计过程分为2个步骤:第1步为虚拟控制器设计,将纵向速度 ${u_i}$ 和横向速度 ${v_i}$ 作为虚拟控制输入,分别为 ${u_{ui}}$ ${v_{ri}}$ ;第2步为滑模控制器设计,目标为设计纵向控制器 ${\tau _{ui}}$ 和横向控制器 ${\tau _{ri}}$ 使无人艇的实际纵向速度和横向速度分别能够跟踪虚拟控制输入 ${u_{ui}}$ ${v_{ri}}$

2.3.1 虚拟控制器设计


${x_{Ai}} = {x_i} - \widetilde {{x_i}},\;{y_{Ai}} = {y_i} - \widetilde {{y_i}},$ (5)

其中, $\left( {\widetilde {{x_i}}\left( t \right),\widetilde {{y_i}}\left( t \right)} \right)$ 为期望轨迹,且为连续可导函数。


$\left[ {\begin{array}{*{20}{c}} {{u_i}} \\ {{v_i}} \end{array}} \right] = \left[ {\begin{array}{*{20}{c}} {\cos {\varphi _i}} & {\sin {\varphi _i}} \\ { - \sin {\varphi _i}} & {\cos {\varphi _i}} \end{array}} \right]\left[ {\begin{array}{*{20}{c}} {\mathop {{x_i}}\limits^ \cdot } \\ {\mathop {{y_i}}\limits^ \cdot } \end{array}} \right]\text{。}$ (6)


$\left[ {\begin{array}{*{20}{c}}{{u_{ui}}}\\{{v_{ri}}}\end{array}} \right] = \left[ {\begin{array}{*{20}{c}}{\cos {\varphi _i}} & {\sin {\varphi _i}}\\{ - \sin {\varphi _i}} & {\cos {\varphi _i}}\end{array}} \right]\left[ {\begin{array}{*{20}{c}}{\mathop {\widetilde {{x_i}}}\limits^ \cdot - \frac{{k{x_{Ai}}}}{{\sqrt {x_{Ai}^2 + y_{Ai}^2 + C} }}}\\{\mathop {\widetilde {{y_i}}}\limits^ \cdot - \frac{{k{y_{Ai}}}}{{\sqrt {x_{Ai}^2 + y_{Ai}^2 + C} }}}\end{array}} \right]\text{,}$ (7)

其中: $k > 0$ $C > 0$ ,则

$\left[ {\begin{array}{*{20}{c}} {\mathop {{x_{Ai}}}\limits^ \cdot } \\ {\mathop {{y_{Ai}}}\limits^ \cdot } \end{array}} \right] = \left[ {\begin{array}{*{20}{c}} {\frac{{ - k{x_{Ai}}}}{{\sqrt {x_{Ai}^2 + y_{Ai}^2 + C} }}} \\ {\frac{{ - k{y_{Ai}}}}{{\sqrt {x_{Ai}^2 + y_{Ai}^2 + C} }}} \end{array}} \right] + \left[ {\begin{array}{*{20}{c}} {\cos {\varphi _i}} & {\sin {\varphi _i}} \\ { - \sin {\varphi _i}} & {\cos {\varphi _i}} \end{array}} \right]\left[ {\begin{array}{*{20}{c}} {{u_i} - {u_{ui}}} \\ {{v_i} - {v_{ri}}} \end{array}} \right]\text{,}$ (8)

${u_i} - {u_{ui}} = 0$ ${v_i} - {v_{ri}} = 0$ 时,式(7)变为

$\left[ {\begin{array}{*{20}{c}} {\mathop {{x_{Ai}}}\limits^ \cdot } \\ {\mathop {{y_{Ai}}}\limits^ \cdot } \end{array}} \right] = \left[ {\begin{array}{*{20}{c}} {\frac{{ - k{x_{Ai}}}}{{\sqrt {x_{Ai}^2 + y_{Ai}^2 + C} }}} \\ {\frac{{ - k{y_{Ai}}}}{{\sqrt {x_{Ai}^2 + y_{Ai}^2 + C} }}} \end{array}} \right]\text{,}$


$\mathop {\lim }\limits_{t \to \infty } {x_{Ai}} = 0,\;\mathop {\lim }\limits_{t \to \infty } {y_{Ai}} = 0\text{。}$

$w = \sqrt {x_{Ai}^2 + y_{Ai}^2 + C} $ ,将式(7)对时间求导,可得等式:

$\begin{array}{l}\left[ {\begin{array}{*{20}{c}}{\mathop {{u_{ui}}}\limits^ \cdot }\\{\mathop {{v_{ri}}}\limits^ \cdot }\end{array}} \right] \!=\! \left[ {\begin{array}{*{20}{c}}{ - {r_i}\sin {\varphi _i}} & {{r_i}\cos {\varphi _i}}\\{ - {r_i}\cos {\varphi _i}} & { - {r_i}\sin {\varphi _i}}\end{array}} \right]\left[ {\begin{array}{*{20}{c}}{\mathop {\widetilde {{x_i}}}\limits^ \cdot - k{w^{ - 1}}{x_{Ai}}}\\{\mathop {\widetilde {{y_i}}}\limits^ \cdot - k{w^{ - 1}}{y_{Ai}}}\end{array}} \right] + \\\left[ {\begin{array}{*{20}{c}}{\mathop {\widetilde {{x_i}}}\limits^{ \cdot \cdot } + k\left( {{w^{ - 1}} - {w^{ - 3}}x_{Ai}^2} \right)\mathop {{x_{Ai}}}\limits^ \cdot - k{w^{ - 3}}{x_{Ai}}{y_{Ai}}\mathop {{y_{Ai}}}\limits^ \cdot }\\{\mathop {\widetilde {{y_i}}}\limits^{ \cdot \cdot } + k\left( {{w^{ - 1}} - {w^{ - 3}}y_{Ai}^2} \right)\mathop {{x_{Ai}}}\limits^ \cdot - k{w^{ - 3}}{x_{Ai}}{y_{Ai}}\mathop {{x_{Ai}}}\limits^ \cdot }\end{array}} \right] \times \\\left[ {\begin{array}{*{20}{c}}{\cos {\varphi _i}} & {\sin {\varphi _i}}\\{ - \sin {\varphi _i}} & {\cos {\varphi _i}}\end{array}} \right] = \\\left[ {\begin{array}{*{20}{c}}{{r_i}\mathop {{v_{ri}}}\limits^ \cdot }\\{ - {r_i}\mathop {{u_{ui}}}\limits^ \cdot }\end{array}} \right] + \left[ {\begin{array}{*{20}{c}}{\cos {\varphi _i}} & {\sin {\varphi _i}}\\{ - \sin {\varphi _i}} & {\cos {\varphi _i}}\end{array}} \right] \times \\\left[ {\begin{array}{*{20}{c}}{\mathop {\widetilde {{x_i}}}\limits^{ \cdot \cdot } + k\left( {{w^{ - 1}} - {w^{ - 3}}x_{Ai}^2} \right)\mathop {{x_{Ai}}}\limits^ \cdot - k{w^{ - 3}}{x_{Ai}}{y_{Ai}}\mathop {{y_{Ai}}}\limits^ \cdot }\\{\mathop {\widetilde {{y_i}}}\limits^{ \cdot \cdot } + k\left( {{w^{ - 1}} - {w^{ - 3}}y_{Ai}^2} \right)\mathop {{x_{Ai}}}\limits^ \cdot - k{w^{ - 3}}{x_{Ai}}{y_{Ai}}\mathop {{x_{Ai}}}\limits^ \cdot }\end{array}} \right]\text{。}\end{array}$
2.3.2 滑模控制器设计

下面基于滑模控制理论[10, 12-13],分别设计纵向和横向的轨迹跟踪控制器[10]



${u_{xi}} = {u_i} - {u_{ui}}\text{,}$ (9)


${S_{1i}} = {u_{xi}} + {\lambda _1}\int_0^t {{u_{xi}}\left( \tau \right){\rm d}\tau } ,\;{\lambda _1} > 0,\;i = 1, \ldots ,n\text{。}$ (10)


${\tau _{ui}} = \widehat {{\tau _{ui}}} - {k_1}sat\left( {{S_{1i}}/{\varPhi _1}} \right)\text{,}$ (11)

式中: $\widehat {{\tau _{ui}}} = - {m_{22}}{v_i}{r_i} + {d_{11}}{u_i} - {m_{11}}\left( { - \mathop {{u_{ui}}}\limits^ \cdot + {\lambda _1}{u_{xi}}} \right) - {\tau _1}$ ,符号“^”表示不确定参数的估计值, ${\varPhi _1}$ 为边界层厚度; $sat\left( \cdot \right)$ 为饱和函数[10]

为了确定 ${k_1}$ ,对式(1)中的模型参数和环境干扰力的不确定界限为

$\left| {{m_{ii}} - \widehat {{m_{ii}}}} \right| \text{≤} {M_i},\;\left| {{d_{ii}} - \widehat {{d_{ii}}}} \right| \text{≤} {D_i},\;\left| {{\tau _i} - \widehat {{\tau _i}}} \right| \text{≤} {T_i},\;i = 1,2,3\text{。}$

定义 ${\rm Lya}{\rm punov}$ 函数

${V_1} = \frac{1}{2}{m_{11}}S_{1i}^2\text{,}$

${V_1}$ 对时间求导可得:

$\begin{array}{l}\mathop {{V_1}}\limits^ \cdot = {m_{11}}{S_{1i}}\mathop {{S_{1i}}}\limits^ \cdot = \\{S_{1i}}\left[ {\left( {{m_{22}} - \widehat {{m_{22}}}} \right){v_i}{r_i}} \right. + \left( {\widehat {{d_{11}}} - {d_{11}}} \right){u_i} + \left( {{\tau _1} - \widehat {{\tau _1}}} \right) + \\\left( {{m_{11}} - \widehat {{m_{11}}}} \right)\left( { - \mathop {{u_{ui}}}\limits^ \cdot + {\lambda _1}{u_{xi}}} \right) - {k_{1i}}sat\left. {\left( {{S_{1i}}/{\Phi _1}} \right)} \right]\text{,}\end{array}$

如将 ${k_1}$ 选择为

$\begin{array}{l}{k_1} = {M_2}\left| {{v_i}{r_i}} \right| + {D_1}\left| {{u_i}} \right| + {T_i} + \\{M_1}\left| { - \mathop {{u_{ui}}}\limits^ \cdot + {\lambda _1}{u_{xi}}} \right| + \widehat {{m_{11}}}{\eta _1}\text{,}\end{array}$

其中 ${\eta _1} > 0$ ,则

$\mathop {{V_1}}\limits^ \cdot = {m_{11}}{S_{1i}}\mathop {{S_{1i}}}\limits^ \cdot \text{≤} - \widehat {{m_{11}}}{\eta _1}\left| {{S_{1i}}} \right|\text{。}$



${v_{xi}} = {v_i} - {v_{ri}}\text{,}$ (12)


${S_{2i}} = \mathop {{v_{xi}}}\limits^ \cdot + 2{\lambda _2}{v_{xi}} + \lambda _2^2\int_0^t {{v_{xi}}} \left( \tau \right){\rm d}\tau ,\;{\lambda _2} > 0,\;i = 1, \ldots ,n\text{。}$ (13)

${S_2}$ 对时间求导,并设其导数为0,可得等式:

${\mathop S\limits^ \cdot _{2i}} = \left( {\mathop {{v_i}}\limits^{ \cdot \cdot } - \mathop {{v_{ri}}}\limits^{ \cdot \cdot } } \right) + 2{\lambda _{2i}}\left( {\mathop {{v_i}}\limits^ \cdot - {v_{ri}}} \right) + \lambda _2^2{v_{xi}} = 0\text{,}$ (14)

$\mathop {{v_i}}\limits^ \cdot $ ${v_{ri}}$ 分别对时间求导,可得

$\mathop {{v_i}}\limits^{ \cdot \cdot } = - \frac{{{m_{11}}\left( {\mathop {{u_i}}\limits^ \cdot {r_i} + {u_i}\mathop {{r_i}}\limits^ \cdot } \right) + {d_{22}}\mathop {{v_i}}\limits^ \cdot + \mathop {{\tau _2}}\limits^ \cdot }}{{{m_{22}}}}\text{,}$ (15)
$\mathop {{v_{ri}}}\limits^{ \cdot \cdot } = {v_{0i}} - {u_{ui}}\mathop {{r_i}}\limits^ \cdot\text{,}$ (16)
$\begin{array}{l}{v_{0i}} = \left( {\mathop {\widetilde {{y_i}}}\limits^{ \cdot \cdot } + k\left( {{w^{ - 1}} - {w^{ - 3}}y_{Ai}^2} \right)\mathop {{y_{Ai}}}\limits^ \cdot - k{w^{ - 3}}{x_{Ai}}{y_{Ai}}\mathop {{x_{Ai}}}\limits^ \cdot } \right)\cos {\varphi _i} \;-\\ \left( {\mathop {\widetilde {{x_i}}}\limits^{ \cdot \cdot } + k\left( {{w^{ - 1}} - {w^{ - 3}}x_{Ai}^2} \right)\mathop {{x_{Ai}}}\limits^ \cdot - k{w^{ - 3}}{x_{Ai}}{y_{Ai}}\mathop {{y_{Ai}}}\limits^ \cdot } \right)\sin {\varphi _i}\text{。}\quad\ \ \end{array}$ (17)


$\widehat {{\tau _{ri}}} = \widehat {{h_i}}/\widehat {{b_i}}\text{。}$ (18)

式中: ${h_i},{b_i}$ 的表达式为

${b_i} = {m_{22}}{u_{ui}} - {m_{11}}{u_i}\text{,}$ (19)
$\begin{split}{l}{h_i} = {b_i}\left( {\left( {{m_{22}} - {m_{11}}} \right){u_i}{v_i} + {d_{33}}{r_i} - {\tau _3}} \right) - \\ {m_{33}}\left( {2{\lambda _{2i}}{m_{22}}\mathop {{v_{xi}}}\limits^ \cdot + \lambda _{2i}^2{m_{22}}{v_{xi}}} \right) +\\ {m_{33}}\left( {{m_{11}}\mathop {{u_i}}\limits^ \cdot {r_i} + {d_{22}}\mathop {{v_i}}\limits^ \cdot + {m_{22}}{v_{0i}} + \mathop {{\tau _2}}\limits^ \cdot } \right)\text{。}\end{split}$ (20)


${\tau _{ri}} = \left[ {\widehat {{h_i}} - {k_2}sat\left( {{S_{2i}}/{\varPhi _2}} \right)} \right]/\widehat {{b_i}}\text{。}$ (21)

式中: ${\varPhi _2}$ 为边界层厚度。

定义 ${\rm Lyapunov}$ 函数

${V_2} = \frac{1}{2}{m_{22}}{m_{33}}S_{2i}^2\text{,}$

${V_2}$ 对时间求导可得:

$\begin{array}{l}\mathop {{V_2}}\limits^ \cdot = {m_{22}}{m_{33}}{S_{2i}}\mathop {{S_{2i}}}\limits^ \cdot \left[ {\frac{{{b_i}{\tau _{ri}} - {h_i}}}{{{m_{22}}{m_{33}}}}} \right] = \\{S_{2i}}\left[ {\left( {{b_i}\widehat {b_i^{ - 1}} - 1} \right)\widehat {{h_i}} + \left( {\widehat {{h_i}} - {h_i}} \right) - {b_i}\widehat {b_i^{ - 1}}{k_2}sat\left( {{S_{2i}}/{\varPhi _2}} \right)} \right]\text{,}\end{array}$

如将 ${k_2}$ 选择为

${k_2} = \gamma \left( {{H_i} + \widehat {{m_{22}}}\widehat {{m_{33}}}{\eta _2}} \right) + \left( {\gamma - 1} \right)\left| {\widehat {{h_i}}} \right|\text{,}$

式中 ${\eta _2} > 0$ ,则

$\mathop {{V_2}}\limits^ \cdot = {m_{22}}{m_{33}}{S_{2i}}\mathop {{S_{2i}}}\limits^ \cdot \text{≤} - \widehat {{m_{22}}}\widehat {{m_{33}}}{\eta _{2i}}\left| {{S_{2i}}} \right|\text{。}$
3 仿真验证


${m_{11}} = 1.956$ ${m_{22}} = 2.405$ ${m_{33}} = 0.043$ ${d_{11}} = 2.436$ ${d_{22}} = 12.992$ ${d_{33}} = 0.056 4$

考虑由7个二维空间内的无人艇组成系统。其中无人艇4~7为领导者,无人艇1~3为跟随者。设领导者的动态为 ${x_4}\left( t \right) = \left[ {t,\sin \left( {t/3} \right)} \right]$ ${x_5}\left( t \right) = \left[ {t - 2.5,\sin \left( {t/3} \right)} \right]$ ${x_6}\left( t \right) = \left[ {t - 2.5,\sin \left( {t/3} \right) - 2.5} \right]$ ${x_7}\left( t \right) = \left[ {t,\sin \left( {t/3} \right) - 2.5} \right]$ 。跟随者的初始条件: ${x_1} = - 3m$ ${y_1} = - 2m$ ${\varphi _1} = 0$ ${u_1} = {v_1} = {r_1} = 0$ ${x_2} = - 6m$ ${y_2} = 2m$ ${\varphi _2} = 0$ ${u_2} = {v_2} = {r_2} = 0$ ${x_3} = - 4m$ ${y_3} = - 4m$ ${\varphi _3} = 0$ ${u_3} = {v_3} = {r_3} = 0$ 。控制参数选为 ${\lambda _1} = 0.5$ ${\lambda _2} = 0.8$ ${\eta _1} = 0.001$ ${\eta _2} = 0.1$ $\alpha = 1$ $\beta = 5$ ${\varPhi _1} = {\varPhi _2} = 0.2$ $C = 0.1$ $k = 2$ 。无人艇之间的通信拓扑如图3所示。仿真结果如图4所示。从图4中可以看出跟随者1~3进入了由领导者4~7组成的长方形中。其中圆圈代表领导者,小正方形代表跟随者。

图 3 无人艇1~7之间的通信拓扑 Fig. 3 ASV 1~7 communication topology

图 4 无人艇1~3跟踪领导者4~7运动轨迹 Fig. 4 ASV 1~3 tracking leader 4~7 motion trajectory
4 结 语


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