浙江大学学报(农业与生命科学版)  2016, Vol. 42 Issue (1): 47-52
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李敏, 罗德强, 江学海, 周维佳 , 姬广梅, 王学鸿, 李树杏    
贵州省水稻研究所, 贵阳 550006
摘要: 探讨杂交水稻品种的生态适应性,为超高产杂交水稻品种合理选用提供依据。在低温寡日照生态区,以生态适应型品种(筑优606和黔优108)及生态敏感型品种(Y两优2号和Y两优302)为试验材料,比较研究了2种类型水稻品种的产量形成、氮素吸收与利用、根系特性的差异。结果表明:与生态适应型品种相比,生态敏感型品种的产量平均降低了13.8%,其中结实率和千粒质量分别降低了9.9%和15.5%;较生态适应型品种,生态敏感型品种在分蘖中期、抽穗期和成熟期的氮素积累量分别降低18.8%、10.8%和14.5%,氮肥吸收利用率降低了17.9%,生态敏感型品种在抽穗期的茎叶含氮量呈降低趋势,成熟期的茎叶含氮量及比例均呈增加趋势,氮素转运量和氮素转运率分别降低了24.6%和19.4%;生态敏感型水稻品种在抽穗抽穗期和成熟期根系伤流强度分别降低了8.8%和21.6%。籽粒库容充实差是低温寡日照地区杂交水稻品种适应性的主要产量特征,而生育中后期氮素营养积累少、转运率不高是影响产量的重要生理原因。
关键词: 水稻    生态适应性    产量    氮素    积累    
Ecological adaptability of rice cultivars with different types under the low temperature and weak sunshine condition.
LI Min, LUO Deqiang, JIANG Xuehai, ZHOU Weijia , GI Guangmei, WANG Xuehong, LI Shuxing    
Rice Research Institute of Guizhou Province, Guiyang 550006, China
Summary: Besides the genetic cultivar characteristic and cultivation strategy, the environmental condition is considered as another important factor affecting the grain yield in rice. Previous studies were carried out on yield formation of rice under the low temperature and weak sunshine condition, however, the ecological adaptability such as yield formation, nitrogen accumulation and utilization of different thermos-photoperiod sensitive rice cultivars to the low temperature and weak sunshine is still obscure, as well as the response mechanism.
The main objective of this study was to determine the ecological adaptability of different rice cultivars under the low temperature and weak sunshine condition in the middle and late growth duration. Field experiments were conducted in 2013 and 2014 in Guiyang, where was regarded as a representative eco-site with low temperature and weak sunshine, 35 rice genotypes including released cultivars and potential rice combinations were used as a tested materials, and two ecology-adaptive cultivars (Zhuyou606 and Qianyou108) and two ecology-sensitive cultivars (Y Liangyou2 and Y Liangyou302) were selected out as a tested materials to study the differences in grain yield and yield formation, nitrogen accumulation and distribution, root characteristics.
The results showed that: when values were averaged across cultivars and years, compared with the ecology-adaptive cultivars, the ecology-sensitive cultivars obtained a lower grain yield by 13.8%, which was mainly caused by a 9.9% lower filled grain ratio and 15.5% lower 1 000-grain mass. In comparison with the ecology-adaptive cultivars, the ecology-sensitive cultivars achieved 18.8%, 10.8%, 14.5% lower nitrogen accumulation amount at the mid-tillering (critical stage of productive tillering), heading, maturity stage, respectively, resulting in 17.9% lower nitrogen recovery efficiency (RE). Furthermore, a higher nitrogen accumulation amount in stem-leaves at the heading stage and a lower nitrogen accumulation amount in stem-leaves at the maturity stage were found in the ecology-sensitive cultivars, relative to the ecology-adaptive cultivars, and the nitrogen translocation amount from stems and leaves to panicle achieved 3.41 kg/667m2, which was 24.6% lower than that in the ecology-adaptive cultivars,the nitrogen translocation ratio from stems and leaves to panicle achieved 38.55%,which was 19.4% lower than that in the ecology-adaptive cultivars. The root bleeding intensity of ecology-adaptive cultivars achieved 20.2 kg/(h·667m2) at the heading stage and 4.55 kg/(h·667 m2) at the maturity stage, which were 8.8% and 21.6% lower than that in the ecology-adaptive cultivars, respectively.
According to the results, a strategy to increase the grain yield of the ecology-adaptive cultivars is suggested: keeping a higher filled grain ratio and a higher 1 000-grain mass, which are able to be accomplished by increasing nitrogen accumulation during the growth period from heading to maturity. Moreover, these methods such as cultivating strong roots and improving root activity are helpful to increase the amount of nitrogen absorption.
Key words: rice    ecological adaptability    grain yield    nitrogen    accumulation    

水稻是贵州最主要的粮食作物,近年来,利用自育和引进具有超高产潜力的杂交水稻新品种及栽培技术[1],使我省水稻单产水平不断提高[2, 3].但贵州地理条件较为复杂,低温寡日照生态区域特点明显,较多超高产杂交水稻品种存在生态适应性较差和不同生态区产量表现差异较大的问题[4],限制了超高产品种的大面积推广应用。因此,研究低温寡日照条件下不同类型杂交稻品种的生态适应性具有重要意义。


1 材料与方法 1.1 供试材料


表1 4个品种(组合)的基本信息Table 1 Basic information of the four cultivars used in the experiment
1.2 试验方法

试验于2013年在贵州省水稻研究所实验农场进行(试验地经度为106°39′22″,纬度为26°30′36″,海拔高度为1139 m)。采用随机区组设计,小区面积为15 m2,重复3次,主区间以塑料板材作梗隔离,高度为40 cm,保证各区间单独排灌。4月22日播种,5月22日移栽,栽插规格为30 cm×16.7 cm,每穴栽1苗。施氮总量为15 kg/667 m2,N肥(尿素)分基肥、蘖肥、促花肥、保花肥4次施用,各施25%;P、K肥全部作底肥施用,分别施P2O5和K2O各10 kg/667 m2。试验中各水稻品种同时设置不施氮肥的对照处理,以计算水稻的氮利用率[10],其他管理措施统一按常规栽培要求实施。水稻生长中后期(7—10月上旬)平均温度、日照时数等气象数据由贵州省水稻研究所农业试验气象观测站提供(表2)。水稻生育中后期平均气温较低,日照时数少,具有典型的低温寡日照生态特点。

表2 水稻生育中后期试验点气象资料Table 2 Meteorological data of this experimental location after rice elongation
1.3 测定项目与分析方法 1.3.1 植株氮素的测定

分别于分蘖中期、拔节期、抽穗期和成熟期每小区按平均茎蘖数取4穴为1个样本,105 ℃下杀青,80 ℃下烘干后称量,并用半微量凯氏定氮法测定其含氮量。

1.3.2 根系性状


1.3.3 产量的测定


1.4 数据处理




运用Excel 2007和SPSS 13.0进行数据统计分析。

2 结果与分析 2.1 不同类型水稻品种的产量

表3为不同类型杂交稻品种在贵阳点的产量表现,生态敏感型品种的平均产量为719.5 kg/667 m2,生态适应型品种的平均产量为834.2 kg/667 m2,不同类型间差异达显著水平。生态敏感型品种的有效穗数和穗粒数与生态适应型品种差异较小,而结实率和千粒质量分别比生态适应型品种降低了9.9%和15.5%,表明在本试验条件下,生态敏感型品种的产量限制因子是结实率和千粒质量。

表3 不同类型水稻品种的产量及产量构成Table 3 Yield and yield formation of rice cultivars with different types
2.2 不同类型水稻品种氮素积累量及氮肥吸收利用率

表4为各生育期2种类型水稻品种的氮素积累量。生态敏感型品种在够苗期、抽穗期和成熟期的氮素积累量分别为2.08 kg/667 m2、9.53 kg/667 m2和10.87 kg/667 m2,与生态适应型品种比较,分别降低了18.8%、10.8%和14.5%,差异均达显著水平,但拔节期的氮素积累量差异较小;生态敏感型品种的氮肥吸收利用率平均为36.0%,较生态适应型品种降低了17.9%,差异达显著水平。

表4 不同类型水稻品种氮素积累量及氮肥吸收利用率Table 4 Nitrogen accumulation and recovery efficiency of rice cultivars with different types
2.3 不同类型水稻品种氮素转运特性

表5为各生育期2种类型水稻品种的氮素转运特性。与生态适应型品种相比,生态敏感型品种抽穗期茎叶含氮量显著降低,抽穗期茎叶含氮量比例有所增加,成熟期的茎叶含氮量和含氮量比例均呈增加趋势。生态敏感型品种的氮素转运量为3.41 kg/667m2,较生态适应型品种降低了24.6%,氮素转运率为38.55%,较生态适应型品种降低了19.4%,差异均达显著水平。

表5 不同类型水稻品种的氮素转运特性Table 5 Nitrogentranslocationcharacteristicsofricecultivarswithdifferenttypes
2.4 不同类型水稻品种根系伤流强度

表6为主要生育期不同水稻品种的根系伤流强度。与生态适应型品种相比,生态敏感型水稻品种的根系伤流强度在拔节期基本相当,抽穗期和成熟期分别为20.2 kg/(h·667 m2)和4.55 kg/(h·667 m2),较生态适应型品种分别降低8.8%和21.6%,且差异均达显著水平。说明抽穗后较低的根系活力是其产量潜力未能充分发挥的重要生理原因。

表6 不同类型水稻品种的根系伤流强度Table 6 Root bleeding intensity of rice cultivars with different types
3 讨论

Y两优2号和Y两优302是具有超高产潜力的杂交水稻品种,均通过国家品种审定委员会审定,前者更是袁隆平院士确定的第3期超级杂交稻攻关的首选品种与农业部认定的超级稻品种,在多地种植均表现出超高产[12, 13]。在本试验条件下,2个品种的产量显著低于生态适应型品种(筑优606、黔优108),其中有效穗数和穗粒数差异不大,而结实率(仅为73%)和千粒质量(仅为24.5 g)均显著降低,说明该类品种在低温寡日照地区(贵阳)的生态适应性不强。据龚金龙等[14]的研究报道,日均温<23 ℃会影响籼稻光合作用和养分输送,灌浆期结实中途停止,水稻不能安全成熟。本试验条件下水稻灌浆期日平均气温低于20 ℃(表2),对水稻正常生长产生了低温胁迫,Y两优2号和Y两优302对低温寡日照生态条件较为敏感,适宜在光热条件较好的区域种植[12, 13];而黔优108和筑优606由于具有较好的耐低温特性故易在本区域获得高产[15]

氮素是水稻最重要的营养元素,水稻品种的氮素吸收利用与植株生长发育状况密切相关,是影响产量的重要因素[16, 17]。本研究结果表明,与生态适应型品种相比,生态敏感型品种产量降低的主要原因是各生育期的氮素积累量降低,这与殷春渊等[18]报道的高产水稻品种具有更高的氮素积累量的结果较为一致。此外,本研究还表明,生态敏感型水稻品种抽穗至成熟阶段的氮素积累量和氮素转运量均显著降低。据已有研究报道,水稻籽粒灌浆期的营养物质有80%以上来自抽穗后茎秆和叶片的转运[11],且高产水稻和氮高效水稻品种抽穗后均具有较高的氮素转运量[18, 19],由此推测,生态敏感型品种抽穗后氮素营养积累较少,向籽粒转运的氮素营养不足,影响了库容建成和充实,最终降低了产量。由于根系是水稻吸收氮素营养的最重要器官,根系的生长发育状况直接关系水稻的营养吸收和物质积累[11],本结果表明,生态敏感型水稻品种在各生育期的根系伤流强度较低,其中抽穗期和成熟期差异达显著水平,这与其较低的氮素积累量较为一致,说明生育后期根系活力下降可能是影响氮素吸收的重要原因。

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