肿瘤防治研究  2022, Vol. 49 Issue (8): 760-763


Negative Feedback Mechanism of Entero-gastric Inhibitory in Delayed Gastric Emptying Following Surgery for Stomach Cancer
肿瘤防治研究, 2022, 49(8): 760-763
Cancer Research on Prevention and Treatment, 2022, 49(8): 760-763
收稿日期: 2021-11-03
修回日期: 2021-11-29
210009 南京,东南大学附属中大医院普通外科
摘要: 术后胃排空延迟(DGE)是上消化道外科手术的一种常见并发症,尤其好发于远端胃切除和胰十二指肠切除手术(Whipple手术)后,其形成机制迄今不明,进一步明确其机制有助于该并发症的预防与处理。十二指肠的机械性扩张会反馈性地抑制胃排空。我们推测这一负反馈机制在近段空肠也存在,在空肠胀满或肠壁受到牵扯的情况下会导致胃排空抑制。激活这一负反馈抑制效应的外科因素众多,当用直径比较大的管形吻合器做空肠吻合时,吻合器的插入会使空肠黏膜发生环周蹭擦损伤,形成局部炎性反应。用吻合器做肠肠吻合会使输入襻形成扭转导致十二指肠和空肠扩张。此外,胃肠吻合口有可能存在轻微的张力,尤其在实施结肠前胃肠吻合时。肠黏膜的炎性水肿会造成空肠扩张,肠襻扭转会影响其通畅性,胃肠吻合口的张力会对空肠壁形成牵扯,这些因素都可能通过负反馈机制导致DGE。
关键词: 胃癌    胃排空延迟    空肠扩张    胃肠吻合    吻合口    手术并发症    
Negative Feedback Mechanism of Entero-gastric Inhibitory in Delayed Gastric Emptying Following Surgery for Stomach Cancer
TANG Wenhao     
Department of General Surgery, Zhongda Hospital, Southeast University, Nanjing 210009, China
Abstract: Delayed gastric emptying (DGE) is a common complication following upper gastrointestinal surgery, especially following distal gastrectomy and partial pancreaticoduodenectomy (Whipple procedure). Its underlying mechanism remains unclear and needs to be elucidated. Through negative feedback mechanisms, duodenal distension inhibits gastric emptying. In our experience in performing a gastrojejunostomy, we speculate that this mechanism may still exist in the proximal jejunum and is activated by jejunal distension or stretching. There are many surgical factors leading to this mechanism activation. When a jejunal anastomosis is created by a relative large caliber of a circular stapling device, the mucosa may suffer from a circumferential scratch or bruising injury resulting in local inflammation. Afferent loop twisting may also lead to distal duodenum and/or jejunal distension. In addition, a mild/slight tension may exist on the mesenteric side of the gastrojejuostomy, especially when the antecolic route for reconstruction of the gastrojejunostomy has been performed. The inflammatory mucosa may keep the jejunum circumferentially distended, the bowel twist might compromise the lumen patency, and tension on gastrojejuostomy would stretch the jejunal wall. Any of these factors might contribute to the mechanisms of DGE by the negative feedback mechanisms.
Key words: Gastric cancer    Delayed gastric empting    Jejunal distension    Gastrojejunostomy    Anastomosis    Surgical complications    
0 引言

在我国,胃癌是一种常见恶性肿瘤。术后胃排空延迟(delayed gastric emptying, DGE)又称胃排空障碍或胃轻瘫(gastroparesis),是远端胃大部分切除术后的一种常见并发症。文献中对术后胃排空延迟的原因和机制众说纷纭[1],本文重点介绍肠-胃抑制反射这一负反馈机制。

1 胃排空的生理机制


2 胃排空延迟的分类


术后DGE又可以进一步分为原发性和继发性。术后继发性DGE是指与胰漏、胆漏、腹腔积液、脓毒症和肺部并发症等术后并发症相关的DGE。术后原发性DGE的发病机制迄今不明,主要见于上消化道手术后,外科医生很难采取针对性预防措施。胰十二指肠切除(Whipple手术)后DGE发生率为14%~30%[1],远端胃切除术后为5%~25%[5]。2007年国际胰腺外科学组(International Study Group of Pancreatic Surgery, ISGPS)对术后DGE颁布了行业定义,统一了术后DGE的诊断和分级标准[6],便于研究报告之间相互比较。然而,依旧有文献未参照ISGPS的标准[7],甚至有研究者试图修改诊断标准[8],这是术后DGE发生率各家报道差异大的原因之一,也妨碍了人们对这一并发症的进一步探究。

3 术后原发性胃排空延迟的发生机制

人们对术后原发性DGE发病原因的关注已经超过半个世纪。研究表明与原发性DGE发病的相关的因素繁多,除了公认的术前胃潴留、营养不良(肌少症)、糖尿病和病毒感染等因素外,涉及外科操作细节的因素包括:十二指肠切除后或缺血后循环中胃动素、缩胆囊素、胰多肽等水平下降,迷走神经的胃窦和幽门支损伤,结肠前或结肠后胃肠吻合法; BillrothⅡ式、Roux-en-Y或BillrothⅠ式胃肠吻合法,以及是否采用Braun肠肠吻合等[1]。在胰十二指肠切除术后还有胰胃吻合抑或胰空肠吻合[9]以及是否做幽门环肌切开[10]等。很显然,全胃切除患者不会存在DGE问题; 因食管胃交界区恶性肿瘤行近侧胃次全切除后的DGE可以归咎于迷走神经切断; 胰十二指肠切除(Whipple手术)后的DGE可以用十二指肠切除后多种胃肠调节机制丧失以及幽门环肌张力来解释,例如:十二指肠受体功能丧失和局部递质(胺类、肽类等)释放功能丧失。除此之外,大多数远端胃大部分切除术后的DGE都难以用上述因素或机制解释。

4 术后原发性胃排空延迟的负反馈机制 4.1 临床所见


4.2 发病机制





在管形吻合器抵钉座直径大于肠腔直径、但能够勉强塞入肠腔的情况下,近段空肠的黏膜和黏膜下组织会被抵钉座向前推挤离开其原来位置,在抵钉座头端冗聚,见图 1A[16]。吻合完毕后,冗聚的黏膜和黏膜下组织会“胀满”在胃空肠吻合口,见图 1B。这类患者在胃镜检查中会观察到花瓣样空肠黏膜“挡”在吻合口,但是胃镜很容易通过,不存在机械性梗阻。

A: mucosa1 and submucosal tissue is pushed forward and glides outof place when the diameter of the circular stapling device is slightlygreater in relation to the luminal diameter of the bowel and huge rugaeof mucosal and submucosal tissue formed in front of the anvil; B: aftercompleting anastomosis, the huge rugae of mucosal and submucosa1tissue wil1 fil1 up the jejuna1 lumen. Postoperative gastroscopyinvestigation will find giant mucosal folds "blocking"the entrance ofthe anastomotic orifice, but endoscope tip can pass through it withoutany difficulty. 图 1 管形吻合器所致空肠“胀满”机制示意图[16] Figure 1 Mechanism of the "fullness" of jejunum created by a circular stapler[16]


空肠空肠侧侧吻合通常都采用对系膜缘肠壁与对系膜缘肠壁做吻合。在用管形吻合器做空肠空肠侧侧吻合时,需要将输入襻肠段扭转180度,这会影响肠襻的通畅性,见图 2。理论上讲,输入襻越短,肠襻的扭转越严重,肠襻会出现“梗阻”扩张,属于输入襻不全性梗阻。不过,从手术中的实际情况看来,180度的扭转似乎并不至于影响肠内容的通过。Braun肠肠吻合之所以能降低DGE发生率[1],其机制可能就是解除了输入襻扭转造成的通畅性问题。这类患者在做胃镜检查时输出襻没有机械性梗阻表现。

A: when the circular stapling technique is used for side-to-sidejejuno-jejunal anastomosis, both anvil insertion point and central rodperforation point are usually on the antimesenteric wall of the jejunum; B: the afferent loop might be twisted about 180 degrees to completeanastomosis. 图 2 管形吻合器所致空肠扭转机制示意图 Figure 2 Mechanism of twisting of the afferent loop caused by circular stapler


在胃空肠吻合空肠系膜不够长时,尤其在结肠前胃空肠吻合时,横结肠因重力下坠会牵扯吻合口的系膜侧,使空肠襻因牵拉出现“扩张”效应,导致DGE,见图 3。这类患者输入和输出襻都没有机械性梗阻情况。

The solid arrow representsgravity of transverse colon, and the dotted arrow expressestension or stretching effecton the mesenteric side of thegastrojejuostomy. 图 3 胃空肠吻合空肠系膜有张力时对吻合口外牵“扩张”效应示意图 Figure 3 Tension orstretching effect onthe mesenteric side ofgastrojejuostomy
5 结语


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