第二军医大学学报  2018, Vol. 39 Issue (5): 474-479   PDF    
苏晴, 程金伟, 李盼, 李由, 魏锐利     
海军军医大学(第二军医大学) 长征医院眼科, 上海 200003
摘要: 目的 明确甲状腺相关视神经病变(DON)的临床特征,为早期诊断和治疗提供依据。方法 回顾性分析2015年1月至2017年12月我院收治的DON患者98例196只眼首次就诊的临床资料,包括一般资料和甲状腺功能状态、眼科检查、影像学检查等资料。结合相关文献对所有眼进行判断,可判定为确诊、可疑和排除,将确诊或可疑DON眼纳入研究。结果 98例DON患者中男性59例、女性39例(男女比例为1.51:1),年龄为34~74(52.51±10.25)岁,均有(被动)吸烟史,96例有甲状腺功能亢进症。确诊DON患者为80例、可疑为18例,确诊122只眼、可疑56只眼、排除18只眼。98例患者的临床活动度评分为(4.44±1.53)分,其中30例≤3分。178只确诊和可疑DON眼中最佳矫正视力≤0.6者有142只,色觉减退130只,视盘水肿38只,视盘苍白56只,视盘正常84只;18只非DON眼中17只视盘正常。眼球突出度≤21 mm的确诊DON眼有38只。影像学检查显示80例确诊DON的患者均有眶尖拥挤综合征,其中双侧67例(83.75%)、单侧13例(16.25%)。结论 中老年、男性、吸烟史和甲状腺功能亢进是DON的危险因素。眶尖拥挤综合征是DON最主要的病理基础。视力损害、色觉减退和视盘水肿或苍白是DON最具特征性的临床征象。
关键词: 甲状腺相关眼病     甲状腺功能障碍性视神经病变     临床特征     横断面研究    
Retrospective clinical cross-sectional study on dysthyroid optic neuropathy
SU Qing, CHENG Jin-wei, LI Pan, LI You, WEI Rui-li     
Department of Ophthalmology, Changzheng Hospital, Navy Medical University (Second Military Medical University), Shanghai 200003, China
Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (81770959).
Abstract: Objective To clarify the clinical features of dysthyroid optic neuropathy (DON), so as to provide evidence for early diagnosis and treatment of DON. Methods The general characteristics and data of thyroid function conditions, ophthalmologic and imaging examinations were retrospectively analyzed in 98 patients (196 eyes) with DON diagnosed from Jan. 2015 to Dec. 2017 in our hospital. According to relevant references, the 196 eyes were diagnosed as having definite, equivocal, or no DON. All patients with equivocal or definite DON in at least one eye were recruited. Results Among 98 DON patients, 59 were male and 39 were female, and the ratio of male to female was 1.51:1. The average age of 98 patients was (52.51±10.25) years old, ranging from 34 to 74 years old. All patients had a history of smoking or passive smoking. Ninetysix patients had hyperthyrea. Of 98 patients, 80 had definite DON and 18 equivocal, with 122 eyes being definite, 56 being equivocal and 18 having no DON. The mean clinical activity score was (4.44±1.53) in all patients, of whom 30 cases scored ≤ 3. Of 178 definite and equivocal DON eyes, 142 eyes had best corrected visual acuity ≤ 0.6, 130 had reduced colour vision, 38 had optic disc oedema, 56 had optic disc pallor, and 84 had normal optic disc. Seventeen out of 18 eyes without DON had normal optic disc. The exophthalmos ≤ 21 mm was found in 38 definite DON eyes. Orbital imaging examination showed that all 80 definite DON patients had crowded orbital apex syndrome, with 67 cases (83.75%) having bilateral and 13 (16.25%) having unilateral one. Conclusion Older age, male, smoking and hyperthyrea are risk factors of DON. Crowded orbital apex syndrome is the most important pathological basis of DON. Impaired visual acuity, reduced colour vision and optic disc swelling are the most specific clinical features of DON.
Key words: thyroid associated ophthalmopathy     dysthyroid optic neuropathy     clinical features     cross-sectional studies    

甲状腺相关眼病(thyroid associated ophthalmopathy,TAO)是一种复杂的自身免疫性疾病,以眶周结缔组织水肿和炎症为主要特征[1-3],其发病率居成人眼眶病发病率的首位[4]。甲状腺相关视神经病变(dysthyroid optic neuropathy,DON)是TAO中最严重的类型,约占TAO的5%~7%,一旦发生则严重影响患者的视功能,表现为视力下降、视野缺损、色觉减退、视盘水肿等[5-7]。其发病机制可能是眼眶内增殖的成纤维细胞和脂肪组织分泌过多的糖胺聚糖导致眶周组织水肿、眶尖拥挤,从而抑制轴浆回流或诱导视神经缺血[8]。但目前尚无统一标准明确诊断DON。DON的危险因素包括年龄、性别、吸烟史、甲状腺功能状态等,且这些危险因素也可以加速DON的发展[9-10]。本研究回顾性分析在我院就诊的98例DON患者的临床资料,旨在探寻DON最具诊断意义的临床特征,并且对这些DON患者的人口资料信息进行统计分析,筛选出DON的高危因素,以期在临床工作中能够对高危TAO患者开展灵敏度较高的检查,达到早期诊断DON的目的。

1 资料和方法 1.1 研究对象

回顾2015年1月至2017年12月在我院住院治疗的98例DON患者的病例资料。TAO诊断标准[11]:(1)上睑退缩,且满足甲状腺功能异常、眼球突出>21 mm、眼外肌受累或视功能障碍中的任一条件; (2)无上睑退缩,但甲状腺功能异常,且合并眼球突出>21 mm、眼外肌受累或视功能障碍中的任一条件。TAO视神经受累的判断标准[11]:(1)视力下降;(2)色觉异常;(3)相对性瞳孔传入阻滞(relative afferent papillary defect,RAPD)阳性;(4)视野改变;(5)眼底改变,如视盘水肿、视盘苍白;(6)CT或MRI检查发现眶尖拥挤征象。纳入标准:(1)年龄>18岁;(2)至少有一只眼可疑或确诊为DON;(3)具有眼眶水平位+冠状位CT扫描或MRI检查图像;(4)调查前未接受治疗或已接受过部分治疗的患者。排除标准:(1)其他可引起视功能障碍的疾病,如严重的白内障、屈光不正、青光眼、翼状胬肉及角膜病变等;(2)有眼外伤史。本研究通过我院医学伦理委员会审批。

1.2 患者分级

结合Wakelkamp等[12]和McKeag等[13]研究使用方法对所有眼进行诊断,分为确诊(诊断明确)、可疑(诊断不明确但可疑)、排除(没有证据支持诊断),详见图 1

图 1 DON诊断分级流程图 Fig 1 Diagnostic hierarchical flow chart of DON a: Any of the evidences of vision loss, reduced colour vision, visual field defects, optic disc swelling or pallor, relative afferent papillary defect or abnormal visual evoked potential latency amplitude; b: Either of the imaging features of apical crowding or optic nerve stretch. TAO: Thyroid associated ophthalmopathy; DON: Dysthyroid optic neuropathy

1.3 观察项目

记录98例DON患者(196只眼)的年龄、性别、病程、吸烟史、甲状腺功能状态以及眼部临床表现和影像学检查结果等资料。观察患者最佳矫正视力(best corrected visual acuity,BCVA)、色觉、眼压、眼球突出度、眼底光学相干断层扫描、眼底照相、视野、眼眶CT(水平位+冠状位)、眼球运动等眼科检查结果。根据临床活动度评分(clinical activity score,CAS)进行评分。CAS评分标准如下:(1)自发性眼球后疼痛;(2)眼球转动时诱发疼痛;(3)眼睑充血;(4)结膜充血;(5)泪阜或皱襞肿胀;(6)眼睑肿胀;(7)结膜水肿。每项得1分,共7分;7项中出现3项及以上为活动期,否则为非活动期。

1.4 统计学处理

采用SPSS 17.0软件对数据进行统计学分析。呈正态分布的计量资料以x±s表示,组间比较采用两独立样本比较的t检验;计数资料以例数和百分数表示。检验水准(α)为0.05。

2 结果 2.1 患者基本情况

98例DON患者中男性59例、女性39例,男女比例为1.51:1;年龄为34~74岁,平均(52.51±10.25)岁。男性平均年龄为(54.10±11.27)岁、女性(50.10±8.03)岁,男女年龄比较差异有统计学意义(t =2.050,P=0.043)。98例患者病程平均为(27.08±39.60)个月,均有吸烟或接触二手烟史。96例DON患者在诊断为TAO时或之前有甲状腺功能亢进病史,2例有甲状腺功能减退病史,均服用抗甲状腺药物或甲状腺素片,其中10例行放射性碘治疗、5例行甲状腺切除术治疗。

2.2 DON患者诊断情况


2.3 眼部检查结果

178只确诊和可疑DON眼中130只(73.03%)色觉减退。其中确诊DON的122只眼中101只(82.79%)色觉减退;可疑DON的56只眼中29只(51.79%)色觉减退;非DON的18只眼中17只(94.44%)色觉正常,仅1只眼色觉减退,该眼既往曾患视网膜分支静脉阻塞。196只眼的眼部检查结果见表 1

表 1 98例DON患者眼部检查结果 Tab 1 Eye examination results of 98 patients with DON

2.3.1 BCVA

178只确诊和可疑DON眼中BCVA≤0.6有142只(79.78%),其中确诊DON的122只眼中有99只(81.15%),可疑DON的56只眼中有43只(76.79%);非DON的18只眼中有3只(16.67%),这3只眼既往分别患有视网膜分支静脉阻塞、青光眼、黄斑裂孔。BCVA为1.0的DON患者有8例,其中3只眼确诊DON,5只为可疑DON。详见图 2

图 2 178只确诊和可疑DON眼最佳矫正视力 Fig 2 Best corrected visual acuity of 178 DON eyes DON: Dysthyroid optic neuropathy

2.3.2 RAPD


2.3.3 眼底检查结果

178只确诊和可疑DON眼中38只(21.35%)眼视盘水肿,56只(31.46%)眼视盘苍白,84只(47.19%)眼视盘正常;18只非DON眼中17只(94.44%)视盘正常。典型DON患者眼底照相见图 3

图 3 双侧DON患者眼底照相 Fig 3 Fundus photography of bilateral DON patients Female, 46 years old, after left orbital decompression. Vod was 0.4 and Vos was 0.3. Exophthalmos of right eye was 22 mm, exophthalmos of left eye was 16 mm, and interorbital distance was 103 mm. A: Right eye with the boundary of the optic disc being unclear and edema; B: Left eye with a pale optic disc. DON: Dysthyroid optic neuropathy; Vod: Visual acuity of oculus dexter; Vos: Visual acuity of oculus sinister

2.3.4 眼球突出度检查结果

98例DON患者右眼球突出度平均为(20.61±3.39)mm,左眼球突出度平均为(20.71±3.42)mm。眼球突出度≤21 mm的确诊DON眼有38只(31.15%),可疑DON眼有16只(28.57%),非DON眼有9只(50.00%)。

2.3.5 非接触眼压检查结果

178只确诊和可疑DON眼的平均眼压为(19.11±4.95)mmHg(1 mmHg=0.133 kPa),非DON眼的平均眼压为(18.89±4.65)mmHg,两者差异无统计学意义(t =-0.183,P=0.855)。

2.3.6 CAS结果

98例DON患者的CAS平均为4.44±1.53,CAS≤3的患者有30例(30.61%)。男性患者的CAS平均为4.41±1.65,女性平均为4.49±1.35,男女患者的差异无统计学意义(t =-0.253,P=0.801)。DON患者CAS分布见图 4

图 4 98例DON患者临床活动度评分 Fig 4 Clinical activity scores of 98 patients with DON DON: Dysthyroid optic neuropathy

2.3.7 影像学检查结果

98例患者中96例有肌肉增粗。确诊的80例DON患者中78例双侧肌肉增粗,2例为单眼DON且患眼肌肉增粗。可疑DON患者中18例双侧肌肉增粗。非DON眼无肌肉增粗。80例确诊DON的患者均有眶尖拥挤综合征,其中双侧67例(83.75%)、单侧13例(16.25%)。18例可疑DON患者中16例(88.89%)有眶尖拥挤综合征,其中双侧11例(61.11%)、单侧5例(27.78%),2例(11.11%)无眶尖拥挤综合征者均为女性。眶尖拥挤综合征典型病例CT检查结果见图 5

图 5 冠状位CT检查示眶尖拥挤综合征 Fig 5 Coronal CT showing crowded orbital apex syndrome Female, 55 years old, DON patient. Vod was 0.6 and Vos was 0.01. The bilateral conjunctivae had hyperemia edema and protruded to the palpebral fissure. The upper and lower eyelid receded. Exophthalmos of right and left eyes was both 24 mm, and interorbital distance was 100 mm. Orbital coronal CT showed that the bilateral extraocular muscles were thickened and the orbit was crowded, which caused compression of optic nerve. CT: Computed tomography; DON: Dysthyroid optic neuropathy; Vod: Visual acuity of oculus dexter; Vos: Visual acuity of oculus sinister

2.3.8 视野检查结果

122只确诊DON眼中85只(69.67%)视野缺损;56只可疑DON眼中39只(69.64%)视野缺损;18只非DON眼中仅1只(5.56%)视野缺损,该患者既往发生视网膜分支静脉阻塞。典型DON患者30°静态视野检查图见图 6

图 6 DON患者30°静态视野图 Fig 6 The 30°static visual field of DON patients A: The left eye view of a male DON patient aged 46 years old. Vod was 0.8 and Vos was 0.3. The 30°static visual field showed that varying of absolute dark space was observed in left eye; B: The right eye view of a female DON patient aged 65 years old. Vod was 0.05 and Vos was 0.1. The 30°static visual field showed absolute dark area in the right eye, more serious than that showed in the Fig 6A. DON: Dysthyroid optic neuropathy; Vod: Visual acuity of oculus dexter; Vos: Visual acuity of oculus sinister

3 讨论






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