舰船科学技术  2016, Vol. 38 Issue (7): 95-98   PDF    
马亮, 丁浩     
海军潜艇学院, 山东 青岛 266199
摘要: 鱼雷定深运动方程含有诸多的非线性项,用传统的分析方法对其稳定性进行研究有较大难度。运用非线性科学中的分叉理论,选定鱼雷定深运动方程中的某一流体动力系数扰动值为分叉参数,系统地分析在经典比例微分深度控制系统作用下,鱼雷在退化平衡点处的航行稳定性。利用中心流形定理,推导出系统状态变量解析表达式,对系统Hopf分叉进行分析,并进行仿真验证。结果表明,流体动力系数变化使定深航行产生Hopf分叉,并给出了确保鱼雷稳定航行的流体动力参数取值范围。
关键词: 动力系统     分叉     航行稳定性     鱼雷     深度控制    
Bifurcation analysis for depthkeeping sailing stability of torpedo
MA Liang, DING Hao     
Navy Submarine Academy, Qingdao, 266199, China
Abstract: There are several nonlinear elements in the equations of torpedo depthkeeping movements. It is difficult to analyze its stability with traditional methods. A hydrodynamic parameter interference is chosen as bifurcation parameter at first. Then the sailing stability of torpedo with proportional-derivative controller is analyzed by bifurcation theory. The center manifold theory is used to get the expression of system state parameters. And the Hopf bifurcation of system is analyzed. The result is verified by numerical simulations. It shows that the hydrodynamic parameter's changing will bring Hopf bifurcation for depthkeeping sailing. And the range of hydrodynamic parameter value that insures torpedo sailing stability is given.
Key words: dynamic system     bifurcation     sailing stability     torpedo     depth control    
0 引言



1 鱼雷定深运动方程


$ \left\{ {\begin{array}{*{20}{l}} {\dot y = v\sin (\theta -\alpha )}\text{,} \\ {m\dot v = (B-mg)\sin (\theta -\alpha ) + T-D}\text{,} \\ {mv(\dot \theta -\dot \alpha ) = (B-mg)\cos (\theta -\alpha ) + T\alpha + L}\text{,}\\ {{J_z}{{\dot \omega }_{zB}} = N-B({Y_b}\sin \theta -{X_b}\cos \theta )-T{Y_T}\text{,}\quad \;} \\ {\dot \theta = \omega\!\!\!\!\!\!{\quad _{zB}}} \text{;} \end{array}} \right. $ (1)


$ \left\{ {\begin{aligned} & {\dot y = v\sin (\theta -\alpha )}\text{,} \\ & {\dot v = {k_{11}}{v^2} + {k_{14}}\sin (\theta -\alpha ) + {k_{18}}}\text{,}\\ & \dot \alpha \! = 1/v({k_{21}}{v^2}\alpha + {k_{22}}v{\omega _{zB}} + {k_{23}}\alpha +\\ & \quad \quad \!\! {k_{24}}\alpha \sin (\theta -\alpha ) + {k_{25}}\cos (\theta -\alpha )+ \\ & \quad \quad \!\! {k_{26}}\cos \theta + {k_{27}}\sin \theta + {k_{28}} + {k_{29}}{v^2}{\delta _e})\text{,}\\ & {{\dot \omega }_{zB}} = {k_{31}}{v^2}\alpha + {k_{32}}v{\omega _{zB}} + {k_{34}}\alpha \sin (\theta -\alpha )+ \\ & \quad \quad \, \, \, \, {k_{35}}\cos (\theta -\alpha ) + {k_{36}}\cos \theta + \\ & \quad \quad \, \, \, \, {k_{37}}\sin \theta + {k_{38}} + {k_{39}}{v^2}{\delta _e}\text{,}\\ & {\dot \theta = {\omega _{zB}}} \text{。} \end{aligned}} \right. $ (2)

式中:y为鱼雷航深;v为鱼雷速度;αθ和Θ分别为攻角、俯仰角及弹道倾角;${\omega _{zB}}$为俯仰角速度;${\delta _e}$为横舵角;系数kij的定义可参见文献[1],它们包含了鱼雷流体动力参数。方程右端为定深运动参数的非线性函数。鱼雷定深控制器采用如下经典比例微分控制规律[1]

$ {\delta _e} = {k_y}(y-{y_0}) + {k_\theta }(\theta -{\theta _0}) + {\delta _{e0}}\text{。} $ (3)

式中:y0为设定航深;θ0为平衡俯仰角;${\delta _{e0}}$为平衡舵角;kykθ为控制参数。

2 分叉分析

$\tilde x = {[{\tilde x_1}, {\tilde x_2}, {\tilde x_3}, {\tilde x_4}, {\tilde x_5}]^{\rm T}} = {[y, v, \alpha, {\omega _{zB}}, \theta]^{\rm T}}$,由$\dot{\tilde{x}}={{[\dot{y},\dot{v},\dot{\alpha },{{{\dot{\omega }}}_{zB}},\dot{\theta }]}^{\text{T}}}=0$得到系统(2)的平衡态${\tilde x_0} = {[{y_0}, {v_0}, {\alpha _0}, {\omega _{zB}}_0, {\theta _0}]^{\rm T}}$。作变换$x = \tilde x-{\tilde x_0}$,选择鱼雷的升力因数对角速度${\omega _{zB}}$的旋转导数$C_y^{{\omega _z}}$为例进行研究,其试验量测值为$C_{y0}^{{\omega _z}} = 1.17$,设其受到一个扰动$\Delta m$的作用,则$C_y^{{\omega _z}} = C_{y0}^{{\omega _z}} + \Delta m$,将方程(2)改写成状态方程形式:

$ \dot x = G(x, \Delta m)\text{,} $ (4)


$ \dot x = A(\Delta m)x + F(x, \Delta m)\text{,} $ (5)

式中:F(x, ∆m)为系统的高阶项;A(∆m)由下式可得:

$ A(\Delta m) = {\left. {\frac{{\partial {G_i}}}{{\partial {x_j}}}} \right|_{x = 0}}(i, j = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)\text{,} $ (6)

以国外某型鱼雷为例,其总体和流体动力参数见文献[12],设鱼雷以航速30 kn进行定深直航,将以上参数值代入式(4)和式(6)可得:

$ {\boldsymbol{A}} \!=\! \left[\!\! {\begin{array}{*{20}{c}} \! 0 &\! 0 &\! {-15.42} & \!0 & \!{15.42} \\ \! 0 &\! {-0.27} & \!{1.83} &\! 0 & \!{-1.83} \\ \!{-0.02} &\! {-0.01} & \!{-1.37} &\! {0.12-0.25\Delta m} &\! {-0.47} \\ \! {-0.40} & \!{0.01} & \!{11.16} &\! {-7.95 + 0.17\Delta m} & \!{-9.04} \\ \! 0 & \!0 &\! 0 & \!1 &\! 0 \end{array}} \!\!\right]\text{。} $

参考$C_{y0}^{{\omega _z}}$的值,将扰动∆m的取值范围设定为[-5,5],利用非线性系统稳定性理论对A(∆m)的特征根进行分析可知[13]:当-3.40 < ∆m≤5时,其特征值都有负实部,零解渐进稳定;当-5≤∆m < -3.40时,具有正实部的特征值,零解不稳定;当∆m=-3.40时,特征值为λ1, 2, 3, 4, 5=-0.27, -9.02, -1.23i, -0.88, 1.23i,含有1对纯虚根,需用中心流形定理进行研究。

作线性变换y=p-1xp${\left. {A(\Delta m)} \right|_{\Delta m = -3.40}}$所对应的特征向量所构成的矩阵,式(5)可化为:

$ \begin{gathered} \left[{\begin{array}{*{20}{c}} {{{\dot y}_1}} \\ {{{\dot y}_2}} \\ {{{\dot y}_3}} \\ {{{\dot y}_4}} \\ {{{\dot y}_5}} \end{array}} \right] = \left[{\begin{array}{*{20}{c}} {-0.27} & {} & {} & {} & {} \\ {} & {-9.02} & {} & {} & {} \\ {} & {} & {-1.23i} & {} & {} \\ {} & {} & {} & {-0.88} & {} \\ {} & {} & {} & {} & {1.23i} \end{array}} \right]\text{×}\\ \left[{\begin{array}{*{20}{c}} {{y_1}} \\ {{y_2}} \\ {{y_3}} \\ {{y_4}} \\ {{y_5}} \end{array}} \right] + F'\left( {y, \Delta m} \right) \text{,} \quad \quad \quad \quad \quad \\ \end{gathered} $ (7)

式中$F'\left( {y, \Delta m} \right)$为系统的高阶项。根据中心流形定理可将上式化为:

$ \left\{ \begin{gathered} \dot v = \boldsymbol{B}v + \boldsymbol{M}(v, w) \hfill\text{,}\\ \dot w = \boldsymbol{C}w + \boldsymbol{N}(v, w) \hfill \text{。}\\ \end{gathered} \right. $ (8)

式中:B为2 × 2矩阵;C为3 × 3矩阵。它们分别对应A(∆m)的零实部和负实部特征值,可将其表示为:

$ w = h(v), \;h(0) = Dh\;(0) = 0 \text{。} $

${h_i}({y_3}, {y_5}) = {a_i}y_3^2 + {b_i}y_5^2 + {c_i}{y_3}{y_5} + o\, (y_3^3, y_5^3)$(i=1, 2, 3),代入式(8)并比较同阶系数可得:

$ \begin{gathered} {a_{1, 2, 3}} = -0.008-0.006i, 0.013 + 0.009i, - 0.002-0.021i \hfill\text{,} \\ {b_{1, 2, 3}} = -0.008 + 0.006i, 0.013-0.009i, - 0.002 + 0.021i \hfill\text{,} \\ {c_{1, 2, 3}} = -0.064, 0.098, - 0.034\text{。} \hfill \\ \end{gathered} $


$ \begin{aligned} {{\dot y}_3} = & -1.234i{y_3} + (0.037 + 0.054i)y_3^2 + \\ & (0.007 + 0.003i)y_5^2 + (0.023 + 0.114i){y_3}{y_5}\text{,} \\ {{\dot y}_5} = & 1.234i{y_5} + (0.007-0.003i)y_3^2+ \\ & (0.037-0.054i)y_5^2 + (0.023-0.114i){y_3}{y_5}\text{。} \\ \end{aligned} $ (9)


$ {y_3} = r(\cos o + i\sin o), \;{y_5} = r(\cos o-i\sin o)\text{,} $ (10)


$ \begin{aligned} \frac{1}{r} = & \frac{1}{{1.23}}(1 + 0.007\sin o{\cos ^2}o +\\ & 0.160{\sin ^2}o\cos o-0.021{\sin ^3}o + 0.171{\cos ^3}o)\text{,} \\ \end{aligned} $ (11)


$ \left\{ \begin{gathered} {x_1} = -2.84{r^2}{\cos ^2}o-1.69{r^2}{\sin ^2}o-5.18r\sin o +\\ 0.86{r^2}\sin o\cos o + 28.03r\cos o \text{,}\\ {x_2} = -0.35{r^2}{\cos ^2}o-0.20{r^2}{\sin ^2}o + 1.28r\sin o +\\ 0.11{r^2}\sin t\cos o-3.04r\cos o \text{,}\\ {x_3} = -0.11{r^2}{\cos ^2}o-0.07{r^2}{\sin ^2}o-0.88r\sin o +\\ 0.08{r^2}\sin o\cos o-1.69r\cos o \text{,}\\ {x_4} = 0.12{r^2}{\cos ^2}o + 0.10{r^2}{\sin ^2}o + 2.60r\sin o -\\ 0.36{r^2}\sin o\cos o-1.68r\cos o \text{,}\\ {x_5} = 0.06{r^2}{\cos ^2}o + 0.03{r^2}{\sin ^2}o-1.36r\sin o +\\ 0.02{r^2}\sin o\cos o-2.11r\cos o\text{。} \\ \end{gathered} \right. $ (12)

分析式(11)和式(12)可知,此时x=[x1, x2, x3, x4, x5]T是关于参量O的周期函数,系统从平衡点处产生极限环即发生Hopf分叉。Hopf分叉是动态分叉的典型形式, 指参数∆m经过分叉点时,系统的平衡点由渐近稳定的焦点变成不稳定焦点,并产生孤立周期运动的突变现象[14]

3 数值仿真

为了验证分叉分析结果,进行数值仿真。设鱼雷的初始速度为15 m/s,发射深度与设定航深相同,其他状态参量初始值都为0,选择不同的流体动力系数干扰值∆m,进行计算机仿真,图 1图 3为式(4)在∆m取不同值时的状态响应曲线。

图 1m=0时,系统响应曲线 Fig. 1 The curve of system response when ∆m=0

图 2m=-3.50时,系统响应曲线 Fig. 2 The curve of system response when ∆m=-3.50

图 3m=-3.40时,系统响应曲线 Fig. 3 The curve of system response when ∆m=-3.40

分析图 1图 3可知,当$-3.40 < \Delta m \leqslant 5$(以∆m为例)时,x收敛于零点;当$-5 \leqslant \Delta m <-3.40$(以∆m为例)时,x发散;当∆m=-3.40时,x产生等幅振荡。由图 4可知,此时x中的任意2个状态变量(以x1x5为例)在相图上构成极限环,说明了极限环与Hopf分叉的对应关系,仿真结果与理论分析结果相吻合。由此可知,流体动力参数的变化会导致鱼雷定深航行失稳。

图 4m = -3.40 时,平衡点处极限环 Fig. 4 Limit cycle at equilibrium point when ∆m = -3.40
4 结语


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