舰船科学技术  2016, Vol. 38 Issue (11): 34-38   PDF    
袁书生, 曾亮, 邹强     
海军航空工程学院 飞行器工程系, 山东 烟台 264001
摘要: 采用低速气流运动控制方程组和湍流大涡模拟方法,研究迎面来风条件下、烟囱热排烟对舰船甲板风下洗气流的影响,得到舰船飞行甲板上空下洗与航向、横向速度随时间的变化。较无热烟气排出,热排烟使飞行甲板上方的下洗速度时均值减小,其脉动幅度增加;飞行甲板上距离机库门相同的位置上,越靠近首尾对称面,热排烟对下洗速度的影响越大;越靠近舰尾区域,热排烟对飞行甲板风下洗速度的影响越小。
关键词: 水面舰船     大涡模拟     热排烟     甲板风    
Large eddy simulation to the effect of smoke from power device to downwash of wind over flight deck of warship
YUAN Shu-sheng, ZENG Liang, ZOU Qiang     
Naval Aeronautical and Astronautical University, Yantai 264001, China
Abstract: The control equations of air flow with lower Mach number and the large eddy simulation method of turbulent flows are used to study the effect of the heat smoke from the power device on the downwash of the wind over deck of warship under the condition of the head-on wind. The variety process of three components of velocity of air motion with time is conducted at some positions in the upper space over the flight deck. To compare without the heat smoke the heat smoke depresses the time-averaged downwash speed and advance the pulse downwash speed at the position over the flight deck. At the positions over the flight deck with the same distance to the door of garage the more near to the bow-stern plane the effect of the heat smoke on the downwash flow is more distinct. The closer the position is to the stern the less the effect of the heat smoke on downwash is.
Key words: warship     large eddy simulation     effect of smoke from power device     wind over deck    
0 引言




1 大涡模拟控制方程组



$\bar{p}\left( x,t \right)={{\bar{p}}_{0}}\left( z \right)+\tilde{p}\left( x,t \right)$ (1)


$ {T_0}\left( z \right) = {T_a} + \varGamma z\text{,} $ (2)
$ \frac{{{\rho _0}\left( z \right)}}{{{\rho _\infty }}} = \exp \left( { - \frac{g}{{R{T_0}}}z} \right)\text{,} $ (3)
$ {\bar p_0} = {\rho _0}R{T_0}\text{。} $ (4)



$ \frac{{\partial \bar \rho }}{{\partial t}} + \nabla \cdot \bar \rho \tilde {\boldsymbol{u}} = 0 \text{,}$ (5)
$ \bar \rho \left( {\frac{{\partial \tilde {\boldsymbol{u}}}}{{\partial {\boldsymbol{t}}}} + (\tilde {\boldsymbol{u}} \cdot \nabla \tilde {\boldsymbol{u}})} \right) + \nabla \bar p = \bar \rho {\boldsymbol{g}} + \nabla \cdot {\bar {\boldsymbol{\tau}} _l} + \nabla \cdot {\boldsymbol{\tau}} \text{,} $ (6)
$ \begin{aligned} \displaystyle\frac{\partial }{{\partial t}}(\bar \rho {C_p}\tilde T) \!+\! \nabla \! \cdot\! (\bar \rho \tilde {\boldsymbol{u}}{C_p}\tilde T)\! =\! \frac{{{\rm D}\bar p}}{{{\rm D}t}} \!+\! \nabla \cdot (\lambda \nabla \tilde T) \!+\! \nabla \cdot {\boldsymbol{q}}\text{。} \end{aligned} $ (7)


$ P = \frac{{{{\left| {\tilde {\boldsymbol{u}}} \right|}^2}}}{2} + \frac{{\tilde p}}{{\bar \rho }}\text{,} $ (8)
$ \begin{array}{l} \displaystyle\frac{{\partial \tilde {\boldsymbol{u}}}}{{\partial t}} = \tilde {\boldsymbol{u}} \times \tilde {\boldsymbol{\omega}} + \frac{1}{{\bar \rho }}[(\bar \rho - {\rho _0}){\rm{g}} + \nabla \cdot {\boldsymbol{\tau}} ] + \\[8pt] \quad \quad \tilde p\nabla \left( {\frac{1}{{\bar \rho }}} \right) - \nabla P\text{,} \end{array} $ (9)
$ \begin{array}{l} \displaystyle\nabla \cdot \tilde {\boldsymbol{u}} = \frac{1}{{\bar \rho {C_p}\tilde T}}\left[ {\nabla \cdot (\frac{{{\mu _T}{C_p}}}{{Pr}}\nabla \tilde T) - \tilde {\boldsymbol{u}} \cdot \nabla \left( {\bar \rho {C_p}\tilde T} \right)} \right] + \\[10pt] \quad \quad \quad \left( {\displaystyle\frac{1}{{{{\bar p}_0}}} - \frac{1}{{\bar \rho {C_p}\tilde T}}} \right)w{\rho _0}g\text{,} \end{array} $ (10)
$ \begin{array}{l} {\nabla ^2}P = - \displaystyle\frac{\partial }{{\partial t}}\left( {\nabla \cdot \tilde {\boldsymbol{u}}} \right) + \nabla \cdot \left\{ {\tilde {\boldsymbol{u}} \times \tilde {\boldsymbol{\omega}} + \frac{1}{{\bar \rho }}[(\bar \rho - {\rho _0}){\rm{g}}} \right. + \\ \quad \left. {\begin{array}{*{20}{c}} {} & {} \end{array}\nabla \cdot {{\bar {\boldsymbol{\tau}} }_l} + \nabla \cdot {\boldsymbol{\tau}} ] + \tilde p\nabla \left( {\displaystyle\frac{1}{{\bar \rho }}} \right)} \right\}\text{,} \end{array} $ (11)



2 模拟对象与工况参数

本文选取图 1所示的计算域,长600.0 m、宽400.0 m、高100.0 m。水面舰船模型位于计算域垂直对称面(y=0)上,舰首距离计算域入口150.0 m。舰船模型选取与美国“朱姆沃尔特”号接近的外形与尺寸,长183.0 m、宽24.0 m,机库后墙距离舰尾47.0 m,飞行甲板距离水面3.0 m。烟囱位于天线罩之后,出口与上层建筑平台平齐,开口形状为正方形,尺寸与上层建筑宽度一致,为4 m,其中心位于首尾线中央,即距离舰首91.5 m。

图 1 计算区域与舰船模型示意图 Fig. 1 The sketch map of simulated region and modeled ship

计算中不考虑海浪的影响,也不考虑舰船的摇摆,假设海面为水平的固体壁面。在计算域入口(x=-100 m),给定风速条件,出口和垂直侧面采用自由边界条件,上表面采用滑移边界条件。在计算域的开口表面上,如果法向速度分量指向域外,则各变量取为自由边界条件,反之各变量则取为外界环境空气的参数。为模拟进口处的扰动,对速度边界条件加上随机噪声,并取随机噪声为均匀分布。计算中不考虑舰体与空气之间的热交换。

在各坐标方向上分别采用均匀网格划分,网格结点数目取为600 × 400 × 100。计算时间取为300.0 s,时间步长由CFL数确定。本文的计算采用大涡模拟软件FDS6.1进行[15, 16],该软件在国外已较多地用于风工程研究中并得到验证[17]。取海面处大气温度为20 ℃,Γ为-0.005 K/m。保持正向来风风向不变,来风速度取为10 m/s。假设排烟为热空气,排烟温度取为180 ℃,速度取为1.0 m/s。

3 结果分析与讨论

图 2为有无排烟条件下,飞行甲板后方某位置处压强的模拟结果,可以看出,t=150 s以后均达到了时均稳定,故时均数据处理的时间间隔为t=150~300 s。

图 2 飞行甲板后方某处的压强 Fig. 2 The calculated pressure of air at the point after the flight deck

图 3给出了有无排烟条件下,飞行甲板首尾对称面上机库门附近某点(x=168 m,y=0,z=15 m)处下洗速度的模拟结果。由图可以看出,热排烟使该点下洗速度时均值略有降低,但是其脉动幅度有所增加。还可看出,有无热排烟,该点下洗速度均呈现出在时均值附近接近均匀脉动的随机变化。

图 3 飞行甲板上方首尾对称面上距离机库较近位置的下洗速度 Fig. 3 The calculated down-wash velocity of air flow at the point over the flight deck closer to the garage and on the ship bow-stern symmetrical plane

图 4给出了有无排烟条件下,飞行甲板首尾对称面上机库门附近某点(x=168 m,y=0,z=15 m)处航向和横向速度的模拟结果。由图可以看出,有无热排烟,该点航向速度变化所有不同,有热排烟时,该点航向速度接近周期性变化,而无热排烟时,则呈现出幅度接近对称的随机变化;有无热排烟,其航向速度的时均值差异不大,有热排烟时脉动幅度大于无热排烟时。对于横向速度,有无热排烟,该点横向速度的脉动值差异不大,有热排烟时略大于无热排烟。

图 4 飞行甲板上方首尾对称面上距离机库较近位置的航向与横向速度 Fig. 4 The calculated course and landscape velocities of air flow at the point over the flight deck closer to the garage and on the ship bow-stern symmetrical plane

图 5给出了有无排烟条件下,飞行甲板左舷附近上方某点(x=168 m,y=-15 m,z=15 m)处下洗速度的模拟结果。由图可以看出,有无热排烟,该点下洗速度差异不大,均呈现出在时均值附近接近均匀脉动的随机变化,只是有热排烟时其脉动幅度略大于无热排烟时。

图 5 飞行甲板上方舷侧附近位置的下洗速度 Fig. 5 The calculated down-wash velocity of air flow at the point over the flight deck closer to the shipboard

图 6给出了有无排烟条件下,飞行甲板左舷附近上方某点(x=168 m,y=-15 m,z=15 m)处航向和横向速度的模拟结果。由图可看出有无热排烟,该点航向速度基本相同,均呈现出在时均值附近幅度接近对称的随机变化,但是有热排烟时其脉动幅度略大于无热排烟时。对于横向速度,有无热排烟,该点横向速度的脉动值差异也不大,也只是有热排烟时略大于无热排烟。对比图 3~图 6还可看出,无论有无热排烟,飞行甲板上方侧舷附近的速度脉动均明显地低于首尾对称面上机库门附近的值。

图 6 飞行甲板上方舷侧附近位置的航向与横向速度 Fig. 6 The calculated course and landscape velocities of air flow at the point over the flight deck closer to the shipboard

图 7给出了有无排烟条件下,飞行甲板首尾对称面上舰尾附近上方某点(x=193 m,y=0,z=20 m)处下洗速度的模拟结果。由图可看出,有无热排烟,该点下洗速度均呈现出在时均值附近接近均匀脉动的随机变化,其时均值基本一致,差异主要表现在其脉动幅度上,有热排烟时其脉动幅度大于无热排烟时。

图 7 飞行甲板上方艏艉对称面上舰尾附近位置的下洗速度 Fig. 7 The calculated down-wash velocity of air flow at the point over the flight deck closer to the stern and on the ship bow-stern symmetrical plane

图 8给出了有无排烟条件下,飞行甲板首尾对称面上舰尾附近上方某点(x=193 m,y=0,z=20 m)处横向速度的模拟结果。由图可看出,有无热排烟,该点航向速度也均呈现出在时均值附近幅度接近对称的随机变化,时均值差异也不大,不过有热排烟时其脉动幅度大于无热排烟时。对于横向速度,有无热排烟,该点横向速度的脉动值差异也不大,也只是有热排烟时略大于无热排烟。对比图 3~图 8还可看出,无论有无热排烟,距机库门距离相同时,靠近首尾对称面区域的速度脉动均大于侧舷福晋区域,在首尾对称面上,飞行甲板上越靠近舰尾,速度脉动越小。

图 8 飞行甲板上方首尾对称面上舰艉附近位置的航向与横向速度 Fig. 8 The calculated course and landscape velocities of air flow at the point over the flight deck closer to the stern and on the ship bow-stern symmetrical plane
4 结语





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