地球物理学进展  2014, Vol. 29 Issue (6): 2538-2543   PDF    
秦四清, 薛雷, 李国梁, 李培    
中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所 中国科学院页岩气与地质工程重点实验室, 北京 100029
摘要:地震目录的完整性对CBS(Cumulative Benioff Strain)值计算结果影响较大,直接影响对特定地震区强震发生时间窗口的判断.对某些地震区数据分析时若考虑最小完整性震级Mc,则可大大降低预测临界CBS值和实际值之间的误差.为此,本文考虑Mc,对新疆及其邻区某些地震区未来震情进行重新研判,结果表明:Mc对拜城与库尔勒地震区的临界值和监测值影响不大,而对中吉边境、新源-阿拉木图、昆仑山口西和若羌地震区的临界值和监测值则有较大影响.目前拜城、库尔勒和若羌三个地震区均距临界状态较远,故预测发震时间窗口为中长期.中吉边境地震区和新源-阿拉木图地震区未来分别将有大震和巨震发生,按近期地震活动性判断,预测发震时间窗口为中长期.昆仑山口西地震区未来将发生强震,目前已接近临界状态,预测发震时间窗口为中短期.本文研究结果可供有关部门参考.
关键词新疆及其邻区     地震区     锁固段     最小完整性震级    
The influence of the minimum magnitude of completeness on the future earthquake situation for some seismic zones in the Xinjiang region and its adjacent regions
QIN Si-qing, XUE Lei, LI Guo-liang, LI Pei    
Key Laboratory of Shale Gas and Geoengineering, Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100029, China
Abstract: The integrity of earthquake catalogue has a significant influence on calculation of the critical CBS (Cumulative Benioff Strain)value, which further directly influences the judgment of the predictive time window of strong earthquake occurrence for a specific seismic zone. It was noted that when considering the minimum magnitude of completeness (Mc), the error between the critical values and actual monitored ones of CBS could be greatly reduced for some seismic zones. In view of this, the present study reanalyzed the earthquake situation for some seismic zones in the Xinjiang region and its adjacent regions. The results indicate that whether considering Mc or not, it has no obvious impact on the prediction results of the Baicheng and Kuerle seismic zones. On the contrary,Mc has a significant influence on the prediction results of the China-Kyrgyzstan border seismic zone, Xinyuan-Almaty seismic zone, Kunlunshankouxi seismic zone and Ruoqiang seismic zone. Considering that it is far away from the critical state, all of the predictive time windows for the Baicheng, Kuerle and Ruoqiang seismic zones are in the scale of the medium-long term. Meanwhile, it was found that a major earthquake and a great earthquake would occur in the China-Kyrgyzstan border seismic zone and Xinyuan-Almaty seismic zone, respectively. The predictive time windows for these two zones are also in the scale of medium-long term according to the recent seismicity. Moreover, an impending strong earthquake will occur in the Kunlunshankouxi seismic zone with a scale of medium-short term. The analysis results above could be considered by the related department.
Key words: Xinjiang and its adjacent regions     seismic zone     locked patch     minimum magnitude of completeness    
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基于秦四清等(2010ab)提出的孕震断层多锁固段脆性破裂理论与相关预测方法,我们先后成功地对中缅边境地震区(秦四清和薛雷,2011; 秦四清等,2014a)、昭通地震区(秦四清等,2012b)、汶川地震区(秦四清等,2014h)、海原地震区(秦四清等,2013c)、于田地震区(秦四清等,2014e)和普洱地震区(秦四清等,2014g)的未来震情进行了前瞻性预测,表明该理论经得起重复性检验.在地震区精细划分的基础上(秦四清等, 2013a2014b),作者逐步完善了基于该理论进行强震预测的方法体系,先后提出了较大事件震级预测方法(秦四清等, 2012a2014h)、不同震级标度之间的转换关系(秦四清等,2013b)、最小完整性震级Mc确定方法(秦四清等,2014d)以及孕育周期界定和主震事件判识方法(秦四清等, 2014bc).将改进后的预测方法应用于板间地震区大地震预测研究(秦四清等,2014f),效果良好.这不仅增强了该理论的实际可操作性,同时也可提高预测精度.

秦四清等(2014d)的研究表明:地震目录的完整性直接影响CBS(Cumulative Benioff Strain)值计算结果,进而影响对特定地震区强震发生时间窗口的判断.对某些地震区数据分析时若考虑Mc,则可大大降低预测临界CBS值和实际值之间的误差.

鉴于此,本文考虑Mc,重新研判新疆及其邻区某些地震区(图 1)强震、大震或巨震发震时间窗口,其中包括:中吉边境、新源-阿拉木图、库尔勒、拜城、昆仑山口西与若羌地震区.鉴于我们近期分析哈密-阿勒泰-斋桑与阿图什地震区震情时已考虑了Mc(秦四清等,2014c),而对于田地震区的前瞻性预测也已得到验证(秦四清等,2014e),故本文不再涉及.

图 1 已划定的新疆及其邻区地震区构造图 Fig. 1 Seismotectonic map of the delimited seismic zones in Xinjiang region and its adjacent regions
1 Mc对新疆及其邻区某些地震区预测发震时间窗口的影响


表 1 Mc对新疆及其邻区某些地震区预测临界CBS值和实际监测值的影响 Table 1 The influence of Mc on the predicted critical values and actual monitored ones of CBS for some seismic zones in Xinjiang region and its adjacent regions

根据秦四清等(2014d)提出的最小完整性震级确定方法,我们确定了上述6个地震区的Mc值,并计算了相应的临界CBS值和截止到2014年11月14日的实际监测值.作为对比,不考虑Mc的相应数值也一并示于表 1.容易看出:(1)考虑Mc与否,对拜城与库尔勒地震区的临界值和监测值影响不大.鉴于这两个地震区当前监测值距临界值尚远(图 2~3),故预测发震时间窗口均为中长期,而其他要素预测结果可参见文献(秦四清等,2013b).(2)考虑Mc与否,对中吉边境地震区、新源-阿拉木图地震区、昆仑山口西与若羌地震区的临界值和监测值有较大影响,故我们重点重新研判这四个地震区的发震时间窗口及其他要素.

图 2 库尔勒地震区1964.11.23-2014.11.14之间CBS值与时间关系
Fig. 2 Temporal distribution of CBS in the period from 23 November 1964 to 14 November 2014 for the Korla seismic zone
(The earthquake events with MS ≥3.0 are selected for data analysis.The real time is the value on the horizontal axis minus 3000 years. The error correction is also considered.)

图 3 拜城地震区1972.10.10-2014.11.14之间CBS值与时间关系
Fig. 3 Temporal distribution of CBS in the period from 10 October 1972 to 14 November 2014 for the Baicheng seismic zone
(The earthquake events with MS ≥3.0 are selected for data analysis.The real time is the value on the horizontal axis minus 3000 years. The error correction is also considered.)
1.1 中吉边境地震区


下面讨论Mc值选取对该地震区CBS值的影响.如表 1所示,若不考虑Mc时,则截止到2014年11月14日,该区CBS监测值约为1.57E+09J1/2,已超过临界值1.52E+09J1/2,但预期中的大震事件仍未发生;若考虑Mc(取ML4.0级)时,截止到2014年11月14日,该区CBS监测值约为1.41E+09J1/2,距临界值1.52E+09J1/2尚有一定距离(图 4),故预测发震时间窗口为中长期.对该区未来大震其他要素的预测结果如下:震级:MS 7.5~7.9级;震中位置:北纬38.7°,东经75.8°;震源深度:7~20 km.我们将密切跟踪该区地震活动性动态,期望对震中位置和发震时间有更准确的判断.预计向临界状态演化过程中,该地震区还将发生不超过MS 6.8级的preshock或foreshock事件.

图 4 中吉边境地震区1853.11.1-2014.11.14之间CBS与时间关系
Fig. 4 Temporal distribution of CBS in the period from 1 November 1853 to 14 November 2014 for the China-Kyrgyzstan seismic zone
(The earthquake events with ML≥4.0 are selected for data analysis.The strain value prior to 8February 1930 is regarded as an initial one for seeing a more clear figure. The real time is the value on the horizontal axis minus 3000 years. The error correction is also considered.)

1.2 新源-阿拉木图地震区


表 1所示,当该区McMS 5.4级时,截止到2014年11月14日,该区实际CBS监测值约为1.86E+09J1/2,已接近临界值1.89E+09J1/2(图 5).考虑到该区近期地震活动性动态,故预测发震时间窗口为中长期.对该区未来巨震其他要素的预测结果如下:震中位置:中吉哈边境地区(北纬43°、东经80°左右);震源深度:10~30 km;震级:MS 8.3~8.7级,为MS 8.5~8.6级的可能性大.我们将密切跟踪该区地震活动性动态,期望对震中位置和发震时间有更准确的判断.预计向临界状态演化过程中,该地震区还将发生不超过MS 7.2级的preshock 或foreshock事件.

图 5 新源-阿拉木图地震区250-2014.11.14之间CBS值与时间关系
Fig. 5 Temporal distribution of CBS in the period from 250 to 14 November 2014 for the Xinyuan-Alma-Ata seismic zone
(The earthquake events with MS ≥5.4 are selected for data analysis.The strain value prior to 1 January 1716 is regarded as an initial one for seeing a more clear figure. The real time is the value on the horizontal axis minus 3000 years. The error correction is also considered.)

1.3 昆仑山口西地震区

表 1所示,当McML3.7级时,截止到2014年11月14日,该区CBS监测值约为1.57E+08J1/2,距临界值1.61 E+08J1/2较近(图 6),结合该区近期地震活动性判断,预测发震时间窗口为中短期.对该区强震其他要素的预测结果如下:震级:MS 6.4~6.8级,为MS 6.5~6.6级的可能性大;震中位置:北纬36.6°,东经84.1°;震源深度:5~20 km.我们将密切跟踪该区地震活动性动态,期望对震中位置和发震时间有更准确的判断.预计向临界状态演化过程中,该地震区还将发生不超过MS 5.8级的preshock或foreshock事件.

图 6 昆仑山口西地震区2002.10.19-2014.11.14之间CBS值与时间关系
Fig. 6 Temporal distribution of CBS in the period from 19 October 2002 to 14 November 2014 for the Kunlunshankouxi seismic zone
(The earthquake events with ML≥3.7 are selected for data analysis.The real time is the value on the horizontal axis minus 3000 years.)
1.4 若羌地震区

表 2为该地震区有地震记录以来M≥5.0级的地震目录.可看出,1924年7月12日新疆民丰东MS 7.2级地震,是该区有史以来记录到的最大地震,故初步认为该震是若羌地震区的一次主震事件,而1933年9月26日新疆且末东MS 6.75级地震则是主震后的一次强余震事件.由于该周期地震目录严重缺失,难以根据我们的理论分析主震事件的孕育过程.根据上述分析,我们认为该地震区至少已经历一个完整的孕育周期,目前处于第二轮孕育周期.图 7示出了考虑Mc(取ML 3.0级)时,该区当前孕育周期中强震事件之间的力学联系.

表 2 若羌地震区M≥5.0级地震事件 Table 2 The earthquake events with M≥5.0 in the Ruoqiang seismic zone

图 7 若羌地震区1973.4.19-2014.11.14之间CBS值与时间关系
Fig. 7 Temporal distribution of CBS in the period from 19 April 1973 to 14 November 2014 for the Ruoqiang seismic zone
(The earthquake events with ML≥3.0 are selected for data analysis.The real time is the value on the horizontal axis minus 3000 years.The error correction is also considered.)

表 1所示,Mc对该区临界CBS值有较大影响.不论考虑Mc与否,实际CBS监测值均距相应的临界CBS值较远,故预测发震时间窗口为中长期.对该区未来中强震其他要素的预测结果如下:震级:MS 5.4~5.8级;震中位置:北纬39.2°,东经88.8°;震源深度:5~20 km.我们将密切跟踪该区地震活动性动态,期望对震中位置和发震时间有更准确的判断.预计向临界状态演化过程中,该地震区还将发生不超过MS 5.2级的preshock或foreshock事件. 2 结 论



(3)中吉边境地震区未来将发生MS 7.5~7.9级地震,目前距临界状态尚有一定距离,故预测发震时间窗口为中长期.

(4)新源-阿拉木图地震区未来将发生MS 8.3~8.7级地震,目前已接近临界状态,结合该区近期地震活动性判断,预测发震时间窗口为中长期.

(5)昆仑山口西地震区未来将发生MS 6.5~6.9级地震,目前已接近临界状态,结合该区近期地震活动性判断,预测发震时间窗口为中短期.


致 谢 感谢国家自然科学基金委重点项目(41030750)对研究工作的资金支持.
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