第二军医大学学报  2017, Vol. 38 Issue (3): 312-317   PDF    
孙翔, 诸治栋, 曾光, 陈兵     
解放军117医院心血管治疗中心, 杭州 310000
摘要: 目的 探讨转录因子Ets差异基因5(ETV5)在血管平滑肌细胞(VSMC)表型转化中的作用。 方法 分别采用ETV5过表达腺病毒载体(Ad-ETV5组)和绿色荧光蛋白(GFP)过表达腺病毒载体(Ad-GFP组)转染VSMC。人ETV5特异性小干扰RNA[血小板源性生长因子(PDGF)-BB+siRNAETV5组]及其随机阴性序列(PDGF-BB+siRNAscramble组)分别转染VSMC后采用PDGF-BB诱导VSMC表型转化。分别采用实时定量PCR(qPCR)和蛋白质印迹法检测各组细胞中VSMC表型标记物α-平滑肌肌动蛋白(α-SMA)和肌球蛋白重链11(MYH11)mRNA和蛋白的表达水平。分别采用平板划痕实验和CCK-8试剂盒检测各组VSMC的迁移和增殖活性。 结果 与Ad-GFP组相比,Ad-ETV5组VSMC中α-SMA和MYH11 mRNA和蛋白的表达均降低(P < 0.05),迁移和增殖活性均升高(P < 0.05)。与PDGF-BB+siRNAscramble组相比,PDGF-BB+siRNAETV5组VSMC中α-SMA和MYH11 mRNA和蛋白的表达均升高(P < 0.05),而迁移和增殖活性降低(P < 0.05)。 结论 ETV5参与了VSMC的表型转化。
关键词: Ets差异基因5     血管平滑肌细胞     表型转化     细胞增殖     细胞迁移    
Effect of transcription factor Ets variant gene 5 on phenotypic switching of vascular smooth muscle cells
SUN Xiang, ZHU Zhi-dong, ZENG Guang, CHEN Bing     
Cardiovascular Therapeutic Center, No. 117 Hospital of PLA, Hangzhou 310000, Zhejiang, China
Abstract: Objective To explore the effect of transcription factor E-twenty-six variant gene 5 (ETV5) on the phenotypic switching of vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs). Methods The VSMCs were transfected with adenovirus vector overexpressing ETV5 in Ad-ETV5 group and green fluorescent protein (GFP) in Ad-GFP group. The VSMCs were transfected with human ETV5-specific small interfering RNA (siRNA) in platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF)-BB+siRNAETV5 group and siRNA with random negative sequence in PDGF-BB+siRNAscramble group before inducing with PDGF-BB. The qPCR and Western blotting analysis were used to detect mRNA and protein levels of phenotypic switching markers of VSMC, including α-smooth muscle actin (α-SMA) and myosin heavy chain 11 (MYH11). Scratch wound assay and CCK-8 assay were performed to identify the proliferation and migration of VSMCs. Results Compared with the Ad-GFP group, the expressions of mRNA and protein of α-SMA and MYH11 were significantly decreased in the Ad-ETV5 group (P < 0.05), while the abilities of proliferation and migration were significantly improved (P < 0.05). Compared with PDGF-BB+siRNAscramble group, the expressions of mRNA and protein of α-SMA and MYH11 were significantly increased in the PDGF-BB+siRNAETV5 group (P < 0.05), while the abilities of proliferation and migration were significantly inhibited (P < 0.05). Conclusion ETV5 may play an important role in the phenotypic switching of VSMCs.
Key words: Ets variant gene 5     vascular smooth muscle cells     phenotypic switching     cell proliferation     cell migration    

血管平滑肌细胞 (vascular smooth muscle cell,VSMC) 是血管壁的重要组成部分,其通过收缩和舒张调节正常发育成熟个体的血管内径及血压。VSMC不是一种终末分化的细胞,其可受周围环境因素影响而发生表型转化[1]。正常成熟的VSMC以收缩型为主,该型细胞中VSMC表型标记物——α-平滑肌肌动蛋白 (α-smooth muscle actin,α-SMA) 和肌球蛋白重链11(myosin heavy chain 11,MYH11) 表达丰富,且细胞增殖和迁移能力弱。在血管内膜损伤、炎症因子刺激等病理条件下,VSMC会发生“去分化”,由收缩型向合成型转化。合成型VSMC中α-SMA和MYH11的表达减少,但细胞增殖和迁移能力强[2]。目前认为,VSMC表型转化在动脉粥样硬化、高血压、血管成形或旁路移植术后再狭窄等多种心血管疾病中发挥重要作用[3-4]

Ets差异基因5(E-twenty-six variant gene 5,ETV5) 是ETS家族中PEA3亚家族的一种转录因子。ETV5调控多种基因的表达,并在细胞的增殖、分化、迁移、凋亡和上皮-间质转化 (epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition,EMT) 等生物学过程中发挥作用[5-6]。Monge等[7]研究发现ETV5能够激活基质金属蛋白酶2(matrix metalloproteinase-2,MMP-2) 表达,促进子宫内膜癌的早期转移。Colas等[5]研究报道ETV5能够诱导子宫内膜癌细胞EMT,从而增强细胞的迁移和侵袭能力。


1 材料和方法 1.1 细胞培养和处理

采用含有平滑肌细胞生长因子的Medium 231培养液 (Invitrogen公司) 培养人VSMC (Cascade Biologics公司,C-007-5C)。待细胞生长融合后,用0.25%胰蛋白酶在37 ℃下消化传代,取第3~6代VSMC用于实验。

当细胞生长融合至60%时,分别采用ETV5过表达腺病毒载体 (Ad-ETV5组) 或绿色荧光蛋白 (GFP) 过表达腺病毒载体 (Ad-GFP组) 转染VSMC 48 h,后用于后续实验。

采用Lipofectamine 2000转染试剂盒 (Invitrogen公司) 分别用人ETV5特异性小干扰RNA (siRNAETV5) 及其随机阴性序列 (siRNAscramble) 按照100 nmol/L的终浓度转染VSMC 6 h,更换培养液继续培养24 h后,加入血小板源性生长因子 (PDGF)-BB (20 ng/mL) 处理24 h诱导VSMC表型转化。

1.2 蛋白质印迹法检测ETV5、α-SMA和MYH11蛋白表达

PBS洗涤细胞3次后,采用含有1 mmol/L蛋白酶抑制剂的SDS细胞裂解液 (上海碧云天生物技术有限公司) 裂解细胞。裂解充分后,4 ℃ 12 000×g离心5 min,收集上清。采用BCA法检测蛋白浓度,根据测得的蛋白浓度调整样品的上样体积,使每个SDS聚丙烯酰胺凝胶孔道中的蛋白总含量为50 μg。凝胶中的蛋白依次经过电泳分离、转膜 (PVDF膜)、5%脱脂奶粉溶液封闭1 h后,4 ℃过夜分别标记抗ETV5一抗 (Proteintech公司,13011-1-AP)、抗α-SMA一抗 (Boster公司,BM0002)、抗MYH11一抗 (Santa Cruz公司,sc-6956) 和抗β-actin一抗 (Proteintech公司,60008-1-Ig)。次日室温标记二抗1 h。采用ECL化学发光仪显像拍照,采用Image J软件计算灰度值。

1.3 qPCR检测ETV5、α-SMAMYH11 mRNA表达

采用TRIzol法抽提各组VSMC的总RNA。按照TaKaRa公司反转录试剂盒操作说明进行反转录反应,获得cDNA。按照TaKaRa公司染料法荧光定量试剂盒进行qPCR反应。GAPDH为内参照基因。实验所用的引物序列:ETV5上游5′-CAG TCA ACT TCA AGA GGC TTG G-3′,下游5′-TGC TCA TGG CTA CAA GAC GAC-3′;α-SMA上游5′-GTG TTG CCC CTG AAG AGC AT-3′,下游5′-GCT GGG ACA TTG AAA GTC TCA-3′;MYH11上游5′-CGC CAA GAG ACT CGT CTG G-3′,下游5′-TCT TTC CCA ACC GTG ACC TTC-3′;GAPDH上游5′-CTG GGC TAC ACT GAG CAC C-3′,下游5′-AAG TGG TCG TTG AGG GCA AT-3′。

1.4 平板划痕实验检测VSMC的迁移能力

将灭菌直尺置于6孔板上方,用200 μL移液器枪头紧贴直尺,在板底中央划痕,PBS洗板底3次去除划掉的细胞残渣,于镜下随机选取3个视野拍照,孵育24 h再次拍照。计数24 h时两条直线之间的细胞个数,将其作为迁移能力的定量指标。

1.5 CCK-8法检测VSMC的增殖能力

将VSMC消化、重悬、计数后,以2×104/mL的细胞密度接种到96孔板中,每孔100 μL,每组设3个复孔。待细胞贴壁后,每孔加入10 μL CCK-8溶液,孵育2 h。酶标仪检测450 nm波长处的光密度 (D) 值。实验重复3次。

1.6 统计学处理

采用SPSS 19.0软件进行数据分析。计量资料以x±s表示,采用t检验或方差分析 (ANOVA) 进行组间比较。检验水准 (α) 为0.05。

2 结果 2.1 过表达ETV5下调VSMC中α-SMA和MYH11的表达

图 1A所示,光镜下可见体外培养的VSMC融合度约80%,相同视野下观察到Ad-ETV5转染细胞后,超过70% VSMC发出绿色荧光;此外,蛋白质印迹结果显示VSMC转染Ad-ETV5后ETV5蛋白的表达增加 (0.64±0.02 vs 0.13±0.01, P < 0.05;图 1B),提示ETV5在VSMC中成功过表达。qPCR和蛋白质印迹结果均显示ETV5过表达能够抑制VSMC中α-SMA和MYH11的表达 (P < 0.05,图 1B1C)。

图 1 ETV5过表达抑制VSMC中α-SMA和MYH11的表达 Fig 1 Overexpression of ETV5 inhibits expressions of α-SMA and MYH11 in VSMCs A: VSMCs transfected with Ad-ETV5 emitting green fluorescence; B: The results of Western blotting analysis showed that the protein expressions of α-SMA and MYH11 in Ad-ETV5 group were lower than those in Ad-GFP group; C: The results of qPCR showed that the mRNA levels of α-SMA and MYH11 in Ad-ETV5 group were lower than those in Ad-GFP group. ETV5: E-twenty-six variant gene 5; GFP: Green fluorescent protein; VSMC: Vascular smooth muscle cell; α-SMA: α-Smooth muscle actin; MYH11: Myosin heavy chain 11. *P < 0.05 vs Ad-GFP group. n=3, x±s. Original magnification: ×100 (A)

2.2 过表达ETV5促进VSMC的迁移和增殖

平板划痕实验结果显示,与Ad-GFP组相比,过表达ETV5能促进VSMC的迁移 (迁移细胞数:57.0±5.2 vs 29.7±5.2,P < 0.05;图 2A2B)。CCK-8法检测结果显示,Ad-ETV5组VSMC在24、48和72 h 3个时间点的D值均高于Ad-GFP组 (P < 0.05,图 2C),提示ETV5能够增强VSMC的增殖能力。

图 2 ETV5过表达促进VSMC的迁移和增殖 Fig 2 Overexpression of ETV5 promotes proliferation and migration of VSMCs A, B: Compared with Ad-GFP group, overexpression of ETV5 promotes the migration of VSMCs by scratch-wound assay; C: Compared with Ad-GFP group, overexpression of ETV5 promotes the proliferation of VSMCs by CCK-8 assay. ETV5: E-twenty-six variant gene 5; GFP: Green fluorescent protein; VSMC: Vascular smooth muscle cell. *P < 0.05 vs Ad-GFP group. n=3, x±s. Original magnification: ×100 (A)

2.3 敲低ETV5抑制PDGF-BB介导的α-SMA和MYH11下调

与PDGF-BB+siRNAscramble组相比,PDGF-BB+siRNAETV5组VSMC中ETV5 mRNA (图 3A) 和蛋白 (图 3B) 表达降低 (P < 0.05)。敲低VSMC中ETV5的表达后α-SMA和MYH11的mRNA和蛋白表达较PDGF-BB+siRNAscramble组均增加 (P < 0.05;图 3B3C),提示敲低ETV5能够抑制PDGF-BB对VSMC表型标记物α-SMA和MYH11的下调作用。

图 3 ETV5敲低抑制PDGF-BB引起的VSMC中α-SMA和MYH11表达下调 Fig 3 Knockdown of ETV5 inhibits the down-regulation of α-SMA and MYH11 of VSMCs induced by PDGF-BB A: Compared with PDGF-BB+siRNAscramble group, mRNA level of ETV5 of VSMCs was reduced in PDGF-BB+siRNAETV5 group by qPCR; B: Knockdown of ETV5 upregulated protein expressions of α-SMA and MYH11 by Western blotting analysis; C: Knockdown of ETV5 upregulated mRNA expressions of α-SMA and MYH11 by qPCR. ETV5: E-twenty-six variant gene 5; GFP: Green fluorescent protein; PDGF: Platelet-derived growth factor; VSMC: Vascular smooth muscle cell; α-SMA: α-Smooth muscle actin; MYH11: Myosin heavy chain 11. *P < 0.05 vs PDGF-BB+siRNAscramble group. n=3, x±s

2.4 敲低ETV5抑制PDGF-BB对VSMC增殖和迁移的促进作用

平板划痕实验结果显示,与PDGF-BB+siRNAscramble组相比,敲低ETV5能够抑制PDGF-BB对VSMC迁移能力的促进作用 (迁移细胞数:38.0±4.4 vs 20.0±2.6,P < 0.05;图 4A4B)。此外,CCK-8法检测结果显示,敲低ETV5还能抑制PDGF-BB对VSMC的促增殖作用 (P < 0.05,图 4C)。

图 4 ETV5敲低抑制PGDF-BB的促VSMC迁移和增殖作用 Fig 4 Knockdown of ETV5 inhibits proliferation and migration of VSMCs induced by PDGF-BB A, B: Knockdown of ETV5 inhibited the migration of VSMCs by scratch-wound assay; C: Knockdown of ETV5 inhibited the proliferation of VSMCs by CCK-8 assay. ETV5: E-twenty-six variant gene 5; GFP: Green fluorescent protein; PDGF: Platelet-derived growth factor; VSMC: Vascular smooth muscle cell. *P < 0.05 vs PDGF-BB+siRNAscramble group. n=3, x±s. Original magnification: ×100 (A)

3 讨论



既往研究证实PDGF-BB能够抑制VSMC表型标记物的表达,并且能够增强VSMC的增殖和迁移能力[1, 4]。本研究采用PDGF-BB刺激VSMC构建VSMC表型转化细胞模型。经研究发现,ETV5过表达能导致人VSMC分化表型标记物下调,并促进VSMC的迁移和增殖。通过siRNA敲低ETV5在VSMC中的表达,结果发现ETV5的敲低能够抑制PDGF-BB诱导的分化表型标记物的表达下调,还能抑制PDGF-BB诱导的VSMC的增殖和迁移。本研究提示ETV5是有效抑制VSMC表型转化的潜在靶点,为动脉粥样硬化及血管支架内狭窄等疾病提供了新的治疗靶点。


吴素慧等[18]在宫颈癌组织中发现ETV5与MMP-7的表达呈正相关。此外,Monge等[7]在肿瘤研究中发现,转录因子ETV5可直接结合MMP-2的启动子区而激活MMP-2的转录表达。过表达ETV5能够上调MMP-2在宫颈癌和软骨肉瘤细胞中的表达,从而增强癌细胞的侵袭转移和增殖能力[7, 19]。鉴于MMP-2已被证实是多种血管疾病中促进平滑肌细胞增殖和迁移的关键因子,我们推测ETV5可能部分通过上调VSMC中MMP-2的表达发挥其促增殖和迁移的生物学作用,未来需进一步验证。


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