舰船科学技术  2017, Vol. 39 Issue (6): 142-145   PDF    
王贤明, 何露, 胡丽, 郑成, 曹一    
中国船舶重工集团公司 第七二二研究所,湖北 武汉 430205
摘要: 提出一种由补偿式的二阶带通滤波器电压磁链观测模型,基于该补偿电压模型,构成新的磁链估计器。为了解决磁链观测器多平衡状态的问题,提出以提高磁链估计精度的方法、对不同类型感应电动机磁通观测器的控制技术进行研究。对传统的模型参考自适应速度估计方法进行改进,基于补偿式二阶带通滤波器电压磁链观测模式作为参考模型,速度估计的精度提高。同时对基于新型磁链观测器的无速度传感器感应电机控制技术进行研究,然后通过仿真验证。
关键词: 感应电机     磁链观测     控制技术     无速度估计    
Research on the different kinds of speed sensorless induction machine flux observer control technology
WANG Xian-ming, HE Lu, HU Li, ZHENG Cheng, CAO Yi    
The 722 Research Institute of CSIC, Wuhan 430205, China
Abstract: A compensated voltage model is proposed in this paper, which consists of a second order band pass filter and its compensator. Based on this compensated voltage model, a new flux estimator is constructed. To solve this multiple equilibrium states problem, a method to improve the flux estimator is proposed and the different kinds of induction motor flux observer control technology are studied. The traditional model reference adaptive speed estimation method is modified and using the band pass filter compensated voltage model proposed in this paper as the reference model. The precision of speed estimation is improved. On the basis of this modified model reference adaptive speed estimation method, a speed sensorless induction machine vector control strategy is proposed and then validated through simulation.
Key words: induction motor     flux estimation     control technology     speed-sensorless    
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1 感应电机速度观测模型


1.1 静止ABC轴系速度观测模型


${\psi _s} = {L_s}{i_s} + {L_m}{i_r}\text{,}$ (1)
${\psi _r} = {L_m}{i_s} + {L_r}{i_r}\text{,}$ (2)
${u_s} = {R_s}{i_s} + d{\psi _s}/dt\text{,}$ (3)
$0 = {R_r}{i_r} + d{\psi _r}/dt - j{\omega _r}{\psi _r}\text{。}$ (4)



${i_r} = \frac{1}{{{L_r}}}({\psi _r} - {L_m}{i_s})\text{,}$ (5)


${\omega _r} = \frac{{\frac{{d{\psi _r}}}{{dt}} + \frac{1}{{{T_r}}}{\psi _r} - \frac{{{L_m}}}{{{T_r}}}{i_s}}}{{j{\psi _r}}}\text{,}$ (6)



${\psi _r} = \frac{{{L_r}}}{{{L_m}}}({\psi _s} - L_s'{i_s})\text{,}$ (7)

式中 $L_s' = {L_s} - L_m^2/{L_r}$ ${T_r} = {L_r}/{R_r}$


${\psi _s} = \int {({u_s} - {R_s}{i_s}){\rm d}t} \text{,}$ (8)


$\begin{array}{l}\displaystyle\frac{{{\rm d}{\psi _r}}}{{{\rm{d}}t}} \!=\! \displaystyle\frac{{{L_r}}}{{{L_m}}}(\frac{{{\rm d}{\psi _s}}}{{{\rm{d}}t}} - L_s'\frac{{{\rm d}{i_s}}}{{{\rm{d}}t}}) \!=\! \displaystyle\frac{{{L_r}}}{{{L_m}}}({u_s} - {R_s}{i_s} - L_s'\frac{{{\rm d}{i_s}}}{{{\rm{d}}t}})\text{,}\end{array}$ (9)

${\psi _r} = {\psi _{r\alpha }} + j{\psi _{r\beta }}$ ${\psi _s} = {\psi _{s\alpha }} + j{\psi _{s\beta }}$ ${i_s} = {i_{s\alpha }} + j{i_{s\beta }}$ 代入式(9)得

${\omega _r} = \displaystyle\frac{{ - \displaystyle\frac{{{\rm d}{\psi _{r\alpha }}}}{{{\rm d}t}} - \displaystyle\frac{1}{{{T_r}}}{\psi _{r\alpha }} + \displaystyle\frac{{{L_m}}}{{{T_r}}}{i_{s\alpha }}}}{{{\psi _{r\beta }}}}\text{。}$ (10)
1.2 定子磁链旋转坐标系速度观测模型


${u_s} - {R_s}{i_s} - L_s'\frac{{{\rm d}{i_s}}}{{{\rm{d}}t}} - \frac{{L_m^2{R_r}}}{{L_r^2}}{i_s} = - \frac{{{R_r}}}{{{L_r}}}({\psi _s} - L_s'{i_s}) + j{\omega _r}({\psi _s} - L_s'{i_s})\text{,}$ (11)


${u_s} \!-\! ({R_s} + \frac{{{L_s}{R_r}}}{{{L_r}}}){i_s} \!-\! L_s'\frac{{{\rm d}{i_s}}}{{{\rm{d}}t}} \!=\! - \frac{{{R_r}}}{{{L_r}}}{\psi _s} + j{\omega _r}({\psi _s} - L_s'{i_s})\text{。}$ (12)


$\begin{aligned}[{u_s} - ({R_s} + \frac{{{L_s}{R_r}}}{{{L_r}}}){i_s} - L_s'\frac{{d{i_s}}}{{dt}}]{e^{ - j{\rho _s}}}\ = \\- \frac{{{R_r}}}{{{L_r}}}\left| {{\psi _s}} \right| + j{\omega _r}(\left| {{\psi _s}} \right| - L_s'i_s^M)\text{,}\end{aligned}$ (13)


$\left\{ \begin{array}{l}{u_M} = - \displaystyle\frac{{{R_r}}}{{{L_r}}}\left| {{\psi _s}} \right| + {\omega _r}L_s'{i_{sT}}\text{,}\\[8pt]{u_T} = {\omega _r}(\left| {{\psi _s}} \right| - L_s'{i_{sM}})\text{。}\end{array} \right.$ (14)
2 感应电机磁链观测器模型2.1 转子磁链观测器电流模型


$\left\{ \begin{array}{l} - {\omega _r}{\psi _{r\beta }} = \displaystyle\frac{{d{\psi _{r\alpha }}}}{{{\rm{d}}t}} + \displaystyle\frac{1}{{{T_r}}}{\psi _{r\alpha }} - \displaystyle\frac{{{L_m}}}{{{T_r}}}{i_{s\alpha }}\text{,}\\[8pt]{\omega _r}{\psi _{r\alpha }} = \displaystyle\frac{{d{\psi _{r\beta }}}}{{{\rm{d}}t}} + \displaystyle\frac{1}{{{T_r}}}{\psi _{r\beta }} - \displaystyle\frac{{{L_m}}}{{{T_r}}}{i_{s\beta }}\text{;}\end{array} \right.$ (15)
$\left\{ \begin{array}{l}\displaystyle\frac{{d{\psi _{r\alpha }}}}{{{\rm{d}}t}} = \displaystyle\frac{{{L_m}}}{{{T_r}}}{i_{s\alpha }} - \displaystyle\frac{1}{{{T_r}}}{\psi _{r\alpha }} - {\omega _r}{\psi _{r\beta }}\text{,}\\[8pt]\displaystyle\frac{{d{\psi _{r\beta }}}}{{{\rm{d}}t}} = \displaystyle\frac{{{L_m}}}{{{T_r}}}{i_{s\beta }} - \displaystyle\frac{1}{{{T_r}}}{\psi _{r\beta }} + {\omega _r}{\psi _{r\alpha }}\text{;}\end{array} \right.$ (16)
$\left\{ \begin{array}{l}\displaystyle\frac{{{T_r}}}{{{L_m}}}\frac{{d{\psi _{r\alpha }}}}{{{\rm{d}}t}} = {i_{s\alpha }} - \displaystyle\frac{1}{{{L_m}}}{\psi _{r\alpha }} - {\omega _r}\displaystyle\frac{{{T_r}}}{{{L_m}}}{\psi _{r\beta }}\text{,}\\[8pt]\displaystyle\frac{{{T_r}}}{{{L_m}}}\displaystyle\frac{{d{\psi _{r\beta }}}}{{{\rm{d}}t}} = {i_{s\beta }} - \displaystyle\frac{1}{{{L_m}}}{\psi _{r\beta }} + {\omega _r}\displaystyle\frac{{{T_r}}}{{{L_m}}}{\psi _{r\alpha }}\text{。}\end{array} \right.$ (17)


图 1 转子磁链观测器电流模型原理框图 Fig. 1 Current model principle block diagram of rotor flux estimator
2.2 转子磁链观测器电压模型


${u_s} = {R_s}{i_s} + {\rm d}{\psi _s}/{\rm{d}}t\text{,}$ (18)


${\psi _s} = \int {({u_s} - {R_s}{i_s}} ){\rm{d}}t\text{。}$ (19)


2.3 转子磁链观测器改进电压模型

改进型电压模型先通过S/(S+λHωsTs)滤波器、再通过1/(S+λLωsTs)滤波器,最后对幅值及相位进行补偿,原理框图如图 2 所示,系数λH=0.1、λL=0.2。仿真波形如图3(a)图3(b)所示,图3(c)是幅值及相位补偿前后定子磁链仿真对比波形、电压模型与电流模型转子磁链仿真对比波形。基于这种改进型方法需要对幅值及相位进行补偿,观测的磁链波形比较准确。

图 2 转子磁链观测器改进电压模型 Fig. 2 The improved voltage model of rotor flux estimator

图 3 转子磁链观测器改进电压模型仿真波形 Fig. 3 The improved voltage model simulation waveform of rotor flux estimator
3 无速度传感器感应电机闭环控制系统

上面2种对速度观测是采用公式推导,即开环方式,且电角频率表达式中存在微分项,在离散化求解过程中会产生较大毛刺,计算结果会不太准确。下面采用模型参考自适应系统(Model Reference Adaptive System,MRAS),即一种闭环方式,这种模型主要包含参考模型、可调模型及自适应机构3部分。参考模型通常采用电压模型观测出电机转子磁链,可调模型通常采用电流模型观测出电机转子磁链,自适应机构采用电压、电流模型计算的磁链值交叉相乘,将这个交叉相乘的结果经过PI控制器,PI控制器的输出作为电角频率值,并将这个计算的电角频率值送入电流模型进行实时修正,使电压模型与电流模型观测的转子磁链完全吻合,这样实现了电角频率的实时观测。图4为模型参考自适应系统原理框图。

图 4 模型参考自适应系统原理框图 Fig. 4 The principle diagram of model reference adaptive system


图5为采用间接磁场定向闭环控制,角速度ωr还是根据速度编码器检测的值代入计算,基于参考自适应模型进行角速度ωr_cal观测,但不参于闭环控制。图6为采用间接磁场定向闭环控制,基于参考自适应模型进行角频率ωr_cal观测并参于闭环控制。采用速度PI外环,电流内环控制,速度参考值为300 r/min,从仿真波形可以看出,观测的电角频率值与实际值接近。

图 5 参考自适应模型磁链及转速观测仿真波形 Fig. 5 Model reference adaptive flux observer and speed observation simulation waveform

图 6 间接磁场定向闭环控制——参考自适应模型闭环控制仿真波形 Fig. 6 The indirect field-oriented control - model reference adaptive closed-loop control simulation waveform
4 结 语


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