柏涌海, 潘霄, 徐正梅, 王一浩, 李冠雄, 陆莉, 黄海, 徐纪平, 纪合森. 奥密克戎变异株流行期间上海方舱医院军队医务人员心理健康状况及其影响因素分析[J]. 海军军医大学学报, 2022, 43(11): 1274-1279
BAI Yong-hai, PAN Xiao, XU Zheng-mei, WANG Yi-hao, LI Guan-xiong, LU Li, HUANG Hai, XU Ji-ping, JI He-sen. Mental health status of military healthcare workers in shelter hospitals in Shanghai during the epidemic caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 omicron variant and its influencing factors[J]. Academic Journal of Naval Medical University, 2022, 43(11): 1274-1279 (in Chinese with English abstract)
1△, 潘霄
1△, 徐正梅
2, 王一浩
1, 李冠雄
1, 陆莉
1, 黄海
3, 徐纪平
2, 纪合森
1. 海军军医大学(第二军医大学)第二附属医院医学心理科,上海 200003;
2. 海军军医大学(第二军医大学)第二附属医院,上海 200003;
3. 海军军医大学(第二军医大学)第二附属医院全科医学科,上海 200003;
4. 海军军医大学(第二军医大学)海军特色医学中心,上海 200052
收稿日期: 2022-05-16 接受日期: 2022-11-14
基金项目: 海军军医大学(第二军医大学)第二附属医院金字塔人才工程项目(2020XL),海军特色医学中心科学战“疫”快速响应专项(22MY01).
通信作者(Corresponding author):
纪合森, Tel: 021-81815006, E-mail: jihesen@163.com.
△共同第一作者(Co-first authors).
摘要: 目的 调查严重急性呼吸综合征冠状病毒2(SARS-CoV-2)奥密克戎变异株流行期间上海方舱医院军队医务人员的心理健康状况及其影响因素。方法 采用9项患者健康问卷抑郁自评量表(PHQ-9)、7项广泛性焦虑障碍(GAD-7)量表、阿森斯失眠量表(AIS)对上海方舱医院的540名军队医务人员进行问卷调查, 了解军队医务人员的心理健康状况, 并采用logistic回归分析探讨其影响因素。结果 共回收有效问卷536份, 回收有效率为99.3%(536/540)。上海方舱医院军队医务人员的抑郁、焦虑及失眠症状发生率分别为45.5%(244/536)、26.1%(140/536)和59.5%(319/536)。logistic回归分析结果显示, 是否常驻上海、每日浏览信息中负面信息占比、进入方舱后饮食状况是抑郁、焦虑、失眠的影响因素(P均 < 0.05), 年龄、对未来上海的信心是抑郁和失眠的影响因素(P均 < 0.05), 每日花费在疫情相关信息上的时间是失眠的影响因素(P=0.021)。结论 SARS-CoV-2奥密克戎变异株流行期间上海方舱医院军队医务人员的抑郁、焦虑及失眠发生率较高, 应定期持续监测新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情造成的心理后果, 以促进军队医务人员的心理健康。
严重急性呼吸综合征冠状病毒2 奥密克戎变异株 方舱医院 军事人员 心理健康 医务工作者
Mental health status of military healthcare workers in shelter hospitals in Shanghai during the epidemic caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 omicron variant and its influencing factors
BAI Yong-hai
1△, PAN Xiao
1△, XU Zheng-mei
2, WANG Yi-hao
1, LI Guan-xiong
1, LU Li
1, HUANG Hai
3, XU Ji-ping
2, JI He-sen
1. Department of Medical Psychology, The Second Affiliated Hospital of Naval Medical University (Second Military Medical University), Shanghai 200003, China;
2. The Second Affiliated Hospital of Naval Medical University (Second Military Medical University), Shanghai 200003, China;
3. Department of General Practice, The Second Affiliated Hospital of Naval Medical University (Second Military Medical University), Shanghai 200003, China;
4. Naval Medical Center, Naval Medical University (Second Military Medical University), Shanghai 200052, China
Supported by Pyramid Talent Project of The Second Affiliated Hospital of Naval Medical University (Second Military Medical University) (2020XL) and Quick Response Special Program for COVID-19 Control of Naval Medical Center (22MY01).
Abstract: Objective To investigate the mental health status of military healthcare workers in shelter hospitals in Shanghai during the epidemic caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 omicron variant and its influencing factors. Methods A total of 540 military healthcare workers in shelter hospitals in Shanghai were investigated with patient health questionnaire-9(PHQ-9), generalized anxiety disorder-7(GAD-7) and Athens insomnia scale (AIS) to explore their mental health status, and logistic regression was used to analyze the influencing factors. Results A total of 536 valid questionnaires were collected, with an effective rate of 99.3%(536/540).The incidence of depression, anxiety and insomnia among military healthcare workers in shelter hospitals in Shanghai was 45.5%(244/536), 26.1%(140/536) and 59.5%(319/536), respectively.Logistic regression analysis showed that whether people resided in Shanghai, the proportion of negative information in daily browsing information and diet status in shelter hospitals were the influencing factors of depression, anxiety and insomnia (all P < 0.05);age and confidence in the future of Shanghai were the influencing factors of depression and insomnia (all P < 0.05);and the time spent daily on epidemic-related information was an influencing factor of insomnia (P=0.021). Conclusion The incidence of depressive, anxiety and insomnia among military healthcare workers in shelter hospitals in Shanghai is high during the epidemic caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 omicron variant.Psychological consequences of the epidemic should be monitored regularly and continuously to promote the mental health of military healthcare workers.
Key words:
severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 omicron variant shelter hospital military personnel mental health healthcare workers
新型冠状病毒肺炎(coronavirus disease 2019,COVID-19)疫情已成为威胁我国人民健康的公共卫生事件。2022年4月26日,上海市疾病预防控制中心宣布上海当下COVID-19疫情的绝大部分病毒为奥密克戎BA.2型和BA.2.2型,其特点是传播速度快、传播力强、隐匿性强,截至2022年4月24日上海市累计感染人数已超过50万[1]。2022年4月2日中华人民共和国国务院副总理孙春兰在上海指示,要坚持“动态清零”总方针不犹豫、不动摇,要改扩建方舱医院,快速转运收治感染者[2]。“方舱”最初是美军首先发明的,方舱医院是由一个个可移动的方舱组成的野战医院[3]。为应对COVID-19疫情,2020年武汉市第一次启用方舱医院[4],本次上海的方舱医院是利用大型仓库、会展中心等现有大空间建筑物简单改造而成,是一个能满足于临时大容量收治病患的单元。方舱医院的患者大多数为COVID-19无症状感染者,患者缺少私密性和安全感,易产生恐慌、焦虑、抑郁等消极情绪[3]。2020年武汉市方舱医院COVID-19患者焦虑、抑郁的发生率分别为72.73%和71.72%[5],一线军队医务人员的抑郁和焦虑发生率为37.6%和32.5%[6],而13.66%的医护人员在武汉疫情结束8个月后仍患有创伤后应激障碍症状[7]。军队医务人员2022年4月初进驻上海方舱医院,面临着纪律要求严、工作强度大、感控风险高等诸多压力。本研究对上海COVID-19疫情期间方舱医院军队医务人员的心理健康状况进行分析,明确其影响因素,为未来开展公共卫生事件下的心理卫生应急管理提供参考。
1 资料和方法
1.1 研究对象
于2022年5月4日至6日采用横断面调查整群抽取6个军事单位的医护人员为研究对象,共540人,均已在一线开展工作4周以上,均在指定的某方舱医院工作。纳入标准:(1)军队医护人员;(2)在上海方舱医院工作;(3)无认知障碍。排除标准:(1)回答63个调查项目的时间超过40 min或不足2 min;(2)罹患精神心理障碍。本研究通过海军军医大学(第二军医大学)第二附属医院医学伦理委员会审批。
1.2 数据质量控制
1.3 社会人口学等一般信息收集
1.4 抑郁症状测量
采用美国《精神障碍诊断与统计手册》第5版(the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders 5th edition,DSM-5)所收录的9项患者健康问卷抑郁自评量表(patient health questionnaire-9,PHQ-9)作为抑郁评估工具。该量表由愉快感丧失、心情低落、睡眠障碍、精力缺乏、饮食障碍、自我评价低、集中注意力困难、动作迟缓、消极观念9个条目组成。每个条目按4级评分:完全不会(0分)、持续好几天(1分)、超过1周(2分)、几乎每天(3分)。9个条目得分的和为总分,总分0~4分为无抑郁,5~9分为轻度抑郁,10~14分为中度抑郁,15~19分为中重度抑郁,20~27分为重度抑郁。该量表的Cronbach’s α系数为0.815,有较好的信度和效度[9]。
1.5 焦虑症状测量
采用DSM-5所收录的7项广泛性焦虑障碍(generalized anxiety disorer-7,GAD-7)量表作为焦虑评估工具。该量表由感觉紧张焦虑急切、不能停止或控制担忧、担忧过多、很难放松、坐立不安、容易烦恼或急躁、感到似乎将有可怕事情发生而害怕7个条目组成。每个条目按4级评分:完全不会(0分)、持续好几天(1分)、超过1周(2分)、几乎每天(3分)。7个条目得分的和为总分,总分0~4分为正常,5~9分为轻度焦虑,10~14分为中度焦虑,15~21分为重度焦虑。该量表的Cronbach’s α系数为0.898,有较好的信度和效度[10]。
1.6 失眠症状测量
采用阿森斯失眠量表(Athens insomnia scale,AIS)汉化版作为睡眠评估工具。AIS由8个条目组成,每个条目按0~3级评分;条目得分之和即为AIS总分,总分范围0~24分,得分越高表示睡眠质量越差。进一步按AIS的分级标准分级:AIS总分<4分为无睡眠障碍,总分4~6分为可疑失眠,总分≥7分为失眠。该表量的Cronbach’s α系数为0.90,有较好的信度和效度[11]。
1.7 统计学处理
应用SPSS 21.0软件进行统计学分析。计数资料采用例数和百分数表示,组间比较采用χ2检验;采用logistic回归分析探讨军队医护人员抑郁、焦虑、失眠的影响因素。检验水准(α)为0.05。
2 结果
2.1 一般信息及量表得分情况
本研究共发放问卷540份,收回有效问卷536份,问卷有效率为99.3%。536名军队医护人员中<30岁者292人(54.5%),女性438人(81.7%),医师81人(15.1%)、护士440人(82.1%),初级职称369人(68.8%),5年及以下工作年限220人(41.0%),不常驻上海者186人(34.7%),进入方舱医院后觉得饮食状况“好”的有198人(36.9%),浏览信息中负面信息比例<20%的有463人(86.4%),每天花费在疫情信息上时间超过2 h的有104人(19.4%),对未来上海的信心“好”的有417人(77.8%)。PHQ-9得分提示存在抑郁的有244人(45.5%),GAD-7得分提示存在焦虑的有140人(26.1%),AIS得分提示存在失眠的有319人(59.5%)。见表 1。
表 1
(Tab 1)
表 1 上海COVID-19方舱医院军队医务人员基本资料及PHQ-9、GAD-7、AIS得分情况
Tab 1 General information and PHQ-9, GAD-7 and AIS scores of military healthcare workers in a shelter hospital in Shanghai
N=536, n (%) |
Characteristic |
Data |
Characteristic |
Data |
Age/year |
Years of employment/year |
<30 |
292 (54.5) |
≤5 |
220 (41.0) |
30-40 |
167 (31.2) |
6-10 |
150 (28.0) |
>40 |
77 (14.4) |
11-19 |
115 (21.5) |
Gender |
≥20 |
51 (9.5) |
Female |
438 (81.7) |
Proportion of negative information in browsing information/% |
Male |
98 (18.3) |
>80 |
5 (0.9) |
Occupation |
20-80 |
68 (12.7) |
Doctor |
81 (15.1) |
<20 |
463 (86.4) |
Nurse |
440 (82.1) |
Time of daily checking news about COVID-19/min |
Command group |
13 (2.4) |
0 |
26 (4.9) |
Other group |
2 (0.4) |
1-<30 |
132 (24.6) |
Professional level |
3 0-60 |
177 (33.0) |
Junior |
369 (68.8) |
61-120 |
97 (18.1) |
Intermediate |
124 (23.1) |
>120 |
104 (19.4) |
Senior |
32 (6.0) |
Confidence in the future of Shanghai |
Others |
11 (2.1) |
Poor |
4 (0.7) |
Resided in Shanghai |
Average |
115 (21.5) |
No |
186 (34.7) |
Good |
417 (77.8) |
Yes |
350 (65.3) |
PHQ-9 score≥5 |
244 (45.5) |
Diet status in shelter hospital |
GAD-7 score≥5 |
140 (26.1) |
Poor |
22 (4.1) |
AIS score≥7 |
319 (59.5) |
Average |
316 (59.0) |
Good |
198 (36.9) |
COVID-19: Coronavirus disease 2019; PHQ-9: Patient health questionnaire-9; GAD-7: Generalized anxiety disorer-7; AIS: Athens insomnia scale. |
表 1 上海COVID-19方舱医院军队医务人员基本资料及PHQ-9、GAD-7、AIS得分情况
Tab 1 General information and PHQ-9, GAD-7 and AIS scores of military healthcare workers in a shelter hospital in Shanghai
2.2 人口学因素对抑郁、焦虑和失眠症状发生率的影响
年龄、职称、工作年限、是否常驻上海、饮食状况、每天浏览信息中负面信息占比、每天花费在疫情信息上的时间、对未来上海的信心等因素对抑郁症状有影响(P均<0.05)。饮食状况、每天浏览信息中负面信息占比、对未来上海的信心等因素对焦虑症状有影响(P均<0.05)。年龄、岗位、工作年限、是否常驻上海、饮食状况、每天浏览信息中负面信息占比、对未来上海的信心等因素对失眠症状有影响(P均<0.05)。见表 2。
表 2
(Tab 2)
表 2 不同人口学因素军队医务人员抑郁、焦虑和失眠症状发生率的比较
Tab 2 Comparison of the incidence of depressive, anxiety and insomnia among military healthcare workers with different characteristics
Characteristic |
N |
Depressive |
Anxiety |
Insomnia |
Data, n (%) |
P value |
Data, n (%) |
P value |
Data, n (%) |
P value |
Age/year |
0.001 |
0.113 |
0.001 |
<30 |
292 |
159 (54.5) |
85 (29.1) |
201 (68.8) |
30-40 |
167 |
62 (37.1) |
34 (20.4) |
72 (43.1) |
>40 |
77 |
23 (29.9) |
21 (27.3) |
46 (59.7) |
Gender |
0.402 |
0.899 |
0.910 |
Female |
438 |
201 (45.9) |
114 (26.0) |
260 (59.4) |
Male |
98 |
43 (43.9) |
26 (26.5) |
59 (60.2) |
Occupation |
0.113 |
0.746 |
0.018 |
Doctor |
81 |
28 (34.6) |
19 (23.5) |
38 (46.9) |
Nurse |
440 |
210 (47.7) |
119 (27.0) |
273 (62.0) |
Command group |
13 |
5 (38.5) |
2 (15.4) |
8 (61.5) |
Other group |
2 |
1 (50.0) |
0 |
0 |
Professional level |
0.003 |
0.172 |
0.093 |
Junior |
369 |
186 (50.4) |
96 (26.0) |
228 (61.8) |
Intermediate |
124 |
42 (33.9) |
30 (24.2) |
64 (51.6) |
Senior |
32 |
14 (43.8) |
13 (40.6) |
18 (56.3) |
Others |
11 |
2 (18.2) |
1 (9.1) |
9 (81.8) |
Years of employment/year |
0.006 |
0.554 |
0.009 |
<5 |
220 |
117 (53.2) |
63 (28.6) |
147 (66.8) |
6-10 |
150 |
67 (44.7) |
36 (24.0) |
88 (58.7) |
11-19 |
115 |
45 (39.1) |
26 (22.6) |
55 (47.8) |
>20 |
51 |
15 (29.4) |
15 (29.4) |
29 (56.9) |
Resided in Shanghai |
0.003 |
0.123 |
0.001 |
No |
186 |
68 (36.6) |
41 (22.0) |
90 (48.4) |
Yes |
350 |
176 (50.3) |
99 (28.3) |
229 (65.4) |
Diet status in shelter hospital |
0.001 |
0.002 |
0.001 |
Poor |
22 |
18 (81.8) |
9 (40.9) |
17 (77.3) |
Average |
316 |
159 (50.3) |
95 (30.1) |
209 (66.1) |
Good |
198 |
67 (33.8) |
36 (18.2) |
93 (47.0) |
Proportion of negative information in browsing information/% |
0.001 |
0.001 |
0.001 |
<20 |
463 |
184 (39.7) |
96 (20.7) |
257 (55.5) |
20-80 |
68 |
55 (80.9) |
40 (58.8) |
57 (83.8) |
>80 |
5 |
5 (100.0) |
4 (80.0) |
5 (100.0) |
Time of daily checking news about COVID-19/min |
0.006 |
0.246 |
0.079 |
0 |
26 |
14 (53.8) |
8 (30.8) |
14 (53.8) |
1-<30 |
132 |
55 (41.7) |
34 (25.8) |
73 (55.3) |
30-60 |
177 |
65 (36.7) |
37 (20.9) |
99 (55.9) |
60-120 |
97 |
51 (52.6) |
27 (27.8) |
59 (60.8) |
>120 |
104 |
59 (56.7) |
34 (32.7) |
74 (71.2) |
Confidence in the future of Shanghai |
0.001 |
0.001 |
0.001 |
Poor |
4 |
4 (100.0) |
4 (100.0) |
4 (100.0) |
Average |
115 |
79 (32.4) |
45 (39.1) |
91 (79.1) |
Good |
417 |
161 (66.0) |
91 (21.8) |
224 (53.7) |
表 2 不同人口学因素军队医务人员抑郁、焦虑和失眠症状发生率的比较
Tab 2 Comparison of the incidence of depressive, anxiety and insomnia among military healthcare workers with different characteristics
2.3 军队医务人员抑郁、焦虑和失眠影响因素的logistic回归分析
结果显示(表 3),年龄、是否常驻上海、进入方舱医院后饮食状况、每天浏览信息中负面信息占比、对未来上海的信心是抑郁症状的影响因素(P均<0.001),具体表现为年龄小、常驻上海、进入方舱医院后饮食状况差、每天浏览信息中负面信息占比高、对未来上海的信心差会导致抑郁症状发生。是否常驻上海、进入方舱医院后饮食状况、每天浏览信息中负面信息占比是焦虑症状的影响因素(P均<0.05),具体表现为常驻上海、进入方舱医院后饮食状况差、每天浏览信息中负面信息占比高会导致焦虑症状发生。年龄、是否常驻上海、进入方舱医院后饮食状况、每天浏览信息中负面信息占比、每日花费在疫情相关信息上的时间、对未来上海的信心是失眠症状的影响因素(P均<0.05),具体表现为年龄小、常驻上海、进入方舱医院后饮食状况差、每天浏览信息中负面信息占比高、每天花费在疫情相关信息上的时间多、对未来上海的信心差会导致失眠症状发生。
表 3
(Tab 3)
表 3 以抑郁、焦虑和失眠为单独因变量的logistic回归分析
Tab 3 Logistic regression analysis with depression, anxiety and insomnia as dependent variables
Variable |
Depression |
b |
SE |
OR (95% CI) |
P value |
Age |
-0.919 |
0.276 |
0.399 (0.232, 0.684) |
<0.001 |
Resided in Shanghai |
0.918 |
0.219 |
2.505 (1.630, 3.851) |
<0.001 |
Diet status in shelter hospital |
-0.845 |
0.191 |
0.429 (0.295, 0.625) |
<0.001 |
Proportion of negative information in browsing information |
-1.553 |
0.341 |
0.212 (0.109, 0.413) |
<0.001 |
Confidence in the future of Shanghai |
-0.864 |
0.248 |
0.421 (0.259, 0.685) |
<0.001 |
Variable |
Anxiety |
b |
SE |
OR (95% CI) |
P value |
Resided in Shanghai |
0.533 |
0.233 |
1.704 (1.079, 2.690) |
0.022 |
Diet status in shelter hospital |
-0.544 |
0.202 |
0.581 (0.391, 0.863) |
0.007 |
Proportion of negative information in browsing information |
-1.453 |
0.273 |
0.234 (0.137, 0.399) |
0.001 |
Confidence in the future of Shanghai |
-0.469 |
0.241 |
0.625 (0.390, 1.004) |
0.052 |
Variable |
Insomnia |
b |
SE |
OR (95% CI) |
P value |
Age |
-0.516 |
0.169 |
0.597 (0.428, 0.831) |
0.002 |
Resided in Shanghai |
0.990 |
0.212 |
2.690 (1.776, 4.076) |
0.001 |
Diet status in shelter hospital |
-0.821 |
0.189 |
0.440 (0.304, 0.637) |
0.001 |
Proportion of negative information in browsing information |
-1.039 |
0.359 |
0.354 (0.175, 0.716) |
0.004 |
Time of daily checking news about COVID-19 |
0.198 |
0.086 |
1.218 (1.030, 1.441) |
0.021 |
Confidence in the future of Shanghai |
-0.897 |
0.269 |
0.408 (0.241, 0.692) |
0.001 |
b: Regression coefficient; SE: Standard error; OR: Odds ratio; CI: Confidence interval; COVID-19: Coronavirus disease 2019. |
表 3 以抑郁、焦虑和失眠为单独因变量的logistic回归分析
Tab 3 Logistic regression analysis with depression, anxiety and insomnia as dependent variables
3 讨论
本研究调查了军队医务人员在此次上海疫情期间的心理状态,与许多在其他人群中的研究结果[3, 5-7]一致,方舱医院军队医务人员同样具有较高的抑郁、焦虑水平。与2020年武汉一线军队医务人员抑郁发生率(37.6%)、焦虑发生率(32.5%)[6]相比,本研究中军队医务人员抑郁发生率(45.5%)升高,焦虑发生率(26.1%)下降。分析这种差异的原因可能在于:(1)本次上海疫情距2020年武汉疫情已过去2年,2020年医务人员第一次面对未知的疫情时的情绪更多的可能是恐惧和焦虑,而上海本次疫情带来的更多的是过重的工作负担和频繁隔离造成的孤独感。(2)引起本次疫情的病毒绝大部分为奥密克戎BA.2型和BA.2.2型[1],其特点是传播力强、隐匿性强,但死亡率远低于2020年武汉疫情,所以医务人员的死亡焦虑不高。(3)COVID-19疫情已经持续2年,常态化的防疫措施、频繁的隔离、被严重影响的日常工作生活及医务人员过重的工作负荷等因素造成抑郁症状的发生率更高。所以,与2020年武汉疫情相比,此次疫情军队医务人员表现出来抑郁发生率更高、焦虑发生率降低。
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