WEI Cun, DENG Guang-hui, SHEN Xing-hua, ZHANG Yong. Validity of psychological test items for selecting crew members for the 2014 World Tank Championship. Academic Journal of Second Military Medical University, 2015,36(2): 172-176 (in Chinese with English abstract)
Validity of psychological test items for selecting crew members for the 2014 World Tank Championship
WEI Cun1, DENG Guang-hui1, SHEN Xing-hua1, ZHANG Yong2
1. Department of Military Psychology, Faculty of Mental Health and Psychology, Second Military Medical University, Shanghai 200433, China; 2. Hospital of No.73049 Troop of PLA, Suzhou 215008, Jiangsu, China
Abstract: Objective To study the validity of psychological test items for selecting the crew members for the 2014 World Tank Championship. Methods Totally 36 candidates (21-33 years old) were assessed with items in Uchida-Kraepelin test, EPQ, EP707A Fingers Flexibility Instrument, EP706 Attention Distribution Instrument and Situational Judgement test. Results The comprehensive rankings of psychological test results well fit with their rankings in the military competence, with kappa value higher than 0.75. Conclusion The five tests in this study can well predict the performance of the subjects, indicating that the involved items have satisfactory validity.
Key words:
military psychologypsychological screeningassessment centreconverging operationcriterion
表 1 情境测试关键工作行为列表与评分标准Tab 1 Key work behavior lists and gradings in the scenarios test
Key work behaviors
Collaboration during operation
Take care of others, good teamwork
1: Take no care of companion,no sense of team;
2: Take good care of companion,encourage everyone occasionally;
3: Take excellent care of companion,encourage everyone frequently;
Tension during operation
Stiff action,error rate
1: Very stiff action; high error rate;
2: Mildly stiff action; low error rate;
3: Flexible motion; nearly no error;
Stability during operation
Aggressive words and deeds,be discouraged
1: Very aggressive in words and deeds,very discouraged;
2: Mildly aggressive in words and deeds,a little discouraged;
3: Not aggressive in words and deeds,not discouraged;
表 1 情境测试关键工作行为列表与评分标准Tab 1 Key work behavior lists and gradings in the scenarios test
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