地球物理学报  2015, Vol. 58 Issue (10): 3815-3824   PDF    
王君恒1,2,3, 耿煜4    
1. 地下信息探测技术与仪器教育部重点实验室(中国地质大学, 北京), 北京 100083;
2. 中国地质大学 地质过程与矿产资源国家重点实验室, 北京 100083;
3. 中国地质大学(北京)地球物理与信息技术学院, 北京 100083;
4. Center for Earthquake Research and Information, University of Memphis Memphis 38152, USA
关键词自然电位     梯度测量     最小二乘法     地形改正    
Terrain correction in the gradient calculation of spontaneous potential data
WANG Jun-Heng1,2,3, GENG Yu4    
1. Key Laboratory of Geo-detection (China University of Geosciences, Beijing), Ministry of Education, Beijing 100083, China;
2. China University of Geosciences, State Key Laboratory of Geological Processes and Mineral Resources, Beijing 100083, China;
3. School of Geophysics and Information Technology, China University of Geosciences, Beijing 100083, China;
4. Center for Earthquake Research and Information, University of Memphis Memphis 38152, USA
Abstract: Terrain correction is to eliminate the effect of terrain relief around measurement points on observation results in gravitational and geoelectrical prospecting. Because the microscopic mechanism of spontaneous potential anomalies formed by terrains is rather complex, it is difficult to obtain an analytic formula, whereas the most visualized method can be adopted instead to find out the fitting formula between these two variables. According to the study, in spontaneous potential gradient calculation, spontaneous potential anomalies caused by topography can be divided into two kinds: one is that anomalies have a mirror-image relation with terrain relief, which accounts for the majority of cases; the other is that anomalies have an inverted mirror-image relation with terrain relief. The relation between a majority of anomalies and terrain relief could be linear, quadratic or exponential, among which linear relation is the primary. As for which fitting relation should be adopted specifically, it can be decided by selecting a typical terrain and spontaneous potential curve first and judging through its change rule; and trial calculation method can be adopted as well to choose the appropriate fitting formula by comparing the correction effects.
The Ordos Basin was selected to be the research site in this paper and the terrain correction method which is applicable to spontaneous potential gradient calculation was put forward. Due to many ridges and valleys, the relative elevation in this region is up to 250~300 m. Slopes are steep and regular, so that it is one of the best places within China to study terrain correction. Five measuring lines were deployed in east-west direction and seven measuring lines were deployed in north-south direction, respectively. Through the comparison of the correction results of three kinds of fitting formulas, it was concluded that the linear fitting formula can better describe the relationship between relative height and spontaneous potential correction amount in the surveyed area.
Because of the great impact of the terrain of this region, the spontaneous potential flat contour map before terrain correction shows significant positive anomalies that are associated with concave terrains and negative anomalies that are associated with raised terrains. Terrain correction can effectively eliminate the correlation between relative height and spontaneous potential. The corrected spontaneous potential curves can reflect subsurface geological structure better, and the anomalies shown by the spontaneous potential contour map can be more prominent.
The quality of terrain correction is evaluated by whether the correlation between terrain fluctuation and spontaneous potential could be eliminated. Terrain correction is effective when there is no significant mirror or anti-mirror relationship between terrain fluctuation and the spontaneous potential after terrain correction. Since terrain relief can influence the appearance of anomalies in spontaneous potential gradient calculation, especially when the area of rugged terrain is comparable to the area of oil and gas reservoirs, which may make it difficult to distinguish these two anomalies. Thus the study on terrain correction has great importance in practice.
Key words: Spontaneous potential     Gradient calculation     Least square method     Terrain correction    
1 引言 1.1 重力勘探的地形改正



区域重力工作的一个重要环节,是将地形信息 应用于地球重力场计算,获得地形改正.Wichiencharoen(1982)边少锋和张克非(1991)陆仲连(19891996)、黄谟涛等(2000)Hofmann-Wellenhof和Moritz(2006)章传银等(2006)的研究表明:重力值的变化是由地面点周围地形质量的去除和增加而引起的.边少锋提出大地水准面精化必须辅以高分辨率的数字地面模型(边少锋和张克非,1991).许多学者在局部地形改正方面进行过研究(Sideris,19851990; Schwarz et al.,1990; Li,1993; Sideris and Li,1993; Novák et al.,2001;许厚泽,2006).郭东美和许厚泽(2011)在已有的基础上,提出了两种方法来克服地形改正公式的奇异性问题,并推导了高斯积分法(周鼎赢,2005)处理奇异积分的公式及含可选小常数的地形改正的严密级数展开式.习惯上讲,地形分为布格板和局部地形两个部分.平面近似的地形改正方法种类较多,如FFT谱方法、楞柱积分以及圆柱积分法等.1999年,Novak采用Stokes-Helmert方法,将地形划分为布格球壳和粗糙地形,计算地形的直接和间接影响,其布格球壳计算公式与布格板计算公式存在明显差异(Novák et al.,2001).2001年,Vanicek对上述方法进行分析,认为采用Stokes-Helmert方法,基于布格球壳计算更为合理(Vaniek et al.,2001).

赫尔默特凝聚校正、平衡校正和残余地形模型(RTM)是地形校正和计算的实际方法.其中,赫尔默特凝聚校正修正大地水准面,平衡校正和残余地形模型(RTM)修正高度异常.宁津生等(1996)在某山区的试验表明:地面重力异常受地壳密度的横向不均匀变化的影响在几个毫伽,大地水准面差距受到的影响可以达到厘米级.李姗姗和刘雁雨(2003)在对经典赫尔默特校正、RTM和赫尔默特/RTM组合方法的研究中表明:赫尔默特/RTM组合方法和GPS/水准数据拟合效果是最好的.王增利和文琳(2011)分别对地球表面和大地水准面进行物理受力分析,研究发现传统的地形改正计算方法存在误差,并给出了能有效改善地形校正计算精度的算法.黄谟涛、郭春喜、李建成等都就平面近似地形改正方法进行过探讨(郭春喜等,2002; 李建成等,2003;庞振兴,2008; 章传银等,20092012; 郭东美,2010). 章传银认为:传统的平面布格改正破坏了重力场的调和性质,只能用于地面重力异常,不宜推广到地球表面以外的其他高度(章传银等,20092012).荣敏和周巍(2015)引入这种划分方式,将大地水准面视为球面,研究大地水准面以上地形,并与传统平面近似下的地形改正结果进行了比较.

1.2 电法勘探的地形改正







2 自然电位梯度测量中的地形改正

在自然电位梯度测量的地形改正方法方面,目前尚无其他作者进行研究.根据本文作者的研究,地形起伏可影响异常形态,特别是起伏地形的面积与地质体的面积大小相当时,两者异常有可能难以区分,需做地形改正(王君恒等,20002003; 厉玉乐等,2005).

2.1 梯度测量方法流程


其中V代表两点间电位差,单位为mV.上一个点的V23与下一个点的V12近似相等,允许存在1 mV左右的误差.


其中Ui为叠加后的自然电位,单位为mV;a为测线起点处的自然电位,可设为0 mV或某一特定数值.


2.2 地形改正原理

图 1所示,在自然电位梯度测量中,地形异常分为两种:一是异常与地形影响是镜像关系,这种情况占多数;另一种情况是异常与地形为反镜像关系,在油气勘探中少见(Wang et al.,2007; 王君恒等,2007).多数地形起伏与异常存在三种关系:线性关系、二次关系或指数关系,可利用其进行改正,关系式为

图 1 地形起伏电位示意图Fig. 1 The potential caused by topography




如果设自然电位是关于相对高差的二次函数,即ΔU = fH)=a0+a1ΔH+a2ΔH2.应用最小二乘拟合公式为






3 鄂尔多斯盆地的地形改正 3.1 工区概况

工区仍属黄土塬区,区内有数块面积较大的黄土残塬,其余地区被雨水冲刷切割成树枝状水系.大沟中出露白垩系,支沟中为第三系红土或第四系黄土层,黄土层及红土总厚约100~150余米.沟峁梁塬纵横交错,相对高差可达250~300 m.斜坡坡度陡峭且形态规整,是我国境内研究地形改正的最佳地点之一.在东西向部署了5条测线,南北向部署了7条测线.

3.2 拟合数据的选取

可用于地形改正的拟合数据需遵照以下原则进行选取:(1)地形起伏较大;(2)地形引起的自然电位异常非常明显;(3)起伏地形与异常形态之间存在较好的对应关系.N1号测线是一条地形起伏较大的测线,测线近似南北向分布,中途经过了两道凹陷的地带.设1300 m为该地区的平均高程,选取高程变化最大的一段数据,绘制其相对高差曲线和自然电位曲线,如图 2所示.

图 2 N1号测线地形起伏较大段相对高差变化和自然电位异常镜像关系Fig. 2 The mirror image relationship between therelative height curve and the spontaneous potentialcurve of the large undulating terrain section of N1

可以看到:起伏的地形引起了显著的自然电位变化,对地下地质信息的反映造成了较大干扰.两者之间大致呈现镜像关系,地形每下降200 m,引起的自然电位正异常约为15 mV.其中,测点号310到326、测点号340到352、测点号374到392、测点号400到418之间的地形坡度最大、引起的自然电位异常最为明显,可作为最小二乘拟合所用数据.应用同样的方法从该测区内其他几条测线中选取拟合数据后,得到了一系列相对高差和与之对应的自然电位,如表 1所示.

表 1 用于拟合的相对高差和自然电位原始数据 Table 1 The relative height and their corresponding spontaneous potential that are used for fitting
3.3 三种拟合公式的改正效果

若假设相对高差与自然电位之间满足线性函数关系,应用最小二乘拟合公式(6),可计算出参数的值a0 = -2.729、a1 = -0.06497,于是得自然电位改正量与相对高差之间的线性拟合公式为

若假设相对高差与自然电位之间满足二次函数 关系,应用最小二乘拟合公式(7),可计算出参数的值 a0=-3.901、a1=-0.1099和a2=-0.0002387,于是得自然电位改正量与相对高差之间的二次拟合公式为

若假设相对高差与自然电位之间满足指数函数 关系,应用最小二乘拟合公式(10),可计算出参数的值a0=-0.08927、a1=-0.01193,亦即A=0.9146、 B=-0.01193、C=0,于是得自然电位改正量与相对高差之间的指数拟合公式为

拟合曲线如图 3所示.

图 3 应用最小二乘公式(6)、(7)和(10)所实现的线性拟合、二次拟合及指数拟合曲线 Fig. 3 The linear fitting, quadratic fitting and exponential fitting curves implemented by applying theleast squares formula (6), (7) and (10)

从图中可以看出:由于在二次拟合公式(12)中二次项的系数a2很小,因此二次拟合与线性拟合两条曲线非常接近.指数拟合曲线与线性拟合曲线在相对高差(-200 m,-50 m)的区间内较为接近;当相对高差在-50 m以上时,指数拟合公式的地形改正量接近于0.以N5号测线地形起伏较大的一段曲线为例,分析并比较三种不同拟合公式的改正效果.测点号250之后的部分相对高差约为-250 m.分别应用线性、二次和指数拟合公式(11)、(12)和(13),对测线进行改正,改正效果如图 4所示.

图 4 分别应用线性拟合公式、二次拟合公式和指数拟合公式对N5号测线地形起伏较大段所做地形改正前、后自然电位曲线(虚线:改正前自然电位曲线; 实线: 改 正后自然电位曲线)Fig. 4 The spontaneous potential curves of the large undulating terrain section of N5 before and after topography correction by applying the linear fittingformula, the quadratic fitting formula and the exponential fitting formula respectively (dashed line is the spontaneouspotential curve before topography correction; solid line isthe spontaneous potential curve after topography correction)

可以看到:受下降地形的影响,地形改正前N5号测线自然电位曲线测点号250之后的部分显著向上抬升.对于测点号250之后的部分,三种拟合公式的改正效果无太大差别;对于测点号250之前的部分,线性拟合公式的改正效果最为显著,指数拟合公式几乎没有改正效果.这是由于当相对高差约为-250 m时,三种公式的拟合曲线非常接近(图 3);而当相对高差大于-50 m时,指数拟合公式的地形改正量接近于0(图 3).综上所述:能更好地描述该段测线地形起伏与自然电位之间关系的是线性拟合公式.

3.4 测区的地形改正

对测区内全部12条测线(东西向5条+南北向7条)进行了地形改正,绘制出该测区的相对高差等值线图、改正前自然电位等值线图和改正后自然电位等值线图,如图 5图 7所示.

图 5 该测区的相对高差平面等值线(测量点位以黑色十字标出)Fig. 5 The flat contour map of relative height in the surveyed area (point positions have been marked with black crosses)

图 6 仅经过极差校正和日变改正的自然电位平面等值线(测量点位以黑色十字标出) Fig. 6 The flat contour map of spontaneous potentialafter contrast correction and diurnal correction (pointpositions have been marked with black crosses)

图 7 经过极差校正、日变改正和地形改正的自然电位平面等值线(测量点位以黑色十字标出)Fig. 7 The flat contour map of spontaneous potentialafter contrast correction, diurnal correction and topographycorrection(point positions have been marked with black crosses)

由图可见:由于该地区的地形起伏影响较大,地形改正前的自然电位平面等值线图中呈现出显著的与凹陷地形相关的正异常(图 6中红色线框标注)及与突起地形相关的负异常(图 6中蓝色线框标注).地形改正有效地消除了相对高差与自然电位之间的相关性,从而排除了地形因素给地下地质信息反映所带来的干扰.

4 结论





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