舰船科学技术  2017, Vol. 39 Issue (6): 94-97   PDF    
曹雨露1, 杨晓刚2, 张拓1    
1. 大连测控技术研究所,辽宁 大连 116013;
2. 中国舰船研究院,北京 100192
摘要: 浅海混响以海底混响为主。本文选取对浅海近程海底混响贡献较大的声线采用射线声学理论,数值计算浅海3种典型声速分布下的海底混响时域信号和混响强度,分析声速分布、脉冲宽度及负跃层声速条件下声源深度对海底混响衰减的影响。计算结果表明:浅海近程混响强度随着时间振荡衰减,不同声速、不同声源深度下混响强度具有相似的衰减特性,但振荡衰减的“波峰”和“波谷”会随着声速分布、声源深度变化而变化。
关键词: 海底混响     近程     负跃层    
Numerical compute about near distance bottom reverberation of typical sound speed profiles in shallow sea
CAO Yu-lu1, YANG Xiao-gang2, ZHANG Tuo1    
1. Dalian Scientific Test and Control Technology Institute, Dalian 116013, China;
2. China Ship Research and Development Academy, Beijing 100192, China
Abstract: Bottom reverberation was dominating in shallow sea. Time signal and intensity of bottom reverberation was numerically computed for three typical sound speed profiles which selected dominating sound rays based on ray acoustic theory in shallow sea. Influence of sound speed profiles and pulse width and sound source depth of thermocline sound speed profile to bottom reverberation intensity attenuation was analyzed. The results showed that the intensity of bottom reverberation in shallow sea fluctuantly minish with time, the intensity attenuation character of bottom reverberation in different source depth is similar, and wave crest and trough of attenuation change with sound speed profiles and sound source depth.
Key words: bottom reverberation     near distance     thermocline    
0 引 言



1 浅海近程海底混响强度序列计算


图 1 浅海近程海底界面散射示意图 Fig. 1 The sketch of short range bottom scatter in shallow water

假定声速(折射率)不随水平方向变化,仅是海水深度的函数;在计算距离范围内,海底平整,即给定某一时刻对海底混响有贡献的有效散射面形成的是一个规则的圆环;声源和接收器的位置静止不变。在分层介质条件下,对于给定声速分布函数 $c(z)$ ,若点声源位于 $(0,{z_0})$ 处,声速为c0,初始掠射角为θ0,接收器位于 $(0,{z_r})$ 处,则上述重要声线的声程和传播时间可由射线声学计算。贡献较大的声线声程和传播时间计算如下。


${r_1} = \int_{{z_0}}^{{z_b}} {\frac{{\cos {\theta _0}{\rm d}z}}{{\sqrt {n_0^2(z) - {{\cos }^2}{\theta _0}} }}} + \int_{{z_b}}^{{z_r}} {\frac{{\cos {\theta _{bs}}{\rm d}z}}{{\sqrt {n_b^2(z) - {{\cos }^2}{\theta _{bs}}} }}} {\text{,}}$ (1)
${t_1}\! \!=\! \!\frac{1}{{{c_0}}}\int_{{z_0}}^{{z_b}} \!{\frac{{n_0^2(z){\rm d}z}}{{\sqrt {n_0^2(z) - {{\cos }^2}{\theta _0}} }}} \!\!+\!\! \frac{1}{{{c_b}}}\int_{{z_b}}^{{z_r}} \!\!{\frac{{n_b^2(z){\rm d}z}}{{\sqrt {n_b^2(z) - {{\cos }^2}{\theta _{bs}}} }}} {\text{。}}\!\!$ (2)


$\begin{split}{r_2} = & \int_{{z_0}}^{{z_s}} {\frac{{\cos {\theta _0}{\rm d}z}}{{\sqrt {n_0^2(z) - {{\cos }^2}{\theta _0}} }}} + \int_{{z_s}}^{{z_b}} {\frac{{\cos {\theta _s}{\rm d}z}}{{\sqrt {n_s^2(z) - {{\cos }^2}{\theta _s}} }}} + \\& \int_{{z_b}}^{{z_r}} {\frac{{\cos {\theta _{bs}}{\rm d}z}}{{\sqrt {n_b^2(z) - {{\cos }^2}{\theta _{bs}}} }}} {\text{,}}\end{split}$ (3)
$\begin{split}{t_2} \!=\! & \frac{1}{{{c_0}}}\int_{{z_0}}^{{z_s}} {\frac{{n_0^2(z){\rm d}z}}{{\sqrt {n_0^2(z) - {{\cos }^2}{\theta _0}} }}} \!+\! \frac{1}{{{c_s}}}\int_{{z_s}}^{{z_b}} \!\!{\frac{{n_s^2(z){\rm d}z}}{{\sqrt {n_s^2(z) - {{\cos }^2}{\theta _s}} }}} + \\& \frac{1}{{{c_b}}}\int_{{z_b}}^{{z_r}} {\frac{{n_b^2(z){\rm d}z}}{{\sqrt {n_b^2(z) - {{\cos }^2}{\theta _{bs}}} }}} {\text{。}}\end{split}$ (4)


$\begin{split}& {r_3} = \int_{{z_0}}^{{z_b}} {\frac{{\cos {\theta _0}{\rm d}z}}{{\sqrt {n_0^2(z) - {{\cos }^2}{\theta _0}} }}} + \int_{{z_b}}^{{z_s}} {\frac{{\cos {\theta _b}{\rm d}z}}{{\sqrt {n_b^2(z) - {{\cos }^2}{\theta _b}} }}} + \\& \int_{{z_s}}^{{z_r}} {\frac{{\cos {\theta _{ss}}{\rm d}z}}{{\sqrt {n_s^2(z) - {{\cos }^2}{\theta _{ss}}} }}} {\text{,}}\end{split}$ (5)
$\begin{split}{t_3} \!=\! & \frac{1}{{{c_0}}}\int_{{z_0}}^{{z_b}} {\frac{{n_0^2(z){\rm d}z}}{{\sqrt {n_0^2(z) \!-\! {{\cos }^2}{\theta _0}} }}} \!+\! \frac{1}{{{c_b}}}\int_{{z_b}}^{{z_s}} \!{\frac{{n_b^2(z){\rm d}z}}{{\sqrt {n_b^2(z) - {{\cos }^2}{\theta _b}} }}} + \\& \frac{1}{{{c_s}}}\int_{{z_s}}^{{z_r}} {\frac{{n_s^2(z){\rm d}z}}{{\sqrt {n_s^2(z) - {{\cos }^2}{\theta _{ss}}} }}} {\text{。}}\end{split}$ (6)


$\begin{split}{r_4} = & \int_{{z_0}}^{{z_s}} {\frac{{\cos {\theta _0}{\rm d}z}}{{\sqrt {n_0^2(z) - {{\cos }^2}{\theta _0}} }}} + \int_{{z_s}}^{{z_b}} {\frac{{\cos {\theta _{s1}}{\rm d}z}}{{\sqrt {n_s^2(z) - {{\cos }^2}{\theta _{s1}}} }}} + \\& \int_{{z_b}}^{{z_s}} {\frac{{\cos {\theta _{b1}}{\rm d}z}}{{\sqrt {n_b^2(z) - {{\cos }^2}{\theta _{b1}}} }} + \int_{{z_s}}^{{z_b}} {\frac{{\cos {\theta _{s2}}{\rm d}z}}{{\sqrt {n_s^2(z) - {{\cos }^2}{\theta _{s2}}} }}} + } \\& \int_{{z_b}}^{{z_r}} {\frac{{\cos {\theta _{bs}}{\rm d}z}}{{\sqrt {n_b^2(z) - {{\cos }^2}{\theta _{bs}}} }}} {\text{,}}\end{split}$ (7)
$\begin{split}{t_4} \!=\! & \frac{1}{{{c_0}}}\int_{{z_0}}^{{z_s}} \!\!{\frac{{n_0^2(z){\rm d}z}}{{\sqrt {n_0^2(z) - {{\cos }^2}{\theta _0}} }}} \!+\! \frac{1}{{{c_s}}}\!\!\int_{{z_s}}^{{z_b}} \!\!\!{\frac{{n_s^2(z){\rm d}z}}{{\sqrt {n_s^2(z) - {{\cos }^2}{\theta _{s1}}} }}} + \\& \frac{1}{{{c_b}}}\int_{{z_b}}^{{z_s}} \!\!{\frac{{n_b^2(z){\rm d}z}}{{\sqrt {n_b^2(z) - {{\cos }^2}{\theta _b}} }} \!+\!\! \frac{1}{{{c_s}}}\int_{{z_s}}^{{z_b}} \!\!{\frac{{n_s^2(z){\rm d}z}}{{\sqrt {n_s^2(z) - {{\cos }^2}{\theta _{s2}}} }}} \!+ } \\& \frac{1}{{{c_b}}}\int_{{z_b}}^{{z_r}} {\frac{{n_b^2(z){\rm d}z}}{{\sqrt {n_b^2(z) - {{\cos }^2}{\theta _{bs}}} }}} {\text{。}}\end{split}$ (8)


$\begin{split}{r_5} = & \int_{{z_0}}^{{z_b}} {\frac{{\cos {\theta _0}{\rm d}z}}{{\sqrt {n_0^2(z) - {{\cos }^2}{\theta _0}} }}} + \int_{{z_b}}^{{z_s}} {\frac{{\cos {\theta _{b1}}{\rm d}z}}{{\sqrt {n_b^2(z) - {{\cos }^2}{\theta _{b1}}} }}} + \\& \int_{{z_s}}^{{z_b}} {\frac{{\cos {\theta _s}{\rm d}z}}{{\sqrt {n_b^2(z) - {{\cos }^2}{\theta _s}} }} + \int_{{z_b}}^{{z_r}} {\frac{{\cos {\theta _{bs}}{\rm d}z}}{{\sqrt {n_b^2(z) - {{\cos }^2}{\theta _{bs}}} }}} } {\text{,}}\end{split}$ (9)
$\begin{split}{t_5} \!= & \!\frac{1}{{{c_0}}}\!\! \int_{{z_0}}^{{z_b}} \!\!\!{\frac{{n_0^2(z){\rm d}z}}{{\sqrt {n_0^2(z) - {{\cos }^2}{\theta _0}} }}} \!\!+ \!\!\frac{1}{{{c_b}}}\int_{{z_b}}^{{z_s}} \!\!\!{\frac{{n_b^2(z){\rm d}z}}{{\sqrt {n_b^2(z) - {{\cos }^2}{\theta _{b1}}} }}} + \\& \!\! \frac{1}{{{c_s}}}\!\! \int_{{z_s}}^{{z_b}} \!\!{\frac{{n_s^2(z){\rm d}z}}{{\sqrt {n_s^2(z) - {{\cos }^2}{\theta _s}} }} \!\!\!+\! \!\!\frac{1}{{{c_b}}}\int_{{z_s}}^{{z_r}} \!\!{\frac{{n_b^2(z){\rm d}z}}{{\sqrt {n_b^2(z) - {{\cos }^2}{\theta _{bs}}} }}} }{\text{。}} \!\!\end{split}$ (10)

式中: $n(z)$ 为折射率;c0cscb分别为声源,海面和海底处的声速;θsθb为海面和海底掠射角;θssθbs为海面和海底散射角。


$r(t) = S(t) \times I(t){\text{,}}$ (11)
$\begin{split}I(t) & = I\left( {b\left( {\theta ,\varphi } \right),{V_s}\left( {{\theta _s}} \right),{V_b}\left( {{\theta _b}} \right),} \right. \ \left. {{S_b}\left( {{\theta _{bs}}} \right),{S_s}\left( {{\theta _{ss}}} \right),r,\tau } \right)=\\& \int\limits_S {\frac{{{I_0}}}{{r_{ss}^2r_{sr}^2}}\prod\limits_i {{V_{si}}\left( {{\theta _{si}}} \right)\prod\limits_j {{V_{bj}}\left( {{\theta _{bj}}} \right)} } {S_b}\left( {{\theta _{bs}}} \right)} \times \\ & \quad {S_s}\left( {{\theta _{ss}}} \right){b^2}\left( {\theta ,\varphi } \right)dA\left( {r,\tau } \right){\text{。}}\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad \quad \end{split}$ (12)

式中: $I(t)$ 为界面混响序列; $S(t)$ 为发射信号;rssrsr为声源至散射源和散射源至接收器之间的距离; ${V_s}\left( {{\theta _s}} \right)$ ${V_b}\left( {{\theta _b}} \right)$ 为海面和海底反射系数; ${S_s}\left( {{\theta _{ss}}} \right)$ ${S_b}\left( {{\theta _{bs}}} \right)$ 为海面和海底散射系数;τ为界面散射时延; $b\left( {\theta ,\varphi } \right)$ 为声源的指向性函数。海面平均反射系数为:

${V_s}\left( {{\theta _s}} \right) = 1 - 0.45 \cdot {(f \cdot {H_{{\text{平均}}}})^{3/2}} \cdot \cos {\theta _s}{\text{,}}$ (13)


海底反射系数 ${V_b}\left( {{\theta _b}} \right)$ 与掠射角θb之间的关系利用海底三参数模型表示,即

$- \ln \left| {{V_b}({\theta _b})} \right| =\!\! \left\{\!\!\!\!\!\! {\begin{array}{*{20}{c}}{\begin{array}{*{20}{l}}{\!\!Q \cdot {\theta _b}},\\{\! - \ln \left| {{V_{b0}}} \right| = const},\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\end{array}} & {\begin{array}{*{20}{c}}{0 < {\theta _b} < {\theta ^*}},\\{{\theta ^*} < {\theta _b} < \displaystyle\frac{\uppi }{2}}\text{。}\end{array}}\end{array}} \right.$ (14)



${S_b}\left( {{\theta _{bs}}} \right) = \mu + 10\log \sin \theta \sin {\theta _{bs}}{\text{。}}$ (15)


图 2 浅海近程海底混响时域信号仿真流程图 Fig. 2 The sketch of short range bottom reverberation in shallow water
2 浅海近程混响时域波形和混响强度仿真

根据上述浅海近程海底混响计算方法和混响时域信号仿真流程,下面给出了浅海典型声速条件下近程混响算例。海深63 m,海水密度为1.03 g/cm3,海底介质密度1.8 g/cm3,海底声速取1 700 m/s,海底散射系数μ取–27 dB,声源长4.8 m,信号为3.0 kHz CW信号,脉宽50 ms,接收水听器深度水下25 m。图3给出了中浅海负跃层声速条件下指向性声源和接收器位于水下25 m时海底混响的时域信号;图4图5给出了浅海3种典型声速分布下声源位于水下25 m时近程海底混响;图6给出了浅海负跃层声速条件下声源中心分别位于负跃层上方、内部、下方时近程海底混响,图7给出了浅海负跃层声速条件下脉宽50 ms和100 ms CW信号的近程海底混响。

图 3 声源和接收位于负跃层时浅海近程海底混响时域信号 Fig. 3 Near distance bottom reverberation time signal when source and receiver in thermocline

图 4 浅海典型声速分布 Fig. 4 Typical sound speed profiles in shallow sea

图 5 浅海不同声速条件下近程海底混响对比 Fig. 5 Contrast of near distance bottom reverberation between different sound speed profiles in shallow sea

图 6 浅海负跃层声源不同深度近程海底混响对比 Fig. 6 Contrast of near distance bottom reverberation between different source depth in shallow thermocline sea

图 7 浅海负跃层不同脉宽信号近程海底混响对比 Fig. 7 Contrast of near distance bottom reverberation between different pulse width in shallow thermocline sea



3 结 语


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