第二军医大学学报  2019, Vol. 40 Issue (6): 630-636   PDF    
章建全1, 陈红琼1, 闫磊2, 程杰1     
1. 上海国际医学中心, 上海 201318;
2. 解放军904医院超声科, 苏州 215007
摘要: 目的 探讨甲状腺结节微波消融围手术期气管壁镜面伪像对消融术的不利影响及其成因。方法 对2018年1月至2018年10月在上海国际医学中心接受甲状腺结节微波消融治疗的304例患者的围手术期超声影像资料进行系统性研究。就出现气管壁镜面伪像的病例数、伪像来源、伪像特点,以及伪像对消融术的影响进行总结。分析发生气管壁镜面反射伪像的影响因素。结果 消融术前、术中、术后各期超声影像中共169(55.59%)例出现气管壁镜面反射伪像,包括甲状腺结节伪像20例(11.83%)、隔离液注射针伪像133例(78.70%)、微波消融针伪像16例(9.47%)、液体隔离带伪像137例(81.07%)、甲状腺消融区伪像8例(4.73%)。各期中,以消融术中出现伪像者最多,达88.17%(149/169)。结论 气管壁镜面反射引起的镜面伪像在甲状腺结节微波消融围手术期具有较高的发生率,结节位置邻近气管、气管壁扁平化、平坦界面线度大于结节实像是形成气管壁镜面反射伪像的主要因素。结节、消融区、液体隔离带的直接压迫是气管壁扁平化的直接原因。
关键词: 甲状腺结节    微波消融术    气管    镜面反射    镜面伪像    不利影响    
Adverse effect of mirror artifact across trachea on microwave ablation of thyroid nodules
ZHANG Jian-quan1, CHEN Hong-qiong1, YAN Lei2, CHENG Jie1     
1. Shanghai International Medical Center, Shanghai 201318, China;
2. Department of Ultrasound, No. 904 Hospital of PLA, Suzhou 215007, Jiangsu, China
Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (81171436).
Abstract: Objective To study the adverse effect of mirror artifacts generated from the specular reflection of trachea wall on microwave ablation (MWA) treatment of thyroid nodules and the causes. Methods Perioperative ultrasound imaging data of 304 patients who received MWA of thyroid nodules in Shanghai International Medical Center from Jan. 2018 to Oct. 2018 were systemically studied. The occurrence rate, sources, acoustic characteristics of the mirror artifacts and the adverse effects of mirror artifacts on MWA were summarized. The factors contributing to specular reflection of trachea were analyzed. Results A total of 169 cases (55.59%) presented tracheal mirror reflection artifacts in this study. The sources of mirror artifacts included thyroid nodules (20 cases, 11.83%), injection needle (133 cases, 78.70%), ablation electrode (16 cases, 9.47%), hydro-dissection zone (137 cases, 81.07%), and remote ablated area of thyroid nodule (8 cases, 4.73%). We also found that 88.17% (149/169) of mirror artifacts were during the MWA operative period. Conclusion Mirror artifacts generated from the specular reflection of trachea wall are commonly seen in the perioperative period of thyroid nodule MWA. Lesion close to the trachea, flattened tracheal wall, and flat interface linearity larger than the real source dimension are the important causes of mirror artifacts. Direct compression on the tracheal wall caused by thyroid nodules, ablated areas and hydro-dissection zone are the main causes of flattened tracheal wall.
Key words: thyroid nodule    microwave ablation    trachea    mirror reflection    specular artifact    adverse effect    

镜面伪像(mirror artifact)是超声成像时固有的虚假影像之一,多见于横膈的胸腔侧,源于横膈对超声波的镜面反射(mirror reflection),通常是肝、脾内的实像在横膈以上的肺声像位置上形成虚像,对超声诊断造成明显干扰[1]。气管壁呈开口朝后的“C”字形状,形状上缺乏横膈这种易形成镜面反射的条件,一般情况下其毗邻器官如甲状腺较少发生气管镜面反射伪像。然而,我们发现在超声引导下甲状腺结节热消融治疗围手术期的超声影像中,气管壁镜面反射形成的伪像却并不少见,它不仅干扰术者对甲状腺结节消融术前和术后病情的判断,也会令术者对消融术中操作安全性产生误判,因此有必要对气管壁镜面反射伪像的声像图表现、成因和鉴别进行剖析。

1 资料和方法 1.1 一般资料


1.2 气管壁镜面伪像的判断标准


1.3 液体隔离法与消融方法

超声仪采用中国MINDRAY Resona 7S型彩色多普勒超声仪(高频探头L14-5WU,中心频率为9.0 MHz)、日本日立HI VISION Preirus型彩色多普勒超声仪(探头频率为7~14 MHz)。微波消融采用南京维京九洲医疗器械研发中心MTC-3型微波消融仪和MTC-3CA-Ⅲ型消融针。常规体位消毒、铺巾,于颈部皮肤穿刺点、皮下穿刺路径、甲状腺周围间隙均以1%利多卡因溶液实施局部麻醉。根据结节所处位置,按需要在超声实时引导下向结节最邻近的甲状腺周围间隙内注射生理盐水或透明质酸钠凝胶,实现甲状腺与相邻结构的空间隔离[3-4]。之后在超声引导下向靶结节内置入微波消融针,进行由远及近、由深及浅、固定式或移动式消融。微波输出功率为20~35 W,术中超声造影提示消融区血液灌注完全消失时结束治疗。动态录像消融全过程。

1.4 消融后随访


1.5 影像学资料分析


2 结果 2.1 气管壁镜面伪像的发生率与构成


2.2 消融术前气管壁镜面伪像

消融术前共12例(7.1%)患者出现气管壁镜面伪像,均为气管旁的甲状腺结节,位于峡部的乳头状癌11例,近峡部粗大钙化灶1例。峡部乳头状癌的镜面伪像貌似肿瘤已浸润至气管腔内(图 12),峡部粗大钙化的镜面伪像貌似气管壁内表面发生钙化(图 3)。对此,术者均曾计划放弃消融治疗,后经液体隔离法发现实为伪像而继续实施消融。

图 1 甲状腺峡部乳头状癌及其气管壁镜面伪像 Fig 1 An isthmic papillary thyroid carcinoma lesion and its mirror artifact across the trachea A: An isthmic hypoechoic lesion (indicated by a bold solid arrow) compressed trachea, causing segmental flatting of the anterior tracheal wall (indicated by a thin dashed arrow). A well-defined hypoechoic artifact similar in configuration to but smaller in size than the true image developed at the area representing tracheal cavity (indicated by a thin solid arrow). B: The true image of papillary thyroid carcinoma lesion (indicated by a bold solid arrow) appeared thoroughly unenhanced on contrast-enhanced ultrasound mode. The artifact (indicated by a thin solid arrow) at the area representing tracheal cavity was also unenhanced. However, the area aside (indicated by a thin dashed arrow) was distinctly enhanced, which was an artifact of the enhanced isthmic tissue (indicated by a bold dashed arrow). C: Histologic findings of the isthmic hypoechoic lesion through core-needle biopsy revealed papillary thyroid carcinoma components. The cancer cells were columnar and obviously atypical with large nuclei, sulcus and inclusion bodies. The cells were arranged in irregular adenoid papillary and solid cord-like structures, and the interstitial fibrous tissue was significantly proliferated (H-E staining. Original magnification: ×200)

图 2 甲状腺峡部乳头状癌气管壁镜面伪像及其随液体隔离变化 Fig 2 Mirror artifact of isthmus papillary thyroid carcinoma and its change with hydro-dissection maneuver A: The true image of isthmic hypoechoic lesion (indicated by a bold solid arrow), sized about 2.9 mm×2.5 mm, with a transverse dimension smaller than the flat dimension of adjacent tracheal wall. A hypoechoic mirror artifact (indicated by a thin solid arrow) generated posterior to the anterior tracheal wall, in a similar shape but a smaller size than the true image. B: Fine needle aspiration was conducted with isthmus-tracheal wall hydro-dissection maneuver to investigate interfacial adhesion. The crescent-shaped isolation zone of saline (indicated by a bold dashed arrow) caused greatly flattened wall, with isolation zone artifact (indicated by a thin dashed arrow) formed posterior to the tracheal wall. The isthmic papillary thyroid carcinoma lesion still existed (indicated by a bold solid arrow), but its artifact was vanished, perhaps due to the increase of the distance between the real image and the anterior wall. C: Fine needle aspiration cytology revealed enlarged nuclei with nuclear sulci and pseudoinclusions, suggesting microscopic papillary carcinoma of the thyroid (Papanicolaou staining. Original magnification: ×400)

图 3 甲状腺峡部粗大钙化灶气管壁镜面伪像及其随液体隔离变化 Fig 3 Mirror artifact of an isthmic coarse calcification and its change with hydro-dissection maneuver A: Coarse calcification (indicated by a bold solid arrow) at the position of isthmus and closely adjacent to tracheal wall causes a distinct mirror artifact (indicated by a thin solid arrow) across the anterior wall of trachea, which was far smaller than the true image, perhaps due to the overlap by the strong acoustic shadow of the true lesion. B: Hydro-dissection maneuver conducted among the posterior isthmic space during fine needle aspiration procedure caused both the appearance of mirror artifact (indicated by a thin solid arrow) of isolation zone of saline and disappearance of that of the isthmic coarse calcification, indicating that was a mirror artifact of the isthmic coarse calcification other than the calcification of the tracheal wall mucosa (the coarse calcification was indicated by a bold solid arrow, and the isolation zone was indicated by a bold dashed arrow)

2.3 消融术中气管壁镜面伪像

149例(88.17%)患者消融术中存在气管壁镜面伪像,包括隔离液注射针伪像133例、微波消融针热场强回声伪像16例、液体隔离带伪像137例。(1)注射针针尖的镜面伪像发生在甲状腺内侧间隙液体隔离过程中,其特点是实像针尖向前或向后移动时气管腔位置上的镜像相应地同向、同速度、同幅度运动(图 4)。(2)消融针针尖的镜面伪像发生在甲状腺结节消融过程中,消融针尖端的热量在结节内呈现向四周动态扩散的强回声改变,与此同时气管腔所在的声像位置上出现类似的动态强回声镜像。其特点是二者距离气管壁几近相等,二者连线与气管壁几近垂直;微波输出时二者同时出现,微波停止时二者同时消失;移动消融针尖时,二者同向、同速度、同幅度运动(图 5)。消融针针尖镜面伪像曾令术者担心微波热量传导至气管腔内损伤气管而有中止消融治疗的临时计划,后经严密监测呼吸和询问患者,确认患者无气管内灼热感、疼痛、呛咳、呼吸窘迫,才继续实施消融治疗。

图 4 隔离液注射针针尖气管壁镜面伪像 Fig 4 Mirror artifact of the needle tip appearing in the area representing tracheal cavity A: A case of follicular thyroid adenoma in the left lobe was to be treated with microwave ablation. Hydro-dissection maneuver was conducted among the posterior isthmus space and the inner thyroid space to protect the trachea. The true image of the injection needle tip (indicated by a fine solid arrow) generated virtual image with a clearer boundary and similar echo at the position representing trachea cavity (indicated by a fine dashed arrow). B: When the injection needle advanced or re-advanced, the virtual image of the needle tip kept moving in the same direction, at the same speed and at the same amplitude (indicated by a fine dashed arrow)

图 5 微波消融针针尖气管壁镜面伪像 Fig 5 Mirror artifact of microwave ablation needle tip across the tracheal wall A case of right thyroid nodule was to be ablated by microwave. Hydro-dissection maneuver was conducted among the posterior isthmus space and the inner thyroid space to protect the trachea. While the microwave output was started, microwave radiation field was formed around the microwave needle tip, showing hyper-echoic true image (indicated by a fine solid arrow). The virtual image (indicated by a fine dashed arrow) generated at the position representing tracheal cavity with a clearer echo boundary, which was synchronized with the true image to blink and expand. After the suspension of microwave output, the virtual image stopped flashing and expanding. The possibility of conduction of heat into the tracheal cavity to damage the trachea was ruled out upon this manifestation

2.4 消融术后气管壁镜面伪像

8例(4.73%)患者消融术后出现气管壁镜面伪像,均为甲状腺乳头状癌患者。消融区紧贴气管壁,呈低回声改变,气管腔的声像位置上出现团块状低回声或近似无回声的区域。其特点是:(1)二者以气管壁为分界线,近似对称;(2)二者形态较相似,但气管腔低回声区范围略小、境界较为模糊(图 6);(3)当探头向头侧或足侧移动离开消融区平面时,气管腔位置上的低回声区随即消失;(4)超声造影检查时二者均无增强现象(图 7);(5)随着消融区吸收缩小,伪像相应地变小直至消失(图 8)。乳头状癌消融区坏死组织的气管镜面伪像貌似肿瘤消融不全,或发生进展而浸润至气管内,令术者十分担心。经液体隔离法、超声造影检查及动态观察所见,术者确认其为气管壁镜面伪像。

图 6 甲状腺乳头状癌(PTC)消融区的气管壁镜面伪像 Fig 6 Mirror artifact of ablated area of papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC) Pictures A to C were from a treated PTC case examined 3 months after microwave ablation. A: On the sonogram of an ablated area (indicated by a bold solid arrow) of left-side PTC at the end of the 3rd month after ablation, the transverse dimension from 0 to 3 o'clock of the anterior tracheal wall was flattened together with a rupture (indicated by a thin dashed arrow). A well-defined hypoechoic mirror artifact (indicated by a thin solid arrow) generated at the position representing tracheal cavity, with similar configuration to that of the true image of the ablated area. This artifact was absent but now readily misinterpreted as tumor invasion into tracheal cavity. B: Color Doppler flow imaging showed no color signal of blood flow both in the true image of ablated area (indicated by a bold solid arrow) and its mirror artifact position (indicated by a thin solid arrow). C: Microscopic observation of the specimen tissue near the edge of the trachea in the ablation area showed degenerated necrotic tissue and fibrosis hyperplasia with hyaline degeneration (H-E staining. Original magnification: ×200). Pictures D to F were from another treated PTC case examined 6 months after microwave ablation. D: The ablated area (indicated by a bold solid arrow) still contained more and strong echoes of tiny calcifications. The transverse dimension of tracheal wall from 0 to 2 o'clock was slightly flattened. A well-defined calcified mirror artifact (indicated by a thin solid arrow) generated at the position representing tracheal cavity, with similar configuration to that of the true image of the ablated area. This artifact was readily misinterpreted as tumor invasion into the tracheal cavity. E: Hydro-dissection maneuver revealed complete separation of the ablation area (indicated by a bold solid arrow) from the tracheal wall during fine needle aspiration procedure for therapeutic effect evaluation, indicating no adhesion to the tracheal wall. The distance between the ablation zone and the tracheal wall increased, so did the distance between the mirror artifact image (indicated by a thin solid arrow) and tracheal wall, indicating no tumor invasion into the trachea. F: Microscopic observation of the specimen from the ablation area showed obvious hyperplasia of fibrous tissue with hyaline degeneration and scattered calcification. No definite carcinoma cells were found. Immunohistochemical staining showed that the characteristic nuclear component of thyroid transcription factor 1 in thyroid follicular cells was negative (Original magnification: ×200), indicating no viable cancer tissue in the ablation area

图 7 甲状腺乳头状癌消融区及其气管壁镜面伪像的CEUS模态 Fig 7 CEUS mode of ablation area of papillary thyroid carcinoma and its mirror artifacts A: A core-needle biopsy for histopathological evaluation of therapeutic efficacy was conducted to the ablation area (indicated by a bold solid arrow) of papillary thyroid carcinoma accompanied with CEUS evaluation and hydro-dissection maneuver at the end of the 3rd month of microwave ablation. On CEUS mode, both the true image of ablation area (indicated by a bold dashed arrow) and its mirror artifact (indicated by a thin dashed arrow) were thoroughly unenhanced, while the tracheal wall (indicated by a thin solid arrow) was still enhanced. It indicated that the blood supply was completely lost in the ablation area, and the tracheal wall was of integrity and with good blood supply. Hydro-dissection maneuver confirmed that the ablation area was completely separated from the tracheal wall, and there was no adhesion or tumor infiltration on the tracheal wall. B: Nicotinamide adenosine dinucleotide phosphate diaphorase (NADPH-d) enzyme chemical staining of coarse needle biospy specimens near the edge of trachea in the ablation area was negative, indicating no residual viable cells in the ablation area (Original magnification: ×200). C: Succinate dehydrogenase (SDH) staining of coarse needle biopsy specimens near the edge of trachea in the ablation area was negative too, indicating that there were no residual active cells in the ablation area (Original magnification: ×200). CEUS: Contrast-enhanced ultrasound

图 8 甲状腺消融区的气管壁镜面伪像的经时变化 Fig 8 Changes with time of mirror artifact of thyroid ablation area across the tracheal wall Compared with the manifestations on sonogram taken at the end of the 3rd month (A) after microwave ablation, the flat shape of the tracheal wall between 0 o'clock and 3 o'clock at 6 months after ablation (B) was significantly restored. Both the true images of ablation area (indicated by bold solid arrows) and mirror artifacts (indicated by thin solid arrows) were reduced in size

2.5 甲状腺结节位置的比较

304例患者中135例未出现气管壁镜面伪像者,其甲状腺结节位于甲状腺上极、接近甲状软骨,或位于甲状腺下极甚至突至上纵隔内;而169例出现气管壁镜面伪像的患者,甲状腺结节均位于气管近旁区域内。甲状腺结节位置邻近气管是形成气管壁镜面伪像的重要因素(图 9)。

图 9 空气对超声全反射是气管壁镜面伪像的自然成因 Fig 9 Total reflection of air to ultrasound is the natural cause of mirror reflection artifacts A: The true image of the metal injection needle tip (indicated by a fine solid arrow) formed a mirror image at the position representing tracheal cavity (indicated by a fine dashed arrow); B: The true image of the metal injection needle tip (indicated by a fine solid arrow) did not form specular virtual image at the position representing thyroid adenoma except reverberation artifacts

2.6 平坦大界面的形态比较


3 讨论 3.1 气管壁镜面伪像的概念与形成条件


3.2 甲状腺结节消融术中气管壁镜面伪像的形成机制


3.3 消融术后消融区形成气管壁镜面伪像的可能机制


3.4 镜面伪像多出现在气管腔声像位置上的可能机制


3.5 气管壁镜面伪像对甲状腺结节热消融治疗的不良影响


3.6 气管壁镜面伪像的识别与判断


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