第二军医大学学报  2017, Vol. Issue (8): 1053-1059   PDF    
孙璟川, 史建刚, 王元, 徐锡明, 孔庆捷, 韩郸, 郑冰, 杨勇, 王海波, 王英杰, 杨海松, 郭永飞, 黄震, 史国栋, 蒋京京, 陈德玉, 袁文, 贾连顺     
第二军医大学长征医院脊柱二科, 上海 200003
摘要: 目的 报道一项治疗严重颈椎后纵韧带骨化症的新技术,可在不切除骨化物的前提下实现神经的直接减压,弥补传统前路或后路减压手术的不足。方法 颈椎前路椎体骨化物复合体前移融合术的手术操作步骤主要包括处理椎间隙、去除椎体前部骨质、安装钛板和椎间融合器、椎体两侧开槽和椎体骨化物复合体前移等。收集2例经该术式治疗的严重颈椎后纵韧带骨化症患者的临床资料并进行分析。结果 颈椎前路椎体骨化物复合体前移融合术通过将椎体骨化物复合体游离并前移,实现脊髓和神经根的直接减压。2例患者手术顺利,脊髓减压彻底,神经功能恢复良好,无特殊并发症发生。结论 颈椎前路椎体骨化物复合体前移融合术的设计兼顾了前路直接减压的有效性和后路间接减压的安全性,初步疗效证明其可作为严重颈椎后纵韧带骨化症的一种治疗方案。
关键词: 颈椎病     后纵韧带骨化     前路椎体骨化物复合前移融合术     前路手术    
Anterior controllable anteriodisplacement and fusion for treatment of severe cervical ossification of posterior longitudinal ligament
SUN Jing-chuan, SHI Jian-gang, WANG Yuan, XU Xi-ming, KONG Qing-jie, HAN Dan, ZHENG Bing, YANG Yong, WANG Hai-bo, WANG Ying-jie, YANG Hai-song, GUO Yong-fei, HUANG Zhen, SHI Guo-dong, JIANG Jing-jing, CHEN De-yu, YUAN Wen, JIA Lian-shun     
Department of Spine Surgery (Ⅱ), Changzheng Hospital, Second Military Medical University, Shanghai 200003, China
Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (81650031), and Project of Shanghai Municipal Commission of Health and Family Planning (201640262).
Abstract: Objective To report a novel technique named anterior controllable antedisplacement and fusion (ACAF) for the treatment of severe ossification of the posterior longitudinal ligament of the cervical spine, which allows for direct decompression of the nerve without resection of the ossification, making up for deficiencies in traditional anterior or posterior decompression. Methods The main surgical procedures of the ACAF included treatment of intervertebral space, removal of the anterior part of vertebrae, installation of titanium plate and interbody fusion cages, bilateral osteotomies of the vertebrae, and antedisplacement of the vertebrae ossification complex. The clinical data of two patients undergoing this surgery for severe ossification of the posterior longitudinal ligament of cervical spine were collected and analyzed. Results ACAF enabled direct decompression of spinal cord and nerve root through antedisplacement of the vertebrae ossification complex. The two patients who underwent ACAF gained satisfactory restoration with decompression of spinal cord and good recovery of neurological function, with no specific complications. Conclusion ACAF surgery takes into account the effectiveness of anterior direct decompression and the safety of posterior indirect decompression. Preliminary results shows that it can be used for severe cervical ossification of the posterior longitudinal ligament.
Key words: cervical myelopathy     ossification of the posterior longitudinal ligament     anterior controllable antedisplacement and fusion     anterior surgery    

颈椎后纵韧带骨化症(ossification of the posterior longitudinal ligament, OPLL)是由于颈椎后纵韧带异位成骨,骨化物压迫椎管内神经组织导致的疾病。该病在东亚人群中的发病率高于其他人群[1]。患者症状主要包括四肢与躯干感觉和运动功能障碍,严重者甚至出现瘫痪和大小便失禁[2-3]。目前对于OPLL的手术治疗策略尚无共识,通常认为,椎管狭窄率大于60%的严重OPLL采用后路减压手术治疗效果不佳[4-5]。而前路减压手术通过从前方切除骨化物实现神经减压,其减压效果直接,但切除骨化物时操作难度较高,面临的脑脊液漏和神经损伤的风险较大[6]

我科针对严重OPLL设计了一种颈椎前路椎体骨化物复合体前移融合术(anterior controllable anteriodisplacement and fusion,ACAF),具有前路直接减压的手术疗效,同时具有后路减压的安全性。本文对该术式做一介绍,并对2例患者的初步疗效进行报道。

1 资料和方法 1.1 手术技术 1.1.1 术前检查


1.1.2 麻醉及体位


1.1.3 显露

采用Smith-Peterson入路显露椎前间隙(图 1A),根据手术节段长度及患者颈部条件决定选择横切口或纵切口。显露椎前间隙后,使用椎体钉对节段进行定位。使用双极电凝对前纵韧带上的血管进行预凝止血,用电刀及锐利的神经剥离子由骨膜下向外侧剥离颈长肌至钩椎关节外缘,再用电刀及骨蜡充分止血。

图 1 颈椎前路椎体骨化物复合体前移融合术操作步骤示意图 Fig 1 Schematic diagram of surgical procedures of anterior controllable anteriodisplacement and fusion surgery A: Huge ossification of posterior longitudinal ligament of cervical spine at the level C4-6; B: Discectomy of intervertebral space; C: Removal of the anterior part of centrum; D: Installation of titanium plate and screw; E, F: Bilateral osteotomies of the vertebrae; G, H: Antedisplacement of the vertebrae ossification complex

1.1.4 处理椎间隙

使用三关节咬骨钳去除目标间隙及椎体前缘骨赘,依次使用尖刀、刮匙和髓核钳彻底去除椎间盘,用枪钳咬除椎间隙后缘增生骨赘,显露后纵韧带(图 1B)。使用神经剥离钩寻找并突破后纵韧带的薄弱点,然后挑起后纵韧带并用尖刀切开。使用刮匙及枪钳咬除椎间隙后纵韧带,显露硬脊膜。此时需注意,仅需切除头尾两端椎间隙的后纵韧带,骨化物所在的各节段椎间隙后纵韧带无需切除。

1.1.5 去除椎体前部骨质

使用三关节咬骨钳根据各节段骨化物厚度去除椎体前部骨质,自体碎骨留作后续植骨用。预装一块钛板并使用测深器测量各椎体前缘与钛板间的距离,判断是否满足后续提拉所需空间。取下钛板,对前部骨质去除不足的椎体使用磨钻或超声骨刀进行修整(图 1C)。

1.1.6 安装钛板和椎间融合器

根据试模测量各椎间隙大小,于各间隙安装填塞有自体骨的椎间融合器(注意融合器高度是否合适,不可强行敲入间隙,只可轻柔放入)。将预弯的合适长度的钛板放置于椎体前缘,用钻头及丝攻预处理钉道后,安装椎体钉(图 1D)。此处注意将需提拉的椎体上的椎体钉拧至贴合钛板即可,不做提拉尝试。

1.1.7 椎体两侧开槽

根据术前测量骨化物的宽度,向外1 mm作为开槽边界,一般开槽宽度在18~20 mm(图 1E1F),可使用高速磨钻、超声骨刀或咬骨钳进行开槽,槽宽1.5~2 mm,至椎体后壁皮质后,使用1 mm枪钳从两侧椎间隙向椎体中部逐渐咬除剩余椎体后壁。使用骨蜡及明胶海绵止血。

1.1.8 椎体骨化物复合体前移

前述步骤完成后,椎体骨化物复合体与脊柱间的硬性连接即已断开。使用多把椎体钉起子同时拧紧需提拉节段的椎体钉,可观察到椎体逐渐前移。如未观察到椎体前移,需停止提拉,探查椎体骨化物复合体四周是否残留未断开骨质(图 1G1H)。

1.1.9 关闭切口及术后制动


1.2 病例介绍 1.2.1 病例1

女性,57岁。主诉:颈部不适10余年,加重伴行走不稳1个月。患者于10年前无明显诱因出现颈部酸痛不适,无头痛、头晕,无恶心、呕吐,症状间断出现。自行局部理疗及针灸治疗,有所好转。1个多月前上述症状加重,伴双手麻木,行走不稳伴踩棉花感。专科检查:步入病室,步态不稳,脊柱呈生理弯曲,颈椎活动受限,双手手指末端触觉、痛温觉减退,位置觉、震动觉未见异常。四肢肌张力正常,肌肉无明显萎缩,双手有精细动作障碍,双上肢三角肌、肱二头肌、肱三头肌肌力4级,屈腕、伸腕肌力4-级,双手肌力4-级,双下肢髂腰肌、股四头肌、股二头肌、半腱肌、半膜肌、胫前肌、小腿三头肌肌力4级,双足趾背伸、跖屈肌力4-级。双侧腹壁反射正常,肛门反射正常,双侧肱二头肌、肱三头肌、桡骨膜反射亢进。双侧膝跳反射、跟腱反射亢进。双侧Hoffmann征阳性,双侧Babinski征阴性。术前颈椎侧位片示C2~7椎体后壁混合型后纵韧带骨化;颈椎CT三维重建示C2~7混合型OPLL,椎管狭窄率85%;颈椎磁共振成像示颈脊髓受压节段为C3~5、C6/7。诊断:(1) 颈椎OPLL伴不全瘫;(2) 颈椎管狭窄症;(3) 胸椎管黄韧带骨化。

1.2.2 病例2

男性,69岁。主诉:双下肢无力伴双手麻木4年,大小便障碍2年,加重1个月。患者于4年前无明显诱因出现双手麻木,双下肢冰凉感伴双下肢无力、踩棉花感,行走不稳,伴摔倒倾向。未予特殊诊治。3年前不慎自电动车上摔下后症状明显加重,行走不稳,需搀扶行走,当地医院诊断为颈椎OPLL,建议手术治疗,患者拒绝。2年前出现胸部束带感及呼吸费力,下肢肌力进一步减弱,需助行器辅助行走,行走距离短;大便无力,小便需等待。1个月前双下肢无力症状明显加重,站立及行走困难。专科检查:轮椅入病室,锁骨及以下平面感觉障碍,四肢肌张力增强,以双下肢较为明显,体格检查时双下肢配合不佳。肌肉无明显萎缩,双上肢有精细动作障碍。双上肢三角肌、肱二头肌、肱三头肌肌力5级,屈腕、伸腕肌力5级,右手肌力4级,双下肢髂腰肌、股四头肌、股二头肌、半腱肌、半膜肌、胫前肌、小腿三头肌肌力3级,双足趾背伸、跖屈肌力3级。双侧腹壁反射未引出,双侧提睾反射正常,肛门反射减弱,双侧肱二头肌、肱三头肌、桡骨膜反射亢进。双侧膝跳反射、跟腱反射亢进。双侧Hoffmann征阳性,双侧Babinski征阳性。术前颈椎侧位片示颈椎曲度变直,各椎体不同程度骨质增生;CT矢状位示C3/4椎间隙后缘骨赘形成、C6~T1椎体后纵韧带连续性骨化、颈椎管狭窄率70%,横断面示C6~T1椎体后缘骨化物呈中央型向后突出、颈椎管严重狭窄;颈椎磁共振成像示C6~T1后纵韧带骨化导致椎管狭窄脊髓严重压迫,C3/4、C4/5、C5/6致压物呈中央型向后突出,压迫脊髓。诊断:(1) 颈胸椎OPLL(C6~T1)伴不全瘫; (2) 脊髓型颈椎病(C3/4、C4/5、C5/6)。

2 结果

病例1行ACAF(C3~6前移,C2/3间骨化后纵韧带横断),手术时间5.5 h,术中出血800 mL。手术顺利,未发生脑脊液漏、神经功能恶化、术后血肿等并发症。术后影像学检查示C3~6椎体前移,椎管狭窄率由术前的85%降低为20%,脊髓压迫解除(图 2~4)。下肢肌力增加,行走功能显著恢复。术后JOA评分16分,术前JOA评分15分,JOA评分改善率为50.0%。

图 2 病例1术前及术后颈椎侧位片对比 Fig 2 Comparison of pre-and post-operative lateral fluoroscopy of case 1 A: Pre-operative lateral X-ray image showing a massive mixed type OPLL at C2-7; B: Post-operative lateral fluoroscopy showing the ossification was transected behind the C2/3 space, and the C3-6 ossification was hoisted and fused to an antedisplaced location. OPLL: Ossification of the posterior longitudinal ligament

图 3 病例1术前及术后颈椎CT三维重建对比 Fig 3 Comparison of pre-and post-operative CT 3D reconstruction of case 1 A, F: C3 level of axial plane; B, G: C4 level of axial plane; C, H: C6 inferior endplate level of axial plane; D, E: Central sagittal plane. A-D: Pre-operative sagittal CT image showing a massive mixed type OPLL at C2-7, canal narrowing rate was 85%; E-H: Post-operative sagittal CT image showing the ossification was hoisted and fused to an antedisplaced location, the spine canal narrowing rate was 20%. OPLL: Ossification of the posterior longitudinal ligament

图 4 病例1术前及术后颈椎磁共振成像对比 Fig 4 Comparison of pre-and post-operative magnetic resonance imaging of case 1 A, F: C3 level of axial plane; B, G: C4 level of axial plane; C, H: C6 level of axial plane; D, E: Central sagittal plane. A-D: Pre-operative magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) showing severe compression of spinal aord at the level C3-5 and C6/7 space; E-H: Post-operative MRI showing the decompression of cervical spinal cord in each level; the morphology of spinal cord did not fully recover

病例2行前路颈椎间盘切除椎间植骨融合(C3/4)加ACAF(C5~7椎体前移,T1上半椎体后缘潜行减压),手术时间4.8 h,术中出血500 mL。手术顺利,未发生脑脊液漏、神经功能恶化、术后血肿等并发症。术后影像学检查示C5~7椎体前移,椎管狭窄率由术前的80%降低为5%,脊髓压迫解除(图 5~7)。术后躯干部束带感消失,双上肢、下肢肌力增加,行走功能显著恢复,术后JOA评分14分,术前JOA评分6分,JOA评分改善率为72.7%。

图 5 病例2术前及术后颈椎侧位片对比 Fig 5 Comparison of pre-and post-operative lateral fluoroscopy of case 2 A: Pre-operative lateral fluoroscopy showing degeneration and a decrease in the lordosis of cervical spine; B: Post-operative lateral fluoroscopy showing the ossification was hoisted and fused to an antedisplaced location, fixed fusion was conducted on the level C3/4 with a zero profile fusion device

图 6 病例2术前及术后颈椎CT三维重建对比 Fig 6 Comparison of pre-and post-operative CT 3D reconstruction of case 2 A, F: C6 level of axial plane; B, G: C7 level of axial plane; C, H: C7 inferior endplate level of axial plane; D, E: Central sagittal plane. A-D: Pre-operative sagittal CT image showing osteophyte formation at the level C3/4 space, and a massive continuous type OPLL at C6-T1, canal narrowing rate was 70%, axial CT showing the ossification mass was located on the middle, causing severe canal narrowing; E-H: Post-operative sagittal CT image showing the ossification was hoisted and fused to an antedisplaced location, the spine canal narrowing rate was 5%. OPLL: Ossification of the posterior longitudinal ligament

图 7 病例2术前及术后颈椎磁共振成像对比 Fig 7 Comparison of pre-and post-operative magnetic resonance imaging of case 2 A, F: C6 level of axial plane; B, G: C7 pedicel level of axial plane; C, H: T1 pedicel level of axial plane; D, E: Central sagittal plane. A-D: Pre-operative magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) showing severe compression caused by disc herniation at the level C3/4, C4/5 and C5/6 space, and it was caused by OPLL at the level C6-T1; E-H: Post-operative MRI showing the decompression of cervical spinal cord in each level, the signal of cerebral spinal fluid was observed in front of spinal cord at the level C4-T1, and the spinal dura was hoisted together with the OPLL because of the adhesion between them. OPLL: Ossification of the posterior longitudinal ligament

3 讨论


传统前路手术主要为前路椎体次全切除术(anterior cervical corpectomy and fusion, ACCF),需切除骨化物以达到充分减压,无论是分块切除、整块切除或磨薄漂浮等方法,均可能对脊髓造成损伤,损伤发生率可高达14%[11-12]。后路减压手术不直接切除骨化物,于后路脊髓外侧对椎板进行开槽或切除操作,相对安全,不易损伤脊髓,神经损伤的发生率较低[13]。ACAF手术虽是前路直接减压,但其操作区域位于脊髓外侧的钩椎关节附近,在解剖上降低了脊髓损伤的风险。统计目前临床病例,仅有极少数患者(4%,未发表数据)出现上肢的一过性肌力下降,可能与神经根的刺激有关。

传统的后路减压手术无论是椎管成形术还是椎板切除术,均为从后方扩大椎管,使脊髓向后膨起或退让,良好的减压效果依赖于良好的颈椎曲度、适当的骨化物大小和合适的减压范围。然而过度的脊髓后移常导致神经根牵拉,造成术后C5神经根病的发生[14]。ACCF的减压是对骨化物的直接切除,但其减压范围通常为12~14 mm,对于基底部较宽的OPLL,常难以充分切除,遗留残余症状。ACAF开槽及椎间隙的减压宽度达到18~20 mm,解剖上此宽度超过了脊髓的宽度[15],达到神经根出口的内缘。故ACAF的减压是对脊髓和神经根的同时减压,较为充分。






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