肿瘤防治研究  2016, Vol. 43 Issue (11): 948-953


Effect of PTTG1 Expression on Invasion and Migration of Colon Cancer Cell SW480 and Its Possible Mechanism
肿瘤防治研究, 2016, 43(11): 948-953
Cancer Research on Prevention and Treatment, 2016, 43(11): 948-953
收稿日期: 2015-12-18
修回日期: 2016-05-19
姚宇宙1,2, 易文1,2, 罗云春1,2, 谭超1,2     
1. 443002 宜昌,三峡大学第一临床医学院肛肠科;
2. 443002 宜昌,宜昌市中心人民医院肛肠科
摘要: 目的 研究垂体肿瘤转化基因 1(pituitary tumor transforming gene 1,PTTG1)过表达促进人结肠癌细胞SW480侵袭和迁移作用及其可能机制。 方法 采用脂质体转染法将pcDNA3.1(+)-PTTG1及空载pcDNA3.1(+)转染人结肠癌SW480细胞,G418法筛选阳性克隆。Western blot和Real-time PCR法鉴定稳定过表达PTTG1细胞株建立。Transwell小室法检测细胞侵袭和迁移能力,Western blot检测MMP2、MMP9、E-cadherin、Vimentin和Snail的表达。 结果 (1)成功获得稳定高表达PTTG1的SW480克隆细胞株PTTG1-SW480;(2)过表达PTTG1基因后,SW480细胞侵袭和迁移能力增强,MMP2和MMP9表达升高,上皮间质转化(epithelial-mesenchymal transition,EMT)标记分子E-cadherin表达降低,Vimentin和Snail的表达升高,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.01);(3)过表达PTTG1基因后,SW480细胞中PI3K/AKT信号活化增强,使用LY29400干预后,抑制细胞侵袭、迁移和EMT,E-cadherin表达上调、Vimentin和Snail的表达下调,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.01)。 结论 PTTG1基因过表达可能通过活化PI3K/AKT信号诱导SW480细胞EMT发生,发挥促进SW480侵袭和迁移作用;提示PTTG1蛋白可能成为结肠癌治疗的一个潜在靶点。
关键词: 垂体肿瘤转化基因1     结肠癌     侵袭     迁移    
Effect of PTTG1 Expression on Invasion and Migration of Colon Cancer Cell SW480 and Its Possible Mechanism
YAO Yuzhou1,2, YI Wen1,2, LUO Yunchun1,2, TAN Chao1,2     
1. Anorectal Section,The First College of Clinical Medical Science,China Three Gorges University,Yichang 443002,China;
2. Anorectal Section,Yichang Central People's Hospital,Yichang 443002,China
Corresponding author: TAN Chao,E-mail: yczxyytanchao@sina.com
Abstract: Objective To investigate the effect of over-expression of pituitary tumor transforming gene 1 (PTTG1) on the invasion and migration of human colon cancer cells SW480 and its possible mechanism. Methods Both pcDNA3.1(+)-PTTG1and pcDNA3.1(+) plasmids were separately transfected into human colon cancer cell line SW480 by liposome transfection method and G418 was used to screen positive clones. Real-time PCR and Western blot were used to asses the stably over-expressed PTTG1 in PTTG1-SW480. The abilities of migration and invasion of PTTG1-SW480 cells were assayed by Transwell chambers and Western blot was used to detect the expression of MMP2,MMP9,E-cadherin,Vimentin and Snail. Results (1) The cloned cells PTTG1-SW480 with PTTG1 over-expression were successfully obtained; (2) After PTTG1 over-expression,the abilities of migration and invasion of SW480 cells were enhanced,the expression of MMP2 and MMP9 were up-regulated,Vimentin and Snail expression were up-regulated,and E-cadherin expression was down-regulated (all P<0.01) ; (3) The signaling pathway of PI3K/AKT activation was enhanced in PTTG1-SW480 cells. Interfering with LY29400,the abilities of migration and invasion and EMT of PTTG1-SW480 cells were prevented,the expression of E-cadherin was up-regulated and Vimentin and Snail expression were down-regulated (all P<0.01) . Conclusion PTTG1 over-expression may promote SW480 cells migration and invasion through activating PI3K/AKT pathway to induce EMT. PTTG1 may become a potential target for colon cancer treatment.
Key words: PTTG1     Colon cancer     Invasion     Migration    
0 引言

结肠癌是全球第三大恶性肿瘤,每年将近1000 000新确诊患者,超过500 000死于结肠癌[1]。垂体肿瘤转化基因1(pituitary tumor transforming gene 1,PTTG1)是一种新的癌基因;被报道在多发性骨髓瘤[2]、宫颈癌[3]等肿瘤中高表达,与肿瘤的不良预后密切相关,高表达PTTG1具有促进细胞侵袭和转移功能。前期研究显示PTTG1在结肠癌患者中高表达与肿瘤的侵袭能力密切相关[4];但未有报道提示PTTG1对结肠癌癌细胞侵袭和转移的影响。本研究通过建立PTTG1过表达的结肠癌SW480细胞,检测PTTG1对SW480细胞侵袭和迁移的影响,并分析其可能的分子机制,期望为结肠癌的治疗提供新的分子靶点。

1 材料与方法 1.1 材料

人结肠癌细胞SW480为实验室传代培养,pcDNA3.1(+)-PTTG1及空载pcDNA3.1(+)为三峡大学第一临床医学院中心实验室保存;胎牛血清、RPMI 1640培养液、青霉素、链霉素及G418均购自美国Gibco公司;转染试剂Lipofectamine TM 2000购自美国Invitrogen 公司;兔抗人PTTG1、MMP2、MMP9、E-cadherin、Vimentin、Snail的多克隆抗体,β-actin单克隆抗体,HRP标记的羊抗兔抗体均购自美国Santa Cruz公司;TRIzol试剂购自美国Invitrogen公司,PrimeScript反转录试剂盒及SYBR premix EXTaqⅡ荧光定量PCR试剂盒购自宝生物工程(大连)有限公司;Transwell小室购自美国Thermo Fisher公司;G418、LY29400购自美国Sigma公司;其余试剂均为国产分析纯试剂。

1.2 方法

1.2.1 SW480细胞培养及稳定过表达PTTG1基因的细胞株建立

人结肠癌细胞株SW480常规培养于含10%胎牛血清、100 u/ml青霉素和100 mg/L链霉素的RPMI 1640培养液,37℃、5%CO2相对湿度95%的恒温培养箱,2~3天传代一次,取对数生长期细胞用于实验。转染前24 h将细胞消化传代平铺到10 cm直径的培养皿中,使用脂质体转染法转染pcDNA3.1(+)-PTTG1及空载pcDNA3.1(+),转染后24 h,在培养液中加入800 μg/ml的G418。每2~3天更换筛选培养液,显微镜下观察,挑取单克隆用含400 μg/ml的G418常规培养液培养14天后,建立稳定转染的细胞系。

1.2.2 Western blot法检测PTTG1等蛋白表达

收集对数生长期细胞,提取蛋白质,测定蛋白浓度,取20 μg蛋白制成总体为20 μl的上样缓冲液,经10%凝胶电泳(电压80 V,恒压电泳2.5 h),转印(70 V转印1.5 h)后将载有目的蛋白的PVDF膜浸入5%(M/V)脱脂奶粉溶液中,室温摇床缓慢摇动封闭1 h,用PTTG1、MMP2、MMP9、E-cadherin、Vimentin、Snail兔抗人一抗(5%脱脂奶粉1:500稀释抗体)4℃过夜、HRP标记羊抗兔二抗(5%脱脂奶粉1:5 000稀释抗体)37℃孵育30 min,ECL显影。显影后的PVDF膜经抗体剥离后,重新封闭,用HRP标记β-actin抗体(5%脱脂奶粉1:5 000稀释抗体)37℃孵育1 h,ECL显影。

1.2.3 Real-time PCR检测PTTG1的表达

TRIzol法提取细胞总RNA,依照PrimeScript反转录试剂盒标注方法反转录制备cDNA,实时荧光定量PCR(Real-time PCR)检测PTTG1的表达。引物:PTTG1正义链:5′-TGA CGA GGA GAG AGA GCTTGA AA-3′;PTTG1反义链:5′-CAA CAT CCA GGGTCG ACA GAA T-3′;β-actin正义链:5′-CCC AGC ACAATG AAG ATC AAG ATC A-3′; β-actin 反义链:5′-ATCTGCTGGAAGGTGGACAGCGA-3′。反应条件:以95℃ 30 s预变性,95℃ 5 s,退火温度30 s,40个循环,加设溶解曲线程序:75℃ 2 s以0.2℃/s升至95℃ 2 s,PCR产物进行2%琼脂糖凝胶电泳鉴定产物。各设3个复孔,取其平均Ct值,以β-actin为内参。采用2-△△Ct法分析基因的相对表达量。

1.2.4 Transwell法检测细胞侵袭和迁移能力

未铺基质胶和铺好基质胶Transwell小室放入24孔板中,下室加入含10%FBS的培养液750 μl;收集对数生长期细胞,计数后以5×104个每孔细胞平铺到上室,置37℃、5%CO2饱和湿度条件下培养12 h后,取出Transwell小室,PBS轻轻冲洗,上下各冲洗1次;用棉签擦去微孔膜上层细胞;多聚甲醛室温下固定20 min,苏木精染液染色3 min,蒸馏水冲洗。在倒置显微镜下(×200)对迁移至微孔膜下层的细胞计数。每个样本选取5个视野计数细胞个数,取均数。

1.3 统计学方法


2 结果 2.1 PTTG1过表达增强SW480细胞侵袭和迁移能力

传代培养实验室前期建立稳定转染PTTG1真核表达质粒细胞株PTTG1-SW480及其对照细胞系Vector-SW480,与常规培养SW480细胞相比,PTTG1-SW480细胞PTTG1蛋白表达水平上升,其表达量是SW480细胞的3.58倍、Vector-SW480细胞的3.42倍,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.01)。PTTG1 mRNA表达水平亦显著升高,是SW480细胞2.01倍、Vector-SW480的2.07倍,差异均有统计学意义(P=0.002,P=0.001)。Vector-SW480和SW480细胞间差异无统计学意义,见图 1

A: The expression of PTTG1 protein detected by Western blot; B: The expression of PTTG1 mRNA detected by Real-time PCR. 1: SW480; 2: Vector-SW480; 3: PTTG1-SW480. 1) : P=0.002,compared with SW480 cells; 2) : P=0.001,compared with Vector-SW480 cells; 3) : P=0.026,compared with SW480 cells; 4) : P=0.020,compared with Vector-SW480 cells 图 1 PTTG1稳定表达SW480细胞的建立 Figure 1 PTTG1 over-expression in SW480 cells

与Vector-SW480细胞(103 vs. 60)和SW480细胞(103 vs. 59)比较,PTTG1-SW480细胞侵袭能力显著增强,差异有统计学意义;Vector-SW480细胞和SW480细胞间差异无统计学意义。PTTG1-SW480细胞迁移能力亦显著增强,与Vector-SW480细胞(165 vs. 97)和SW480细胞(165 vs. 98)相比,差异有统计学意义;Vector-SW480细胞和SW480细胞间差异无统计学意义,见图 2。同时检测MMP2和MMP9的表达,与Vector-SW480和SW480细胞相比,PTTG1-SW480细胞MMP2和MMP9表达量均显著升高,差异均有统计学意义;Vector-SW480和SW480细胞间差异无统计学意义,见图 3

A: The ability of cell invasion detected by Transwell chamber; B: The ability of cell migration detected by Transwell chamber. 1: Sw480; 2: Vector-SW480; 3: PTTG1-SW480 1) : P=0.036,compared with SW480 cells; 2) : P=0.014,compared with Vector-SW480 cells; 3) : P=0.003,compared with SW480 cells; 4) : P=0.017,compared with Vector-SW480 cells 图 2 PTTG1促进细胞侵袭与迁移 Figure 2 PTTG1 promoted SW480 cells invasion and migration

A: the expression of MMP2 and MMP9 protein detected by Western blot; B: quantitative analysis of the relative expression levels of MMP2 and MMP9 protein with β-actin; 1) : P=0.015,compared with SW480 cells; 2) : P=0.017,compared with Vector-SW480 cells; 3) : P=0.009,compared with SW480 cells; 4) : P=0.026,compared with Vector-SW480 cells 图 3 PTTG1促进SW480细胞中MMP2和MMP9的表达 Figure 3 PTTG1 up-regulated MMP2 and MMP9 expression in SW480 cells
2.2 PTTG1促进SW480细胞上皮间质转化

上皮间质转化(epithelial-mesenchymal transition,EMT)在调控肿瘤细胞侵袭及转移中发挥了关键作用。检测细胞表面黏附分子E-cadherin、间质细胞标记分波形蛋白(Vimentin)及调控EMT转化的关键调控因子Snail的表达,结果显示:与Vector-SW480和SW480细胞相比,PTTG1-SW480细胞中E-cadherin表达降低,Vimentin、Snail表达均升高,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05);Vector-SW480和SW480细胞间差异无统计学意义,见图 4

A: the expression of E-cadherin,Vimentin and Snail protein detected by Western blot; B: quantitative analysis of the relative expression levels of E-cadherin,Vimentin and Snail protein with β-actin; 1) : P=0.013,compared with SW480 cells; 2) : P=0.009,compared with Vector-SW480 cells; 3) : P=0.010,compared with SW480 cells; 4) : P=0.006,compared with Vector-SW480 cells; 5) : P=0.009,compared with SW480 cells; 6) : P=0.018,compared with Vector-SW480 cells 图 4 PTTG1促进SW480细胞上皮间质转化 Figure 4 PTTG1 promoted epithelial-mesenchymal transition(EMT) of SW480 cells
2.3 PTTG1通过活化PI3K/Akt信号促进SW480细胞EMT、侵袭和迁移

PI3K/AKT信号活化能够有效促进肿瘤细胞EMT、侵袭和迁移。结果显示:PTTG1过表达细胞PTTG1-SW480中活化形式p-AKT表达较Vector-SW480和SW480细胞显著升高,见图 5。使用PI3K/AKT信号抑制剂LY29400(10 μmol/L)干预后,能有效抑制PTTG1-SW480细胞侵袭(103 vs. 59)和迁移(165 vs. 95),差异有统计学意义,P值分别为0.032和0.060,对Vector-SW480细胞侵袭(60 vs. 57)和迁移(97 vs. 98)无显著影响,P值分别为0.700和0.825,见图 6;LY29400干预能有效下调PTTG1-SW480中Vimentin和Snail的表达,上调E-cadherin表达,对Vector-SW480细胞没有显著性影响,见图 7。表明PTTG1通过活化PI3K/Akt信号促进SW480细胞EMT、侵袭和迁移。

A: The expression of AKT and p-AKT protein detected by Western blot; B: Quantitative analysis of the relative expression levels of AKT and p-AKT protein with β-actin; 1) : P=0.017,compared with SW480 cells; 2) : P=0.040,compared with Vector-SW480 cells 图 5 PTTG1促进SW480细胞PI3K/AKT信号活化 Figure 5 PTTG1 enhanced activation of signal pathway of PI3K/AKT in SW480 cells

A: The ability of cell invasion detected by Transwell chamber; B: The ability of cell migration detected by Transwell chamber. 1: Vector-SW480; 2: Vector-SW480+LY29400; 3: PTTG1-SW480; 4: PTTG1-SW480+LY29400. 1) : P=0.700,compared with Vector-SW480 cells; 2) : P=0.032,compared with PTTG1-SW480 cells; 3) : P=0.825,compared with Vector-SW480 cells; 4) : P=0.006,compared with PTTG1-SW480 cells 图 6 PTTG1通过活化PI3K/AKT信号促进SW480细胞侵袭与迁移 Figure 6 PTTG1 promoted SW480 cells invasion and migration through activating signal pathway of PI3K/AKT

A: The expression of E-cadherin,Vimentin and Snail protein detected by Western blot; B: Quantitative analysis of the relative expression levels of E-cadherin,Vimentin and Snail protein with β-actin. 1: Vector-SW480; 2: Vector-SW480+LY29400; 3: PTTG1-SW480; 4: PTTG1-SW480+LY29400. 1) : P=0.013,compared with Vector-SW480 cells; 2) : P=0.006,compared with PTTG1-SW480 cells; 3) : P=0.025,compared with Vector-SW480 cells; 4) : P=0.026,compared with PTTG1-SW480 cells; 5) : P=0.000,compared with Vector-SW480 cells; 6) : P=0.018,compared with PTTG1-SW480 cells 图 7 PTTG1通过活化PI3K/AKT信号促进SW480细胞EMT Figure 7 PTTG1 promoted EMT of SW480 cells through activating signal pathway of PI3K/AKT
3 讨论

PTTG1是一个癌基因,有研究报道中高表达的PTTG1具有促进肿瘤侵袭和转移的能力[7]。上皮间质转化(EMT),是指上皮细胞通过特定程序转化为具有间质表型细胞的生物学过程。在胚胎发育、慢性炎性反应、组织重建、癌症转移和多种纤维化疾病中发挥了重要作用,其主要特征有细胞黏附分子(E-cadherin)表达的减少、间充质细胞神经-钙黏素(N-cadherin)表达上调,细胞角蛋白细胞骨架转化为波形蛋白(Vimentin)为主的细胞骨架及形态上具有间充质细胞的特征等。通过EMT,上皮性肿瘤细胞失去了细胞极性,失去与基底膜的连接等上皮表型,获得了较高的迁移与侵袭、抗凋亡和降解细胞外基质的能力等间质表型;转录因子Snail、Slug、Twist和ZEB1能有效调控具有抑制E-cadherin的表达,促进肿瘤细胞EMT、侵袭和迁移[8-10]。研究显示癌基因PTTG1通过调控肿瘤细胞EMT和肿瘤干细胞的扩增促进肿瘤的恶性表型[11]; PTTG1在口腔鳞癌细胞中过表达能够有效促进肿瘤细胞侵袭和迁移,促进细胞EMT,下调E-cadherin的表达,上调Snail和Vimentin蛋白的表达[12]。本研究中,结肠癌SW480细胞过表达PTTG1后,细胞侵袭和迁移能力增强,E-cadherin表达下调,Snail和Vimentin蛋白表达上调。结肠癌相关研究提示Snail1的表达与肿瘤的进展和转移相关,77%表达Snail的结肠癌细胞在经历EMT[13]。表明上调Snail的表达可能是PTTG1调控结肠癌细胞EMT,参与结肠癌侵袭和转移的主要机制之一。

磷酯酰肌醇3激酶(phosphoinositide-3-kinase,PI3K)家族,是生长因子超家族信号转导过程中的重要分子,可被多种细胞因子和理化因素激活,癌基因诱导常介导PI3K活化参与肿瘤的进程;丝氨酸激酶(serine threonine kinase,AKT)通路主要负责由PI3K始动的生物信息的转导,AKT处于这一通路的中心环节,它在细胞增殖、侵袭和迁移、凋亡等多种生物学过程中发挥着重要作用[14]。PTTG1被报道能够有效活化PI3K/AKT信号促进细胞侵袭和迁移[7, 11]。本研究发现PTTG1过表达可以有效促进PI3K/AKT信号活化,LY294002干预后能有效抑制结肠癌细胞的侵袭与转移。而此前的研究显示PI3K/Akt信号参与调控肿瘤细胞EMT,促进肿瘤的侵袭与迁移;Chen等发现骨形态发生蛋白-2(bone morphogenetic protein 2, BMP2)通过活化PI3K/Akt信号促进胰腺癌细胞EMT、侵袭和转移,使用 LY294002干预后将有效抑制胰腺癌细胞EMT,抑制细胞侵袭和迁移[15];Wang等研究显示HPIP通过活化PI3K/Akt 信号促进甲状腺癌细胞的EMT,下调E-cadherin蛋白表达,上调N-cadherin的表达[14]。另有研究证实五溴联苯醚能通过活化PI3K/Akt信号上调EMT关键转录因子Snail的表达,但不上调Slug、Twist和ZEB1的表达,增加N-cadherin的表达,促进结肠癌的EMT,增强细胞侵袭和转移能力[16];Cho等报道CD44/EGFR/PI3K-Akt信号的活化促进结肠癌细胞EMT,下调E-cadherin的表达,抑制E-cadherin-β-catenin复合物的形成、抑制细胞的侵袭和转移[17]。本研究中,LY294002干预后能有效抑制PTTG1-SW480细胞EMT,细胞中的E-cadherin蛋白表达下调,Snail、N-cadherin的表达上调,但对Vector-SW480没有影响;充分表明PTTG1通过活化PI3K/AKT信号调控SW480细胞EMT,促进肿瘤侵袭与迁移。


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