中国医科大学学报  2023, Vol. 52 Issue (3): 247-252


张慧, 张馨月, 张含
Comparative study of image features of red-free angiography in the examination of fundus diseases
中国医科大学学报, 2023, 52(3): 247-252
Journal of China Medical University, 2023, 52(3): 247-252


网络出版时间:2023-03-16 09:33:06
张慧 , 张馨月 , 张含     
中国医科大学附属第一医院眼科, 沈阳 110001
摘要目的 探讨无赤光血管造影(RFA)与眼底荧光素血管造影(FFA)联合吲哚菁绿血管造影(ICGA)检查、光学相干断层成像检查(OCT)及眼底自发荧光检查(FAF)相比,在眼底病变检查中的优势。方法 采用RFA、FFA、ICGA、OCT和FAF对2022年1月至8月期间于中国医科大学附属第一医院就诊的29例(41眼)眼底病变患者进行检查,利用数据和检查图像比较几种检查方法的异同。结果 对于视网膜下积液的观察,RFA比FFA有优势,与ICGA晚期图像和OCT图像判读一致;对于视网膜神经纤维层状态的观察,RFA比FFA和ICGA晚期检查有优势;对于视乳头周围多灶性片状异常荧光病灶的观察,与FFA、ICGA晚期、FAF检查图像判读一致;对于视网膜点片状异常荧光的观察,RFA检查与ICGA晚期检查、FAF检查判读一致,比FFA检查有优势;对于黄斑区膜样高荧光的观察,RFA检查与OCT图像判读一致,比FFA、ICGA晚期检查有优势。结论 RFA检查在眼底病变的检查中,尤其是对视网膜下积液、视网膜神经纤维层等视网膜浅层结构的观察,比FFA、ICGA等检查方法更有优势。
Comparative study of image features of red-free angiography in the examination of fundus diseases
Department of Ophthalmology, The First Hospital of China Medical University, Shenyang 110001, China
Abstract: Objective To investigate the advantages of red-free angiography (RFA) compared with fundus fluorescein angiography (FFA) combined with indocyanine green angiography (ICGA), optical coherence tomography (OCT), and fundus autofluorescence (FAF) in the examination of fundus lesions. Methods Twenty-nine patients (41 eyes) with fundus lesions who visited the First Hospital of China Medical University from January, 2022 to August, 2022 were examined by RFA, FFA, ICGA, OCT, and FAF. The data and examination images were used to compare the similarities and differences of these examinations. Results For the observation of subretinal effusion, RFA has an advantage over FFA, which is consistent with the interpretation of late ICGA and OCT images. RFA has advantages over FFA and ICGA in the observation of retinal nerve fiber layer status. The observation of multifocal flak-like abnormal fluorescent lesions around the optic papilla was consistent with the interpretation of FFA, ICGA, and FAF images. For the observation of retinal patchy abnormal fluorescence, RFA is consistent with late phase ICGA and FAF, and has advantages over FFA. For the observation of membrane hyperfluo- rescence in the macular region, RFA is consistent with OCT image interpretation, and has advantages over FFA and late phase ICGA. Conclusion RFA has more advantages than FFA and ICGA in the examination of fundus lesions, especially in the observation of superficial retinal structures such as subretinal fluid and retinal nerve fiber layer.

目前常用的眼底病变检查技术包括眼底荧光素血管造影(fluorescein fundus angiography,FFA)、吲哚菁绿血管造影(indocyanine green angiography,ICGA)、眼底自发荧光(fundus autofluorescence,FAF)以及光学相干断层成像(optical coherence tomography,OCT)等。其中,FFA检查主要用于诊断视网膜疾病,ICGA检查主要用于诊断脉络膜疾病[1],FAF检查用于观察眼底视网膜色素上皮层(retinal pigment epithelium,RPE)细胞中脂褐质代谢情况,OCT检查是利用光的干涉原理对视网膜各层进行解剖层面上的检查。无赤光血管造影(red-free angiography,RFA)作为一种新兴检查,相比于其他几种检查,临床上应用较少。无赤光眼底照相一般用于观察视网膜神经纤维层的缺损情况[1-2],也有学者[3]提出无赤光眼底照相能清晰反映RPE病变。RFA是在无赤光眼底照相的基础上,移除滤光片后,利用488 nm波长的激发光与染色剂荧光素钠结合进行检查[4]。本研究拟利用上述检查方法对主要眼底病变分别进行检查,比较RFA与其他检查方法的异同,探讨RFA检查在临床诊疗中的优势,为眼底病变针对性选择诊断技术提供依据。

1 材料与方法 1.1 研究对象


1.2 检查方法

采用共焦激光眼底血管造影仪(SPECTRALIS HRA 2,德国海德堡公司)完成RFA与FFA联合ICGA检查。检查前先将10%荧光素钠3 mL和含有吲哚菁绿25 mg的无菌注射液3 mL混合,在5 s内快速注入肘静脉进行试敏。本研究所有患者荧光素钠试敏结果均为阴性。将共焦激光眼底血管造影仪镜头聚焦眼底后,分别采集RFA及FFA的10 min内和ICGA的30 min内影像;在FFA和ICGA检查进行至造影中期5~7 min时,转换激光扫描模式为无赤光检查模式,同时其他参数不变,进行RFA影像采集;在检查进行至30 min时,采集ICGA晚期影像。吲哚菁绿通过主动转运方式聚集在RPE细胞,造影后期阶段更加突出[5],故本研究ICGA造影图像的时间选择为造影晚期30 min以上。检查结束后选择FFA、RFA 5~7 min内的影像及ICGA30 min的影像进行比较。

1.3 统计学分析

采用Excel软件录入数据,采用SAS 9.4软件的McNemar’s检验进行分析。采用Kappa值评价各种检查方法结果的一致性,Kappa值越接近于1,检查结果越一致,越接近于0,检查结果越不一致。P < 0.05为差异有统计学意义。

2 结果 2.1 患者的基本情况

本研究共纳入29例患者(41眼),平均年龄(43.2±14.24)岁,其中,男12例(20眼),女17例(21眼)。诊断主要包括葡萄膜炎(24.38%)、中心性浆液性脉络膜视网膜病变(24.38%)、黄斑出血(17.07%),以及其他10种眼底病变,见表 1

表 1 纳入研究患者的诊断分布 Tab.1 Distribution of diagnosis of fundus disease in patients enrolled in the study
Diagnosis n Percentage(%)
Uveitis 10 24.38
Central serous chorioretinopathy 10 24.38
Macular hemorrhage 7 17.07
Punctate inner choroidopathy 2 4.88
Pathologic myopia 2 4.88
Retinitis pigmentosa 2 4.88
Multiple evanescent white dot syndrome 2 4.88
Acute regional occult outer retinopathy 1 2.44
Macular edema 1 2.44
Retinal capillary hemangioma 1 2.44
Retinal myelinated nerve fibers 1 2.44
Visual field defect 1 2.44
Multiple evanescent white dot syndrome combined with punctate inner choroidopathy 1 2.44
n,number of eyes.

2.2 各检查方法对视网膜下积液诊断的差异分析

分别比较RFA与FFA、ICGA和OCT对视网膜下积液的诊断差异,结果显示,RFA诊断结果与ICGA和OCT完全一致(Kappa=1),均显著高于FFA(Ka-ppa=0.580,S = 9.000,P = 0.004)。见表 2。OCT检查结果显示,23眼存在视网膜下积液,与RFA检查结果完全一致。视网膜毛细血管瘤不同眼底检查影像结果如图 1所示,RFA可见黄斑区视网膜下液环状隆起病灶,但FFA相应位置未见荧光渗漏;ICGA晚期图像和OCT图像均可见明显异常。

表 2 RFA与FFA、ICGA和OCT对视网膜下积液的诊断差异 Tab.2 The difference between RFA and FFA, ICGA, and OCT in the diagnosis of subretinal fluid
Method Clear extent of subretinal fluid detachment Unclear extent of subretinal fluid detachment S P Kappa
RFA 24 17 - - -
FFA 15 26 9.000 0.004 0.580
ICGA 24 17 -* -* 1
OCT 23 18 -* -* 1
* The results of the RFA and OCT and ICGA groups were completely consistent for all subjects without specific statistics.

A, RFA showed disc-shaped subretinal fluid detachment in the macular region, as shown by the red arrow; B, FFA showed no obvious fluorescence leakage in the macular region, as shown by green arrow; C, late phase of ICGA faintly showed annular leakage in the macular region, as shown by green arrow; D, OCT showed dark areas of subretinal fluid, as shown by green arrow. 图 1 临床诊断为视网膜毛细血管瘤患眼的眼底不同检查影像 Fig.1 Different fundus examination images of eyes clinically diagnosed with retinal capillary hemangioma

2.3 各检查方法对黄斑区膜状高荧光的差异分析

在1例中心性浆液性脉络膜视网膜病变患者接受FFA、ICGA、RFA检查过程中,RFA发现黄斑区膜状高荧光,而FFA及ICGA均未见此异常。该患者RFA检查可见黄斑区上方视网膜下液高荧光灶(图 2A红色箭头),黄斑区可见环状金箔样高反光灶(图 2A绿色箭头)。FFA检查虽然可见黄斑区上方视网膜下液高荧光灶(图 2B红色箭头),但黄斑区未见荧光渗漏(图 2B绿色箭头)。ICGA晚期检查可见黄斑区上方视网膜下液高荧光灶(图 2C红色箭头),黄斑区隐约可见环状暗区(图 2C绿色箭头)。OCT检查确认黄斑前存在条带样高反射和视网膜下液暗区(图 2D红、绿色箭头)。对于黄斑区膜样高荧光的观察,RFA检查与OCT图像判读一致,比FFA、ICGA晚期检查有优势。

A, RFA showed subretinal fluid above the macular region, as shown by red arrow, a ringed gold foil-like hyperfluorescence focus, as shown by green arrow; B, FFA showed subretinal fluid above the macular region, as shown in red arrow, no fluorescence leakage was observed in the macular region, as shown in green arrow; C, late phase of ICGA showed subretinal fluid above the macular region, as shown in red arrow, annular dark areas are faintly visible in the macular region, as shown in green arrow; D, OCT showed premacular strip-like hyperreflex, as shown in green arrow, dark area of subretinal fluid was shown in red arrow. 图 2 临床诊断为中心性浆液性脉络膜视网膜病变患眼的眼底不同检查影像 Fig.2 Different fundus examination images of the eye clinically diagnosed with central serous chorioretinopathy

2.4 各检查方法对视网膜点片状异常荧光的差异分析

分别比较RFA与FFA、ICGA和FAF对网膜点片状异常荧光的诊断差异,可见RFA发现网膜点片状异常荧光的能力高于其他3种检查,但无统计学差异,见表 3

表 3 RFA与FFA、ICGA和FAF对视网膜点片状异常荧光的诊断差异 Tab.3 The difference between RFA and FFA, ICGA, and FAF in the diagnosis of abnormal fluorescence in retinal spots
Method Clear patched abnormal fluorescence of retina Unclear patched abnormal fluorescence of retina S P Kappa
RFA 9 32 - - -
FFA 7 34 2.000 0.500 0.845
ICGA 8 33 1.000 1.000 0.926
FAF 8 33 1.000 1.000 0.926

对于视网膜点片状异常荧光,RFA与其他3种检查不一致者为多发性一过性白点综合征和点状内层脉络膜病变。RFA可见鼻侧网膜点片状低荧光灶。FFA和ICGA晚期未见明显异常荧光。FAF检查可见周边视网膜边界不清斑点状高自发荧光。OCT检查可见椭圆体带结构不清。见图 3

A, RFA showed diffuse punctal hypofluorescence in the nasal retina, as shown in red arrow; B, FFA showed diffuse punctal hypofluorescence in the nasal retina, as shown in green arrow; C, late phase of ICGA showed no obvious abnormal fluorescence in the nasal retina, but only showed spot-like low fluorescence in the nasal macula, as shown in green arrow; E, OCT showed unclear structure of the ellipsoid band, as shown in green arrow. 图 3 临床诊断为多发性一过性白点综合征联合点状内层脉络膜病变患眼的眼底不同检查影像 Fig.3 Different fundus examination images of eyes clinically diagnosed with multiple evanescent white dot syndrome combined with punctate inner choroidopathy

2.5 RFA与其他检查方法对视乳头周围多发性片状病灶的差异分析


2.6 各检查方法对视网膜神经纤维层状态的差异分析

RFA检查可清晰观察到视网膜神经纤维层状态,而FFA和ICGA晚期检查均无法观察到视网膜神经纤维层状态。本研究中,1例视野缺损患者在行FFA及ICGA晚期检查时,未见异常影像改变。但RFA检查发现视盘周围1处神经纤维的缺失改变(图 4A红色箭头)。经OCT检查确认为视盘上方视网膜神经纤维层厚度变薄(图 4B)。

A, RFA showed fibrous strip of dark area above the optic papilla, as shown in red arrow; B, OCT of optic disc showed the thinning layer of retinal nerve fibers above the optic disc. 图 4 临床诊断为视野缺损患眼的眼底不同检查影像 Fig.4 Different fundus examination images of eyes clinically diagnosed with visual field defect

3 讨论





综上所述,本研究发现,RFA检查在眼底病变的检查方面,尤其是视网膜下积液、视网膜神经纤维层等视网膜浅层结构的观察方面,比FFA、ICGA等检查方法更有优势。而且,在检查时间方面,ICGA造影晚期图像需要等候30 min以上方能获得,而RFA具有耗时更短、更易操作、患者花费少、病灶影像对比度清晰等优点。故建议在今后的眼底血管造影检查中,应同时行RFA检查。然而需要注意的是,RFA需借助荧光素钠造影剂,与ICGA类似,属于有创检查,且RFA为短波长扫描激光,受屈光系统影响较大,穿透性差,可能影响图像质量。另外,本研究为回顾性分析,样本量较小,有待通过扩大样本量以及检查仪器和时间选择节点多样化等手段,进一步完善研究结果。

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