Automation of Electric Power Systems  2020 : 673-684  DOI: 10.1007/978-981-13-9783-7_55


Yi Wang, Licheng Sun, Ziheng Wang and Yanjun Feng. GPU-Accelerated Batch Electromechanical Transient Simulation of Power System[J]. Automation of Electric Power Systems, 2020 : 673-684. DOI: 10.1007/978-981-13-9783-7_55.

Corresponding author

Y. Wang,
GPU-Accelerated Batch Electromechanical Transient Simulation of Power System
Yi Wang1,2,3 , Licheng Sun4 , Ziheng Wang5 and Yanjun Feng5     
1. NARI Group Corporation (State Grid Electric Power Research Institute), Nanjing 210003, China;
2. NARI Technology Co. Ltd., Nanjing 211106, China;
3. State Key Laboratory of Smart Grid Protection and Control, Nanjing 211106, China;
4. Anhui Electric Power Research Institute, Hefei 230061, China;
5. Southeast University, Nanjing 210096, China
Abstract: State-of-the-art Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) has superior performances on float-pointing calculation and memory bandwidth, and therefore has great potential in many computationally intensive power system applications, one of which is batch-Electromechanical transient time simulation (ETTS) of power system. The computation speeds of the traditional method is slow. When dealing with batch simulation in multiple scenarios, the power consumption of multi-machine cluster system is large and the acceleration effect is limited by the number of processors. This paper proposes a superior GPU-Accelerated algorithm for batch-ETTS based on the implicit integration alternating solution method (IIASM), which extracts data-level fine-grained parallelism and increases the efficiency of memory access by combed design in solving batch dynamic element injection current and batch sparse linear systems (SLS). By offloading the tremendous computational burden to GPU, the algorithm of this paper can limit the time in one alternate iteration of single ETTS within 0.5 ms for one system with over 10, 000 nodes.
Key words: GPU    Batch-ETTS    Implicit integration alternating solution method    SLS    
1 Introduction

Electromechanical transient simulation of power system, an effective approach to analyze the stability of power system, is one of the significant simulation tools to the power system planning, dispatching and scientific research [1, 2]. Nowadays, there are two main methods towards electromechanical transient simulation, namely time simulation [3] and direct method [4]. Time simulation is the most common approach to the execution of electromechanical transient simulation of power system, but serial electromechanical transient simulation algorithm often consumes a lot of time and fails real-time requirements. The analysis of the transient process of power grid depends on detailed modeling and simulation. Fine-grained parallel computing devices such as Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) can significantly improve the transient simulation efficiency of power grid [5-7].

State-of-the-art GPU, with Single Instruction Multiple Threads (SIMT) architecture, has superior performances on float-pointing calculation and memory bandwidth. Therefore, GPU offers an alternative and potentially superior solution for batch-ETTS problem.

When referring to existing researches to accelerate ETTS, two different technical frameworks can be proposed: Space Paralleled Algorithm and Time Paralleled Algorithm [8]. The principle of space paralleled algorithm is to divide large power systems into several subsystems and calculate [9, 10]. Bordered block diagonal form (BBDF) [11, 12], which is implemented on the cluster processing LU factorization. Time paralleled algorithm was first introduced into power system transient simulation by Alvarado [13]. Its principle is to solve the difference equations of differential equations on multiple integral time steps simultaneously with the network equations. Two kinds of iterative methods, namely Gauss-Jacobi-Newtown (G-J) [14] and Gauss-Seidel-Newtown (G-S) [15, 16], are commonly used today. But they are both hard to be implemented as program. In this regard, we proposed a novel parallel algorithm for batch-ETTS on GPUs.

The paper is organized as follows. Section 2 presents the principles and process of implicit integration alternating solution method [17]. In Sect. 3, the proposed GPU-accelerated batch up-looking LU factorization and batch dynamic element injection current solver are presented. Section 4 proposes a novel GPU-accelerated batch-ETTS algorithm. Three cases are tested and compared in Sect. 5. Finally, Sect. 6 makes the conclusion of this paper.

2 Algorithm Principles 2.1 The Principles of IIASM

Implicit integration alternative solution has both the good numerical stability of implicit integral and the flexibility of explicit integral. Figure 1 shows the workflow of this algorithm.

Fig.1 The basic workflow of implicit alternative solution

The mathematical model of dynamic elements are expressed as

$ {\dot X_d} = {f_d}\left( {{X_d}, {V_d}} \right) $ (1)
$ {I_d} = {g_d}\left( {{X_d}, {V_d}} \right) $ (2)

where Xd is the state vector of dynamic elements, Id is the injection current of dynamic element, Vd is the node voltage of dynamic component.

Differential-algebraic equation are expressed as

$ \dot X = f\left( {X, V} \right) $ (3)
$ I\left( {X, V} \right) = {Y_N}V $ (4)

where X is system state vector, V is the node voltage vector, I is the node injection current vector, YN is the node admittance matrix.

Using the state vector Xn and the node voltage Vn of time tn, the detailed principle of solving Xn+1 and Vn+1 of time tn+1 = tn + Δt is

From (3) and (4) we can get the following non-linear equations.

$ {X_{n + 1}} = {X_n} + \frac{{\Delta t}}{2}\left[ {f\left( {{X_n}, {V_n}} \right) + f\left( {{X_{n + 1}}, {V_n}} \right)} \right] $ (5)
$ I\left( {{X_{n + 1}}, {V_{n + 1}}} \right) = {Y_N}{V_{n + 1}} $ (6)

Then the iterative solution is used to solve non-linear equations. LU factorization is executed on the coefficient matrix before iteration begins. We can simply use factorized table to do backward or forward substitution.

2.2 The Principles of Dynamic Elements Solver

The dynamic component on the power system network only affects the injection current of the node where it is located. Moreover, this current is only related to the state variables of the dynamic element and the node voltage, which does not depend on other dynamic elements. This is the key to decoupling implicit integration alternative solution and it is the main reason why we can use GPU to parallelize and boost this problem.

The classical second-order model of the synchronous generator is expressed as

$ \left\{ \begin{array}{l} {T_J} = \frac{{d\omega }}{{dt}} = {T_m}- {\rm{Re}}\left( {\dot E'\mathop I\limits^ * }\right)- D\left( {\omega -1} \right) \\ \frac{{d\delta '}}{{dt}} = \omega - 1 \end{array} \right. $ (7)
$ \dot U = \dot E' -\left( {{r_a} + {\rm{j}}{{\mathit{X'}}_\mathit{d}}} \right)\dot I $ (8)

where Re is real part calculation, and * means conjugation, $\dot E' = E'\angle \delta '$.

In the above classical second-order model, there are two state variables, namely ω and δ′. For the sake of simplicity, the first formula in Eq. 7 is abbreviated as $\omega = {f_d}\left( {\omega , \dot I} \right)$. Knowing the kth iteration result of the n + 1 time step: state vector $\omega _{n+1}^{k},{\delta '}_{n+1}^{k}$ and voltage $\dot U_{n + 1}^k$, the detailed process of solving the k+1th iteration of current is shown below:

Step 1, solving the current $ \dot I_{n + 1}^k:\dot I_{n + 1}^k = \left( {E'\angle {\delta '}_{n + 1}^k -\dot U_{n + 1}^k} \right)/\left( {{r_a} + j{{X'}_d}} \right)$

Step 2, solving the state vector:

$ \omega _{n + 1}^{k + 1} = {\omega _n} + \frac{{\Delta t}}{2}\left[ {{f_d}\left( {{\omega _n}, {{\dot I}_n}} \right) + {f_d}\left( {\omega _{n + 1}^k, \dot I_{n + 1}^k} \right)} \right] $ (9)
$ {\delta '}_{n + 1}^{k + 1} = {{\delta '}_n} + \frac{{\Delta t}}{2}\left[ {\left( {{\omega _n}- 1} \right){ + }\left( {\omega _{n + 1}^{k + 1} -1} \right)} \right] $ (10)

Step 3, solving the current $\dot I_{n + 1}^{k + 1}:\dot I_{n + 1}^{k + 1} = \left( {E'\angle {\delta '}_{n + 1}^{k + 1}- \dot U_{n + 1}^k} \right)/\left( {{r_a} + j{{X'}_d}} \right)$

Step 4, replacing $\dot I_{n + 1}^k$ and $\omega _{n + 1}^k$ with $\dot I_{n + 1}^{k + 1}$ and $\omega _{n + 1}^{k + 1}$, continue step 2 and step 3

Step 5, comparing whether the $\dot I_{n + 1}^{k+1}$ error obtained by the previous two calculations is less than the converged allowance. And if it is less than, the end will occur; otherwise, continue the iteration of Step 4.

3 GPU-Based Parallel Algorithms of IIASM

In compliance with SIMT architecture, four general design criteria for GPU-based algorithms should be followed. Criterion 1: exploring parallelism fully to saturate the numerous computing cores on GPU. Criterion 2: fulfilling coalesced memory access to improve memory efficiency. Criterion 3: avoiding thread divergence of thread warp. Criterion 4: reducing data communication between CPU and GPU. In the workflow of IIASM, solving SLS and dynamic element injection current are the two most time-consuming parts, so the GPU-accelerated algorithms are elaborated according to the four design criteria below.

3.1 GPU-Accelerated Single SLS LU Factorization

As shown in Table 1, in order to accelerate the up-looking LU factorization, multiple GPU threads are used to solve the executable rows concurrently. This kind of parallelism is determined by the sparse structure of L. As is shown in Fig. 2, the number of rows which can be parallelized in each layer declines dramatically as the number of layers increases. This phenomenon will be more notable in matrices with higher order (Tables 1, 2 and Fig. 2).

Table 1 Hierarchical paralleled sparse up-looking LU factorization

Fig.2 The dependence graph of a 9-order matrix

Table 2 Domino optimization based paralleled up-looking LU factorization

In view of this phenomenon, Domino Algorithm in Table 2 is proposed. With Domino Algorithm, we can do part of the factorization operation ahead of time, other than waiting for all the dependencies to finish, thus increased the efficiency.

3.2 GPU-Accelerated Batch SLS LU Factorization

Considering that batch electromechanical transient simulation contains a large number of sparse structures, a batch up-looking LU factorization algorithm is designed to realize a bunch of sparse matrices LU factorization. To be concrete, the principle is shown in Fig. 3. The principle of batch sparse matrices up-looking LU factorization mainly consists of the following points: (1) Unified sparse structure; (2) Task-level parallelism; (3) Memory merge access principle. And Batch LU factorization algorithm is given in Table 3.

Fig.3 Batch LU factorization algorithm schematic diagram

Table 3 GPU-based batch LU factorization algorithm

The principle of GPU-accelerated batch triangular equations solution is similar to the batch up-looking LU factorization Algorithm. A thread block is used to update the right vector of the same row of all trigonometric equations. The right vector is also stored in memory continuously.

3.3 GPU-Accelerated Batch Dynamic Element Solver

The injection current calculation process of each motor is the same, but the number of iterations is different. According to the principle above, tasks of solving injection current for dynamic elements in electromechanical transient simulation is packaged and solved in batch. The details are shown in Fig. 4.

Fig.4 Optimization design of batch dynamic element injection current solver

4 Batch-ETTS Algorithm Based on IIASM

Based on the batch LU factorization and dynamic element injection current solver algorithm, a novel GPU-accelerated batch-ETTS algorithm for multiple scenarios is proposed in this section.

The framework of the proposed GPU-accelerated batch-ETTS algorithm is given in Fig. 5.

Fig.5 GPU-accelerated batch-ETTS algorithm for multiple scenarios

5 Case Study and Performance Comparison 5.1 Case Study

The test platform is the server equipped with a NVIDIA Tesla K40 GPU and two 6-core Intel Xeon E5-2620 CPU. The operating system is CentOS 6.7 and the CUDA version is 8.0. The three cases are IEEE-118 bus test case, European 1354-bus system case and 9241-bus system case extracted from MATPOWER [18].

(1) Batch dynamic element injection current solver

The detail test information of case 3 with 1445 generators is presented in below. Table 4 illustrates that the time of single simulation quickly tends to saturation with the increase of batch number, and finally gradually tends to 0.014 ms.

Table 4 Injection current of dynamic elements calculation in case 3

(2) Batch SLS solver

According to Table 5, when the batch number is under 256, time increases rather slowly with that becoming larger. When the batch scale is under 256, the band width only reach 39% of the theoretical peak. When that increases to over 512, the actual band width can keep stable at 190 GB/s, which reached a peak of 66% theory.

Table 5 Band width of LU factorization and for/backward substitution in case 3 (GB/s)

The overall performance of GPU accelerated batch sparse triangular equations with forward and backward substitution is similar to LU factorization in that with the increase of batch number.

5.2 Performance Comparison

Compared with KLU solution, batch LU factorization achieved very high speedup effect. As is shown in Table 6, average single solution of LU factorization is 200 times faster than the KLU serial solution. When the order of matrix is smaller, the GPU speedup is relatively better.

Table 6 Performance of GPU-accelerated batch LU factorization (ms)

6 Conclusion

In this paper, a batch SLS algorithm with task-level coarse-grained parallel mode and data-level fine-grained parallel mode is designed for simulation in multiple scenarios. Then, according to the parallelism of two layers, the algorithm of dynamic elements injection current is proposed. Finally, a batch transient simulation algorithm based on GPU acceleration is designed according to the principle of implicit integration alternative solution.

Case studies on Case 3 shows that, when the batch size is equal to 3072, the proposed batch LU factorization on NVIDIA Tesla K40 reaches its performance saturation point 0.29 ms per SLS and achieves 160 times speedup compared with KLU. By means of offloading the massive SLS and batch dynamic element injection current subtasks to GPU, the proposed batch-ETTS algorithm can limit the time in one alternate iteration of single ETTS within 0.5 ms for one system with over 10, 000 nodes.

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